More Voter Fraud Uncovered

in no way shape or form would voter id have prevented these people from allegedly voting twice because they were who they said they were - and their id would have backed that up.

so again, id would have done nothing in these cases.

You are assuming they would have ID from both states, which is highly doubtful.

Really you're just trying to justify fraud, in fear that ID will tip the scales against your party. Funny, you democrats claim fraud isn't widespread, but you sure panic over the prospect of losing it. :eek::eek:

Fraud is OK, encouraged even, as long as your side is winning by using it. If the other side wins using fraudulent means...well, that's an entirely other story, isn't it?
There's never been any evidence of anything close to significant voter fraud.

To illustrate: Let's say Virginia gained 82 of these offending votes in the 2012 election that wouldn't have been there otherwise (half of 164), and they were all votes for Obama. Obama won Virginia in the last election by 115,910 votes. This means that this would need to have happened over 1400 times to sway the election.

Even one fraudulent vote is one too many, just as one so-called "disenfranchised" voter inconvenienced by having to produce the same documentation necessary for just about every other public transaction is considered "one too many" by the opposing ideologues. Really, are minority voters so stupid, lazy, or disinterested to produce the required documentation to verify their identity when voting?

I was very disturbed by this report in the election of 2012:

Busloads of Somali immigrants bussed in to vote by Democrats in Ohio, most of whom were not citizens and could not speak English. Democrat translators instructed them how to vote. Aliens Bussed to Polls for Voting

October Surprise! Dems Taking Illegal Somalis To Early Voting In Ohio, Saturday, October 27, 2012 12:11

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Two volunteer poll workers at an Ohio voting station told Human Events that they observed van loads of Ohio residents born in Somalia — the state is home to the second-largest Somali population in the United States — being driven to the voting station and guided by Democratic interpreters on the voting process. No Republican interpreters were present, according to these volunteers. October Surprise! Dems Taking Illegal Somali?s To Early Voting In Ohio | Global Unrest

Each and every report of fraudulent voting should be a major concern for all decent, upstanding citizens. Unfortunately, the ends justifies the means for too many nowadays. Cheating is perfectly acceptable if your side wins. And to think the same people who excuse fraudulent voting are such incredible advocates for "fairness". I had no idea "fairness" was this objective.
in no way shape or form would voter id have prevented these people from allegedly voting twice because they were who they said they were - and their id would have backed that up.

so again, id would have done nothing in these cases.

You are assuming they would have ID from both states, which is highly doubtful.

Really you're just trying to justify fraud, in fear that ID will tip the scales against your party. Funny, you democrats claim fraud isn't widespread, but you sure panic over the prospect of losing it. :eek::eek:

Fraud is OK, encouraged even, as long as your side is winning by using it. If the other side wins using fraudulent means...well, that's an entirely other story, isn't it?

Fraud is bad, yeah?

This fraud is .0000328 of fraudulent votes cast out of 5mm votes, 164 bad votes.

And we can take for granted both dems and pubs did it.

So, yes, fraud is bad, but there is no massive fraud here, only registers not keeping up.
You are assuming they would have ID from both states, which is highly doubtful.

Really you're just trying to justify fraud, in fear that ID will tip the scales against your party. Funny, you democrats claim fraud isn't widespread, but you sure panic over the prospect of losing it. :eek::eek:

Fraud is OK, encouraged even, as long as your side is winning by using it. If the other side wins using fraudulent means...well, that's an entirely other story, isn't it?

Fraud is bad, yeah?

This fraud is .0000328 of fraudulent votes cast out of 5mm votes, 164 bad votes.

And we can take for granted both dems and pubs did it.

So, yes, fraud is bad, but there is no massive fraud here, only registers not keeping up.

You will notice that I do not attribute fraud to one party or the other. But any fraud is bad for the process. That is why I wonder why one party could be so obtusely adamant about any procedure that would serve to diminish fraud.
Because our party has been active in to the extent that a number of judges have tossed voter ID laws as they were written because they were deliberately working a hardship of certain categories of voters, who primarily vote Dem.

I have no problem with photo ID: none. The laws should be written appropriately.
So, you're ok with the 164 voting twice?
how would you have prevented it?

For starters: punish vote fraud with death!

I feel your pain, but revocation of citizenship and assets with deportation following 10 years of solitary confinement with no contact with the outside world would suffice. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

OK, that's very harsh, but so is committing fraud in a way that destroys other American's voter confidence, which is beneath the pale.

Also, precinct chairmen who encourage voter cheating should share in the punishment.

I'm sick of Omeurta running the polls. It's evil. :evil:
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