More Voter Fraud Uncovered

how would you have prevented it?
Require proof of citizenship when registering plus picture ID and enter the info into a nationwide database.

Do a search on every applicant through the database for duplicates.

Require proof through ID when voting.

Prosecute anyone who tries to vote more than once, even if Eric Holder doesn't want to.

I'm sure there are a lot of other ways as well.

so your solution requires a federalized database of voters and perhaps even some sort of national id. seems like a big ticket solution to a relatively minor problem.

and do you admit that a photo id alone would not have stopped the duplicate votes
You think the corruption of our electoral system is a "minor problem"? And because voter ID by itself doesn't stop 100% of the fraud, it shouldn't be used at all? Gee, I wonder what party YOU belong to. :eusa_whistle:
Being registered in two places is not Voter Fraud, Election Fraud or even registration fraud.

Fixing this will not take Voter will take statewide databases that report to a federal agency that compares them. That takes $$$$$
Suddenly you become frugal.
Yet another conundrum, another schism between two ideologies, is raised: on one hand, if even one potential voter is inconvenienced by having to acquire and present proper identification in order to vote, that constitutes grounds for not even trying to implement voter verification. On the other hand, if only a relatively few votes are fraudulently cast, that's no big deal.

There's never been any evidence of anything close to significant voter fraud.

To illustrate: Let's say Virginia gained 82 of these offending votes in the 2012 election that wouldn't have been there otherwise (half of 164), and they were all votes for Obama. Obama won Virginia in the last election by 115,910 votes. This means that this would need to have happened over 1400 times to sway the election.

Even one fraudulent vote is one too many, just as one so-called "disenfranchised" voter inconvenienced by having to produce the same documentation necessary for just about every other public transaction is considered "one too many" by the opposing ideologues. Really, are minority voters so stupid, lazy, or disinterested to produce the required documentation to verify their identity when voting?

So you are willing to hang a hundred men to not let a guilty one go?

There's never been any evidence of anything close to significant voter fraud.

To illustrate: Let's say Virginia gained 82 of these offending votes in the 2012 election that wouldn't have been there otherwise (half of 164), and they were all votes for Obama. Obama won Virginia in the last election by 115,910 votes. This means that this would need to have happened over 1400 times to sway the election.

Even one fraudulent vote is one too many, just as one so-called "disenfranchised" voter inconvenienced by having to produce the same documentation necessary for just about every other public transaction is considered "one too many" by the opposing ideologues. Really, are minority voters so stupid, lazy, or disinterested to produce the required documentation to verify their identity when voting?

So you are willing to hang a hundred men to not let a guilty one go?


are you willing to lie about a poster breaking the rules when you lied about editing a post?
This is the very definition of negligible. Furthermore, voter ID would have had no effect here - they all really were who they claimed to be.

The only measure that would have prevented this entirely insignificant episode would have been a nationwide database like S.J. suggested - something I'd actually support, assuming it wasn't prohibitively expensive to implement.
How about if we use some of that welfare money we've been pissing away on deadbeats?
Being registered in two places is not Voter Fraud, Election Fraud or even registration fraud.

Fixing this will not take Voter will take statewide databases that report to a federal agency that compares them. That takes $$$$$
Suddenly you become frugal.

I'm quite willing to spend the money. You? Yeah, thought so.
Being registered in two places is not Voter Fraud, Election Fraud or even registration fraud.

Fixing this will not take Voter will take statewide databases that report to a federal agency that compares them. That takes $$$$$
Suddenly you become frugal.

I'm quite willing to spend the money. You? Yeah, thought so.

Since it is an actual charge of government to run and control its elections.. I support spending to prevent fraud... worried about the money?? Shut down subsidized housing.. that should be enough to fund
again, this is one of the few cases of provable voter fraud and you can't even bring yourself to admit that requiring id in this case would have prevented absolutely nothing.

why is that?

I already demonstrated that it would have stopped it.

You oppose voter ID because it stops fraud. It's the ONLY reason you oppose voter ID. democrats demand that fraud is your right - that you should be able to defraud elections at will. You've been doing it so long that you think it's just dandy...

in no way shape or form would voter id have prevented these people from allegedly voting twice because they were who they said they were - and their id would have backed that up.

so again, id would have done nothing in these cases.
again, this is one of the few cases of provable voter fraud and you can't even bring yourself to admit that requiring id in this case would have prevented absolutely nothing.

why is that?

I already demonstrated that it would have stopped it.

You oppose voter ID because it stops fraud. It's the ONLY reason you oppose voter ID. democrats demand that fraud is your right - that you should be able to defraud elections at will. You've been doing it so long that you think it's just dandy...

in no way shape or form would voter id have prevented these people from allegedly voting twice because they were who they said they were - and their id would have backed that up.

so again, id would have done nothing in these cases.

It, in combination with other things mentioned before (Such as more frequent voter role scrubs and purges, enhanced communication between states for addy changes, ensuring thru the regs to obtain the ID that you are eligible to vote and eligible to be doing it where you are doing it, etc) would indeed make it less likely for voter fraud to occur
I'm quite willing to spend the money. You? Yeah, thought so.

Since it is an actual charge of government to run and control its elections.. I support spending to prevent fraud... worried about the money?? Shut down subsidized housing.. that should be enough to fund

Nah, cut tax breaks for the rich instead.

Or how about equalize the tax rates so those who have been wrongfully excluded from paying income tax on dollars earned, start paying like they should have all along??

15% on dollars 1-10000 are the same as 15% on dollars 10000001 thru 10010000... worth the same, spends the same, is the same...

Point is to support things government is charged to spend on and do, and not things it is not charged to do
Being registered in two places is not Voter Fraud, Election Fraud or even registration fraud.

Fixing this will not take Voter will take statewide databases that report to a federal agency that compares them. That takes $$$$$
Suddenly you become frugal.

I'm quite willing to spend the money. You? Yeah, thought so.
Let's just cut up Moochelle's credit card.
strange analogy. rather inaccurate. a more accurate analogy would be to compare a vote to a coupon for free ice cream. if someone used their coupon, and then tried to use a duplicate coupon the store would be in the right to deny them the second cone, but not to charge or confiscate the first.

and you still don't know why they are counted as having voted twice.

Not strange at all.

An otherwise legal act during the commission of a crime does not render the criminal acts acceptable.

Look, you're a democrat - you demand that election fraud is a privilege of your party, not to be infringed, I get it.

wrong again,

Republican U.S. House Staffers Indicted for Felony Election Fraud as GOP Fraud Epidemic Continues

Republican U.S. House Staffers Indicted for Felony Election Fraud as GOP Fraud Epidemic Continues | The BRAD BLOG

Since your source is produced by fucking liars, why should anyone pay attention?

Your source lies;

{signed legislation that defunded ACORN, a four-decade old community organization never found to have committed voter fraud, or even helped to see a single fraudulent vote cast in any election anywhere.}

But we all know this isn't true;

{So far this year, at least 18 former workers have admitted guilt or been convicted on varying charges of election fraud. The punishment has ranged from probation to several months of prison time.

ACORN, once a powerful advocate for low-income and minority voters, shuttered its operations amid plummeting revenues in March, six months after conservative activists posing as a pimp and prostitute caught on video some of the group's employees offering them tax advice.}

18 Former ACORN Workers Have Been Convicted or Admitted Guilt in Election Fraud | Fox News

Look, democrats are the party of sociopaths, "truth" to a democrat is any utterance in service of the party.

Even though "The Brad Log" is a bunch of fucking liars, easily exposed by facts, you view it as "truth," because it serves the party. You are a sociopath, you cannot grasp the concepts of right and wrong, there is only party to you.
in no way shape or form would voter id have prevented these people from allegedly voting twice because they were who they said they were - and their id would have backed that up.

so again, id would have done nothing in these cases.

You are assuming they would have ID from both states, which is highly doubtful.

Really you're just trying to justify fraud, in fear that ID will tip the scales against your party. Funny, you democrats claim fraud isn't widespread, but you sure panic over the prospect of losing it. :eek::eek:
Yet another conundrum, another schism between two ideologies, is raised: on one hand, if even one potential voter is inconvenienced by having to acquire and present proper identification in order to vote, that constitutes grounds for not even trying to implement voter verification. On the other hand, if only a relatively few votes are fraudulently cast, that's no big deal.

There's never been any evidence of anything close to significant voter fraud.

To illustrate: Let's say Virginia gained 82 of these offending votes in the 2012 election that wouldn't have been there otherwise (half of 164), and they were all votes for Obama. Obama won Virginia in the last election by 115,910 votes. This means that this would need to have happened over 1400 times to sway the election.

Even one fraudulent vote is one too many, just as one so-called "disenfranchised" voter inconvenienced by having to produce the same documentation necessary for just about every other public transaction is considered "one too many" by the opposing ideologues. Really, are minority voters so stupid, lazy, or disinterested to produce the required documentation to verify their identity when voting?

I was very disturbed by this report in the election of 2012:

Busloads of Somali immigrants bussed in to vote by Democrats in Ohio, most of whom were not citizens and could not speak English. Democrat translators instructed them how to vote. Aliens Bussed to Polls for Voting

October Surprise! Dems Taking Illegal Somalis To Early Voting In Ohio, Saturday, October 27, 2012 12:11

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Two volunteer poll workers at an Ohio voting station told Human Events that they observed van loads of Ohio residents born in Somalia — the state is home to the second-largest Somali population in the United States — being driven to the voting station and guided by Democratic interpreters on the voting process. No Republican interpreters were present, according to these volunteers. October Surprise! Dems Taking Illegal Somali?s To Early Voting In Ohio | Global Unrest
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Tell me the OP was aiming at irony/sarcasm/parody ... please

"George acknowledged that the number of voters who actually cast multiple ballots is relatively small. In the case of Maryland and Virginia, he revealed that 164 people voted in both states during the 2012 election."

And come to think on this, I've been registered to vote in CO, CA, Neb, WY and MS all with overlaps between elections. Dang, I could have voted a lot more than I did.
So, you're ok with the 164 voting twice?
how would you have prevented it?

For starters: punish vote fraud with death!

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