More proof morning star worshipers oppose & steal from the Evening Star


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Morning Star worshipers (luciferians) always fallaciously place jesus as the scepter in the Jacob accounts.
In the sefer Bamidbar it is written, " kochav mi'Yaachov v'kom SHEVET mi"Yisrael"

"there shall step forth a star out of Jacob, and a 'scepter' shall rise out of Israel."

Sceptre and 'Staff' (HaShevet) Mean The same and written the same as SHEVET.
Also note Pslams where it says:
"Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: the sceptre (SHEVET) of thy kingdom is a
right sceptre.
The dead Sea War Scrolls said the Kingdom was of Michael's Not Jesus' therefore the Scepter (SHEVET) of THY (MICHAEL's) Kingdom also shows a pattern of leaving the First and Last name in messianic verses none of which are about Jesus.
Thou lovest righteousness and hatest wickedness: therefore
God, thy God, hath ANOINTED thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows
(Psalm 45:6-7)."
Why did "their" sceptre love wickedness and hate righteousness opposite Psalms?
Loved wickedness:
Pope protecting and buddying up to Castro, Saddam, ARAFAT,
AND Batista Noreiga, and Marcos WHICH MOST DON'T KNOW the last 2 WERE Roman Catholic Dictators. THEY Hid the abuse of Nuns and children and revictimized some victims in how they handled those cases.
Supported the Mafia fathers or were very tight with them, where friends, confedantes, did their wedddings and funerals and took their BLOOD MONEY & confesions and went to their parties.
Hated when mother Theresa was helping India, once told her to stop. Hated people like Ghandi who look better then Jesus in their works...Hated technology advances to save lives and cure illnesses.... hated our president's action to remove terror and unstable abusive regimes....
hated the movement to bring the Third temple to bring righteousness in teaching through the Temple to the entire world.... hated the Bible and the Hebrew G0d thus reinvented it....hated the Biblical Moshiach enough to mock, imposter, & replace and interfere with the process of redemption.

In Bilaam's prophetic vision, he states, "There steps forth a star (malakh=messenger) from Jacob and there arises a scepter (Shevet) out of Israel." Targum Onkelos notes that this "star" alludes to Moshiach.
That rising star ‘Michael’ which redeems Israel Dan 12:1-4 is symbolized by the Evening Star (Shalem).
Luciferians claim the scepter is about Jesus yet he claimed to be the nemesis Morning Star (fallen arch) who fell and is not the one to arise per Dan 12:1-4 the verses their pastors skip over when reading Dan 12 because they fear
THE NAME (HaShem).
They did the opposite their fallacious attempt to place him thus proving they always need to thief from
the Night(Al-Lail). (=Evening Star) even admiting their morning star Jesus was the thief of the Night in their NT.
The problem as i see it is like the germans like to say in the morning goooooda nightime they are to grumpy to say gooooda naven.....So by becoming tired and grumpy by hearing gooda morgen their whole lives they are loath to giveup the custom and welcome the NIGHT.....Funny as now they are getting their just deserts and welcoming millions of people into their mist that dont welcome their "morgen star" and have disdain for any of the customs and traditions they follow....It should make for interestingtimes for the fraus and friars and they might become "forbisina" to say the least...aveigah zain.....
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