
Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
What I define as Shalemite-Michaeline is the Michaeline Chaldeans of Ur crossing the river to the new land in the Abrahamic era thus now called Hebrews, discovering the Righteous path from the high priest Malakh Tsadek(Melchizedek) of Shalem & that influence of Shalem (as opposed to the idol-Baal Worship of that era )and making Shalem (Evening Star) represent Michael (as the rising-Evening Star)
-[ while Baal was representing the fallen morning star nemesis].
That is when The city of Shalem became known as UrShalem (city of Shalem combining the existing Canaanite Shalemites with Ur-Hebrews)
Which is why we are taught:
The Gemarah (Baba Batra 75) Jerusalem is named after G0D and is the place commemorating his name(description)& essence.
In Sefer D’varim (12:5, 11, 14, 18, 21; 14:23,24, 25; 15:20; 16:2, 6, 7, 11, 15, 16; 17:8, 10; 18:6; 26:2; 31:11).the place that I will choose to place My Name(the messenger of God shares this name and reflects this Essence). That is referring to YeruShalem because Sifri identifies the place which Hashem will choose (12:18) as “Yerushalayim”.
Shalem means completeness/wholeness thus describing the Essence to be all we could and should be aka evolve/progress.

YeruShalem would carry the name. (1 Kings 11:36 & in dead sea scrolls: Words of the Archangel Michael scroll 4Q529, 6Q23)

Research Fact: David named his 2sons after his God so Shlmn (Solomon) is named after the proper Canaanite transliteration which is written similarly except an extra letter is in Shalem's proper transliteration.

Shannon Bream just did a things on Solomon's Song of Songs, but was she ever taught the underlining meaning of the poetic usage of descriptions? No most Christians have no clue nor do Some Rabbis, nor most Hebrew school graduates.
It's a known scientific fact that intuitive thought is increased and best at Night with less physical light. Something to do with some glandular activity(seratonin produced by pineal gland aka third eye in Hindi culture). The wise Solomon called this the dew of the Night. (Midrash Rabbah on Song of Songs 2:29 )
Of course this goes much deeper much further once you understand Night (Evening Star Shalem) is also a symbolic nickname for the groom, hence the Bride(church-Temple Congregation) coming to the groom(Moshiach) in the song of songs and Lilly (Night Spector) of the Valley.
The Groom is Michael (Evening Star) in Torah Comentary:
The Maharal of Prague says that this is the secret of Yerushalayim: that Yerushalayim is the joining together of the groom(Moshiach) and the bride(congregation). Anyone who gladdens the groom and the bride is considered as if he built up one of the ruins of Yerushalayim.
When the groom and bride are joined together, then one of the ruins of Yerushalayim is put together again.
The bride 216; she is the gevurot, and the groom is the “shaleim,” the completion. He (Moshiach) bestows completion on the bride, which are the 370 masculine spiritual lights. The Maharal says that Rav Shmuel bar Nachmeini said: "The groom is Michael". Hence Solomon being a "Michaeline"(believer Michael is the Biblical Moshiach)

This is why they say the temple (MIKdash) is in his name, and that the name would be in
the MIKra (the Bible), and that his name and essence would be in the Holy city yeruShalem which name is secreted “in the original Canaanite transliteration of ****" (name hidden/witheld).

It's also why they said the names would be in the Torah portion Like Miketz and ****(hidden).

Even That name Hindus use for the holy one in correlation to that third eye matches the name of the holy city and
"the seventh day" set aside in "rememberance of the name".

So if David's God was in the name of the City, and Moshiach's name is in the name of his God and Solomon having the same God as his father has the same Moshiach as named in his God named in the city, then Sholomon was indeed a Michaeline in faith compatible are
Sheva Day Adventists,
Jehovah's Witness , Coptics, and Universalists with the Jewish Faith, most other sects are Baal worshipers who find themselves fooled by the fallen imposter christ who came first taken 1/3 with him in death worship (paradise in death instead of creator's creation of life).
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Extremely interesting facts for those who are interested in figuring things out for themselves without being tainted by past bad teachings or erroneous concepts.Sometimes when the teacher is ready to teach the students are not willing to listen or learn because they feel they have better things to do with their time . However I have always understood or conceived that everyone can adapt and overcome even the most erroneous notions simply because it is not where you are coming from that is important what is really important is where you are going or where you will end up.. So anyone can adapt and overcome if they are willing to give up that round post that just will not fit into that square hole. All they have to do is drop that useless item and pickup on something that will fit what they need that is whyI stopped drinking the Coca Cola and switched over to the Seven( Sheva in Hebrew) up….lol…. A little humour to lighten things…smiling…
Extremely interesting facts for those who are interested in figuring things out for themselves without being tainted by past bad teachings or erroneous concepts.Sometimes when the teacher is ready to teach the students are not willing to listen or learn because they feel they have better things to do with their time . However I have always understood or conceived that everyone can adapt and overcome even the most erroneous notions simply because it is not where you are coming from that is important what is really important is where you are going or where you will end up.. So anyone can adapt and overcome if they are willing to give up that round post that just will not fit into that square hole. All they have to do is drop that useless item and pickup on something that will fit what they need that is whyI stopped drinking the Coca Cola and switched over to the Seven( Sheva in Hebrew) up….lol…. A little humour to lighten things…smiling…
I didn't even bring up the most known of Solomons wise judgements stories (faking an act to dividing the baby in half to see who it belonged to) that backs up this premise, because that too has a deeper allegorical message.
I didn't even bring up the most known of Solomons wise judgements stories (faking an act to dividing the baby in half to see who it belonged to) that backs up this premise, because that too has a deeper allegorical message.
It seems the whole world needs to learn that lesson as the split baby analogy is affecting whole countries and regions and none of the current leaders of their nations or areas have even a smidgen of the wisdom Solomon showed in solving that particular problem…
It seems the whole world needs to learn that lesson as the split baby analogy is affecting whole countries and regions and none of the current leaders of their nations or areas have even a smidgen of the wisdom Solomon showed in solving that particular problem…
Yeah the wisdom of Solomon shines prophetically especially to those who notice the name of the child in the story-"Michael".
So it's allegorically how Israel is willing to split the City of Shalem(Michael) to save it while the then PLO and todays Hamas wanted the whole baby that doesn't belong to them, for themselves. And today's Emulation is how Ukraine was willing to split Crimea to save Ukraine but Russia wanted the whole region willing to kill the whole baby to steal what was not theirs.
Interesting In the original story both woman were prostiteuts ( meaning they were no better then each other) and they lived in the same home( they shared the same space) They were both given equal shares( a healthy baby boy).One of them tragically killed her child and knowingly switched it for the healthy one ( taking what the other woman had nurtured for her own… Not out of love but out of spite and malleus because if she could not have the healthy baby then she was unwilling to let the other one have it either and was willing for it to be killed as well…There are many deeper nuances to the message here but like we have discussed it’s theme holds true through emulations today . Dare I say even politics between for example the democrats or republicans or the left versus the right etc etc…That is why we need a central authority to help solve these stalemated cases where both sides are dug in willing to fight forever over their claims… That is oneof the main reasons why the temple was built by Solomon ( to have this central authority) where both sides could be taught( That is why Mt Moriah was chosen as Moriah means to teach)Thatis what we are lacking today and that is why we are in these stalemated areas of conflict because they cannot be resolved unless both sides are willing to be taught the correct or rightfull path and respect and accept the outcome willingly and out of necessity so we can all try to live and let live and get along…
Interesting In the original story both woman were prostiteuts ( meaning they were no better then each other) and they lived in the same home( they shared the same space) They were both given equal shares( a healthy baby boy).One of them tragically killed her child and knowingly switched it for the healthy one ( taking what the other woman had nurtured for her own… Not out of love but out of spite and malleus because if she could not have the healthy baby then she was unwilling to let the other one have it either and was willing for it to be killed as well…There are many deeper nuances to the message here but like we have discussed it’s theme holds true through emulations today . Dare I say even politics between for example the democrats or republicans or the left versus the right etc etc…That is why we need a central authority to help solve these stalemated cases where both sides are dug in willing to fight forever over their claims… That is oneof the main reasons why the temple was built by Solomon ( to have this central authority) where both sides could be taught( That is why Mt Moriah was chosen as Moriah means to teach)Thatis what we are lacking today and that is why we are in these stalemated areas of conflict because they cannot be resolved unless both sides are willing to be taught the correct or rightfull path and respect and accept the outcome willingly and out of necessity so we can all try to live and let live and get along…
It's why the lawless ones and grumpy people don't want us to have said central source platform (Mikdash).
We're still the only ones being violated of our rights to have our own main place of worship-outreach, because that reach and teach means they can't control the minds of the educated and aware with the veil removed.
Well Lol… The grumpy dwarf was only one of seven the other 6 make a majority what say they or are they to brainwashed by their really bad teachers to even have a proper opinion that is the question….

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