"Monster black holes" epi of "How The Universe Was Made"


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Catching this new episode last night I got to thinking: at the singularity of a black hole, physics stops. We have no physics to understand, describe, or even imagine a singularity. Reminded me of God and how science can't begin to describe God either.

Science can explain everything else in the known universe except God and singularities. Coincidence? If heaven and hell exist, but science can't begin to understand how or where, where else but inside black holes? No time, no dimensions, nothing we currently understand about space and existence. Sounds like heaven and hell to me. No light escapes, no matter. Once you're there (in Heaven/Hell) you can't come back and report on it.

Seems to fit religious descriptions of the afterlife black holes. They say the information that enters black holes isn't destroyed, but preserved. More evidence.
Catching this new episode last night I got to thinking: at the singularity of a black hole, physics stops. We have no physics to understand, describe, or even imagine a singularity. Reminded me of God and how science can't begin to describe God either.

Science can explain everything else in the known universe except God and singularities. Coincidence? If heaven and hell exist, but science can't begin to understand how or where, where else but inside black holes? No time, no dimensions, nothing we currently understand about space and existence. Sounds like heaven and hell to me. No light escapes, no matter. Once you're there (in Heaven/Hell) you can't come back and report on it.

Seems to fit religious descriptions of the afterlife black holes. They say the information that enters black holes isn't destroyed, but preserved. More evidence.

Preach on, Brother!!

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