Milley, McKenzie say they recommended 2,500 troops stay in Afghanistan, after Biden claims he was never told

Hey moron, you do realize most of the Taliban fighters were in Pakistan in May, right? The Taliban cant mobilize to fight in May because its too cold. No fight would have taken place at that time. Youre dumb.
That is ridiculous
Taliban has always been in Afghanistan waiting for our withdrawal

They live there
That is ridiculous
Taliban has always been in Afghanistan waiting for our withdrawal

They live there

"In winter, roads are blocked and mountains are covered with snow in parts of the war-ravaged country that slows fighting and the Taliban usually allow many of its commanders to put down their weapons. The long break lasts until a "spring offensive" is declared, normally in late April or early May, which marks the beginning of the annual fighting season."

Trump’s “plan” involved Afghan troops providing cover as we withdrew

How did that work out?
You've already applauded Quid Pro for modifying TRUMP!'s plan, this is another thing he could have modified. Since it's his responsibility, he owns this result.

Pakistan, Taliban and the Afghan Quagmire

24 Aug 2013 ~~ By Bruce Riedel
With American and NATO combat troops scheduled to depart Afghanistan next year, the relationship between the Afghan Taliban and Pakistan has become more important than ever. It is a complex and complicated nexus. Without doubt, Pakistan and its intelligence service, the Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate of the army (ISI), have more influence over the Taliban than any other country or intelligence service. It provides critical safe haven and sanctuary to the groups’ leadership, advice on military and diplomatic issues, and assistance with fund raising. But its influence is not complete, and whether it could persuade the Taliban to settle for a political settlement in Afghanistan, is unclear at best.
Pakistan has been intimately associated with the Taliban since its birth in the mid-1990s. The ISI provided support to Mullah Omar when he founded the organization in Kandahar. It had trained Omar even earlier in the 1980s at one of its training camps for the mujahedin that fought the Soviet occupation of the country. Pakistan was one of only three countries that recognized the Taliban’s Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan as the legitimate government of Afghanistan in the late 1990s (Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates were the other two). By 2001, Pakistan was providing the Taliban regime in Kabul with hundreds of advisers and experts to run its tanks, aircraft and artillery, thousands of Pakistani Pashtuns to man its infantry and small units of its Special Services Group commandoes to help in combat with the Northern Alliance. Pakistan provided the oil needed to run the Taliban’s war machine. All of this despite a half dozen United Nations Security Council resolutions calling on all countries to cease aid to the Taliban because it was hosting al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden. According to the 9/11 Commission, the ISI had mid-wifed the alliance between Mullah Omar and bin Laden, so it was no surprise that Pakistan ignored the UN.
Pakistan gave it (The Taliban) critical help and assistance. Without it, the Taliban would never have recovered. A NATO study published in 2012 based on the interrogations of 4000 captured Taliban, al-Qaeda and other fighters in Afghanistan in over 27,000 interrogations concluded that ISI support was critical to the survival and revival of the Taliban after 2001 just as it was critical to its conquest of Afghanistan in the 1990s. It provides sanctuary, training camps, expertise and help with fund raising. Pakistani officers have been killed on the battlefield in Afghanistan operating under cover with Taliban forces. The NATO report concluded “the ISI is thoroughly aware of Taliban activities and the whereabouts of all senior Taliban personnel.”
The Taliban’s Pakistani patrons, the army and the ISI were very pleased with the outcome. They control the lives of the leadership in Pakistan and the lives of the Taliban team in Doha. As the former head of Afghan intelligence, Amrullah Saleh, likes to point out that the Taliban negotiators fly home to Karachi from Doha whenever they want to see their boss or their families. They are not independent players.

The deep involvement of Pakistan in creating the Taliban and their role in this latest disastrous debacle lies in the leadership of Pakistan and it's Intelligence force the ISI. Without the material support of Pakistan and Paki-Pashtuns the twenty year war could never have been achieved.
Even today as questions are being asked, our politicians and military have completely ignored this fact.
Mullah Omar, Bin Laden and key Taliban, Al Qaeda and ISI leaders all reside(d) in Pakistan.
Had any president from Bush '43' to Biden placed 'extreme' pressure upon the leadership of Pakistan and stopped this proxy war being fought by Pakistan again the coalitions forces things would have turned out differently.
One wonders whether the fact that Pakistan has nuclear weapons has anything to do with the reluctance for American leadership to stop the Pakistan gov't.


Milley, McKenzie say they recommended 2,500 troops stay in Afghanistan, after Biden claims he was never told

Milley defended phone calls where he reportedly said he would warn China of a US attack, saying his loyalty to US is 'absolute'

28 Sep 2021 ~~ By Brooke Singman
Top military officials on Tuesday testified that they assessed that the U.S. should maintain a presence of at least 2,500 troops in Afghanistan, with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin admitting that their input was "received" by President Biden, despite Biden's claims to the contrary.
Austin, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley, and head of U.S. Central Command Gen. Kenneth McKenzie appeared before the Senate Armed Services Committee Tuesday for a public hearing on the Biden administration's chaotic military withdrawal from Afghanistan.
McKenzie and Milley both testified that they recommended maintaining a presence of U.S. troops in Afghanistan.
"I won't share my personal recommendation to the president, but I will give you my honest opinion and my honest opinion and view shaped my recommendation," McKenzie testified. "And I recommended that we maintain 2,500 troops in Afghanistan."
White House press secretary Jen Psaki tweeted during the hearing in response to their testimony: "As @POTUS told ABC, ending the war in Afghanistan was in our national interest. He said advice was split, but consensus of top military advisors was 2500 troops staying meant escalation due to deal by the previous admin."
"@SecDef, the Chairman, and GEN McKenzie all reiterated," she added.

It appears that the upper echelon of the military has become "corporate" in their handling of scenarios. They are no longer warriors but career invested, political minded people, that don't care for their subordinates any more.
So Joey Xi Bai Dung lied to ABC's Stephanopoulos during the interview. Bai Dung is a pathological liar.
Interesting how lower ranked military personnel can be prosecuted and tried for voicing their objections on the manner in which the United States withdrew from Afghanistan, but T.V. generals don't have to answer for their telephone calls to a foreign power without the knowledge of the POTUS, leak information to reporters or become secret Whistleblower's for Democrats..... what hypocrisy.
According to testimony by two Generals and the Secretary of Defense, Joey Xi was advised against the actions his ordered regarding the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Each recommended that at least 2,500 to 5,000 troops remain in Afghanistan to maintain stability.
Excerpt: General McKenzie said,:
"I won't share my personal recommendation to the president, but I will give you my honest opinion and my honest opinion and view shaped my recommendation," McKenzie testified. "And I recommended that we maintain 2,500 troops in Afghanistan."​
McKenzie said he made a similar recommendation in the fall of 2020 under the Trump administration, which also had intentions to withdraw all U.S. troops from Afghanistan, saying, at the time, he recommended the U.S. maintain at least 4,000 troops".​
It appears that Joey Xi Bai Dung continues to lie to America.

It was too late. Trump pulled most US troops out and released 5000 criminals from prisons by September 2020.
Face it the Idiot-in-Chief even ignored the advice of his top generals.

What are the chances that the "Big Guy" took the advice of "the smartest crackhead he knows"???

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