Michigan Republicans on The move Conscience Clause Abortion Riders Next


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
:cool: First right to work, next......

Michigan Senate passes bills to stop ObamaCare from funding abortions

Three bills were read and passed in Michigan’s Senate this Thursday. All three are aimed at allowing employers the ability to determine whether or not employees will receive coverage for abortion in health care plans. Employers who want to provide abortion coverage will then have to pay for the addition insurance rider.

Senate Bill 612

This bill, which passed on a 27-11 vote, seeks to amend the Insurance Code of 1956. It states that “[a] qualified health plan … shall not provide coverage for elective abortion.”

Abortion coverage will be at the discretion of the employer: “an employer may purchase a option rider to provide coverage for an elective abortion.” The bill then states two requirements that must be met for this rider to be valid, one of which is that it is the employer who “pays the entire premium amount for the rider and the cost of the rider is not factored into any premium amount for which individual employees contribute … either directly or through a payroll deduction.” The other is that notice of the rider be given to employees.

Senate Bill 613

This bill, which passed on a 27-10 vote, extends the provision of the bill discussed above to the Nonprofit Health Care Corporation Reform Act.

Senate Bill 614

Passing on a 28-10 vote, this bill provides that the reimbursement for abortions through a health care plan are prohibited “unless the reimbursement sought or accepted is from an optional rider,” as provided for by the above two amendments. If this bill becomes law, the penalties for violating this law would be “a civil fine of up to $10,000.00 per violation.” The attorney general is given authority to enforce it.

If these bills pass the House, they will be given to Governor Snyder to sign

Michigan Senate passes bills to stop ObamaCare from funding abortions
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Is there a problem with those opposed to abortion not paying for abortion? Isn't that freedom? Of course the liberal left wants to "thin the weeds" (not a Sanger quote) and make it free continuing the genocide. I am really waiting for the people to really realize what the liberal left has actually done to them.
We'll have to beat the leftist state by state

Until women and workers figure out what the fuck you are trying to pull...

Then I wouldn't want to be you in 2014.

Liberty is not your strong suit

I'm totally for freedom.

I'm for the right of women to be able to GET RID of unwanted pregnancies.

And I'm for the right for her to tell religoius assholes to pound sand up their asses when they whine about it.

When your sky pixie stops by and tells me otherwise, then you can say something.
Until women and workers figure out what the fuck you are trying to pull...

Then I wouldn't want to be you in 2014.

Liberty is not your strong suit

I'm totally for freedom.

I'm for the right of women to be able to GET RID of unwanted pregnancies.

And I'm for the right for her to tell religoius assholes to pound sand up their asses when they whine about it.

When your sky pixie stops by and tells me otherwise, then you can say something.

They have that right, just not to be paid for by the tax payers ...Get it Joey?
:cool: First right to work, next......

Michigan Senate passes bills to stop ObamaCare from funding abortions

Three bills were read and passed in Michigan’s Senate this Thursday. All three are aimed at allowing employers the ability to determine whether or not employees will receive coverage for abortion in health care plans. Employers who want to provide abortion coverage will then have to pay for the addition insurance rider.

Senate Bill 612

This bill, which passed on a 27-11 vote, seeks to amend the Insurance Code of 1956. It states that “[a] qualified health plan … shall not provide coverage for elective abortion.”

Abortion coverage will be at the discretion of the employer: “an employer may purchase a option rider to provide coverage for an elective abortion.” The bill then states two requirements that must be met for this rider to be valid, one of which is that it is the employer who “pays the entire premium amount for the rider and the cost of the rider is not factored into any premium amount for which individual employees contribute … either directly or through a payroll deduction.” The other is that notice of the rider be given to employees.

Senate Bill 613

This bill, which passed on a 27-10 vote, extends the provision of the bill discussed above to the Nonprofit Health Care Corporation Reform Act.

Senate Bill 614

Passing on a 28-10 vote, this bill provides that the reimbursement for abortions through a health care plan are prohibited “unless the reimbursement sought or accepted is from an optional rider,” as provided for by the above two amendments. If this bill becomes law, the penalties for violating this law would be “a civil fine of up to $10,000.00 per violation.” The attorney general is given authority to enforce it.

If these bills pass the House, they will be given to Governor Snyder to sign

Michigan Senate passes bills to stop ObamaCare from funding abortions

The GOP wants to cut food stamps, medicaid, and... abortion funding.

Just... say that out loud. Then do the math.


See, unwanted children get hungry and you so-called christians are against feeding them and care for their health concerns.

Stop calling yourselves Christian, OKAY?
:cool: First right to work, next......

Michigan Senate passes bills to stop ObamaCare from funding abortions

Three bills were read and passed in Michigan’s Senate this Thursday. All three are aimed at allowing employers the ability to determine whether or not employees will receive coverage for abortion in health care plans. Employers who want to provide abortion coverage will then have to pay for the addition insurance rider.

Senate Bill 612

This bill, which passed on a 27-11 vote, seeks to amend the Insurance Code of 1956. It states that “[a] qualified health plan … shall not provide coverage for elective abortion.”

Abortion coverage will be at the discretion of the employer: “an employer may purchase a option rider to provide coverage for an elective abortion.” The bill then states two requirements that must be met for this rider to be valid, one of which is that it is the employer who “pays the entire premium amount for the rider and the cost of the rider is not factored into any premium amount for which individual employees contribute … either directly or through a payroll deduction.” The other is that notice of the rider be given to employees.

Senate Bill 613

This bill, which passed on a 27-10 vote, extends the provision of the bill discussed above to the Nonprofit Health Care Corporation Reform Act.

Senate Bill 614

Passing on a 28-10 vote, this bill provides that the reimbursement for abortions through a health care plan are prohibited “unless the reimbursement sought or accepted is from an optional rider,” as provided for by the above two amendments. If this bill becomes law, the penalties for violating this law would be “a civil fine of up to $10,000.00 per violation.” The attorney general is given authority to enforce it.

If these bills pass the House, they will be given to Governor Snyder to sign

Michigan Senate passes bills to stop ObamaCare from funding abortions

The GOP wants to cut food stamps, medicaid, and... abortion funding.

Just... say that out loud. Then do the math.


See, unwanted children get hungry and you so-called christians are against feeding them and care for their health concerns.

Stop calling yourselves Christian, OKAY?

Conservatives want people to have jobs...Get some help loon:eusa_eh:
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:cool: First right to work, next......

Michigan Senate passes bills to stop ObamaCare from funding abortions

Three bills were read and passed in Michigan’s Senate this Thursday. All three are aimed at allowing employers the ability to determine whether or not employees will receive coverage for abortion in health care plans. Employers who want to provide abortion coverage will then have to pay for the addition insurance rider.

Senate Bill 612

This bill, which passed on a 27-11 vote, seeks to amend the Insurance Code of 1956. It states that “[a] qualified health plan … shall not provide coverage for elective abortion.”

Abortion coverage will be at the discretion of the employer: “an employer may purchase a option rider to provide coverage for an elective abortion.” The bill then states two requirements that must be met for this rider to be valid, one of which is that it is the employer who “pays the entire premium amount for the rider and the cost of the rider is not factored into any premium amount for which individual employees contribute … either directly or through a payroll deduction.” The other is that notice of the rider be given to employees.

Senate Bill 613

This bill, which passed on a 27-10 vote, extends the provision of the bill discussed above to the Nonprofit Health Care Corporation Reform Act.

Senate Bill 614

Passing on a 28-10 vote, this bill provides that the reimbursement for abortions through a health care plan are prohibited “unless the reimbursement sought or accepted is from an optional rider,” as provided for by the above two amendments. If this bill becomes law, the penalties for violating this law would be “a civil fine of up to $10,000.00 per violation.” The attorney general is given authority to enforce it.

If these bills pass the House, they will be given to Governor Snyder to sign

Michigan Senate passes bills to stop ObamaCare from funding abortions

Employers should offer health coverage as a type of compensation or not; if health insurance is offered by the company, then what is covered or not is between the insurance company and the employee alone – the employer has no right to dictate to either entity what may or may not be covered.

Just as employers are in no position to compel employees to spend their salary or wage as the employees see fit, or use their leave or comp time as they see fit, so too are employers in no position to compel employees to use any aspect of their health insurance in a particular way.

As to the politics of the issue, republicans have gone beyond digging their hole of failure deeper and are now piling dirt upon the Party.
I'm totally for freedom.

I'm for the right of women to be able to GET RID of unwanted pregnancies.

And I'm for the right for her to tell religoius assholes to pound sand up their asses when they whine about it.

I'm for those things too.

I'm also for the freedom of the employer to choose what kind of medical coverage, if any, to provide to his employees. If you aren't, then I don't see how you can claim to be "totally" for freedom.
This is pretty good.
And I agree. Elective abortions shouldn't be covered by health insurance. Just because you were dumb enough to get knocked up doesn't mean you shouldn't face the consequences of your actions.
I don't care if you want to get an abortion, just don't tell me I have to pay for it. I believe abortion is murder and its against my beliefs, my faith and my God. You may think I'm silly and call me names, I don't care, just don't tell me I have to sin against my God because someone who doesn't have the same faith as me wants to get an abortion. If you want an abortion, come up with the money your damn self or better yet, don't get pregnant in the first place. Use a condom, get on the pill, use the rhythm method or keep your legs closed.
I love Michigan (just hate the winters! :) ).
I worked for a union once, in the same company i work for now...except went to another job in the office which is non-union. I think everyone should have a choice to belong to one, and they should also be able to apply at a company that they would like to work for and not be FORCED to join one.

Now this bill....I'm against abortion at any stage. The ONLY time insurance should cover one is if something happens and the woman would die if she didn't abort. If she died, the baby would too. An emergency like this should be covered. But NEVER just because the woman doesn't want a child...there's always adoption.
:cool: First right to work, next......

Michigan Senate passes bills to stop ObamaCare from funding abortions

Three bills were read and passed in Michigan’s Senate this Thursday. All three are aimed at allowing employers the ability to determine whether or not employees will receive coverage for abortion in health care plans. Employers who want to provide abortion coverage will then have to pay for the addition insurance rider.

Senate Bill 612

This bill, which passed on a 27-11 vote, seeks to amend the Insurance Code of 1956. It states that “[a] qualified health plan … shall not provide coverage for elective abortion.”

Abortion coverage will be at the discretion of the employer: “an employer may purchase a option rider to provide coverage for an elective abortion.” The bill then states two requirements that must be met for this rider to be valid, one of which is that it is the employer who “pays the entire premium amount for the rider and the cost of the rider is not factored into any premium amount for which individual employees contribute … either directly or through a payroll deduction.” The other is that notice of the rider be given to employees.

Senate Bill 613

This bill, which passed on a 27-10 vote, extends the provision of the bill discussed above to the Nonprofit Health Care Corporation Reform Act.

Senate Bill 614

Passing on a 28-10 vote, this bill provides that the reimbursement for abortions through a health care plan are prohibited “unless the reimbursement sought or accepted is from an optional rider,” as provided for by the above two amendments. If this bill becomes law, the penalties for violating this law would be “a civil fine of up to $10,000.00 per violation.” The attorney general is given authority to enforce it.

If these bills pass the House, they will be given to Governor Snyder to sign

Michigan Senate passes bills to stop ObamaCare from funding abortions

The GOP wants to cut food stamps, medicaid, and... abortion funding.

Just... say that out loud. Then do the math.


See, unwanted children get hungry and you so-called christians are against feeding them and care for their health concerns.

Stop calling yourselves Christian, OKAY?

Just look out in the world and see all the Christian organization helping the poor. Then go out and look at all the Muslim and Atheist groups helping the poor, no comparison.

But keep repeating the lies maybe someday you'll even believe.
Abortion is legal and is the law of the land and I would love to see abortion become illegal, but it's not going to happen.


Why is the government forcing me to commit a sin, damning my soul?

You may not believe this is the case, but I do. Abortion is legal, I get it. If a woman wants to murder their child, they have the legal right to do so, the law says they can. I shouldn't be forced to help her though if I think that it's wrong.

If you can force me to help you murder your child, then I should be able to force you to go to church. You are damning my soul to an eternity in Hell, maybe I can save yours.

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