Michael Moore Announces End Of Trump Administration

This fat pig still trying to do Trump in, bet he'll end up with a nervous breakdown...

Michael Moore Announces New Film ‘Fahrenheit 11/9’ Will End Trump Administration
This is his third attempt to do so. It hasn’t worked yet.


Trey Sanchez

Leftist filmmaker Michael Moore is adding yet another anti-Trump project to his roster and just like the others, it will fail to put even one nail in the coffin of the Trump administration.

Before the election, Moore offered his first hit piece, TrumpLand, which backfired spectacularly as it made one of the strongest cases to elect Donald Trump. In July, Moore’s Broadway show, The Terms of My Surrender, will debut a fictional tale of “a country that’s just elected a madman.” Promotional posters ask, “Can a Broadway show bring down a sitting president?” Well, if it doesn’t, and no doubt it won’t, Moore has one more chance with his next film.


Michael Moore Announces New Film ‘Fahrenheit 11/9’ Will End Trump Administration
Maybe he needs to make a documentary called "Fahrenheit 9/11, How Did I Get So Fat?"
This fat pig still trying to do Trump in, bet he'll end up with a nervous breakdown...

Michael Moore Announces New Film ‘Fahrenheit 11/9’ Will End Trump Administration
This is his third attempt to do so. It hasn’t worked yet.


Trey Sanchez

Leftist filmmaker Michael Moore is adding yet another anti-Trump project to his roster and just like the others, it will fail to put even one nail in the coffin of the Trump administration.

Before the election, Moore offered his first hit piece, TrumpLand, which backfired spectacularly as it made one of the strongest cases to elect Donald Trump. In July, Moore’s Broadway show, The Terms of My Surrender, will debut a fictional tale of “a country that’s just elected a madman.” Promotional posters ask, “Can a Broadway show bring down a sitting president?” Well, if it doesn’t, and no doubt it won’t, Moore has one more chance with his next film.


Michael Moore Announces New Film ‘Fahrenheit 11/9’ Will End Trump Administration
"This fat pig" Trump is getting fatter and fatter. He's a fat pig as well.
Yep you're probably a fat SOW yo-self kinda like the hildabeast...
This fat pig still trying to do Trump in, bet he'll end up with a nervous breakdown...

Michael Moore Announces New Film ‘Fahrenheit 11/9’ Will End Trump Administration
This is his third attempt to do so. It hasn’t worked yet.


Trey Sanchez

Leftist filmmaker Michael Moore is adding yet another anti-Trump project to his roster and just like the others, it will fail to put even one nail in the coffin of the Trump administration.

Before the election, Moore offered his first hit piece, TrumpLand, which backfired spectacularly as it made one of the strongest cases to elect Donald Trump. In July, Moore’s Broadway show, The Terms of My Surrender, will debut a fictional tale of “a country that’s just elected a madman.” Promotional posters ask, “Can a Broadway show bring down a sitting president?” Well, if it doesn’t, and no doubt it won’t, Moore has one more chance with his next film.


Michael Moore Announces New Film ‘Fahrenheit 11/9’ Will End Trump Administration
"This fat pig" Trump is getting fatter and fatter. He's a fat pig as well.

GM Chairman of the Board, Roger Smith was the one who put Michael Moore on his quest for who knows what but Michael Moore is a multi multi multi millionaire made wealthy by people who believe his tripe.
The same can be said for Trump.;"is a multi multi multi millionaire made wealthy by people who believe his tripe." He can't do the same BS as president, which will be his downfall, already in progress.

Go smoke some more crack with the rest of your ilk...
He gives new meaning to the word dirtbag.
shouldnt he be more concerned about losing 150 pounds before he winds up eating a 3000 calorie dinner that stops his heart?

Hillary won the popular but lost the electoral vote. If Trump wants to eat Caspian Sea beluga sturgeon caviar, drink gallons of aged Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon, hot buttered lobster, truffles and sit on his ass all day long that is his prerogative like MC Hammer said in his famous song My Prerogative.

"MC Hammer said in his famous song My Prerogative"

OH, close but no cigar. It was Bobby Brown that sang that.
Wow, you are really delusional. The leftists are calling for Trump's assassination, crying, whining and suffering from massive Trump derangement syndrome. They are still supporting Hillary after everything she did wrong.

Meanwhile, Trump is criticized by plenty of his supporters. Most took issues with his Syria strike, and now even Ann Coulter, his vocal supporter, lands some criticism.

Of course, leftists always project, this post tells it all. Primarily you would LIKE if republicans didn't support him over complete NONSENSE, regurgitated by a very fat person. That's not going to happen, Trump was chosen to defeat idiots like you and that's much more important than some minor flaw to anyone worth his salt. Now, go be a good CNN drone.
I'm on the left. I don't support Hillary. She's a closet neocon. And I'm not calling for anyone's assassination. The problem with you fuckers on the right, is you keep making shit up as you go along. You went 8 years not saying a god-damn thing about Bush crimes in office. Now you're doing the same thing with Trump.

What are you going to say after he gets impeached and removed from office? Are you still going to support him? Or are you going to keep your mouth shut like a good little corporate whore?
Wow, you are really delusional. The leftists are calling for Trump's assassination, crying, whining and suffering from massive Trump derangement syndrome. They are still supporting Hillary after everything she did wrong.

Meanwhile, Trump is criticized by plenty of his supporters. Most took issues with his Syria strike, and now even Ann Coulter, his vocal supporter, lands some criticism.

Of course, leftists always project, this post tells it all. Primarily you would LIKE if republicans didn't support him over complete NONSENSE, regurgitated by a very fat person. That's not going to happen, Trump was chosen to defeat idiots like you and that's much more important than some minor flaw to anyone worth his salt. Now, go be a good CNN drone.
I'm on the left. I don't support Hillary. She's a closet neocon. And I'm not calling for anyone's assassination. The problem with you fuckers on the right, is you keep making shit up as you go along. You went 8 years not saying a god-damn thing about Bush crimes in office. Now you're doing the same thing with Trump.

What are you going to say after he gets impeached and removed from office? Are you still going to support him? Or are you going to keep your mouth shut like a good little corporate whore?

Making shit up? What I just told you is an absolute fact. If you don't act in such a manner, congrats, you are not as abysmal as almost all hard leftists. Maybe you should distance yourself from them and join the civilization.
This fat pig still trying to do Trump in, bet he'll end up with a nervous breakdown...

Michael Moore Announces New Film ‘Fahrenheit 11/9’ Will End Trump Administration
This is his third attempt to do so. It hasn’t worked yet.


Trey Sanchez

Leftist filmmaker Michael Moore is adding yet another anti-Trump project to his roster and just like the others, it will fail to put even one nail in the coffin of the Trump administration.

Before the election, Moore offered his first hit piece, TrumpLand, which backfired spectacularly as it made one of the strongest cases to elect Donald Trump. In July, Moore’s Broadway show, The Terms of My Surrender, will debut a fictional tale of “a country that’s just elected a madman.” Promotional posters ask, “Can a Broadway show bring down a sitting president?” Well, if it doesn’t, and no doubt it won’t, Moore has one more chance with his next film.


Michael Moore Announces New Film ‘Fahrenheit 11/9’ Will End Trump Administration
He's a tenacious fat c/b pig...

Michael Moore Launches 'Trumpileaks'

"A site that will enable courageous whistleblowers."


Michael Horn

Whistleblowers seeking to shake down the Trump administration will have a home at propagandist Michael Moore's latest endeavor "Trumpileaks," which will allow wannabe Edward Snowdens to leak "information via encrypted messaging apps, like Single, Whatsapp and Peerio," reports Breitbart.


It turns out that Trump's election is the best thing that could have ever happened to Michael Moore.

Michael Moore Launches 'Trumpileaks'
This fat pig still trying to do Trump in, bet he'll end up with a nervous breakdown...

Michael Moore Announces New Film ‘Fahrenheit 11/9’ Will End Trump Administration
This is his third attempt to do so. It hasn’t worked yet.


Trey Sanchez

Leftist filmmaker Michael Moore is adding yet another anti-Trump project to his roster and just like the others, it will fail to put even one nail in the coffin of the Trump administration.

Before the election, Moore offered his first hit piece, TrumpLand, which backfired spectacularly as it made one of the strongest cases to elect Donald Trump. In July, Moore’s Broadway show, The Terms of My Surrender, will debut a fictional tale of “a country that’s just elected a madman.” Promotional posters ask, “Can a Broadway show bring down a sitting president?” Well, if it doesn’t, and no doubt it won’t, Moore has one more chance with his next film.


Michael Moore Announces New Film ‘Fahrenheit 11/9’ Will End Trump Administration
Michael predicted Tramp would win when it looked like he had no chance..
Laugh at Michael at your own peril.

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