Former SJW Takes Heat from Left for Her Apostasy


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
You know in most cases these libtarts get married and for some reason turn conservative...

Former SJW Takes Heat from Left for Her Apostasy
"If thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee.”


Mark Tapson

In a stunning piece called "On Leaving the SJW Cult and Finding Myself" at, former SJW Keri Smith lays bare her apostasy from the left.


"I see increasing numbers of so-called liberals cheering censorship and defending violence as a response to speech," Smith continued. "I see seemingly reasonable people wishing death on others and laughing at escalating suicide and addiction rates of the white working class. I see liberal think pieces written in opposition to expressing empathy or civility in interactions with those with whom we disagree. I see 63 million Trump voters written off as “nazis” who are okay to target with physical violence. I see concepts like equality and justice being used as a mask for resentful, murderous rage."

Yep. Smith goes on, in what resembles the tone of someone who has escaped a cult -- indeed, she refers to it that way:


This is a familiar story to all those who have come to similar political revelations, not least Freedom Center founder David Horowitz, the radical left's most hated apostate, who wrote in 1999 about the heresy of Christopher Hitchens,


Former SJW Takes Heat from Left for Her Apostasy
They will be after her head. The white left can't accept a turncoat.
"You forgot BLM and the rest of us racist bastards"

No one should be a asshole to someone that wishes to be gay, trans or what ever...

I'll attack your fucking religion if you attack me...If you don't attack me then I'll agree that there's a lot of good jesus did and personally like the two parent family....

See being a good person will get you a lot more.
No one should be a asshole to someone that wishes to be gay, trans or what ever...

I'll attack your fucking religion if you attack me...If you don't attack me then I'll agree that there's a lot of good jesus did and personally like the two parent family....

See being a good person will get you a lot more.
Get back on the subject NANCY...
Interesting article. I think the characterisation of some of these groups as being a cult is accurate. You might support a position based on some basic preconceived notions, but once those around you are going to extremes to silence people, mock and ridicule, you have problems. There are plenty of examples of this on display over the last few months.

I could even go further and suggest that these activities are being supported by those in the media, whether through SNL attacking the WH or some media outlets acting as if Trump was not even allowed to be president, because, you know, they don't want him to be. There is a single mindset by the left, some form of indoctrination that has sapped them of their own ability to think for themselves. Seems this lady broke free from their chains.
Interesting article. I think the characterisation of some of these groups as being a cult is accurate. You might support a position based on some basic preconceived notions, but once those around you are going to extremes to silence people, mock and ridicule, you have problems. There are plenty of examples of this on display over the last few months.

I could even go further and suggest that these activities are being supported by those in the media, whether through SNL attacking the WH or some media outlets acting as if Trump was not even allowed to be president, because, you know, they don't want him to be. There is a single mindset by the left, some form of indoctrination that has sapped them of their own ability to think for themselves. Seems this lady broke free from their chains.

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