Men Yell: Bill Clinton is a Rapist: More patriots protesting in Bill's face! (Wisconsin)


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Very, Very well done Deplorable Patriots. Multiple men interrupted Bill Clinton yelling 'BILL CLINTON IS A RAPIST!' One man even finished his sentence when Clinton started to say 'Nobody can dispute the fact' and someone yelled, --> 'that you're a rapist!' A few tall men working the crowd with large portraits of Bill's face and the word "Rapist" below. They created a ruckus. The Clinton people stole the protesters cap. The patriot went after the hippie thief. The commotion went on for quite a while. VERY well done. Why is an impeached President speaking for her?

Comedian Dave Chappelle appeared briefly at the Roots’ Roots Picnic festival in New York City this afternoon, where he offered a few comments about the current presidential election and Republican candidate Donald Trump.

“I hope everybody votes. I know it’s a tough decision,” Chappelle joked. “Hillary Clinton vs. white Malcolm X. That crazy character, motherfuckers, is gonna kill us all. And lower my taxes.”
What do you know...the only one telling the truth at a Hillary Rally ate the protestors shouting what EVERYONE already knows - 'Sick Willy' is a rapist.


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