Here is a copy of an email I sent to one of the moving mouths at the local radio station in the city I grew up in.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
I see you are registered as a Democrat. That explains a lot.

How did 7 gallons of fentanyl go missing from a hospital? Regulators launch investigation


You are a writer right? Please grade me on this. I am going to submit it to newspapers as a freelance article.


I am a 75-year-old citizen and I live near Keene, New Hampshire, a bedroom community comfortably sequestered from larger cities in the state like Manchester or Nashua. The roads that lead in and out of Keene are cow paths by modern standards. That is by design, and I am always glad to get back to the area after visits to metropolitan areas. But I no longer feel safe near Keene during these times because the city has become a prototype of wokeness and is rotting from the inside out. Keene is afflicted with a troika of central planning propaganda consisting of its daily newspaper, talk radio programming, and local college, Keene State. Keene State College is infamous by any standards and why anyone would go into debt to be associated with it is beyond logical.

Everything I was warned about by teachers in the 1960’s has happened in Keene, and I regret not listening more closely to educators that survived the Great Depression and World War 2. Their version of history was vastly different from what is served up today by the spoiled tweed suits of academia. I missed Woodstock in 1969 but I did hop on my motorcycle in 1973 to attend the Summer Jam concert at Watkins Glen NY. I was a different person in those days. I had hair down to my middle back, smoked weed, drank a lot of alcohol, and did a lot of things that seemed like a clever idea at the time. I am deeply sorry I was not nicer to people I should have been nicer to; I am nice to them now because they did not abandon me.

I know I am doing something right because I have been cancelled by local media here. If my ideas and comments were bizarre, I would be allowed to speak, laughed at, and quickly hoisted on own petard. Instead, I am cast to radio silence as a dangerous, gaslighting conspiracy theorist. The city I grew up in has a newspaper that has devolved to Fischer-Price status and a ludicrous talk radio program hosted by a person that raises vacuousness to a virtue; Tokyo Rose would be proud. There is a college at its center that mass produces people who read and write on an eighth-grade level. Why would a city that once had All-America status allow itself to hitch a wagon to the liberal wokeness that has made the US a laughingstock of the world?

Reaping the whirlwind of propaganda has a lot to do with the behavioral sink and low intelligence of the city. As a dues-paying member of the Steelworkers Union for twenty years and then a thirty-year employee of local industry in the area, I plead guilty to not paying attention to what these people have been up to. That is a mistake many of us have made because we take it for granted that people, even those in local politics, are good and will do the right things. We were lazy and now we are paying for that laziness because we were wrong.

One of my nephews, a Millennial, recently swallowed something he thought was safe and went braindead before he hit the floor. The event is so common in Keene that it is not even considered to be newsworthy. The college at the center of the city has become somewhat of a sidewalk drugstore for the young in the area, a fact local officials and media work overtime to cover up. The embarrassing school, masquerading as an institution of higher learning, has been on woke mission to impose a tilted matriarchy on the college for as long as many of us can remember. The school has brought shame on the city on more than one occasion but each time if fails it goes right back to installing a clone of the last failure.

Do you think the average person on the street in Keene has ever heard of Daniel Patrick Moynihan? He warned the Lyndon Johnson administration that kicking fathers out of the home was a bad idea in 1965 because it would lead to the creation of a massive dependent underclass condemning young women to households on their own without the stabilizing influence of a traditional biological family. Many of Keene’s young women have several children all fathered by different men in jail or prison. Moynihan was right; the outcome was predictable, but it led to central power. As Edward Bernays, the father of modern propaganda would say: “You’ve come a long way baby.” Feminism and Critical Race Theory are the coin of the realm at Keene State College. It is a pall parked over the city and its influence instills the creeping wokeness that is destroying our country. Do some research on the school’s hall of shame headed by people like Barbara Seelye, Anne Huot, and Caitlin Marriott. Never heard of them? Not surprising. They are not advertised by local media, and for good reason.

Let us get back to history. When behavioral problems were displayed following the government’s ostracism of Moynihan who was a professional social scientist, US psychology and psychiatry stepped up and invented a disease, ADD, Attention Deficit Disorder, later changed to ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. The kids could now be drugged for their misbehavior like zoo animals in an unnatural setting. Has anyone done a study on the percentage of Keene State College students addicted to Adderall and Ritalin? What regulatory process is in place to check these powerful meth-like drugs? Do you hear crickets? You are certainly not going to hear anything about this issue from Keene’s newspaper or talk radio program; they are not there to inform the public; they are there to protect the status quo.

How things have changed. In 1968 I was hauled into a local court for supplying alcohol for two of my friends, one of which was the stepson of a former Keene mayor and the biological son of a local doctor. I had just turned 21, had no driver’s license, and looked about 15. My friends showed up in court alongside me and were prepared to testify under oath that I was not the one who got the beer for them. The city prosecutor saw this and dropped the charges because on that day he had bigger fish to fry. Keene’s first major drug bust was underway, and I was just a minnow; they had a whale on the hook with a group that got caught selling marijuana in the city.

The city moved quickly in NIMBY fashion to show publicly that hippies were not going to run the show here. In those days there was no way for states to cash in on marijuana sales. I do not recall names, but I think most of the offenders got off on a technicality like Barbara Seelye, the former Keene State College president who killed a local 25-year-old female citizen in 1991 on her way to a softball game. Even then special people were treated specially and mouth breathers like you and I and that innocent young girl are not. I knew the girl’s father.

There is little doubt that Keene’s media and college have turned the city into a cerebrally stunted community that believes my nephew died for a worthy cause-Some student loans may be forgiven. The government is not relying on artificial intelligence to sway minds in places like Keene New Hampshire, it is counting on crafted natural stupidity. There is plenty of that to go around on Keene’s cluttered Main Street as shown by the 70 percent vote for Joe Biden which speaks for itself.

Keene is a very liberal city housing a liberal arts college so ideological, intellectual, and economic destruction are seen as a greater good as the city’s young drop dead from Fentanyl, a drug more than one hundred times as powerful as morphine. The city’s largest medical facility, Cheshire Medical Center, is missing seven gallons of the poison, enough to kill every human on the East Coast. The city’s print media and talk radio are feverishly working to put a smiley face on the incident much like Joe Bidens’s handlers smooth over his gaffs.

We live in a world where corporations (groupthink) are people and the price we pay is the sacrifice of our children. We can’t even vote these people out because it has become clear that our elections cannot be trusted. These people who rule us are not well-meaning leaders that made mistakes, they are organized and sinister. Our educational systems have been converted to captive-audience indoctrination centers reminiscent of John C. Calhoun’s Norway Rat experiments that led to the extinction of populations.

This creeping evil is getting close to my family, and it is encroaching on yours. Many of these kids' smoke weed today and it is Russian roulette now guessing if the stuff is laced with Fentanyl. The toxic substance was formulated in China, and it is transported across open borders from Mexico. History is not going to look kindly on places like Keene, New Hampshire.

Don't let this happen to your city.

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I see you are registered as a Democrat. That explains a lot.

How did 7 gallons of fentanyl go missing from a hospital? Regulators launch investigation


You are a writer right? Please grade me on this. I am going to submit it to newspapers as a freelance article.


I am a 75-year-old citizen and I live near Keene, New Hampshire, a bedroom community comfortably sequestered from larger cities in the state like Manchester or Nashua. The roads that lead in and out of Keene are cow paths by modern standards. That is by design, and I am always glad to get back to the area after visits to metropolitan areas. But I no longer feel safe near Keene during these times because the city has become a prototype of wokeness and is rotting from the inside out. Keene is afflicted with a troika of central planning propaganda consisting of its daily newspaper, talk radio programming, and local college, Keene State. Keene State College is infamous by any standards and why anyone would go into debt to be associated with it is beyond logical.

Everything I was warned about by teachers in the 1960’s has happened in Keene, and I regret not listening more closely to educators that survived the Great Depression and World War 2. Their version of history was vastly different from what is served up today by the spoiled tweed suits of academia. I missed Woodstock in 1969 but I did hop on my motorcycle in 1973 to attend the Summer Jam concert at Watkins Glen NY. I was a different person in those days. I had hair down to my middle back, smoked weed, drank a lot of alcohol, and did a lot of things that seemed like a clever idea at the time. I am deeply sorry I was not nicer to people I should have been nicer to; I am nice to them now because they did not abandon me.

I know I am doing something right because I have been cancelled by local media here. If my ideas and comments were bizarre, I would be allowed to speak, laughed at, and quickly hoisted on own petard. Instead, I am cast to radio silence as a dangerous, gaslighting conspiracy theorist. The city I grew up in has a newspaper that has devolved to Fischer-Price status and a ludicrous talk radio program hosted by a person that raises vacuousness to a virtue; Tokyo Rose would be proud. There is a college at its center that mass produces people who read and write on an eighth-grade level. Why would a city that once had All-America status allow itself to hitch a wagon to the liberal wokeness that has made the US a laughingstock of the world?

Reaping the whirlwind of propaganda has a lot to do with the behavioral sink and low intelligence of the city. As a dues-paying member of the Steelworkers Union for twenty years and then a thirty-year employee of local industry in the area, I plead guilty to not paying attention to what these people have been up to. That is a mistake many of us have made because we take it for granted that people, even those in local politics, are good and will do the right things. We were lazy and now we are paying for that laziness because we were wrong.

One of my nephews, a Millennial, recently swallowed something he thought was safe and went braindead before he hit the floor. The event is so common in Keene that it is not even considered to be newsworthy. The college at the center of the city has become somewhat of a sidewalk drugstore for the young in the area, a fact local officials and media work overtime to cover up. The embarrassing school, masquerading as an institution of higher learning, has been on woke mission to impose a tilted matriarchy on the college for as long as many of us can remember. The school has brought shame on the city on more than one occasion but each time if fails it goes right back to installing a clone of the last failure.

Do you think the average person on the street in Keene has ever heard of Daniel Patrick Moynihan? He warned the Lyndon Johnson administration that kicking fathers out of the home was a bad idea in 1965 because it would lead to the creation of a massive dependent underclass condemning young women to households on their own without the stabilizing influence of a traditional biological family. Many of Keene’s young women have several children all fathered by different men in jail or prison. Moynihan was right; the outcome was predictable, but it led to central power. As Edward Bernays, the father of modern propaganda would say: “You’ve come a long way baby.” Feminism and Critical Race Theory are the coin of the realm at Keene State College. It is a pall parked over the city and its influence instills the creeping wokeness that is destroying our country. Do some research on the school’s hall of shame headed by people like Barbara Seelye, Anne Huot, and Caitlin Marriott. Never heard of them? Not surprising. They are not advertised by local media, and for good reason.

Let us get back to history. When behavioral problems were displayed following the government’s ostracism of Moynihan who was a professional social scientist, US psychology and psychiatry stepped up and invented a disease, ADD, Attention Deficit Disorder, later changed to ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. The kids could now be drugged for their misbehavior like zoo animals in an unnatural setting. Has anyone done a study on the percentage of Keene State College students addicted to Adderall and Ritalin? What regulatory process is in place to check these powerful meth-like drugs? Do you hear crickets? You are certainly not going to hear anything about this issue from Keene’s newspaper or talk radio program; they are not there to inform the public; they are there to protect the status quo.

How things have changed. In 1968 I was hauled into a local court for supplying alcohol for two of my friends, one of which was the stepson of a former Keene mayor and the biological son of a local doctor. I had just turned 21, had no driver’s license, and looked about 15. My friends showed up in court alongside me and were prepared to testify under oath that I was not the one who got the beer for them. The city prosecutor saw this and dropped the charges because on that day he had bigger fish to fry. Keene’s first major drug bust was underway, and I was just a minnow; they had a whale on the hook with a group that got caught selling marijuana in the city.

The city moved quickly in NIMBY fashion to show publicly that hippies were not going to run the show here. In those days there was no way for states to cash in on marijuana sales. I do not recall names, but I think most of the offenders got off on a technicality like Barbara Seelye, the former Keene State College president who killed a local 25-year-old female citizen in 1991 on her way to a softball game. Even then special people were treated specially and mouth breathers like you and I and that innocent young girl are not. I knew the girl’s father.

There is little doubt that Keene’s media and college have turned the city into a cerebrally stunted community that believes my nephew died for a worthy cause-Some student loans may be forgiven. The government is not relying on artificial intelligence to sway minds in places like Keene New Hampshire, it is counting on crafted natural stupidity. There is plenty of that to go around on Keene’s cluttered Main Street as shown by the 70 percent vote for Joe Biden which speaks for itself.

Keene is a very liberal city housing a liberal arts college so ideological, intellectual, and economic destruction are seen as a greater good as the city’s young drop dead from Fentanyl, a drug more than one hundred times as powerful as morphine. The city’s largest medical facility, Cheshire Medical Center, is missing seven gallons of the poison, enough to kill every human on the East Coast. The city’s print media and talk radio are feverishly working to put a smiley face on the incident much like Joe Bidens’s handlers smooth over his gaffs.

We live in a world where corporations (groupthink) are people and the price we pay is the sacrifice of our children. We can’t even vote these people out because it has become clear that our elections cannot be trusted. These people who rule us are not well-meaning leaders that made mistakes, they are organized and sinister. Our educational systems have been converted to captive-audience indoctrination centers reminiscent of John C. Calhoun’s Norway Rat experiments that led to the extinction of populations.

This creeping evil is getting close to my family, and it is encroaching on yours. Many of these kids' smoke weed today and it is Russian roulette now guessing if the stuff is laced with Fentanyl. The toxic substance was formulated in China, and it is transported across open borders from Mexico. History is not going to look kindly on places like Keene, New Hampshire.

Don't let this happen to your city.

I was briefly a reporter on that student newspaper in the mid 70's. In those days the big thing was kids pulling fire alrams and watching the fire department show up. But in those days people could actually read and write. It is very different today.
I was briefly a reporter on that student newspaper in the mid 70's. In those days the big thing was kids pulling fire alrams and watching the fire department show up. But in those days people could actually read and write. It is very different today.

Instead of the lengthy screed, why not just tell them

Hey! Get off my lawn!
I sent another email to the radio host that is better written so if you have poor reading skills you may want have someone read it for you and analyze the points made in it. I never got a response to the first one:

I have seen firsthand the damage wokeness can do to a community by simply watching what it is doing to my hometown of Keene, New Hampshire. If you ask the average person on the street in Keene about their politics, you quickly become aware that the full scope of their political knowledge consists of just two things: Fox News is bad, and they hate Donald Trump. They say if you see something, you should say something. The problem today is that if you say anything that does not comport with this all this new and improved wokeness you are branded as a conspiracy theorist and cancelled. This is relatively new in the US, and it came to fruition after the presidential election that put Donald trump in office in 2016.

This produces a dangerous paradigm. A lot of people that appear to have normal intelligence know something is very wrong with what their government is doing these days but rather than say something they avoid it. So, instead of saying what they see, they say nothing to escape violating Washington’s official seal of approval. If the government says something is bad, then in the minds of the targeted woke that settles it because Washington like the Russian politburo is presented as the core definition of good and never makes mistakes. So, the definition of bad must be anything that does not support Washington.

Any questioning of the new woke White House is taboo under wokeness. Amazingly in just four years the US went from free speech to government approved speech. Now many Americans are mum because they do not want to be labeled as bad, ostracized, and possibly lose their livelihoods. Not uttering words affecting or upsetting others that support the current administration is now an emerging custom and possibly soon to be a new crime. Instead of encouraging free speech which is the bedrock of our republic we are told that the greatest existential threat facing the nation today is free speech that is misused. According to this new woke edict, free speech must be used in deference to Washington lest it be taken away and criminalized as subversive. Authentic free speech is now regarded as a toxic thing that must be surveilled, watched, and reported to the public through a government friendly media that purports to own the only truth. Most just stay silent out of fear while the country goes to the dogs. How did this happen?

Washington had a scare in 2016 when voters took back their government from the elites and returned it to the people. An outsider ended up in the White house and both major political parties came under what was advertised by a fraudulent US press as an attack by the ignorant, uneducated masses. The threat to the Washington establishment was considered so great that national security agencies were used to produce, direct, and sell a completely propagandized lie highlighting the former president as a Russian double agent peeing on a bed with communist prostitutes. According to the FBI, NSA, And DOJ, Trump was blackmailed by the Russians and had betrayed the US. It was all in the Steele Dosier which was bought hook, line, and sinker by liberal Keene New Hampshire, a city not known for its high intelligence. Even after the fraud was exposed and totally discredited it is still believed and repeated in the city. When all you know is Fox News is bad and you hate Donald Trump, reality has no meaning even if it is obvious.

What followed was a bizarre demonstration of corrupted leadership that took advantage of a health crisis to rig a presidential election in 2020 and install a demented figurehead to override the wishes of the people. Everyone saw this, not just here but everywhere. America, once the seat of democracy and a beacon on the hill for personal freedom is now the laughingstock of Europe and many other parts of the world. The world watched as US voters fought city hall and won by the rules, so city hall (Washington) changed the rules with loaded mail-in ballots to remove a Washington-exposing president. The credibility of US elections was damaged to the point that it may never recover. The people have lost trust in government and now as tainted Washington destroys the US economy and its incompetence brings us to the brink of war, America is at a critical stage with no safe way out.

None of this would have been possible without a national media that aligned itself with wokeness and against the people’s popular choice that lost Washington the White House. The media in America are no longer made up of rank-and-file citizens. They are composed of jack-booted true believers that see themselves as enlightened revolutionaries correcting bad decisions made by the unwashed and un-woke that include but are not limited to bad white people scapegoated by the academic quackery of Critical Race Theory. The belief among this radical cabal is that average people are too stupid to choose their leadership so government must step in and cancel their choices by any means necessary. There are dangerous consequences for this kind of thinking not the least of which is the planned replacement of American voters with imported interlopers across open borders so US citizens can never again threaten Washington with a people’s vote. That Pandora’s Box is already encroaching on neighborhoods all over the country with rising Fentanyl deaths covered up by local authorities friendly to the current administration.

What comes out of the mouths of Keene denizens is a brainwashed scripted diatribe that always includes a robotic conditioned response about the fraud election that took place in 2020: It was the people who decided trump was bad with their vote even though on election eve he was comfortably ahead. When all those “special votes” were tallied, the important Washington-friendly people decided the election. Then all the “experts” in media decided the election was valid. The government that rigged the election investigated itself and found itself not guilty. Who could argue with that? That was good enough for Keene; they love experts there.

I must speak out because now is not the time to stay silent. If you see something and you know what you are seeing is not what your government says you are seeing, you must not just meekly accept what is happening to your freedoms, your health, and your children’s future. Of course, if you do speak out, woke media will probably cancel you and accuse you of gaslighting the community. You will have to mine the web for alternate soapboxes. Your government has sold you out and is killing your kids. You can no longer trust the American press nationally or locally because they have betrayed you. Read on about my hometown below and see if you see something similar in your town:

Keene, New Hampshire, a city killing its citizens with wokeness and Fentanyl.

These are strange times we live in. How did a city that was once honored as a national treasure with an all-America-City award in 1964 become a dangerous, life-threatening place to live? The city of Keene, New Hampshire where I grew up has a newspaper, radio station, and college that form a kind of woke triangle. At some point city leadership decided to go woke, so Keene, like a lot of places, has corrupted its local media with propaganda disguised as objective news reporting. Some at the city’s helm are just well-meaning people that are gullible, but many others are organized and sinister and know exactly what they are doing. Up until recently it was a running joke that Keene’s liberal newspaper and it’s Hooterville talk radio program, Open Mic, are woke to the point of a laugh track, but now citizens are dying due to pharmaceutical malpractice at a city clinic while local media malfeasance covers it up by giving it a good leaving alone. The joke is no longer funny.

There is enough missing Fentanyl at the city’s main medical facility, Cheshire Medical Center, to kill every human on the East Coast. Fentanyl is an artificial chemical synthesized in China that is 100 times more potent than Morphine. Unsuspecting users have no tolerance to this lethal concoction; they go to sleep and never wake up. Some in Keene, like many people nationally do not realize that their media does not act in good faith by reporting news events without the influence of woke political leanings. The people who staff Keene’s media are tied to a status quo that serves Keene’s largest employers which includes Cheshire Medical Center and Keene State college. Hiding Fentanyl deaths by burying them is done to protect Keene’s city government and run interference for a system that is undeniably killing citizens. The ilk of the people making up Keene’s city government and the media that supports it is eerily comparable to the Nazi collaborators of the 1930’s betting on a side they think will win. Sadly, the unwary citizens that die in Keene are the broken eggs that make the omelet of wokeness Keene’s city government and local media expect to thrive on in a new world order.

Keene’s local media is not the New York Times, the Washington Post, or CNN. It is a minor league variety that mimics them focusing on a faction of citizens died in the wool with political correctness especially under the influence of the city’s bottom feeding liberal arts educational institution, Keene State College. The public mind in Keene is so damaged by a constant barrage of woke propaganda that it borders on brain damage. The city and its media are a chilling representation of the mass formation psychosis mentioned by Dr. Robert Malone, a physician and biochemist instrumental in the development mRNA vaccines. Keene denizens obediently marched in lemming lockstep as the CEO of their medical complex demanded masking which has been shown to be useless against virus prevention.

That same CEO said nothing when the state’s RINO governor, Chris Sununu, declared liquor stores and tobacco outlets as essential businesses. Even the worst doctors in the medical profession know that the patients dying in hospital ICUs are succumbing to the respiratory effects of long-term tobacco, alcohol, and illegal drug use that has destroyed their lungs. The virus is just the final trigger. Amazingly, adverse human immune responses to experimental, untested vaccines that deliver fatal heart issues and a host of crippling biological effects on the population are ignored. Any mention of them is criminalized as conspiracy against the government. Does this sound like the People’s Republic of China? If it doesn’t, you may want to do some research.

Keene’s newspaper and local radio programming have not been good stewards of print and broadcast journalism because they have gone woke and everything that evokes. In the woke mind it is permissible to use media not as an objective platform, but as a cheerleader for a particular ideological or political narrative even if that means local people are being poisoned. This is exactly the opposite of what the Fourth Estate was imagined to be by the founders. The originators of the US Constitution would be appalled at the perversion of a free press that has taken place in the United States. When Keene’s local newspaper, the Keene Sentinel, joined 300 other woke newspapers nationally to stifle the free speech of a sitting US president in 2018 that should have been a red flag to the community. But under the spell of Keene’s woke media many Keene citizens have such a dumb unawareness of the reality they live in that the concept of what free speech really means is lost on them. Thus, the automatic response of Fox News is bad, and they hate Donald Trump.

Keene has been on a downward trajectory since Barbara Seelye, a former president of Keene State College, got behind the wheel of a car drunk and killed a young local woman in 1991. Seelye was convicted of negligent homicide in 1992, but never served any jail time. It is a sure bet that most Keene residents have never heard of Seelye because her name is never mentioned by the city’s newspaper and radio programming. Keene State has repeatedly distinguished itself as a bottom rung party school and continues to put Keene on the map as an absurd, hard-drinking, circus of horrors. City riots in 2014 made national news and painted Keene citizens as backward clueless hooligans in drunken pub-crawling mob fights. They called them Pumpkin Fests. Those riots made national news and Keene was laughed at from coast to coast. No problem for Keene’s media; they just blamed the fiasco on outside agitators and waited for the city attention span to wane, which it quickly did.

Not long after that shameful incident another politically correct Keene State College president, Anne Huot, attacked the Student Newspaper, the Equinox, and forced journalism students to filter all reporting through the college public relations office under threat of bad grades for reporters and poor faculty evaluation for instructors. Have you ever heard of the East German Stasi? Do more research. Huot was eventually let go, not for her damage-control communist methods, but because the college lost tons of tuition money on the heels of its notorious “Animal House” reputation that produces graduates reading and writing on an eighth-grade level. You do not need to have high literacy skills if all you need to know is that Fox News is bad, and you hate Donald Trump.

Keene State college was not finished. In 2018 the city of Keene was nationally humiliated again by the actions of a KSC dean’s list student, Caitlin Marriot, who trailed US Sen. Maggie Hassan to the capitol rotunda and yelled f—k you at the sitting US president. This gutter behavior was broadcasted all over the country and it was apparently fine with Keene as the country laughed at Keene again. Another good bet would be that many Keene residents have no idea who Caitlin Marriott is because the Keene Sentinel and WKBK did not exactly go overboard reporting the incident. Keene’s Fischer-Price newspaper and its tinhorn radio station seem to see it as their mission to filter news that might embarrass city government. It has always been comic relief but now your family, your friends, and your neighbors are dying from Fentanyl poisoning. Many of these people are taking college drugs like Adderall and Ritalin laced with Fentanyl traded on campuses by students.

There are many more deaths than are reported. They usually appear in obituaries as the poor soul “died unexpectedly”. The situation in Keene is worse than larger cities like Nashua and Manchester with much larger populations. You will not hear that from Keene’s media because they are basically public relations agencies for the city status quo. This is not conspiracy theory, and you will find that out when one of your own dies.

How did 7 gallons of fentanyl go missing from a hospital? Regulators launch investigation ( 1992, she was convicted of negligent homicide,9 in Antrim and slammed into Barden’s car.

Keene State student newspaper faces unsure future after university president's resignation - Student Press Law Center

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I was briefly a reporter on that student newspaper in the mid 70's. In those days the big thing was kids pulling fire alrams and watching the fire department show up. But in those days people could actually read and write. It is very different today.
Bullshit, there were illiterates in the 1970s.
I see you are considered a local nut job
Just like you are here

If you want a suggestion, consider serious editing
The reason you think it needs editing is when all these things happened you were praying to Bill and Hillary to forgive you for being a little bitch so all you think he should edit it's just society and went right over the top of your pointed head. I and probably everyone else think you owe Ray an apology for both the 'edit' crack and you insulting everyone's intelligentsia.

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