Memorial Day Weekend

I doubt there are many who join the military for "the greater good".

When I was a kid I wanted to join the Air Force. I didn't want this for anyone or anything other than myself.

If people wanted to do something for the greater good, I'm sure they'd do Peace Corps or something, charity work for low wages.

There are those people taken in by mindless patriotism, they simply don't understand the US warmongering and think it's a positive thing for the world etc.

Here's a poll, obviously it's made up of very, very few people. But learn a new skill, get out of their hometown, save money are other reasons that are more real.
I disagree. Let's agree to disagree.
Who said the following?

“I spent 33 years and 4 months in active service as a member of our country’s most agile military force—the Marine Corps. I served in all commissioned ranks from a second lieutenant to Major-General. And during that period, I spent most of my time being a high-class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street, and for the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer for capitalism.”
Let's just give up on enforcing immigration laws.

Just let all of Latin America come here. For that matter, extend the invitation to Africa and Asia. (Most Europeans wouldn't come here for anything!)

They could not be any worse than many of our home-grown hoodlums (who are tearing up the New York City subway at this very moment).

The more the merrier should be our new slogan.

What does it matter anyway?

The United States of America is inevitably headed for failed state status by the end of this century.
i have no comment on this message.

The author of the book “War is a Racket.“
I'd think when talking about the biggest warmongering army in the world, it'd be divisive. But shying away from topics you don't want answers from is..... well....
it's not that i do not want answers. this topic was getting both sides very angry.

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