Disgrace to America- CNN showing flags and monuments of Nazism and Ukraine


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Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022


Folks, you can see it right there that red and black flag represents the flag of the Ukrainian insurgence army …a Nazi Allied Ukrainian Militia under Stephan Bandera..,

Not only that, but if you look at the video above, there are other pro third reich flags in the video.

To each their own people have a right to hate Jews, and some even want to exterminate them which isn’t their right but that is what they want and they if they could get it they would have it.

To fly the flag of Ukrainian Nazis. Canada has a right to honor of Ukrainian Nazi who sent Jews to their death at extermination camps. I suppose for other people it’s all a big joke, and it means absolutely nothing.

But for Americans who care about the sacrifice of the allies of World War II who liberated the concentration camps… this does matter.

None of us here in America would go see the memorial site somewhere in Arlington or anywhere in the USA where there are fallen soldiers…. where there is a Nazi flag. I’m hoping some supporters of Ukraine, wake up and reject the Ukraine government. They are open supporters of neo- Nazism, and of honoring the legacy of the third right. Folks this isn’t right to be an American and support this.

But you will see that in Ukraine. Again to each their own but people who support Ukraine openly support Nazism there is your white supremacy for you. I’m not going to insult people, but we all know who the supporters of Ukraine are, and what ideology they stand for.

And then there are those who have absolutely no idea why they support Ukraine. They’re told by CNN to waive an Ukraine Flag they have no clue what’s going on in Ukraine.

Will be people who come into this thread and try and play word games or deny the undeniable evidence shown above of the pro Nazi symbols that CNN is giving an interview right in front of.

Long live, the heroic men and women from the Soviet, American and British army that liberated the concentration camps for the diabolical third reich… their memory towers over CNN

God bless the American allies and the American servicemen and veterans of World War III
Folks nowhere in the United States military cemeteries are there flags of the third Reich or their allies. But there are in Ukraine. And it’s time for Ukraine supporters to own it. If they don’t own it, they are openly supporting Nazism and just not talking about it. Which is even more despicable. At least have the integrity to be out front about who they are …..supporters of Hitler and his legacy.

CNN hits an all-time low in their coverage showing that red and black flag. Many people know what it is. Others have no idea they will watch CNN and send more money to Ukraine not even understanding what is going on in that country or the types of people they support.
Must be a bunch of dumb ass idiots in Ukraine. They want more money from America. They fly that despicable pro third reich flag. Representing the flag of people who fought against and killed Americans, and who supported the extermination of Jews in the holocaust.

The whole thing is horribly done by Ukraine. You would think that they would just fly their yellow and blue flags at the cemeteries. What are they doing showing that red and black flag in front of the whole world??? It’s sending a message to people who understand history.. ..
Nazis were Germans of the WWII era last time I checked. Or did some of their blonde, blue-eyed babies survive to grow up in Ukraine?
Ukraine in 2014 was hijacked/stolen by Victoria Nuland and other Zionist Fascists with the backing of the homO Administration. It quickly became a "clearinghouse" of US taxdollars to be kicked back to Hunter Biden and others, likely the McConnell klan too. I do not remember if the US taxpayer was ever asked if we wanted "bio labs" in Ukraine. I doubt we were. Let's put it this way. Suppose Russia opened a dozen "bio labs" on the US-Canada border in Canada. How would we feel? What would we do? As with every other country hijacked by Zionist Fascist Traitors, the US included, the native population is then subjected to endless war and loss of rights, wealth of nation, essentially everything.

Those who support Ukraine are Zionist Fascist Traitors, the ones who were invested in gold, the long bond, oil, and defense stocks on 910.

Every GOP candidate should be asked


And if the answer is anything except YES, IMMEDIATELY!! the candidate should be voted DOWN...

Nazis were Germans of the WWII era last time I checked. Or did some of their blonde, blue-eyed babies survive to grow up in Ukraine?
look up the background of the “Ukraine insurgent army” responsible for the death of hundreds of thousands of Jews during World War II. They flew the very flag that red and black flag you see above in the CNN picture that apparently is popular in Ukraine.

If people want to support that…. that is their choice. I stand with the American men and women of the World War IIera, and against the third reich and their allies.

Something that you should understand that people who even have a basic understanding of history do understand …..is that some people have no idea what Ukraine is. They don’t understand how old of a country it is, or that millions of Ukrainian supported Germany and World War II … they wear a Ukraine flag flag on their shirt or fly a Ukraine flag in their driveway because they’re told to do so by left-wing and neo conservative politicians. They actually don’t know what they’re supporting. These are well-
Meaning people but ironically they are supporting extremist, right wing nationalism.

there are those in this world who do understand this and who admire Hitler that is their choice. Again I stand by America of the 1940s and this great country that we had the greatest country in the world.

This whole coverage by CNN and the Ukraine government purposely showing those Nazi flags takes away from any Ukrainian soldier who does not want to be associated with Hitler. So it’s really a horrific job by the Ukraine government. But obviously there are people in the Ukraine government who support the legacy of Hitler that’s why they’re showing the flag. They ain’t fooling people who understand history.

Ukraine sure can brainwash black lives matter supporters, who also support Ukraine. These are the most hypocritical people in the world. They claimed to denounce white supremacy, but literally are supporting Nazism in Ukraine, whether they know it or not.
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Must be a bunch of dumb ass idiots in Ukraine. They want more money from America. They fly that despicable pro third reich flag. Representing the flag of people who fought against and killed Americans, and who supported the extermination of Jews in the holocaust.

The whole thing is horribly done by Ukraine. You would think that they would just fly their yellow and blue flags at the cemeteries. What are they doing showing that red and black flag in front of the whole world??? It’s sending a message to people who understand history.. ..

They trusted Zionist Fascists, just like Donald Trump did in 2017 with his appointments....
Just going to look up the background of the Ukraine and surgeon army responsible for the death of hundreds of thousands of Jews during World War II. They flew the very flag that red and black flag you see above in the CNN picture.

If people want to support that that is their choice. I stand with the American men and women of the World War IIera, and against the third reich and their allies.

Something that you should understand that people who even have a basic understanding of history do you understand is that some people have absolutely no idea what Ukraine is. They don’t understand how old of a country it is, or that millions of Ukrainian supported Germany and World War II … there are those in this world who do understand this and who admire Hitler that is their choice. Again I stand by America of the 1940s and this great country that we had the greatest country in the world.

This whole coverage by CNN and the Ukraine government purposely showing those Nazi flags takes away from any Ukrainian soldier who does not want to be associated with with Hitler. So it’s really a horrific job by the Ukraine government. But obviously there are people in the Ukraine government who support the legacy of Hitler that’s why they’re showing the flag. They ain’t fooling people who understand history.

Ukraine sure can brainwash black, lives matter supporters, who also support Ukraine. These are the most hypocritical people in the world. They claimed to announce white supremacy, but literally are supporting Nazism in Ukraine, whether they know it or not not.

It is worse and it has been going on for centuries.

The slave trade before 1600 included Ukraine. The Khazarian Mafia is there. Ukraine is now only an "ally" of those who cheered when Israel attacked the USS Liberty.
Trump certainly made a mistake in appointing Bolton


Then the question is DID HE LEARN ANYTHING?

And given he later supported Ronna McRomney and Kevin McCarthy, there is little reason to believe he has...

and if he intends on giving his entire cabinet to Zionist Fascists again, there is no point in voting for him....
Trump certainly made a mistake in appointing Bolton
Treason Runs Wild
What's the Reason?
Treason Wins Only When

Far more important, because it's a matter of life and death, is that Bolton, the sissyboy war-monger, used his Harvard connections to weasel out of the draft and get into the National Guard, whose mission during the Vietnam War was perverted into being a hideout for gutless blowhard flag-wavers who had unAmerican privileges.
Zalinski is a jew. How exactly are they Nazi jews?
One can be a fascist and Jewish, the two are not mutually exclusive.

One should never judge a person based on superficial characteristics. It leads to racism and bigotry, it also short circuits one's critical thinking.

. . . some of it may not even be his fault. It may be the bureaucracy and machinery of the state, which seems to be infiltrated by fascists and spooks from the west. They have been there since the days of the Soviet Union in a "stay behind," gladio operation. . .

The fact is, after the coup of 2014, the national government of Ukraine, had decidedly anti-Russian, ethnic policies, which antagonized them to split with the rest of the nation, AFTER Zelenskyy had ran on a platform of uniting the nation.

The blood of each and every one of those young men is on the hands of Pedo Peter, Blinken, Sullivan, and the rest of those neo-fascist war pig scum.
Primarily I blame Tori Nuland.

Yeah, all of them are at fault. . but none of it would have been possible with out her IMO.

View attachment 905586

Folks, you can see it right there that red and black flag represents the flag of the Ukrainian insurgence army …a Nazi Allied Ukrainian Militia under Stephan Bandera..,

Not only that, but if you look at the video above, there are other pro third reich flags in the video.

To each their own people have a right to hate Jews, and some even want to exterminate them which isn’t their right but that is what they want and they if they could get it they would have it.

To fly the flag of Ukrainian Nazis. Canada has a right to honor of Ukrainian Nazi who sent Jews to their death at extermination camps. I suppose for other people it’s all a big joke, and it means absolutely nothing.

But for Americans who care about the sacrifice of the allies of World War II who liberated the concentration camps… this does matter.

None of us here in America would go see the memorial site somewhere in Arlington or anywhere in the USA where there are fallen soldiers…. where there is a Nazi flag. I’m hoping some supporters of Ukraine, wake up and reject the Ukraine government. They are open supporters of neo- Nazism, and of honoring the legacy of the third right. Folks this isn’t right to be an American and support this.

But you will see that in Ukraine. Again to each their own but people who support Ukraine openly support Nazism there is your white supremacy for you. I’m not going to insult people, but we all know who the supporters of Ukraine are, and what ideology they stand for.

And then there are those who have absolutely no idea why they support Ukraine. They’re told by CNN to waive an Ukraine Flag they have no clue what’s going on in Ukraine.

Will be people who come into this thread and try and play word games or deny the undeniable evidence shown above of the pro Nazi symbols that CNN is giving an interview right in front of.

Long live, the heroic men and women from the Soviet, American and British army that liberated the concentration camps for the diabolical third reich… their memory towers over CNN

God bless the American allies and the American servicemen and veterans of World War III

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