Matt Taibbi: People Need To Know About The Mass Censorship Regime Growing In The U.S.


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Aided an abetted by Dems and RINO's. And Biden has accelerated this bigly.

We are in dangerous waters.

MATT TAIBBI: It was a lot like the journalistic version of the golden ticket in "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory," to look through the secret files of one of the world's biggest corporations.
The first thing we were looking for actually had to do with Miranda's story, and I thought because of a couple of interviews involving Mark Zuckerberg we would maybe find a few emails from the FBI about that one story. We knew that had been suppressed, and ironically we didn't find a whole lot about Miranda's story, but we did find within days a whole galaxy of things that said, "Flagged by FBI," "Flagged by DHS," "Flagged by HHS," "Flagged By Treasury." We realized there was this huge operation that spanned the entire federal government to pressure not just Twitter, but two dozen at least internet companies to suppress different kinds of information.
There's a journalist here who writes for RealClear, Aaron Maté, where the FBI basically passed a request from the Ukrainian Secret Service to take this guy off Twitter. It was a whole long list of spreadsheets full of requests about all these different journalists, and the scale of it was mind-boggling. That is what unites all three of us, we were all caught up in this story of mass censorship that until very recently was hidden. This has to be out in the open more, people need to know more about it.

Matt Taibbi: People Need To Know About The Mass Censorship Regime Growing In The U.S.

The Zuck spend bizillions on a global journalist project , starting somewhere in '17

He literally bought the 1st Amd , and did so globally

this is why>>>>


Matt Taibbi, fellow former Democrat.

Dunno if he'll vote Trump, but he sure as hell ain't votin' Brandon.
Pre-2008, the liberoidals would have shit a barnyard of chickens over this.
They're all for it now that they've swung so far left, they've almost come full circle Odd one

anything that does not fit their narrative , which reeks of totalitarianism


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