Marjorie Taylor Greene Calls for U.S. Withdrawal From NATO

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Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
How much more evidence do the tards need to see that Marjorie Taylor Gazpacho is a traitor and completely in the pocket of Putin?

Greene on Tuesday proposed an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act that would direct President Joe Biden to "withdraw the U.S. from NATO." Biden met with other world leaders at the NATO summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, on the same day, pledging that the U.S. would maintain its "ironclad commitment" to the alliance.
How much more evidence do the tards need to see that Marjorie Taylor Gazpacho is a traitor and completely in the pocket of Putin?

Greene on Tuesday proposed an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act that would direct President Joe Biden to "withdraw the U.S. from NATO." Biden met with other world leaders at the NATO summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, on the same day, pledging that the U.S. would maintain its "ironclad commitment" to the alliance.
She's an emblem for why the confederacy will always be a drag on the nation. This was the best they could send to Congress?
Europeans need to grow up and start defending themselves.
Spoken just like isolationist Charles Lindbergh in the face of a dictator.

God bless her soul for having the intelligence and honesty to state the obvious, that NATO has long ago become nothing more than another leftwing globalist EU money laundering boondoggle scamming the American taxpayer.
Is there ANY hoax you have not fallen for?!?

And I thought money laundering was okay with you. Paul Manafort laundered millions that he made off Putin's puppets and Trump pardoned him!

You people are positively schizophrenic!
How much does Planned Parenthood donate to the DNC?

Why would a taxpayer funded entity be donating to any political party, for that matter?
And this has what to do with NATO?

How much more evidence do the tards need to see that Marjorie Taylor Gazpacho is a traitor and completely in the pocket of Putin?

Greene on Tuesday proposed an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act that would direct President Joe Biden to "withdraw the U.S. from NATO." Biden met with other world leaders at the NATO summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, on the same day, pledging that the U.S. would maintain its "ironclad commitment" to the alliance.
Wait… if we withdraw from NATO who is going to protect us from the Jewish space lasers?
How much more evidence do the tards need to see that Marjorie Taylor Gazpacho is a traitor and completely in the pocket of Putin?

Greene on Tuesday proposed an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act that would direct President Joe Biden to "withdraw the U.S. from NATO." Biden met with other world leaders at the NATO summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, on the same day, pledging that the U.S. would maintain its "ironclad commitment" to the alliance.

The GOP surrender monkeys strike again.

I remember when the GOP used to oppose Russian aggression. I remember when the GOP had a backbone.

What a long, long time ago.
The GOP surrender monkeys strike again.

I remember when the GOP used to oppose Russian aggression. I remember when the GOP had a backbone.

What a long, long time ago.
Check out Warhawk Big Gay Al over here! Tell me, cupcake: How much is Biden opposing Russian aggression right now?

Russian invasions while Trump president=0
Biden president=1
Obama president=1
Check out Warhawk Big Gay Al over here! Tell me, cupcake: How much is Biden opposing Russian aggression right now?

Given all your ilks pearl clutching and relentless panty shitting that Biden is going to start world war 3 by opposing Putin.......quite a bit, apparently.

Meanwhile, you terrified surrender monkeys insist that we should not only abandon Ukraine....but all of NATO.

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