Manhattan to sort kids by race


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ

If this is not child abuse then what is ??

What is next ?? Jews will have to wear the yellow Star
Why has the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies returned to racial segregation? This is no better than the Democrat Woodrow Wilson's segregation of our U.S. Federal system including our military. Wilson was a critical Democrat responsible as seen by his 19th Century contributions to racial segregation.
Whether it's segregation of Blacks , Whites, Asian or Hispanics Democrats haven't changed their racist ways.
It's surely this is opposite of the teachings of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.


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Do the Italian and Jews get their own group

And DeNiro can play both parts ...

What about half Jewish half polish kids, their dads own all the buildings, but do all the plumbing.
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The very bastards that go on about how racist we right wingers are are the same people doing shit like this. How ironic!
The truth comes out once in awhile. And people do not pay attention. Many in the political class are traitors and have their shill broadcasting puppets do the destruction of those they deem not good for the future Socialist Communist state. Too many citizens buy into this.

If this is not child abuse then what is ??

What is next ?? Jews will have to wear the yellow Star
Dont object or Mac1958 will call you a fringe rightwinger who is equally as wrong as the lib educators
Liberal progressive democrats are just pure fucking idoicy.

Forcing race to be an issue is doing nothing but making it be more of an issue. Shit like this is plain wrong no matter how you cut it.

This is the exact opposite of fair and equal.

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