MAGA Repudiates Reagan

And freedom.

For example, from a Trump worshipper.

That is impossible because Reagans MAGA beget Trumps MAGA. Reagan was the original, Trump acknowledged he borrowed the slogan and in my lifetime he lead more closely to Reagans style than anyone after Reagan.
Trump improved on Reagan's style by actually Making America Great.

Trump had a bigger mess to clean up and if he happens to become president again he might set the bar higher, Reagan though, was the end boss of presidents. From substance to image.

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? An alleged right wing poster criticizes Reagan and it becomes a political issue? Lefties must be desperate.
Your argument was that he cleaned up Obama's messes. I proved that there were no messes to clean up.

You lose again.
Wrong. As always. I didn’t say he cleaned up Obumbler’s messes, first of all. And your posts didn’t establish that Trump didn’t clean up Obumbler’s messes, anyway.

Your fail is perpetual.

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