Look to other countries for advice on accepting Muslims from Syria


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
I don't expect libs to learn about refugees from other countries who have dealt with them. After all, liberals still haven't learned the hard truth about socialism and communism after countries have been destroyed in the past.

"The speed from which Europe went from welcoming refugees with arms wide open to outright opposition is unparalleled.

Cologne and the other New Years attacks were a wake-up call that they had bitten off more than they could chew. In Germany, Merkel’s approval plummeted, with 40% wanting her to resign over refugees.

Sweden, which has been the most liberal in accepting refugees, now plans to expel 80,000 of them this year.

Even the mainstream media in some European nations is waking up, as the Daily Caller reports:

A Polish magazine’s latest issue highlights "Islamic rape on Europe" with a cover photo of six dark arms grabbing a woman wearing the European Union’s flag.

The headline on the February cover of "wSieci" reads "ISLAMIC RAPE ON EUROPE," with the sub headline: "Our report: what media and elites in Brussels hides from European Union citizens.""


The cover of the magazine likely infuriates liberals, but it's merely a glimpse of what has actually happened to many women and children at the hands of refugees.
Terrorism threats vs Obama INTENTIONALLY bringing in high education immigrants who are trained by the very people who's jobs they're taking.

We're fucked either way.
The terrorists are succeeding in turning a certain portion of the electorate against Muslim countries with whom the Western powers are aligned--or rather, against the terrorists' enemies. And some fools are proud to play into their hands so....

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