Little Known Facts About General Robert Edward Lee

Some of these I already knew, but some suprised me.
Which ones surprised you?
That he was as opposed to slavery as he was and most of his family was pro-Union.
That is a Lost Cause myth....

When two of his slaves escaped and were recaptured, Lee either beat them himself or ordered the overseer to “lay it on well.” Wesley Norris, one of the slaves who was whipped, recalled that “not satisfied with simply lacerating our naked flesh, Gen. Lee then ordered the overseer to thoroughly wash our backs with brine, which was done.”
Lincoln is based on fiction. In reality he had the gift of a great quip but he was as racist as the next guy and an utterly confused politician who misjudged the confederacy to the point of criminality. Maybe he was distracted by his personal life but he did nothing to try to prevent the bloodshed of the civil war. Grant's alcoholism was well known but downplayed by the media and General Sherman was as crazy as legend says. Sherman, Sheridan and the rest of the Union rapists and pillagers would have been hanged in a just world.
Lincoln was way ahead of his time in opposition to slavery. The Lincoln/Douglas debates were unprecedented
Grants alcoholism was overstated. He was known to drink when he was bored or inactive. While engaging in battle, he was sober
I think Sherman understood the nature of war more than anyone. It was not a noble cause, it was about death and destruction.
LOL. You just exposed yourself as a fool.

Dishonest Abe NEVER opposed slavery. In fact, he offered to ensconce it in the Constitution if the South stopped secession and paid the tariff.

You’d know this if you bothered to read his first inaugural speech.

How many times will it take before you learn?

Was he telling the truth then? Or earlier in his career when he made abolitionist statements?

The Confederacy seemed to think he was telling the truth earlier.
See above post. Learn it. Love it.
Some of these I already knew, but some suprised me.
Which ones surprised you?
That he was as opposed to slavery as he was and most of his family was pro-Union.
That is a Lost Cause myth....

When two of his slaves escaped and were recaptured, Lee either beat them himself or ordered the overseer to “lay it on well.” Wesley Norris, one of the slaves who was whipped, recalled that “not satisfied with simply lacerating our naked flesh, Gen. Lee then ordered the overseer to thoroughly wash our backs with brine, which was done.”
Lincoln is based on fiction. In reality he had the gift of a great quip but he was as racist as the next guy and an utterly confused politician who misjudged the confederacy to the point of criminality. Maybe he was distracted by his personal life but he did nothing to try to prevent the bloodshed of the civil war. Grant's alcoholism was well known but downplayed by the media and General Sherman was as crazy as legend says. Sherman, Sheridan and the rest of the Union rapists and pillagers would have been hanged in a just world.
Lincoln was way ahead of his time in opposition to slavery. The Lincoln/Douglas debates were unprecedented
Grants alcoholism was overstated. He was known to drink when he was bored or inactive. While engaging in battle, he was sober
I think Sherman understood the nature of war more than anyone. It was not a noble cause, it was about death and destruction.
LOL. You just exposed yourself as a fool.

Dishonest Abe NEVER opposed slavery. In fact, he offered to ensconce it in the Constitution if the South stopped secession and paid the tariff.

You’d know this if you bothered to read his first inaugural speech.

How many times will it take before you learn?
View attachment 326924
Amazingly you still can’t spot a lying opportunist at your advanced age, even after I’ve schooled you for ten years.

When a politician has such contradictory statements, yes, at least some of them are lies.

The question is, which ones?
It’s abundantly clear as it applies to Dishonest Abe, but you have to know the history.

I know that the man that made contradictory statements on the issue, was also the guy that just happened to be the one to discover a "reason" to emancipate the slaves...
Lee was a great general, but made a huge mistake. He should have realized he couldn’t win the war fighting pitched battles against a much better equipped and manned opponent. Had he employed gorilla tactics on a bigger scale as Stonewall Jackson had successfully done in his Shenandoah Valley campaigns, Lee likely prolongs the war. Thus causing greater anti-war upheaval in the North and leading to support from European powers.

The European Powers were never going to support the South because most of them had outlawed slavery and saw the South as an embarrassment.
Europe was going to support the south. Thats why lincoln did the EP. To make it seem like the CV was a moral one instead of an economic one.
He duped them and still dupes americans to this day.
People are so ignorant.
So right, but the Lincoln Cult has duped millions. The amazing thing is even after exposing the fraud that is Dishonest Abe, they still cling to their ignorance. Maybe not that amazing...the simple minded are easily fooled over and over again.
Some of these I already knew, but some suprised me.
Which ones surprised you?
That he was as opposed to slavery as he was and most of his family was pro-Union.
That is a Lost Cause myth....

When two of his slaves escaped and were recaptured, Lee either beat them himself or ordered the overseer to “lay it on well.” Wesley Norris, one of the slaves who was whipped, recalled that “not satisfied with simply lacerating our naked flesh, Gen. Lee then ordered the overseer to thoroughly wash our backs with brine, which was done.”
Lincoln is based on fiction. In reality he had the gift of a great quip but he was as racist as the next guy and an utterly confused politician who misjudged the confederacy to the point of criminality. Maybe he was distracted by his personal life but he did nothing to try to prevent the bloodshed of the civil war. Grant's alcoholism was well known but downplayed by the media and General Sherman was as crazy as legend says. Sherman, Sheridan and the rest of the Union rapists and pillagers would have been hanged in a just world.
Lincoln was way ahead of his time in opposition to slavery. The Lincoln/Douglas debates were unprecedented
Grants alcoholism was overstated. He was known to drink when he was bored or inactive. While engaging in battle, he was sober
I think Sherman understood the nature of war more than anyone. It was not a noble cause, it was about death and destruction.
LOL. You just exposed yourself as a fool.

Dishonest Abe NEVER opposed slavery. In fact, he offered to ensconce it in the Constitution if the South stopped secession and paid the tariff.

You’d know this if you bothered to read his first inaugural speech.

How many times will it take before you learn?

Was he telling the truth then? Or earlier in his career when he made abolitionist statements?

The Confederacy seemed to think he was telling the truth earlier.
See above post. Learn it. Love it.
Some of these I already knew, but some suprised me.
Which ones surprised you?
That he was as opposed to slavery as he was and most of his family was pro-Union.
That is a Lost Cause myth....

When two of his slaves escaped and were recaptured, Lee either beat them himself or ordered the overseer to “lay it on well.” Wesley Norris, one of the slaves who was whipped, recalled that “not satisfied with simply lacerating our naked flesh, Gen. Lee then ordered the overseer to thoroughly wash our backs with brine, which was done.”
Lincoln is based on fiction. In reality he had the gift of a great quip but he was as racist as the next guy and an utterly confused politician who misjudged the confederacy to the point of criminality. Maybe he was distracted by his personal life but he did nothing to try to prevent the bloodshed of the civil war. Grant's alcoholism was well known but downplayed by the media and General Sherman was as crazy as legend says. Sherman, Sheridan and the rest of the Union rapists and pillagers would have been hanged in a just world.
Lincoln was way ahead of his time in opposition to slavery. The Lincoln/Douglas debates were unprecedented
Grants alcoholism was overstated. He was known to drink when he was bored or inactive. While engaging in battle, he was sober
I think Sherman understood the nature of war more than anyone. It was not a noble cause, it was about death and destruction.
LOL. You just exposed yourself as a fool.

Dishonest Abe NEVER opposed slavery. In fact, he offered to ensconce it in the Constitution if the South stopped secession and paid the tariff.

You’d know this if you bothered to read his first inaugural speech.

How many times will it take before you learn?
View attachment 326924
Amazingly you still can’t spot a lying opportunist at your advanced age, even after I’ve schooled you for ten years.

When a politician has such contradictory statements, yes, at least some of them are lies.

The question is, which ones?
It’s abundantly clear as it applies to Dishonest Abe, but you have to know the history.

I know that the man that made contradictory statements on the issue, was also the guy that just happened to be the one to discover a "reason" to emancipate the slaves...
LOL. You are terribly uninformed.

Why did the a Emancipation Proclamation only free slaves in states controlled by the South?

Please stop. I’m laughing so hard I fear a heart attack.
Some of these I already knew, but some suprised me.
Which ones surprised you?
That he was as opposed to slavery as he was and most of his family was pro-Union.
That is a Lost Cause myth....

When two of his slaves escaped and were recaptured, Lee either beat them himself or ordered the overseer to “lay it on well.” Wesley Norris, one of the slaves who was whipped, recalled that “not satisfied with simply lacerating our naked flesh, Gen. Lee then ordered the overseer to thoroughly wash our backs with brine, which was done.”
Lincoln is based on fiction. In reality he had the gift of a great quip but he was as racist as the next guy and an utterly confused politician who misjudged the confederacy to the point of criminality. Maybe he was distracted by his personal life but he did nothing to try to prevent the bloodshed of the civil war. Grant's alcoholism was well known but downplayed by the media and General Sherman was as crazy as legend says. Sherman, Sheridan and the rest of the Union rapists and pillagers would have been hanged in a just world.
Lincoln was way ahead of his time in opposition to slavery. The Lincoln/Douglas debates were unprecedented
Grants alcoholism was overstated. He was known to drink when he was bored or inactive. While engaging in battle, he was sober
I think Sherman understood the nature of war more than anyone. It was not a noble cause, it was about death and destruction.
LOL. You just exposed yourself as a fool.

Dishonest Abe NEVER opposed slavery. In fact, he offered to ensconce it in the Constitution if the South stopped secession and paid the tariff.

You’d know this if you bothered to read his first inaugural speech.

How many times will it take before you learn?
View attachment 326924
Amazingly you still can’t spot a lying opportunist at your advanced age, even after I’ve schooled you for ten years.
You are going all goofy on us

The South seceded precisely because of Lincoln’s stated views on slavery. The election of Lincoln threw the South into a panic and they elected to secede and form a slave state rather than see what Lincoln may do about the slave issue
You are confusing things. Let’s not debate why the South seceded. That is an entirely different issue

The debate is did Dishonest Abe REALLY oppose slavery. Clearly he did not.

Guess what gramps, Trump isn’t the first politician to lie all the time.
You are still going all goofy on us.

Lincoln’s position on abolition was well established. He had opposed the institution for over a decade. Lincoln was the most abolitionist of any major candidate of that era.
So much so, the southern states seceded rather than be ruled by him

True. On the other hand, wouldn't be the first politician, that, once in office, didn't pursue a campaign promise that would be hard, AND he did talk a lot of shit about NOT being against slavery, when he was trying to avoid secession.
Some of these I already knew, but some suprised me.
Which ones surprised you?
That he was as opposed to slavery as he was and most of his family was pro-Union.
That is a Lost Cause myth....

When two of his slaves escaped and were recaptured, Lee either beat them himself or ordered the overseer to “lay it on well.” Wesley Norris, one of the slaves who was whipped, recalled that “not satisfied with simply lacerating our naked flesh, Gen. Lee then ordered the overseer to thoroughly wash our backs with brine, which was done.”
Lincoln is based on fiction. In reality he had the gift of a great quip but he was as racist as the next guy and an utterly confused politician who misjudged the confederacy to the point of criminality. Maybe he was distracted by his personal life but he did nothing to try to prevent the bloodshed of the civil war. Grant's alcoholism was well known but downplayed by the media and General Sherman was as crazy as legend says. Sherman, Sheridan and the rest of the Union rapists and pillagers would have been hanged in a just world.
Lincoln was way ahead of his time in opposition to slavery. The Lincoln/Douglas debates were unprecedented
Grants alcoholism was overstated. He was known to drink when he was bored or inactive. While engaging in battle, he was sober
I think Sherman understood the nature of war more than anyone. It was not a noble cause, it was about death and destruction.
LOL. You just exposed yourself as a fool.

Dishonest Abe NEVER opposed slavery. In fact, he offered to ensconce it in the Constitution if the South stopped secession and paid the tariff.

You’d know this if you bothered to read his first inaugural speech.

How many times will it take before you learn?
View attachment 326924
Amazingly you still can’t spot a lying opportunist at your advanced age, even after I’ve schooled you for ten years.
You are going all goofy on us

The South seceded precisely because of Lincoln’s stated views on slavery. The election of Lincoln threw the South into a panic and they elected to secede and form a slave state rather than see what Lincoln may do about the slave issue
You are confusing things. Let’s not debate why the South seceded. That is an entirely different issue

The debate is did Dishonest Abe REALLY oppose slavery. Clearly he did not.

Guess what gramps, Trump isn’t the first politician to lie all the time.
Obviously he didn't. He even supported an amendment that would make it inpossible for the fed gov to ever get rid of slavery.
Americans are too lazy to read.
Some of these I already knew, but some suprised me.
Which ones surprised you?
That he was as opposed to slavery as he was and most of his family was pro-Union.
That is a Lost Cause myth....

When two of his slaves escaped and were recaptured, Lee either beat them himself or ordered the overseer to “lay it on well.” Wesley Norris, one of the slaves who was whipped, recalled that “not satisfied with simply lacerating our naked flesh, Gen. Lee then ordered the overseer to thoroughly wash our backs with brine, which was done.”
Lincoln is based on fiction. In reality he had the gift of a great quip but he was as racist as the next guy and an utterly confused politician who misjudged the confederacy to the point of criminality. Maybe he was distracted by his personal life but he did nothing to try to prevent the bloodshed of the civil war. Grant's alcoholism was well known but downplayed by the media and General Sherman was as crazy as legend says. Sherman, Sheridan and the rest of the Union rapists and pillagers would have been hanged in a just world.
Lincoln was way ahead of his time in opposition to slavery. The Lincoln/Douglas debates were unprecedented
Grants alcoholism was overstated. He was known to drink when he was bored or inactive. While engaging in battle, he was sober
I think Sherman understood the nature of war more than anyone. It was not a noble cause, it was about death and destruction.
LOL. You just exposed yourself as a fool.

Dishonest Abe NEVER opposed slavery. In fact, he offered to ensconce it in the Constitution if the South stopped secession and paid the tariff.

You’d know this if you bothered to read his first inaugural speech.

How many times will it take before you learn?
View attachment 326924
Amazingly you still can’t spot a lying opportunist at your advanced age, even after I’ve schooled you for ten years.
You are going all goofy on us

The South seceded precisely because of Lincoln’s stated views on slavery. The election of Lincoln threw the South into a panic and they elected to secede and form a slave state rather than see what Lincoln may do about the slave issue
You are confusing things. Let’s not debate why the South seceded. That is an entirely different issue

The debate is did Dishonest Abe REALLY oppose slavery. Clearly he did not.

Guess what gramps, Trump isn’t the first politician to lie all the time.
Obviously he didn't. He even supported an amendment that would make it inpossible for the fed gov to ever get rid of slavery.
Americans are too lazy to read.
Exactly. As I stated above, he was willing to protect slavery FOREVER, if the South didn’t secede and honored the tariff. He made this abundantly clear in his first inaugural.

But alas, the Lincoln Cultist is a true believer. So facts don’t move them.
Lincoln, the worst tyrant in american history.
Got 600k americans killed because he didnt want secession and disrupt the economy. Shit all over the bill of rights because he didnt want secession. Sent Sherman to rape murder and pillage because he didnt want sympathizers.
Wish booth would have acted sooner. He is still an american hero though.
Some of these I already knew, but some suprised me.
Which ones surprised you?
That he was as opposed to slavery as he was and most of his family was pro-Union.
That is a Lost Cause myth....

When two of his slaves escaped and were recaptured, Lee either beat them himself or ordered the overseer to “lay it on well.” Wesley Norris, one of the slaves who was whipped, recalled that “not satisfied with simply lacerating our naked flesh, Gen. Lee then ordered the overseer to thoroughly wash our backs with brine, which was done.”
Lincoln is based on fiction. In reality he had the gift of a great quip but he was as racist as the next guy and an utterly confused politician who misjudged the confederacy to the point of criminality. Maybe he was distracted by his personal life but he did nothing to try to prevent the bloodshed of the civil war. Grant's alcoholism was well known but downplayed by the media and General Sherman was as crazy as legend says. Sherman, Sheridan and the rest of the Union rapists and pillagers would have been hanged in a just world.
Lincoln was way ahead of his time in opposition to slavery. The Lincoln/Douglas debates were unprecedented
Grants alcoholism was overstated. He was known to drink when he was bored or inactive. While engaging in battle, he was sober
I think Sherman understood the nature of war more than anyone. It was not a noble cause, it was about death and destruction.
LOL. You just exposed yourself as a fool.

Dishonest Abe NEVER opposed slavery. In fact, he offered to ensconce it in the Constitution if the South stopped secession and paid the tariff.

You’d know this if you bothered to read his first inaugural speech.

How many times will it take before you learn?
View attachment 326924
Amazingly you still can’t spot a lying opportunist at your advanced age, even after I’ve schooled you for ten years.
You are going all goofy on us

The South seceded precisely because of Lincoln’s stated views on slavery. The election of Lincoln threw the South into a panic and they elected to secede and form a slave state rather than see what Lincoln may do about the slave issue
You are confusing things. Let’s not debate why the South seceded. That is an entirely different issue

The debate is did Dishonest Abe REALLY oppose slavery. Clearly he did not.

Guess what gramps, Trump isn’t the first politician to lie all the time.
You are still going all goofy on us.

Lincoln’s position on abolition was well established. He had opposed the institution for over a decade. Lincoln was the most abolitionist of any major candidate of that era.
So much so, the southern states seceded rather than be ruled by him

Please get past your second grade government school textbook.

Of major political candidates of the era, Lincoln had the strongest views against the institution of slavery
Some of these I already knew, but some suprised me.
Which ones surprised you?
That he was as opposed to slavery as he was and most of his family was pro-Union.
That is a Lost Cause myth....

When two of his slaves escaped and were recaptured, Lee either beat them himself or ordered the overseer to “lay it on well.” Wesley Norris, one of the slaves who was whipped, recalled that “not satisfied with simply lacerating our naked flesh, Gen. Lee then ordered the overseer to thoroughly wash our backs with brine, which was done.”
Lincoln is based on fiction. In reality he had the gift of a great quip but he was as racist as the next guy and an utterly confused politician who misjudged the confederacy to the point of criminality. Maybe he was distracted by his personal life but he did nothing to try to prevent the bloodshed of the civil war. Grant's alcoholism was well known but downplayed by the media and General Sherman was as crazy as legend says. Sherman, Sheridan and the rest of the Union rapists and pillagers would have been hanged in a just world.
Lincoln was way ahead of his time in opposition to slavery. The Lincoln/Douglas debates were unprecedented
Grants alcoholism was overstated. He was known to drink when he was bored or inactive. While engaging in battle, he was sober
I think Sherman understood the nature of war more than anyone. It was not a noble cause, it was about death and destruction.
LOL. You just exposed yourself as a fool.

Dishonest Abe NEVER opposed slavery. In fact, he offered to ensconce it in the Constitution if the South stopped secession and paid the tariff.

You’d know this if you bothered to read his first inaugural speech.

How many times will it take before you learn?
View attachment 326924
Amazingly you still can’t spot a lying opportunist at your advanced age, even after I’ve schooled you for ten years.
You are going all goofy on us

The South seceded precisely because of Lincoln’s stated views on slavery. The election of Lincoln threw the South into a panic and they elected to secede and form a slave state rather than see what Lincoln may do about the slave issue
You are confusing things. Let’s not debate why the South seceded. That is an entirely different issue

The debate is did Dishonest Abe REALLY oppose slavery. Clearly he did not.

Guess what gramps, Trump isn’t the first politician to lie all the time.
You are still going all goofy on us.

Lincoln’s position on abolition was well established. He had opposed the institution for over a decade. Lincoln was the most abolitionist of any major candidate of that era.
So much so, the southern states seceded rather than be ruled by him

Please get past your second grade government school textbook.

Of major political candidates of the era, Lincoln had the strongest views against the institution of slavery
Yes, supporting a cobstitutional amendment that made it impossible to outlaw slavery is strong views against slavery.
Some of these I already knew, but some suprised me.
Which ones surprised you?
That he was as opposed to slavery as he was and most of his family was pro-Union.
That is a Lost Cause myth....

When two of his slaves escaped and were recaptured, Lee either beat them himself or ordered the overseer to “lay it on well.” Wesley Norris, one of the slaves who was whipped, recalled that “not satisfied with simply lacerating our naked flesh, Gen. Lee then ordered the overseer to thoroughly wash our backs with brine, which was done.”
Lincoln is based on fiction. In reality he had the gift of a great quip but he was as racist as the next guy and an utterly confused politician who misjudged the confederacy to the point of criminality. Maybe he was distracted by his personal life but he did nothing to try to prevent the bloodshed of the civil war. Grant's alcoholism was well known but downplayed by the media and General Sherman was as crazy as legend says. Sherman, Sheridan and the rest of the Union rapists and pillagers would have been hanged in a just world.
Lincoln was way ahead of his time in opposition to slavery. The Lincoln/Douglas debates were unprecedented
Grants alcoholism was overstated. He was known to drink when he was bored or inactive. While engaging in battle, he was sober
I think Sherman understood the nature of war more than anyone. It was not a noble cause, it was about death and destruction.
LOL. You just exposed yourself as a fool.

Dishonest Abe NEVER opposed slavery. In fact, he offered to ensconce it in the Constitution if the South stopped secession and paid the tariff.

You’d know this if you bothered to read his first inaugural speech.

How many times will it take before you learn?

Was he telling the truth then? Or earlier in his career when he made abolitionist statements?

The Confederacy seemed to think he was telling the truth earlier.
See above post. Learn it. Love it.
Some of these I already knew, but some suprised me.
Which ones surprised you?
That he was as opposed to slavery as he was and most of his family was pro-Union.
That is a Lost Cause myth....

When two of his slaves escaped and were recaptured, Lee either beat them himself or ordered the overseer to “lay it on well.” Wesley Norris, one of the slaves who was whipped, recalled that “not satisfied with simply lacerating our naked flesh, Gen. Lee then ordered the overseer to thoroughly wash our backs with brine, which was done.”
Lincoln is based on fiction. In reality he had the gift of a great quip but he was as racist as the next guy and an utterly confused politician who misjudged the confederacy to the point of criminality. Maybe he was distracted by his personal life but he did nothing to try to prevent the bloodshed of the civil war. Grant's alcoholism was well known but downplayed by the media and General Sherman was as crazy as legend says. Sherman, Sheridan and the rest of the Union rapists and pillagers would have been hanged in a just world.
Lincoln was way ahead of his time in opposition to slavery. The Lincoln/Douglas debates were unprecedented
Grants alcoholism was overstated. He was known to drink when he was bored or inactive. While engaging in battle, he was sober
I think Sherman understood the nature of war more than anyone. It was not a noble cause, it was about death and destruction.
LOL. You just exposed yourself as a fool.

Dishonest Abe NEVER opposed slavery. In fact, he offered to ensconce it in the Constitution if the South stopped secession and paid the tariff.

You’d know this if you bothered to read his first inaugural speech.

How many times will it take before you learn?
View attachment 326924
Amazingly you still can’t spot a lying opportunist at your advanced age, even after I’ve schooled you for ten years.

When a politician has such contradictory statements, yes, at least some of them are lies.

The question is, which ones?
It’s abundantly clear as it applies to Dishonest Abe, but you have to know the history.

I know that the man that made contradictory statements on the issue, was also the guy that just happened to be the one to discover a "reason" to emancipate the slaves...
LOL. You are terribly uninformed.

Why did the a Emancipation Proclamation only free slaves in states controlled by the South?

Please stop. I’m laughing so hard I fear a heart attack.

I assume mostly to avoid political pushback from people still involved in internal US politics, thought there could have been legal implications in restricting property rights of people NOT in rebellion.

But it should be obvious that, if the South was Free, that the slavery would not survive anywhere else, for very long.
Some of these I already knew, but some suprised me.
Which ones surprised you?
That he was as opposed to slavery as he was and most of his family was pro-Union.
That is a Lost Cause myth....

When two of his slaves escaped and were recaptured, Lee either beat them himself or ordered the overseer to “lay it on well.” Wesley Norris, one of the slaves who was whipped, recalled that “not satisfied with simply lacerating our naked flesh, Gen. Lee then ordered the overseer to thoroughly wash our backs with brine, which was done.”
Lincoln is based on fiction. In reality he had the gift of a great quip but he was as racist as the next guy and an utterly confused politician who misjudged the confederacy to the point of criminality. Maybe he was distracted by his personal life but he did nothing to try to prevent the bloodshed of the civil war. Grant's alcoholism was well known but downplayed by the media and General Sherman was as crazy as legend says. Sherman, Sheridan and the rest of the Union rapists and pillagers would have been hanged in a just world.
Lincoln was way ahead of his time in opposition to slavery. The Lincoln/Douglas debates were unprecedented
Grants alcoholism was overstated. He was known to drink when he was bored or inactive. While engaging in battle, he was sober
I think Sherman understood the nature of war more than anyone. It was not a noble cause, it was about death and destruction.
LOL. You just exposed yourself as a fool.

Dishonest Abe NEVER opposed slavery. In fact, he offered to ensconce it in the Constitution if the South stopped secession and paid the tariff.

You’d know this if you bothered to read his first inaugural speech.

How many times will it take before you learn?
View attachment 326924
Amazingly you still can’t spot a lying opportunist at your advanced age, even after I’ve schooled you for ten years.
You are going all goofy on us

The South seceded precisely because of Lincoln’s stated views on slavery. The election of Lincoln threw the South into a panic and they elected to secede and form a slave state rather than see what Lincoln may do about the slave issue
You are confusing things. Let’s not debate why the South seceded. That is an entirely different issue

The debate is did Dishonest Abe REALLY oppose slavery. Clearly he did not.

Guess what gramps, Trump isn’t the first politician to lie all the time.
You are still going all goofy on us.

Lincoln’s position on abolition was well established. He had opposed the institution for over a decade. Lincoln was the most abolitionist of any major candidate of that era.
So much so, the southern states seceded rather than be ruled by him

Please get past your second grade government school textbook.

Of major political candidates of the era, Lincoln had the strongest views against the institution of slavery

The stated policy of the Republicans, during the campaign, was only to stop the spread of slavery into new states.

An obvious long term plan to eliminate slavery, but not one of immediate abolition.
Some of these I already knew, but some suprised me.
Which ones surprised you?
That he was as opposed to slavery as he was and most of his family was pro-Union.
That is a Lost Cause myth....

When two of his slaves escaped and were recaptured, Lee either beat them himself or ordered the overseer to “lay it on well.” Wesley Norris, one of the slaves who was whipped, recalled that “not satisfied with simply lacerating our naked flesh, Gen. Lee then ordered the overseer to thoroughly wash our backs with brine, which was done.”
Lincoln is based on fiction. In reality he had the gift of a great quip but he was as racist as the next guy and an utterly confused politician who misjudged the confederacy to the point of criminality. Maybe he was distracted by his personal life but he did nothing to try to prevent the bloodshed of the civil war. Grant's alcoholism was well known but downplayed by the media and General Sherman was as crazy as legend says. Sherman, Sheridan and the rest of the Union rapists and pillagers would have been hanged in a just world.
Lincoln was way ahead of his time in opposition to slavery. The Lincoln/Douglas debates were unprecedented
Grants alcoholism was overstated. He was known to drink when he was bored or inactive. While engaging in battle, he was sober
I think Sherman understood the nature of war more than anyone. It was not a noble cause, it was about death and destruction.
LOL. You just exposed yourself as a fool.

Dishonest Abe NEVER opposed slavery. In fact, he offered to ensconce it in the Constitution if the South stopped secession and paid the tariff.

You’d know this if you bothered to read his first inaugural speech.

How many times will it take before you learn?
View attachment 326924
Amazingly you still can’t spot a lying opportunist at your advanced age, even after I’ve schooled you for ten years.
You are going all goofy on us

The South seceded precisely because of Lincoln’s stated views on slavery. The election of Lincoln threw the South into a panic and they elected to secede and form a slave state rather than see what Lincoln may do about the slave issue
You are confusing things. Let’s not debate why the South seceded. That is an entirely different issue

The debate is did Dishonest Abe REALLY oppose slavery. Clearly he did not.

Guess what gramps, Trump isn’t the first politician to lie all the time.
You are still going all goofy on us.

Lincoln’s position on abolition was well established. He had opposed the institution for over a decade. Lincoln was the most abolitionist of any major candidate of that era.
So much so, the southern states seceded rather than be ruled by him

True. On the other hand, wouldn't be the first politician, that, once in office, didn't pursue a campaign promise that would be hard, AND he did talk a lot of shit about NOT being against slavery, when he was trying to avoid secession.
Once Lincoln assumed office, his priority was to do whatever necessary to preserve the Union, resolving slavery was secondary.

But once the war was underway and it was clear that the North would win, Lincoln made passing the 13th amendment a priority and acceptance a requirement for Southern States rejoining the union
Some of these I already knew, but some suprised me.
Which ones surprised you?
That he was as opposed to slavery as he was and most of his family was pro-Union.
That is a Lost Cause myth....

When two of his slaves escaped and were recaptured, Lee either beat them himself or ordered the overseer to “lay it on well.” Wesley Norris, one of the slaves who was whipped, recalled that “not satisfied with simply lacerating our naked flesh, Gen. Lee then ordered the overseer to thoroughly wash our backs with brine, which was done.”
Lincoln is based on fiction. In reality he had the gift of a great quip but he was as racist as the next guy and an utterly confused politician who misjudged the confederacy to the point of criminality. Maybe he was distracted by his personal life but he did nothing to try to prevent the bloodshed of the civil war. Grant's alcoholism was well known but downplayed by the media and General Sherman was as crazy as legend says. Sherman, Sheridan and the rest of the Union rapists and pillagers would have been hanged in a just world.
Lincoln was way ahead of his time in opposition to slavery. The Lincoln/Douglas debates were unprecedented
Grants alcoholism was overstated. He was known to drink when he was bored or inactive. While engaging in battle, he was sober
I think Sherman understood the nature of war more than anyone. It was not a noble cause, it was about death and destruction.
LOL. You just exposed yourself as a fool.

Dishonest Abe NEVER opposed slavery. In fact, he offered to ensconce it in the Constitution if the South stopped secession and paid the tariff.

You’d know this if you bothered to read his first inaugural speech.

How many times will it take before you learn?
View attachment 326924
Amazingly you still can’t spot a lying opportunist at your advanced age, even after I’ve schooled you for ten years.
You are going all goofy on us

The South seceded precisely because of Lincoln’s stated views on slavery. The election of Lincoln threw the South into a panic and they elected to secede and form a slave state rather than see what Lincoln may do about the slave issue
You are confusing things. Let’s not debate why the South seceded. That is an entirely different issue

The debate is did Dishonest Abe REALLY oppose slavery. Clearly he did not.

Guess what gramps, Trump isn’t the first politician to lie all the time.
Obviously he didn't. He even supported an amendment that would make it inpossible for the fed gov to ever get rid of slavery.
Americans are too lazy to read.
Exactly. As I stated above, he was willing to protect slavery FOREVER, if the South didn’t secede and honored the tariff. He made this abundantly clear in his first inaugural.

But alas, the Lincoln Cultist is a true believer. So facts don’t move them.
Wrong again in your revisionist history.
The south had already seceded before Lincoln took office
Some of these I already knew, but some suprised me.
Which ones surprised you?
That he was as opposed to slavery as he was and most of his family was pro-Union.
That is a Lost Cause myth....

When two of his slaves escaped and were recaptured, Lee either beat them himself or ordered the overseer to “lay it on well.” Wesley Norris, one of the slaves who was whipped, recalled that “not satisfied with simply lacerating our naked flesh, Gen. Lee then ordered the overseer to thoroughly wash our backs with brine, which was done.”
Lincoln is based on fiction. In reality he had the gift of a great quip but he was as racist as the next guy and an utterly confused politician who misjudged the confederacy to the point of criminality. Maybe he was distracted by his personal life but he did nothing to try to prevent the bloodshed of the civil war. Grant's alcoholism was well known but downplayed by the media and General Sherman was as crazy as legend says. Sherman, Sheridan and the rest of the Union rapists and pillagers would have been hanged in a just world.
Lincoln was way ahead of his time in opposition to slavery. The Lincoln/Douglas debates were unprecedented
Grants alcoholism was overstated. He was known to drink when he was bored or inactive. While engaging in battle, he was sober
I think Sherman understood the nature of war more than anyone. It was not a noble cause, it was about death and destruction.
LOL. You just exposed yourself as a fool.

Dishonest Abe NEVER opposed slavery. In fact, he offered to ensconce it in the Constitution if the South stopped secession and paid the tariff.

You’d know this if you bothered to read his first inaugural speech.

How many times will it take before you learn?
View attachment 326924
Nobody disagreed with that most free blacks fight for the confederacy
Some of these I already knew, but some suprised me.
Which ones surprised you?
That he was as opposed to slavery as he was and most of his family was pro-Union.
That is a Lost Cause myth....

When two of his slaves escaped and were recaptured, Lee either beat them himself or ordered the overseer to “lay it on well.” Wesley Norris, one of the slaves who was whipped, recalled that “not satisfied with simply lacerating our naked flesh, Gen. Lee then ordered the overseer to thoroughly wash our backs with brine, which was done.”
Lincoln is based on fiction. In reality he had the gift of a great quip but he was as racist as the next guy and an utterly confused politician who misjudged the confederacy to the point of criminality. Maybe he was distracted by his personal life but he did nothing to try to prevent the bloodshed of the civil war. Grant's alcoholism was well known but downplayed by the media and General Sherman was as crazy as legend says. Sherman, Sheridan and the rest of the Union rapists and pillagers would have been hanged in a just world.
Lincoln was way ahead of his time in opposition to slavery. The Lincoln/Douglas debates were unprecedented
Grants alcoholism was overstated. He was known to drink when he was bored or inactive. While engaging in battle, he was sober
I think Sherman understood the nature of war more than anyone. It was not a noble cause, it was about death and destruction.
LOL. You just exposed yourself as a fool.

Dishonest Abe NEVER opposed slavery. In fact, he offered to ensconce it in the Constitution if the South stopped secession and paid the tariff.

You’d know this if you bothered to read his first inaugural speech.

How many times will it take before you learn?
View attachment 326924
Amazingly you still can’t spot a lying opportunist at your advanced age, even after I’ve schooled you for ten years.
You are going all goofy on us

The South seceded precisely because of Lincoln’s stated views on slavery. The election of Lincoln threw the South into a panic and they elected to secede and form a slave state rather than see what Lincoln may do about the slave issue
You are confusing things. Let’s not debate why the South seceded. That is an entirely different issue

The debate is did Dishonest Abe REALLY oppose slavery. Clearly he did not.

Guess what gramps, Trump isn’t the first politician to lie all the time.
Obviously he didn't. He even supported an amendment that would make it inpossible for the fed gov to ever get rid of slavery.
Americans are too lazy to read.
Exactly. As I stated above, he was willing to protect slavery FOREVER, if the South didn’t secede and honored the tariff. He made this abundantly clear in his first inaugural.

But alas, the Lincoln Cultist is a true believer. So facts don’t move them.
Wrong again in your revisionist history.
The south had already seceded before Lincoln took office
He was elected. Read his speech.
Good fucking gawd
Some of these I already knew, but some suprised me.
Which ones surprised you?
That he was as opposed to slavery as he was and most of his family was pro-Union.
That is a Lost Cause myth....

When two of his slaves escaped and were recaptured, Lee either beat them himself or ordered the overseer to “lay it on well.” Wesley Norris, one of the slaves who was whipped, recalled that “not satisfied with simply lacerating our naked flesh, Gen. Lee then ordered the overseer to thoroughly wash our backs with brine, which was done.”
Lincoln is based on fiction. In reality he had the gift of a great quip but he was as racist as the next guy and an utterly confused politician who misjudged the confederacy to the point of criminality. Maybe he was distracted by his personal life but he did nothing to try to prevent the bloodshed of the civil war. Grant's alcoholism was well known but downplayed by the media and General Sherman was as crazy as legend says. Sherman, Sheridan and the rest of the Union rapists and pillagers would have been hanged in a just world.
Lincoln was way ahead of his time in opposition to slavery. The Lincoln/Douglas debates were unprecedented
Grants alcoholism was overstated. He was known to drink when he was bored or inactive. While engaging in battle, he was sober
I think Sherman understood the nature of war more than anyone. It was not a noble cause, it was about death and destruction.
LOL. You just exposed yourself as a fool.

Dishonest Abe NEVER opposed slavery. In fact, he offered to ensconce it in the Constitution if the South stopped secession and paid the tariff.

You’d know this if you bothered to read his first inaugural speech.

How many times will it take before you learn?
View attachment 326924
Amazingly you still can’t spot a lying opportunist at your advanced age, even after I’ve schooled you for ten years.
You are going all goofy on us

The South seceded precisely because of Lincoln’s stated views on slavery. The election of Lincoln threw the South into a panic and they elected to secede and form a slave state rather than see what Lincoln may do about the slave issue
You are confusing things. Let’s not debate why the South seceded. That is an entirely different issue

The debate is did Dishonest Abe REALLY oppose slavery. Clearly he did not.

Guess what gramps, Trump isn’t the first politician to lie all the time.
You are still going all goofy on us.

Lincoln’s position on abolition was well established. He had opposed the institution for over a decade. Lincoln was the most abolitionist of any major candidate of that era.
So much so, the southern states seceded rather than be ruled by him

True. On the other hand, wouldn't be the first politician, that, once in office, didn't pursue a campaign promise that would be hard, AND he did talk a lot of shit about NOT being against slavery, when he was trying to avoid secession.
Once Lincoln assumed office, his priority was to do whatever necessary to preserve the Union, resolving slavery was secondary.

But once the war was underway and it was clear that the North would win, Lincoln made passing the 13th amendment a priority and acceptance a requirement for Southern States rejoining the union

The GOP platform of no new slave states, was an obvious long term strategy to end slavery.

Lincoln's attempts at diplomacy with the South, was an obvious attempt to get them to not take action, so that time would quickly undermine their already weak position.

That is not "secondary" that is just wanting to reduce the cost of achieving the goal, ie abolition.

And "long term" might not have been all that long. States were being added pretty quick back then.
Some of these I already knew, but some suprised me.
Which ones surprised you?
That he was as opposed to slavery as he was and most of his family was pro-Union.
That is a Lost Cause myth....

When two of his slaves escaped and were recaptured, Lee either beat them himself or ordered the overseer to “lay it on well.” Wesley Norris, one of the slaves who was whipped, recalled that “not satisfied with simply lacerating our naked flesh, Gen. Lee then ordered the overseer to thoroughly wash our backs with brine, which was done.”
Lincoln is based on fiction. In reality he had the gift of a great quip but he was as racist as the next guy and an utterly confused politician who misjudged the confederacy to the point of criminality. Maybe he was distracted by his personal life but he did nothing to try to prevent the bloodshed of the civil war. Grant's alcoholism was well known but downplayed by the media and General Sherman was as crazy as legend says. Sherman, Sheridan and the rest of the Union rapists and pillagers would have been hanged in a just world.
Lincoln was way ahead of his time in opposition to slavery. The Lincoln/Douglas debates were unprecedented
Grants alcoholism was overstated. He was known to drink when he was bored or inactive. While engaging in battle, he was sober
I think Sherman understood the nature of war more than anyone. It was not a noble cause, it was about death and destruction.
LOL. You just exposed yourself as a fool.

Dishonest Abe NEVER opposed slavery. In fact, he offered to ensconce it in the Constitution if the South stopped secession and paid the tariff.

You’d know this if you bothered to read his first inaugural speech.

How many times will it take before you learn?
View attachment 326924
Amazingly you still can’t spot a lying opportunist at your advanced age, even after I’ve schooled you for ten years.
You are going all goofy on us

The South seceded precisely because of Lincoln’s stated views on slavery. The election of Lincoln threw the South into a panic and they elected to secede and form a slave state rather than see what Lincoln may do about the slave issue
You are confusing things. Let’s not debate why the South seceded. That is an entirely different issue

The debate is did Dishonest Abe REALLY oppose slavery. Clearly he did not.

Guess what gramps, Trump isn’t the first politician to lie all the time.
You are still going all goofy on us.

Lincoln’s position on abolition was well established. He had opposed the institution for over a decade. Lincoln was the most abolitionist of any major candidate of that era.
So much so, the southern states seceded rather than be ruled by him

True. On the other hand, wouldn't be the first politician, that, once in office, didn't pursue a campaign promise that would be hard, AND he did talk a lot of shit about NOT being against slavery, when he was trying to avoid secession.
Once Lincoln assumed office, his priority was to do whatever necessary to preserve the Union, resolving slavery was secondary.

But once the war was underway and it was clear that the North would win, Lincoln made passing the 13th amendment a priority and acceptance a requirement for Southern States rejoining the union

The GOP platform of no new slave states, was an obvious long term strategy to end slavery.

Lincoln's attempts at diplomacy with the South, was an obvious attempt to get them to not take action, so that time would quickly undermine their already weak position.

That is not "secondary" that is just wanting to reduce the cost of achieving the goal, ie abolition.

And "long term" might not have been all that long. States were being added pretty quick back then.
Lincoln’s personal opposition to slavery was long established in both his public speeches and private correspondence

Politically, he was pragmatic. He had no expectations that he could end slavery with the stroke of the pen. Lincoln favored a process of gradual emancipation. He favored compensating slave owners for the loss of their slaves, having individual states gradually abandoning the practice.

The south would have been better off if they had not panicked
Lee should have bypassed Gettysburg and continued north and threatened NYC. since he did choose to linger, he should have committed a lot more troops to it right away, as many as could be marched there on the first day. He wins easily with only twice as many committed as he did, due to early occupation of key road junctions and hills, which were later the determining factors of the lines of battle.

Still a great General; none of them wins all the time or every time, even the best will make mistakes, given how large and tough to control the armies were. Napoleon made the same sort of mistake at Waterloo, screwing around wasting time trying to over-awe Wellington with a display of force instead of early commitments on the left and right flanks while waiting for the main Guard to get to the field and having a choice of deployment other than right up the middle. The difference was Wellington's use of the terrain was genius, while the Union's defensive position at Gettysburg was dumb luck and Lee's mistakes.

Bypassing Gettysburg was not an option. He would have had to cut his supply chain and would have no support on the way to NY.

Lee could have easily by-passed Gettysburg. the northern army had no plans in that direction to cut Lee off; they were clueless as to his plans and had none of their own. It was an 'accidental' battle, in that both sides kept feeding troops into the area piece by piece in the belief the other side was moving into the area. If he had stuck to his original plans, he would have been fine. Plenty of forage in Pa. After all, that was waht cavalry's main job was, finding forage for the army as it advances, in that era, besides its role as scouts and encirclement maneuvers.

Military doctrine says you are dead wrong.

We have Lee's original plans, and he violated his own goals by allowing himself to be diverted to Gettysburg. He was going to raid the Northern railroads and get as far North as he could. It was his last chance to scare the North into a truce. Gettysburg had no strategic value in that plan.

As for the cavalry, it served as the main source of captured forage for armies for many centuries. It was its main job along with scouting and harassment.
Gettysburg was a crossroads with five major roads running through it. No matter where you going in that area, you were going to pass through Gettysburg.
A major battle was inevitable. Lee’s problem was he pressed a bad position. Much like Fredericksburg where Lee held the high ground and slaughtered the Union troops trying to dislodge him, the Union held the high ground in a hook pattern and were going to be tough to dislodge.
Lee should have abandoned Gettysburg on Day 2 and found a better fight.

If that were the case, then Lee would made directly for Gettysburg. Instead, he was heading North and had no plans at all for going to Gettysburg. He also would have committed far more troops the first day and morning of the 2nd if he thought it was that important; he was only nervous about it because he thought the whole Union Army was there. His intelligence was wrong; it was barely screened, and the Union Army made the same error on their side.
Stuart ran off and left him blind.........He had no clue what he was up against in Gettysburg. He only knew that the Union forces were on the move and he got that from a paid scout and not his Calvary.

The North owned the high ground after the first day. Attacking the high ground was a blunder from hell...............he should have regrouped and found better ground to fight on.

Hell he should have never been there in the first place. No reinforcing Vicksburg was crazy.
Some of these I already knew, but some suprised me.
Which ones surprised you?
That he was as opposed to slavery as he was and most of his family was pro-Union.
That is a Lost Cause myth....

When two of his slaves escaped and were recaptured, Lee either beat them himself or ordered the overseer to “lay it on well.” Wesley Norris, one of the slaves who was whipped, recalled that “not satisfied with simply lacerating our naked flesh, Gen. Lee then ordered the overseer to thoroughly wash our backs with brine, which was done.”
Lincoln is based on fiction. In reality he had the gift of a great quip but he was as racist as the next guy and an utterly confused politician who misjudged the confederacy to the point of criminality. Maybe he was distracted by his personal life but he did nothing to try to prevent the bloodshed of the civil war. Grant's alcoholism was well known but downplayed by the media and General Sherman was as crazy as legend says. Sherman, Sheridan and the rest of the Union rapists and pillagers would have been hanged in a just world.
Lincoln was way ahead of his time in opposition to slavery. The Lincoln/Douglas debates were unprecedented
Grants alcoholism was overstated. He was known to drink when he was bored or inactive. While engaging in battle, he was sober
I think Sherman understood the nature of war more than anyone. It was not a noble cause, it was about death and destruction.
LOL. You just exposed yourself as a fool.

Dishonest Abe NEVER opposed slavery. In fact, he offered to ensconce it in the Constitution if the South stopped secession and paid the tariff.

You’d know this if you bothered to read his first inaugural speech.

How many times will it take before you learn?
View attachment 326924
Amazingly you still can’t spot a lying opportunist at your advanced age, even after I’ve schooled you for ten years.
You are going all goofy on us

The South seceded precisely because of Lincoln’s stated views on slavery. The election of Lincoln threw the South into a panic and they elected to secede and form a slave state rather than see what Lincoln may do about the slave issue
You are confusing things. Let’s not debate why the South seceded. That is an entirely different issue

The debate is did Dishonest Abe REALLY oppose slavery. Clearly he did not.

Guess what gramps, Trump isn’t the first politician to lie all the time.
You are still going all goofy on us.

Lincoln’s position on abolition was well established. He had opposed the institution for over a decade. Lincoln was the most abolitionist of any major candidate of that era.
So much so, the southern states seceded rather than be ruled by him

True. On the other hand, wouldn't be the first politician, that, once in office, didn't pursue a campaign promise that would be hard, AND he did talk a lot of shit about NOT being against slavery, when he was trying to avoid secession.
Once Lincoln assumed office, his priority was to do whatever necessary to preserve the Union, resolving slavery was secondary.

But once the war was underway and it was clear that the North would win, Lincoln made passing the 13th amendment a priority and acceptance a requirement for Southern States rejoining the union

The GOP platform of no new slave states, was an obvious long term strategy to end slavery.

Lincoln's attempts at diplomacy with the South, was an obvious attempt to get them to not take action, so that time would quickly undermine their already weak position.

That is not "secondary" that is just wanting to reduce the cost of achieving the goal, ie abolition.

And "long term" might not have been all that long. States were being added pretty quick back then.
Lincoln’s personal opposition to slavery was long established in both his public speeches and private correspondence

Politically, he was pragmatic. He had no expectations that he could end slavery with the stroke of the pen. Lincoln favored a process of gradual emancipation. He favored compensating slave owners for the loss of their slaves, having individual states gradually abandoning the practice.

The south would have been better off if they had not panicked
LOL. The cultist ALWAYS ignores uncomfortable facts about their beloved Dishonest Abe.

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