Little girl gets hit by a foul ball during Cubs game


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Gold Supporting Member
Aug 30, 2011
Chicago Cubs batter breaks down after his line drive strikes 4-year-old girl

Two things I’ve been saying for years:

1) The MLB should be held accountable for such incidents. Fan safety should be priority number one, and with so many pitchers throwing the ball 100 miles an hour, it’s a surprise that things like this don’t happen more often.

2) Taking a toddler or young child to a game where you have close seats and no netting is child endangerment and should be treated as such.
You know Rocko, I agree with you. If you have a small child with you at the game, you should be in the safest seats possible.

But, to be fair, they had already extended the safety netting, just not far enough. Personally, I think the whole field (with the exception of the home run fence) should have netting in front of it.

Yeah, I know, taking kids to their first game is a rite of passage for kids and their parents, but they should also think about the hazards associated with going if they are taking their kids.

I also feel sorry for the player that hit the ball.................he was pretty broken up about the whole thing.
Tragic, but you assume a certain amount of risk when you go to a ball game. You cannot put all of it on the team, particularly since this game is over 100 years old and everyone knows what can happen when you're in the park. We cannot bubble wrap every life.

Sorry, but I disagree. The team should help with the medical bills though.
After reading the story, on the bright side that little girl will have a great friend for life..
I am please to know that girl wasn't seriously injured and the reaction from Almora Jr was touching. I disagree with classification of child endangerment, though. If that was the case, parents would never be allowed to take their young children to any little league game in America.
how many bat boys or on deck players have been hurt by fouls?
what are the chances of being hurt by a foul ball?
they bought their tickets
they knew what they were getting into
I say ''tough shit''
I don't see why you'd go to a boring ball game.

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