Listening to Jesus


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2013
upstate NY
What is required to benefit from Jesus' sacrifice?

John 3:36-- He that exercise' faith in the son has everlasting life, he that disobeys the son will NOT see life, but the wrath of God remains upon him.
Heb 5:9-- Jesus became responsible for all those-OBEYING him.

Jesus taught--- proof of ones love for him was by listening( learning and applying every single teaching) to him.-- like this ultra important teaching--- Man does not live by bread alone, but by EVERY UTTERANCE from God = OT-NT--Years of study, over and over, and one still learns new utterances.

So then its 100% fact-- the teachers on earth who Jesus is with--teach the flock--every utterance from God, over and over, without fail. If ones teacher does not--RUN FROM THEM.

Every mortal on earth that knows Jesus has already done these things, without fail--think about it.
If you listen to Jesus you wouldn't vote for people that want to take away food stamps, ssi, medicare, medicaid and call people bums.

Jesus certainly wouldn't...

I agree--When Jesus returns he will crush( Daniel 2:44) every govt on this earth, he would never vote and neither would his followers--Jesus taught us to be no part of this world. Jesus is my king.
If you listen to Jesus you wouldn't vote for people that want to take away food stamps, ssi, medicare, medicaid and call people bums.

Jesus certainly wouldn't...
What about what he said in the garden of eden when He told Adam to work by the sweat of his brow?
If you listen to Jesus you wouldn't vote for people that want to take away food stamps, ssi, medicare, medicaid and call people bums.

Jesus certainly wouldn't...

I agree--When Jesus returns he will crush( Daniel 2:44) every govt on this earth, he would never vote and neither would his followers--Jesus taught us to be no part of this world. Jesus is my king.

News flash, Jesus is not returning in the clouds and you are on earth , like it or not.
What is required to benefit from Jesus' sacrifice?

John 3:36-- He that exercise' faith in the son has everlasting life, he that disobeys the son will NOT see life, but the wrath of God remains upon him.
Heb 5:9-- Jesus became responsible for all those-OBEYING him.

Jesus taught--- proof of ones love for him was by listening( learning and applying every single teaching) to him.-- like this ultra important teaching--- Man does not live by bread alone, but by EVERY UTTERANCE from God = OT-NT--Years of study, over and over, and one still learns new utterances.

So then its 100% fact-- the teachers on earth who Jesus is with--teach the flock--every utterance from God, over and over, without fail. If ones teacher does not--RUN FROM THEM.

Every mortal on earth that knows Jesus has already done these things, without fail--think about it.
John 3:36-- He that exercise' faith in the son has everlasting life, he that disobeys the son will NOT see life, but the wrath of God remains upon him.

I've not read past the first page of the bible, finding it remiss and am grateful to the Almighty for letting me find my own path to the Everlasting - knowing full well with experience and history answering to christians is among the greatest sins of all and the least likely path from evil to be found.

If you listen to Jesus you wouldn't vote for people that want to take away food stamps, ssi, medicare, medicaid and call people bums.

Jesus certainly wouldn't...

I agree--When Jesus returns he will crush( Daniel 2:44) every govt on this earth, he would never vote and neither would his followers--Jesus taught us to be no part of this world. Jesus is my king.

News flash, Jesus is not returning in the clouds and you are on earth , like it or not.

Jesus returned persay here-Rev 6( he receives his crown)= 1914-- Sitting on his throne in heaven. He comes to earth at Har-mageddon, bringing Gods kingdom rule with him.
What is required to benefit from Jesus' sacrifice?

John 3:36-- He that exercise' faith in the son has everlasting life, he that disobeys the son will NOT see life, but the wrath of God remains upon him.
Heb 5:9-- Jesus became responsible for all those-OBEYING him.

Jesus taught--- proof of ones love for him was by listening( learning and applying every single teaching) to him.-- like this ultra important teaching--- Man does not live by bread alone, but by EVERY UTTERANCE from God = OT-NT--Years of study, over and over, and one still learns new utterances.

So then its 100% fact-- the teachers on earth who Jesus is with--teach the flock--every utterance from God, over and over, without fail. If ones teacher does not--RUN FROM THEM.

Every mortal on earth that knows Jesus has already done these things, without fail--think about it.
John 3:36-- He that exercise' faith in the son has everlasting life, he that disobeys the son will NOT see life, but the wrath of God remains upon him.

I've not read past the first page of the bible, finding it remiss and am grateful to the Almighty for letting me find my own path to the Everlasting - knowing full well with experience and history answering to christians is among the greatest sins of all and the least likely path from evil to be found.


That's not Gods will. And Jesus taught--only those living now to do the will of his Father in heaven get to enter his kingdom( Matt 7:21)--- OT-NT= every utterance from God, Jesus taught one must live by.
If you listen to Jesus you wouldn't vote for people that want to take away food stamps, ssi, medicare, medicaid and call people bums.

Jesus certainly wouldn't...
What about what he said in the garden of eden when He told Adam to work by the sweat of his brow?
It was Man's curse..

Kind of. Like when Jesus cursed the fig tree for bearing no fruit.

The sweat of the brow is a metaphor for 'thinking' which will only produce thorns and thistles,,, not fruit that is pleasing to the eye and good to eat.
What is required to benefit from Jesus' sacrifice?
Jesus died on the cross for our sins, therefore, that bill is paid and we can sin all we want?

Do you worship false gods? No.

Do you speak falsely in the name of God? No.

Do you try to mislead others to 'just believe' anything and swallow bullshit without thinking? No.

Do you ever fornicate with any false religion? No?

Have you ever eaten the flesh of any unclean creature that does not think very deeply? No?

Stop with the shenanigans already.. You don't do these things. You will never do these things. You are not a sinner.
What is required to benefit from Jesus' sacrifice?
Jesus died on the cross for our sins, therefore, that bill is paid and we can sin all we want?

Do you worship false gods? No.

Do you speak falsely in the name of God? No.

Do you try to mislead others to 'just believe' anything and swallow bullshit without thinking? No.

Do you ever fornicate with any false religion? No?

Have you ever eaten the flesh of any unclean creature that does not think very deeply? No?

Stop with the shenanigans already.. You don't do these things. You will never do these things. You are not a sinner.
That's it? So now I can covet my neighbor's wife? Cool. :cool:
If you listen to Jesus you wouldn't vote for people that want to take away food stamps, ssi, medicare, medicaid and call people bums.

Jesus certainly wouldn't...
What about what he said in the garden of eden when He told Adam to work by the sweat of his brow?
It was Man's curse..

Kind of. Like when Jesus cursed the fig tree for bearing no fruit.

The sweat of the brow is a metaphor for 'thinking' which will only produce thorns and thistles,,, not fruit that is pleasing to the eye and good to eat.
So god's son doesn't have enough power to make figs appear out of nothing, just wine?
If you listen to Jesus you wouldn't vote for people that want to take away food stamps, ssi, medicare, medicaid and call people bums.

Jesus certainly wouldn't...
What about what he said in the garden of eden when He told Adam to work by the sweat of his brow?
It was Man's curse..

Kind of. Like when Jesus cursed the fig tree for bearing no fruit.

The sweat of the brow is a metaphor for 'thinking' which will only produce thorns and thistles,,, not fruit that is pleasing to the eye and good to eat.
So god's son doesn't have enough power to make figs appear out of nothing, just wine?

Would you rather have wine or figs?
If you listen to Jesus you wouldn't vote for people that want to take away food stamps, ssi, medicare, medicaid and call people bums.

Jesus certainly wouldn't...
What about what he said in the garden of eden when He told Adam to work by the sweat of his brow?
It was Man's curse..

Kind of. Like when Jesus cursed the fig tree for bearing no fruit.

The sweat of the brow is a metaphor for 'thinking' which will only produce thorns and thistles,,, not fruit that is pleasing to the eye and good to eat.
So god's son doesn't have enough power to make figs appear out of nothing, just wine?

Would you rather have wine or figs?
I'd rather worship a solid god, not some low-rent loser who can't make food AND drink.
What is required to benefit from Jesus' sacrifice?
Jesus died on the cross for our sins, therefore, that bill is paid and we can sin all we want?

Do you worship false gods? No.

Do you speak falsely in the name of God? No.

Do you try to mislead others to 'just believe' anything and swallow bullshit without thinking? No.

Do you ever fornicate with any false religion? No?

Have you ever eaten the flesh of any unclean creature that does not think very deeply? No?

Stop with the shenanigans already.. You don't do these things. You will never do these things. You are not a sinner.

Here are two lists of unacceptable sins--1Cor 6:9-11--Gal 5:19-21--- both spots teach--those who practice one of these will not enter Gods kingdom. That doesn't even include the liars, false god worshippers--I do believe drugs come under drunkenness. The majority on earth are doing at least one of those sins.

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