Leftists Demand Big Tech Preemptively Censor Trump’s Truth Social

It seems to me that this started out as the masters of social media started to ban what they deemed "hate speech". From there it went on to ban "misinformation". It then morphed into our government guiding the masters into censoring any information that they deemed harmful to the chosen narrative. That has resulted in large amounts of vital truth to be silenced. This should scare the hell out of all Americans, but sadly, far too many Americans are far too satisfied to allow the lies to be told and the truth to be cancelled.
It seems to me that this started out as the masters of social media started to ban what they deemed "hate speech". From there it went on to ban "misinformation". It then morphed into our government guiding the masters into censoring any information that they deemed harmful to the chosen narrative. That has resulted in large amounts of vital truth to be silenced. This should scare the hell out of all Americans, but sadly, far too many Americans are far too satisfied to allow the lies to be told and the truth to be cancelled.


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It seems to me that this started out as the masters of social media started to ban what they deemed "hate speech". From there it went on to ban "misinformation". It then morphed into our government guiding the masters into censoring any information that they deemed harmful to the chosen narrative. That has resulted in large amounts of vital truth to be silenced. This should scare the hell out of all Americans, but sadly, far too many Americans are far too satisfied to allow the lies to be told and the truth to be cancelled.
And they will continue to be as long as they think there are some free goodies in it for them, that they won't have to work to acquire.
Master of Photoshopped Tits is all you get from me, bitch.

I swear -- I have an acquaintance who has done CGI for movies and TV and is far more skilled with computers than I, and he says it's a "well done fake". You should take the compliment graciously. My friend is a true master of his craft.

Nice try. FloppyTits.
If you say so.
Trump's little social medial platform claimed to be established to protect people from censorship and they had the option to create a terms of service which reflected that.

Guess what?

They didn't.

The TOS for Truth Social states they can take down anything they want and cancel your account at any time. For any reason or no reason at all.
Trump's little social medial platform claimed to be established to protect people from censorship and they had the option to create a terms of service which reflected that.

Guess what?

They didn't.

The TOS for Truth Social states they can take down anything they want and cancel your account at any time. For any reason or no reason at all.
I assume that means we won't be seeing you there.
Oh no. Please don't tell anyone my terrible secret!

That kind of thing is a liability to a message board. You just can't go around telling people to submit to medical procedures if you don't have a license, or arguing with what people's ACTUAL doctors have told them.
That kind of thing is a liability to a message board. You just can't go around telling people to submit to medical procedures if you don't have a license, or arguing with what people's ACTUAL doctors have told them.
Are you giving legal advice counselor?
That’s nice. Then don’t tell me what I can and can’t do.
You can't practice medicine without a license. I don't need to be an attorney to know that. And if USMB allows you to give medical advice on this board, I can imagine there could be liability issues. I wouldn't mind investigating this further. If you have USMB's permission to practice medicine here, good for y'all. I will continue to tell other posters that you are not a real doctor and that they shouldn't take your medical advice.
You can't practice medicine without a license. I don't need to be an attorney to know that. And if USMB allows you to give medical advice on this board, I can imagine there could be liability issues. I wouldn't mind investigating this further. If you have USMB's permission to practice medicine here, good for y'all. I will continue to tell other posters that you are not a real doctor and that they shouldn't take your medical advice.
I am no more practicing medicine here than you are practicing law with your reply.

This was just way to pathetic not to post. How low do you have to be? The left is such scum they try to shut the man down on his OWN PLATFORM. Watch how well that won’t work. When everyone of these pukes are brought down. They will be the ppl will not
rest until all these scum are put behind bars and stripped of everything.
Leftists are commies, plain and simple.

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