Leader of Oath Keepers was ready with arms across bridge in Virginia on January 6th

Why do so many Trump hater threads have operative phrases like "Was ready with", "Was considering", "Thinking about", "Was trying to", "Was planning", etc. etc. etc. Just so you know, those phrases mean "NOTHING HAPPENED".
They think they are mind readers. Liberals throw out baseless and unprovable accusations then say “prove me wrong.”
Damn, I am not a spelling Nazi but I cannot follow what you are saying. but are you talking about the biggest inauguration crowd in the history of crowds? I remember that one.
Pretend like the post does not exist when your lies are exposed sock.
Trump won the election---the dems didn't cheat enough to stop him the first time. By every measure Trumps presidency was a huge success and this only becomes more and more obvious with potatoe Biden in destroying america at every turn.
A suggestion...
Do not respond to mak2 until he posts something of substance.
Republicans would be making a big mistake if they did that.
How is it a big mistake to impeach a president for high crimes and misdemeanors? You mean it is a big mistake now to follow the Constitution after a year of hearing about insurrectionists trying to defeat our democracy? Could you make any less sense?

The American people do not approve of impeachment being used as a hyper partisan tool.
Then the American people sure did not approve of the two baseless impeachments of Donald Trump purely along partisan lines.

Conservatives want to defeat liberalism through our ideas.
Conservatives are not fighting against liberalism, but socialism.

Conservatives expect our elected officials to govern in a more rational way than the left.
Idiots who believe that are responsible of creating the situation we have now where the Left runs around like children with a knife and a lit match while the good sensible GOP sit back and let it happen.

There is nothing more rational than impeaching the bum in the office who has fractured the country, lost 28 billion in weapons to terrorists, opened our borders to millions of illegals, failed badly at Covid, set the world on the edge of war, driven our debt to 30 trillion, made our cities crime war zones, sent the FBI after school moms, and placed us now in spiraling hyperinflation, food shotages and pre-3rd nation status.
Damn, I am not a spelling Nazi but I cannot follow what you are saying. but are you talking about the biggest inauguration crowd in the history of crowds? I remember that one.
Are you suggesting the inauguration of Biden had the largest crowd size in US history?
They did delay the peaceful transfer of power. That is something that has never happened before. Biden might be a mindless turd. but he is not a traitor that tried to overthow the county. Just for the record. How can you call a president a huge success when he does imitations of a guy with parkinsons?
They delayed the peaceful transfer of power---the dems cheated which was obvious from the git go----Audit of the People voting verses the ballots was needed. 1/6 didn't delay anything and was caused by Pelosi and the capital police. They could have easily just locked the doors instead of having the FBI and soros put instigators in the group to play head games.

Biden is a turd and always has been---he has long been a traitor to the country selling out to the highest bidder which is known to include the fucking chinese communist via his son, HIS BROTHER (before he died) and atleast 4 other of his family members. He is a puppet to those seeking to overthrow and corrupt the government---

This said, I am fucking tired of trolls trying to ignore the obvisious as they piss on our legs and tell us its rain. Biden is the very defination of traitor along with his corrupt administration also snagged multiple times selling out America.

You cheap attempt at smearing trump with a nonsense claim of Parkinson imitator as you put it---is pathetic and I guarantee you most on this board see it and you for what you are.

These people were ready to start shooting anyone who did not agree that trump should stay in office. These nuts are the biggest threat to the US since the civil war. trump incited this violence.
Sounds like a POS lawyer...lol. I'd fire his stupid ass.
What was that spokesman's name? Sean Spicer? Biggest crowd in the history of crowds? That one?
How is it a big mistake to impeach a president for high crimes and misdemeanors? You mean it is a big mistake now to follow the Constitution after a year of hearing about insurrectionists trying to defeat our democracy? Could you make any less sense?

Then the American people sure did not approve of the two baseless impeachments of Donald Trump purely along partisan lines.

Conservatives are not fighting against liberalism, but socialism.

Idiots who believe that are responsible of creating the situation we have now where the Left runs around like children with a knife and a lit match while the good sensible GOP sit back and let it happen.

There is nothing more rational than impeaching the bum in the office who has fractured the country, lost 30 trillion in weapons to terrorists, opened our borders to millions of illegals, failed badly at Covid, set the world on the edge of war, driven our debt to 30 trillion, made our cities crime war zones, sent the FBI after school moms, and placed us now in spiraling hyperinflation, food shotages and pre-3rd nation status.
Being incompetent is not a high crime or misdemeanor. We can’t have impeachment to become routine when the House of Reps is dominated by a president’s opposition party.
They delayed the peaceful transfer of power---
They did not. The transfer of power happened on the scheduled day it was supposed to happen.

These people were ready to start shooting anyone who did not agree that trump should stay in office. These nuts are the biggest threat to the US since the civil war. trump incited this violence.

The very definition of terrorism. That specific charge should be brought, with the prosecution calling for the maximum penalty against all involved.
They delayed the peaceful transfer of power---the dems cheated which was obvious from the git go----Audit of the People voting verses the ballots was needed. 1/6 didn't delay anything and was caused by Pelosi and the capital police. They could have easily just locked the doors instead of having the FBI and soros put instigators in the group to play head games.

Biden is a turd and always has been---he has long been a traitor to the country selling out to the highest bidder which is known to include the fucking chinese communist via his son, HIS BROTHER (before he died) and atleast 4 other of his family members. He is a puppet to those seeking to overthrow and corrupt the government---

This said, I am fucking tired of trolls trying to ignore the obvisious as they piss on our legs and tell us its rain. Biden is the very defination of traitor along with his corrupt administration also snagged multiple times selling out America.

You cheap attempt at smearing trump with a nonsense claim of Parkinson imitator as you put it---is pathetic and I guarantee you most on this board see it and you for what you are.
Biden is a turd, but if you guys are going to claim millions are fraudulent voting you need to prove it. Or shut up about it. Arrest those people and throw them in jail, I am on your side. Fraudulent voter should go to prison.
Being incompetent is not a high crime or misdemeanor.
It was when Trump was in office. Besides, that is not what I said.

We can’t have impeachment to become routine when the House of Reps is dominated by a president’s opposition party.
Apparently we can when democrats control the House. But we CAN when we have an absolutely dangerous, anti-American boob like Mr. Bedpans in office.

The transfer of power happened on the scheduled day it was supposed to happen.
Yes, unfortunately with many questions looming as to whether he was even the legitimate winner.
Being incompetent is not a high crime or misdemeanor. We can’t have impeachment to become routine when the House of Reps is dominated by a president’s opposition party.
Destroying the border is.
You keep right on telling yourself that, but please use a lubricant so you don't get a skin burn from stroking yourself.

View attachment 603708
Pew Research Center:

Let's take a look at the data, which provides an in-depth look at the people behind Donald Trump's popularity.

  • Through the primaries and as the Republican nominee, Trump was more popular among men than women.
  • Throughout his campaign, Trump was consistently more popular among older voters than among younger ones.
  • Trump's popularity was also consistently greater among those with lower levels of formal education.
  • Trump's greater appeal to those with less rather than more household income is unsurprising, given the statistical relationship between education and income.
  • Pew found in a survey of both Republican and Democratic voters that Trump's popularity lies primarily in white people — half of whom supported Trump, while just seven percent of Black voters supported him.
  • When Pew surveyed Republican voters, they found that Trump's popularity was greatest among those who are not religious, and among those who are religious but do not regularly attend religious services.
So to summarize the Pew data on the Trump voter:

Trump’s popularity centers with uneducated, low income, old, white, males that don’t believe in God.



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