Last Year Trump Roasted as Covid Failure, Sweden Held as Proof?


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
All last year all we heard was what a failure Trump was with Covid, and the Left held Europe, especially northern Europe, up high as the proof!

"Just look at how much better these countries are doing compared to Trump's USA!"

Looks like the leftist, anti-Trumpers were a bit premature.

Trump was right and their model of Covid-excellence, Sweden, is turning out to be a major failure.

In fact, Sweden, last year touted as the shining example of how to do Covid right (by the left), is now LEADING THE WORLD in new Covid cases.

All last year all we heard was what a failure Trump was with Covid, and the Left held Europe, especially northern Europe, up high as the proof!

"Just look at how much better these countries are doing compared to Trump's USA!"

Looks like the leftist, anti-Trumpers were a bit premature.

Trump was right and their model of Covid-excellence, Sweden, is turning out to be a major failure.

In fact, Sweden, last year touted as the shining example of how to do Covid right (by the left), is now LEADING THE WORLD in new Covid cases.

Actually Freaky, it was you virus deniers and hoaxer Trump supporters that were holding Sweden up to be the model of no lockdowns-how-we-should-handle-the-virus-here.
Jeez, this the worst case of revisionist history I've ever seen one of you righties post on this board. :auiqs.jpg:
All last year all we heard was what a failure Trump was with Covid, and the Left held Europe, especially northern Europe, up high as the proof!

"Just look at how much better these countries are doing compared to Trump's USA!"

Looks like the leftist, anti-Trumpers were a bit premature.

Trump was right and their model of Covid-excellence, Sweden, is turning out to be a major failure.

In fact, Sweden, last year touted as the shining example of how to do Covid right (by the left), is now LEADING THE WORLD in new Covid cases.

Actually Freaky, it was you virus deniers and hoaxer Trump supporters that were holding Sweden up to be the model of no lockdowns-how-we-should-handle-the-virus-here.
Jeez, this the worst case of revisionist history I've ever seen one of you righties post on this board. :auiqs.jpg:

Can you link me to where:
  1. I ever denied the virus?
  2. I ever followed a hoax?
  3. I ever held Sweden up as the model to follow?
Then we'll worry about why now you're trying to change/evade the OP.

Bottom line: Trump was right, Europe, the Left and Democrats were all wrong (as usual).
All last year all we heard was what a failure Trump was with Covid, and the Left held Europe, especially northern Europe, up high as the proof!

"Just look at how much better these countries are doing compared to Trump's USA!"

Looks like the leftist, anti-Trumpers were a bit premature.

Trump was right and their model of Covid-excellence, Sweden, is turning out to be a major failure.

In fact, Sweden, last year touted as the shining example of how to do Covid right (by the left), is now LEADING THE WORLD in new Covid cases.

Actually Freaky, it was you virus deniers and hoaxer Trump supporters that were holding Sweden up to be the model of no lockdowns-how-we-should-handle-the-virus-here.
Jeez, this the worst case of revisionist history I've ever seen one of you righties post on this board. :auiqs.jpg:

Can you link me to where:
  1. I ever denied the virus?
  2. I ever followed a hoax?
  3. I ever held Sweden up as the model to follow?
Then we'll worry about why now you're trying to change/evade the OP.

Bottom line: Trump was right, Europe, the Left and Democrats were all wrong (as usual).

You need to stop drinking during the day. No one on the left EVER held Sweden up as a model of how to do COVID right.
In fact just the opposite. It was the right that constantly held Sweden up as a shining example of how not to lock down while combatting the virus.

Trump never said anything about Sweden to my knowledge.
Post a link..or close it.

EDIT...OK, he made one statement about it last year....but it was the right wing who held Sweden up as the example. Not the left wing.
The right wing touted Sweden and their herd immunity approach.

Every single thread started on this site, touting Sweden's herd immunity approach were Trumpets, pushed by the Trump right wing media.

If you did not side with Sweden's reckless and deadly approach, you sided with democrats.
You need to stop drinking during the day. No one on the left EVER held Sweden up as a model of how to do COVID right.

Jack you need to stop shooting meth during the day if you think Sweden, the leftist-progressive's poster child for how to do Covid right, has never been touted as their success story!
The right wing touted Sweden and their herd immunity approach.

Every single thread started on this site, touting Sweden's herd immunity approach were Trumpets, pushed by the Trump right wing media.

If you did not side with Sweden's reckless and deadly approach, you sided with democrats.

I never sided with Sweden OR democrats. YOU people said Trump was totally wrong and held Europe up as the model of what he SHOULD have done, and Sweden was the poster child of leftist success. Now you lie and run for cover.
The right wing touted Sweden and their herd immunity approach.

Every single thread started on this site, touting Sweden's herd immunity approach were Trumpets, pushed by the Trump right wing media.

If you did not side with Sweden's reckless and deadly approach, you sided with democrats.

I never sided with Sweden OR democrats. YOU people said Trump was totally wrong and held Europe up as the model of what he SHOULD have done, and Sweden was the poster child of leftist success. Now you lie and run for cover.
Give it up 2b, no democrat sided with Sweden's approach, which was the OPPOSITE of the rest of the EUs approach.

Dr Scott Atlas, Fox news contributor and Trumps corona virus advisor hired by Trump, were advocates for Sweden's approach.

Why the heck are you trying to rewrite history?

The right wing Trumpets praised Sweden's approach of no lockdown, schools opened etc....

This one link is YOURS

Then from other Trumpers:

Why the heck are you trying to rewrite history?

Sorry little snowflake, no need to rewrite history. All last year you bitched that Trump was a problem, the cause of everything Covid, that he had to go. You touted Europe and other countries as the proof. Now the prize of Europe is leading the world in Covid cases, as are the other countries.

As usual, you and the Left lie about and are wrong about everything.

Europe was your proof in Trump's evil ways, the whole justification for not reelecting him.

Now we see the Big Lie.
Why the heck are you trying to rewrite history?

Sorry little snowflake, no need to rewrite history. All last year you bitched that Trump was a problem, the cause of everything Covid, that he had to go. You touted Europe and other countries as the proof. Now the prize of Europe is leading the world in Covid cases, as are the other countries.

As usual, you and the Left lie about and are wrong about everything.

Europe was your proof in Trump's evil ways, the whole justification for not reelecting him.

Now we see the Big Lie.
You got caught lying, the proof was provided and now you are deflecting by changing the subject.
Why the heck are you trying to rewrite history?

Sorry little snowflake, no need to rewrite history. All last year you bitched that Trump was a problem, the cause of everything Covid, that he had to go. You touted Europe and other countries as the proof. Now the prize of Europe is leading the world in Covid cases, as are the other countries.

As usual, you and the Left lie about and are wrong about everything.

Europe was your proof in Trump's evil ways, the whole justification for not reelecting him.

Now we see the Big Lie.
You got caught lying, the proof was provided and now you are deflecting by changing the subject.
Why the heck are you trying to rewrite history?

Sorry little snowflake, no need to rewrite history. All last year you bitched that Trump was a problem, the cause of everything Covid, that he had to go. You touted Europe and other countries as the proof. Now the prize of Europe is leading the world in Covid cases, as are the other countries.

As usual, you and the Left lie about and are wrong about everything.

Europe was your proof in Trump's evil ways, the whole justification for not reelecting him.

Now we see the Big Lie.
You got caught lying, the proof was provided and now you are deflecting by changing the subject.


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