Sweden Continues to Prove that Our Lockdowns Were/Are a Very Costly Mistake


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
Sweden continues to prove that our lockdowns were, and are, a very costly mistake (I say "and are" because some states, all of them governed by Democrats, are still under substantial lockdown restrictions). During the last 3 months, Sweden has had only 198 COVID-19 deaths, around 2 per day. If Sweden's population were scaled to our population size, that would be 6,406 deaths in 3 months, whereas we have had 80,677 deaths in the last 3 months. So if Sweden had America's population size, her number of COVID-19 deaths would be 12 times lower than ours for the last 3 months (6,406 vs. 80,677).

EXCERPT: "During the last three months from July 27 to Oct. 27, Sweden suffered 198 deaths, around two per day. To put that in perspective, the average number of cancer deaths during that same period in Sweden is 6,000.

"If Sweden's population of 10.23 million were scaled up to the U.K.'s size, that would be the equivalent of 1,290 deaths, whereas the U.K. actually suffered 4,540 deaths (over three times as many) during that time. The U.S. equivalent of Sweden's number would be 6,406, whereas there were 80,677 U.S. deaths, which is over twelve times as many."

Sweden continues to prove that our lockdowns were, and are, a very costly mistake (I say "and are" because some states, all of them governed by Democrats, are still under substantial lockdown restrictions). During the last 3 months, Sweden has had only 198 COVID-19 deaths, around 2 per day. If Sweden's population were scaled to our population size, that would be 6,406 deaths in 3 months, whereas we have had 80,677 deaths in the last 3 months. So if Sweden had America's population size, her number of COVID-19 deaths would be 12 times lower than ours for the last 3 months (6,406 vs. 80,677).

EXCERPT: "During the last three months from July 27 to Oct. 27, Sweden suffered 198 deaths, around two per day. To put that in perspective, the average number of cancer deaths during that same period in Sweden is 6,000.

"If Sweden's population of 10.23 million were scaled up to the U.K.'s size, that would be the equivalent of 1,290 deaths, whereas the U.K. actually suffered 4,540 deaths (over three times as many) during that time. The U.S. equivalent of Sweden's number would be 6,406, whereas there were 80,677 U.S. deaths, which is over twelve times as many."

They will never except facts contrary to their indoctrination. It is physically impossible for them to do so.
Sweden continues to prove that our lockdowns were, and are, a very costly mistake (I say "and are" because some states, all of them governed by Democrats, are still under substantial lockdown restrictions). During the last 3 months, Sweden has had only 198 COVID-19 deaths, around 2 per day. If Sweden's population were scaled to our population size, that would be 6,406 deaths in 3 months, whereas we have had 80,677 deaths in the last 3 months. So if Sweden had America's population size, her number of COVID-19 deaths would be 12 times lower than ours for the last 3 months (6,406 vs. 80,677).

EXCERPT: "During the last three months from July 27 to Oct. 27, Sweden suffered 198 deaths, around two per day. To put that in perspective, the average number of cancer deaths during that same period in Sweden is 6,000.

"If Sweden's population of 10.23 million were scaled up to the U.K.'s size, that would be the equivalent of 1,290 deaths, whereas the U.K. actually suffered 4,540 deaths (over three times as many) during that time. The U.S. equivalent of Sweden's number would be 6,406, whereas there were 80,677 U.S. deaths, which is over twelve times as many."

I'll lay odds that the covid deaths in Sweeden are ACTUAL covid deaths, unmotivated by any politics.

This brings to light the criminal actions of those five Democrat Governors who have made a disaster of our pandemic response.
I've come to the conclusion that the only thing truly novel about Rona is the way they count the deaths. It's shares over 80% the same structure as SARS 1 so it's not completely new.
What will the sheople do if they decide to do the whole "from or with" scam with the seasonal flu to add to the dempanic hysteria?
Anybody who does not believe they would do this, or that so many people could believe them hasn't been paying attention.
Is it lockdowns till we all are forced into compliance for every crazy thing they want?
I will never understand this phenomena as I was never raised to live in fear but I can say they cannot force it on us if we all refuse to go along. Even with just 10% refusing they will be forced to back down.
I've come to the conclusion that the only thing truly novel about Rona is the way they count the deaths. It's shares over 80% the same structure as SARS 1 so it's not completely new.
What will the sheople do if they decide to do the whole "from or with" scam with the seasonal flu to add to the dempanic hysteria?
Anybody who does not believe they would do this, or that so many people could believe them hasn't been paying attention.
Is it lockdowns till we all are forced into compliance for every crazy thing they want?
I will never understand this phenomena as I was never raised to live in fear but I can say they cannot force it on us if we all refuse to go along. Even with just 10% refusing they will be forced to back down.

What this proves to the Democrats, who want government to control the people, is that we are nearly there. The sheep will believe anything and do anything their handlers tell them. Scared for the future of our country, particularly if Biden/Harris win this election, but even if they don’t, I fear we are just delaying the inevitable. The indoctrination machine is too strong. Just read the posts from our resident liberal kooks.
I do not know whom to believe.

I choose to feel that some proponents of lockdowns sincerely believe that they are the most effective way to fight this virus.

I realize, of course, that some unscrupulous politicians are using lockdowns as a way to gin up opposition to President Trump.

Maybe on November 4, both sides can finally become patriots -- and decent human beings -- and agree to work together on finding the best way to confront this social & economic & human disaster.

The United States & Sweden, of course, differ in many respects. So many the Swedish model is not the most suitable for us, although maybe some aspects should be adopted.
The whole of Europe is once again heading into lockdowns and rioting over the measures has started in Italy.

Lockdowns, guildlines and masks have really done nothing to prevent a worldwide spread and a second wave. The virus will run its course despite human intervention.
Sweden continues to prove that our lockdowns were, and are, a very costly mistake (I say "and are" because some states, all of them governed by Democrats, are still under substantial lockdown restrictions). During the last 3 months, Sweden has had only 198 COVID-19 deaths, around 2 per day. If Sweden's population were scaled to our population size, that would be 6,406 deaths in 3 months, whereas we have had 80,677 deaths in the last 3 months. So if Sweden had America's population size, her number of COVID-19 deaths would be 12 times lower than ours for the last 3 months (6,406 vs. 80,677).

EXCERPT: "During the last three months from July 27 to Oct. 27, Sweden suffered 198 deaths, around two per day. To put that in perspective, the average number of cancer deaths during that same period in Sweden is 6,000.

"If Sweden's population of 10.23 million were scaled up to the U.K.'s size, that would be the equivalent of 1,290 deaths, whereas the U.K. actually suffered 4,540 deaths (over three times as many) during that time. The U.S. equivalent of Sweden's number would be 6,406, whereas there were 80,677 U.S. deaths, which is over twelve times as many."

It is right wingers insisting the pandemic is a hoax that is the costly mistake.
Sweden continues to prove that our lockdowns were, and are, a very costly mistake (I say "and are" because some states, all of them governed by Democrats, are still under substantial lockdown restrictions). During the last 3 months, Sweden has had only 198 COVID-19 deaths, around 2 per day. If Sweden's population were scaled to our population size, that would be 6,406 deaths in 3 months, whereas we have had 80,677 deaths in the last 3 months. So if Sweden had America's population size, her number of COVID-19 deaths would be 12 times lower than ours for the last 3 months (6,406 vs. 80,677).

EXCERPT: "During the last three months from July 27 to Oct. 27, Sweden suffered 198 deaths, around two per day. To put that in perspective, the average number of cancer deaths during that same period in Sweden is 6,000.

"If Sweden's population of 10.23 million were scaled up to the U.K.'s size, that would be the equivalent of 1,290 deaths, whereas the U.K. actually suffered 4,540 deaths (over three times as many) during that time. The U.S. equivalent of Sweden's number would be 6,406, whereas there were 80,677 U.S. deaths, which is over twelve times as many."

Screenshot from 2020-11-01 13-48-24.png

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