Kim Davis...and the Judge's "mistake"

And all completely irrelevant comments since all Davis asked for was to have her name removed from the licenses, doofus.

That takes a legislative act because she is part of a Government ....the Legislation will meet in January ...a special session costs money...
No, it does not. The same PC Nazi judge that ordered her to sign could order her name removed from the documents.
That is simply not the case....the Governor cannot do that unilaterally neither can the county commissioners ...its a State know who can fix this ...Davis...By Resigning...
The judge can order her name removed. lol, why do yo libtards think people cant see through your bullshit?
I think that the problem for the clerk is that she is a clerk------she is not a professional anything ------she is not entitled to a professional "opinion" -------sorry----I am not disparaging her-------simply stating fact. I do believe that a judge ----or someone allowed to DO A MARRIAGE can refuse----legally
So in your opinion a clerk that was sent a request for a warrant to arrest Jews and send them to death camps has no right to refuse to sign? Then many of the convictions we got at Nuremburg were unjust because we claimed that everyone involved had a moral responsibility to refuse to cooperate with that evil.

This is why libtards don't like people comparing libtard activity to the Nazis; it rings too true.

were clerks HANGED by the Nuremberg courts? ------the lady is a clerk------she is not a law maker or a commanding officer. ------If a medical doctor refuses to do an abortion-----IMHO he has a right to refuse (personal experience) If a priest refuses to do a marriage ceremony for "same sex" IMHO----he has a right to REFUSE
She does not want her name on an evil document as is her right, .

Fine resign...
No, she could have her name removed instead.

Why should she cooperate with degenerate heathen purging Christians from the government?
There is a ton of Christians in the Government I would say the majority of people in the Government are Christians simply because that is the main Religion around here ... I am not a Christian by the grace of God...LOl
She does not want her name on an evil document as is her right, .

Fine resign...
No, she could have her name removed instead.

Why should she cooperate with degenerate heathen purging Christians from the government?
There is a ton of Christians in the Government I would say the majority of people in the Government are Christians simply because that is the main Religion around here ... I am not a Christian by the grace of God...LOl
You obviously aren't...

But do you know who else persecutes Christians???

Does ISIS ring a bell???
Yeah getting close to a week how's that throwing her in jail working for you butt fuckers? She is STILL the elected clerk of court and ANY license given to "couples" without her signature is void....pretty funny stuffs....these faggots think its gonna stand in court....they are slowly but surely pushing the country back right on social issues because people are seeing it IS about attacking religious folks and religion.

So, she cannot be removed for dereliction of duty? I guess that is the difference between law and military.
The legislature can impeach her but legislature isn't back in session until January. The governor can call them back into session but he refuses to do so he says its a waste of money ???? weird. Both leaders of the legislature want to come back and fix this but governor refuses.
A federal judge cannot order state forms to be changed.

He can order a state's country clerk to be held in contempt of court for denying equal access to her services.

She has no defense in law because of her religious beliefs.
The judge can order her name removed. lol, why do yo libtards think people cant see through your bullshit?

You can believe whatever winger but the fact is the Judge cannot simply order her name removed ...that has to be done by the Legislature..those are facts opinions do not come into play....
Of course, the federal judge who ruled that Davis' was in breach of her position description duties did the right thing.....but in placing her in lock-up, rather than imposing a heavy daily fine was somewhat of a mistake.

I understand that the ruling was based on the fact that if simply a fine was imposed, that Davis would be out of jail and her supporters would be paying the fine.....although I understand that such would have happened, I disagree with what the ultimate impact would have been. For example:

Davis NOT being in jail would have prevented the charlatans like Huckabee in trying to garner some "support" by visiting Davis in jail.,,,,and, even more importantly,

had the fine been $10,000 per day, I am sure that a few days would have been picked up by Davis' supporters....but keep asking those supporters to constantly dig into their pockets for more and more funds to keep Davis "free", and the true LOYALTY and CONVICTION of evangelicals would have been better tested.
In about 2 months it will be "Kim Who?"
Pretty much......Davis should just go back to work.
Huckabee's involvement makes her look even more like a religious zealot.
You don't know what a zealot is, apparently.

A zealot is someone who thinks God is the US government.
Wrong. And didn't happen. That makes you a zealot.

It's actually exactly how it happened:

"One couple, David Ermold and David Moore, tried to engage the county clerk, Kim Davis, in a debate before the cameras, but as she had before, she turned them away, saying repeatedly that she would not issue licenses to any couples, gay or straight.

“Under whose authority?” Mr. Ermold asked.

Under God’s authority,” Ms. Davis replied."

In the performance of her job as a government official, she claimed she was doing her job under God's authority. That is a woman who thinks God is the government.
But do you know who else persecutes Christians???

Does ISIS ring a bell???

cry me an effing River

yes, of course, should have known.....smear the judge who followed his duty to say she was in contempt of court.... which she was.... Christ must be proud of all of you....


How about taking the PLANK out of your own eye before trying to remove sawdust out of another...
Why isn't their State legislature doing anything about this, to either help kim out and change the name stamp for her or impeach her....?

Have they spoken up, to help her?
Is Kim Davis going to sign Petitions for Divorce hearings as County Clerk knowing full and well that God says that Divorce sucks............
And all completely irrelevant comments since all Davis asked for was to have her name removed from the licenses, doofus.

That takes a legislative act because she is part of a Government ....the Legislation will meet in January ...a special session costs money...
No, it does not. The same PC Nazi judge that ordered her to sign could order her name removed from the documents. the Catholic judge appointed by President Bush is a "PC Nazi judge". Keep coming with the crazy. It makes your arguments look so very sane.
Why isn't their State legislature doing anything about this, to either help kim out and change the name stamp for her or impeach her....?

Have they spoken up, to help her?
The State Legislature is not in Session and will not be until January...they can be called into Special Session but that costs a lot of money ....I wonder though if the Governor can suspend the clerk until January..........
So in your opinion a clerk that was sent a request for a warrant to arrest Jews and send them to death camps has no right to refuse to sign?

whose Rights was she asked to violate...have you been drinking ?...because comparing signing marriage license to signing arrest and death warrants sounds drunken ...
The Average American voter gets to see the Crazy in these christian sharia supporters. It's all good.
Why isn't their State legislature doing anything about this, to either help kim out and change the name stamp for her or impeach her....?

Have they spoken up, to help her?
The State Legislature is not in Session and will not be until January...they can be called into Special Session but that costs a lot of money ....I wonder though if the Governor can suspend the clerk until January..........
They don't want anything to do with this, I'm sure. Who wants the crazies swarming around them?
If the Governor has the power to suspend a clerk maybe he ought to use it........I suppose if a clerk goes nuts pulls an armed robbery and goes to jail that clerk would get suspended...
No hunting licenses because Clerk is an animal rights activist.

No drivers' licenses to people who don't drive Chevys, the dealership of which is owned by a friend who kickbacks to the clerk.

No straight marriage license because Clerk is a married gay trans-sexual.
I believe that Catholic judge would be surprised to be called anti-christian.
You believe wrong. So-called Catholic clergy and professionals have a great number who are Catholic in name only.

But then you don't really think anyway, so who am I kidding?
Ah...there it is...he's "not really a Catholic/Christian" because he didn't do what you wanted. More of that christian sharia support.
No he is not really a Catholic or a Christian because he rejects God's Holy Word that is explicitly clear about fagotry in the first chapter of Romans.
And you are now the official arbitrator of who is and who is not christian. How christian sharia of you.
If you knew a damned thing about what you are talking about, which you do not and never do, you would know that this was an established dogma nearly two thousand years ago, dude
Sure..."established dogma"...that's why there's hundreds of different "christian" sects out there, frequently hating on each other (and historically killing each other)....because it's "established dogma". And even if what you said were true (it's not), this is a secular country with secular laws. Your idea of religion can go take a flying leap when it comes to this nation's laws.

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