Kill two birds with one stone (Vaccines and Voting)


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA
If people really want the majority of the country vaccinated then enforce the rule that all voting from here on in will require proof of vaccination and an ID to show that you are who you say you are. If you have a medical or religious exemption you would need to show proof of that instead of the vaccine card. Problem solved. Leftists claim that Republicans are anti vaccine. If so, fewer would be eligible to vote. GOP claims Democrats cheat. Problem solved you would have to show up in person and show the vaccine card and ID. If you voting by mail you would have to supply a picture of the vaccine card next to a valid ID and sign it.

Who says no?
Sounds like a good idea in writing, but when you factor in the audits have shown there is no way to verify the number of ballots received match the number of legal registered voters, and when no chain of command is followed with ballots, you realize this is a bad deal.
Yeah just what this country really needs. More rules and regulations, IDs and hoops to jump through.

Jesus, can you imagine what this country would be like if every idiot out there that didn't like something got a law put into effect for it? Hell you'd need proof of identification, permits, finger prints and a social security number just to take a shit in your own house.

The best option is to do what you think is in your personal healths best interest and mind your own business.
The right to vote is not predicated with adherence to experimental medical treatments. Verification of a person's age and citizenship is a valid concern for election integrity. Two unrelated issues at play here.
If people really want the majority of the country vaccinated then enforce the rule that all voting from here on in will require proof of vaccination and an ID to show that you are who you say you are. If you have a medical or religious exemption you would need to show proof of that instead of the vaccine card. Problem solved. Leftists claim that Republicans are anti vaccine. If so, fewer would be eligible to vote. GOP claims Democrats cheat. Problem solved you would have to show up in person and show the vaccine card and ID. If you voting by mail you would have to supply a picture of the vaccine card next to a valid ID and sign it.

Who says no?
I'm an atheist---it's against my religion to be faux vaccinated as well.
If people really want the majority of the country vaccinated then enforce the rule that all voting from here on in will require proof of vaccination and an ID to show that you are who you say you are. If you have a medical or religious exemption you would need to show proof of that instead of the vaccine card. Problem solved. Leftists claim that Republicans are anti vaccine. If so, fewer would be eligible to vote. GOP claims Democrats cheat. Problem solved you would have to show up in person and show the vaccine card and ID. If you voting by mail you would have to supply a picture of the vaccine card next to a valid ID and sign it.

Who says no?
Good, but then no Dims will get elected because blacks have no IDs and don't get vaccinated either.
With Democrat stuffing ballot boxes you're on the right track. So what is your answer?
I think you can find the answer to that based on the actions of the state apparatus.

THEY know what logically should happen.

I know one thing is for certain, to continue down this road PRETENDING that we can vote, and legislate our way out of this is simply ridiculous.

I see all of these people on here in the grips of cognitive dissonance pretending there is a 'right and 'left.

It is the most absurd shit that one can possibly read.

It is on par with people talking about hunting Bigfoot, or Dragons.

It is a LARP, and it is sad because we all know deep down that the gig is up.

The myth has always been that in the least, if you didn't like your government, you could vote them out.

One man, one vote.

Not so is it?

What do you have left?

Well, you can pretend you still do, like so many on here do.

If people really want the majority of the country vaccinated then enforce the rule that all voting from here on in will require proof of vaccination and an ID to show that you are who you say you are. If you have a medical or religious exemption you would need to show proof of that instead of the vaccine card. Problem solved. Leftists claim that Republicans are anti vaccine. If so, fewer would be eligible to vote. GOP claims Democrats cheat. Problem solved you would have to show up in person and show the vaccine card and ID. If you voting by mail you would have to supply a picture of the vaccine card next to a valid ID and sign it.

Who says no?
One already has to prove identity when registering to vote.
Andy Cuomo managed to kill about 10,000 birds with one (executive order) stone. Biden's agenda that puts unvaccinated illegals in senior citizen neighborhoods is another stone that manages to kill conservative birds.

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