Kansas GOP Defeats The CoronaVirus and The Demonic DemoRats

The title of this thread isn't correct.

Kansas and gop haven't beaten anything.

What they are doing is making the situation worse.

Kansas now has over 1 thousand verified cases of the virus with nearly 40 dead.

Now you people want to bring hundreds of people together in a small space.

That's not very smart.

The deaths will be more blood on the hands of the republicans who voted to overturn the governor's order. Which shows they have no respect for life. They have no problem with showing they are the party of death.

Wrong....this virus is no deadlier than the regular flu.....as the updated models are showing.....

Alex Berenson, former New York Times reporter who worked for “the paper of record” from 1999 to 2010, has been doing his own analysis of the ever-changing models and offered some thoughts in a Fox News interview.

Berenson recently focused his attention on the IMHE model.

“Aside from New York, nationally there’s been no health system crisis. In fact, to be truly correct, there has been a health system crisis, but the crisis is that the hospitals are empty,” he said on Fox. “This is true in Florida where the lockdown was late, this is true in southern California where the lockdown was early, it’s true in Oklahoma where there is no statewide lockdown. There doesn’t seem to be any correlation between the lockdown and whether or not the epidemic has spread wide and fast.”

But Berenson said the precipitous drop in cases has occurred before lockdowns would have had a chance to have an impact, saying it would take several weeks for social distancing measures to take effect.

And he said the mainstream media are, in part, to blame.

“Look, I get why people were so scared three or four weeks ago. I was too. But now – for the media to ignore the real demographics and scare people with outlier cases – to ignore the mostly empty hospitals all over the country – to pretend that the models weren’t wrong … and to refuse to ask really hard questions about what that means about them and the efficacy or lack thereof of the lockdowns – to refuse to ask for hard metrics we will use to reopen the country … it doesn’t feel like panic is driving this anymore. It feels like people just won’t admit what’s happening,” he wrote on Twitter.

Berenson also pointed out that COVID-19 deaths are on pace to come in even with the deaths attributed to influenza in 2017.

“Nobody says COVID-19 is not real, that it can’t tax hospitals or kill people, esp. if they are over 75 or have comorbidities. But right now the best CURRENT projection is for 61,000 US deaths. That was the 2017 flu season. Why have we shut the country?” he wrote.

Crudely speaking, if we assume that the U.S. is around 50% of the way through the COVID-19 epidemic, we might expect something like 33,000 fatalities, equal to an average seasonal flu year. An inevitable second round of infections after our governments finally let people go back to work, and out in public, may raise that number, but no one I know of has tried to guess to what extent. Still, any way you look at it, it is hard to see how COVID-19 deaths will exceed the flu fatalities we experienced two years ago. And that was barely a news story.
Incredibly correct yet we still labor under the unwarranted freedom robbing hype
The Kansas governor is fighting back. He's having the license numbers of everyone at a church service recorded. The people will be tracked down and locked in their homes. In his words "you want to go to work. You want to go to the store. Now you can't do that."

Maybe the GOP can start a recall and stop him. Another democommiecrat governor losing his seat.

November is coming isn't a slogan it's a battle cry.

"Republican lawmakers overturned the executive order, claiming that it impedes on religious rights — even though many churches canceled Easter services voluntarily or intend to hold them online. “It appears to be out of line, extreme and clearly in violation, a blatant violation, of our fundamental rights,” said Senate president Susan Wagle."

Basically this devil-worshiping Democrat governor tried to use the day of the largest increase in coronavirus cases to date -- as a time to fearmonger and powergrab by issuing a ban on large gatherings....Obviously it was meant to attack Christians due to Easter coming up this weekend....Luckily the republicans by the force of Jesus, stopped her...Trump may not have been able to end all of this virus panic by Easter -- but at least the state of Kansas was able to stand up for God and defeat this virus hoax...
I believe the members of these churches have the legal right to assemble for worship even in an epidemic. It's pretty clear in the constitution. However to do so, brings to question the member's Christian values. Do they really think Christ would approve of them putting their family, friends, and neighbors in danger so they could physically sit in church rather than listen or view the service over the Internet. IMHO, this is not really about worshiping God but rather a show of contempt and defiance aimed at governmental authority.
Whether or not Christ would approve is not a question that government gets to answer. It's not a question that you can answer for someone else.
It's a question that these people should ask, if they really are Christians but won't because they don't care. It's all about thumbing their nose at the government and exercising their constitutional right regardless who or how many people's lives are put in danger.
Let me get this straight. Do you consider the virus a hoax?

Many churches are doing virtual services, and that is to their credit.

However, when you want to bring out guns to enforce your fears, you have crossed the line.

This legislature has done the right thing.

Go wash your hands.
What guns?

"Republican lawmakers overturned the executive order, claiming that it impedes on religious rights — even though many churches canceled Easter services voluntarily or intend to hold them online. “It appears to be out of line, extreme and clearly in violation, a blatant violation, of our fundamental rights,” said Senate president Susan Wagle."

Basically this devil-worshiping Democrat governor tried to use the day of the largest increase in coronavirus cases to date -- as a time to fearmonger and powergrab by issuing a ban on large gatherings....Obviously it was meant to attack Christians due to Easter coming up this weekend....Luckily the republicans by the force of Jesus, stopped her...Trump may not have been able to end all of this virus panic by Easter -- but at least the state of Kansas was able to stand up for God and defeat this virus hoax...
I believe the members of these churches have the legal right to assemble for worship even in an epidemic. It's pretty clear in the constitution. However to do so, brings to question the member's Christian values. Do they really think Christ would approve of them putting their family, friends, and neighbors in danger so they could physically sit in church rather than listen or view the service over the Internet. IMHO, this is not really about worshiping God but rather a show of contempt and defiance aimed at governmental authority.
Whether or not Christ would approve is not a question that government gets to answer. It's not a question that you can answer for someone else.
It's a question that these people should ask, if they really are Christians but won't because they don't care. It's all about thumbing their nose at the government and exercising their constitutional right regardless who or how many people's lives are put in danger.
The shelter in place has gone on long enough
Let me get this straight. Do you consider the virus a hoax?

Many churches are doing virtual services, and that is to their credit.

However, when you want to bring out guns to enforce your fears, you have crossed the line.

This legislature has done the right thing.

Go wash your hands.

Those churches who have done virtual services surely have gotten away from the lord. They have listened to Satan aka common sense.
I guess the Communist News Network failed to report this to you

church goers were fined $500 for listening to church services ON THEIR RADIO

Let me get this straight. Do you consider the virus a hoax?

Many churches are doing virtual services, and that is to their credit.

However, when you want to bring out guns to enforce your fears, you have crossed the line.

This legislature has done the right thing.

Go wash your hands.

Those churches who have done virtual services surely have gotten away from the lord. They have listened to Satan aka common sense.
I guess the Communist News Network failed to report this to you

church goers were fined $500 for listening to church services ON THEIR RADIO

They could have done that home. Totally unnecessary to leave the house for that.

They got fined because they were told not to gather.
Let me get this straight. Do you consider the virus a hoax?

Many churches are doing virtual services, and that is to their credit.

However, when you want to bring out guns to enforce your fears, you have crossed the line.

This legislature has done the right thing.

Go wash your hands.

Those churches who have done virtual services surely have gotten away from the lord. They have listened to Satan aka common sense.
I guess the Communist News Network failed to report this to you

church goers were fined $500 for listening to church services ON THEIR RADIO


the church has an internet broadcast but older embers are not internet savvy

so the church had a special limited range radio broadcast sort of like wifi

the signal only goes out for a few hundred feet

"Republican lawmakers overturned the executive order, claiming that it impedes on religious rights — even though many churches canceled Easter services voluntarily or intend to hold them online. “It appears to be out of line, extreme and clearly in violation, a blatant violation, of our fundamental rights,” said Senate president Susan Wagle."

Basically this devil-worshiping Democrat governor tried to use the day of the largest increase in coronavirus cases to date -- as a time to fearmonger and powergrab by issuing a ban on large gatherings....Obviously it was meant to attack Christians due to Easter coming up this weekend....Luckily the republicans by the force of Jesus, stopped her...Trump may not have been able to end all of this virus panic by Easter -- but at least the state of Kansas was able to stand up for God and defeat this virus hoax...
I believe the members of these churches have the legal right to assemble for worship even in an epidemic. It's pretty clear in the constitution. However to do so, brings to question the member's Christian values. Do they really think Christ would approve of them putting their family, friends, and neighbors in danger so they could physically sit in church rather than listen or view the service over the Internet. IMHO, this is not really about worshiping God but rather a show of contempt and defiance aimed at governmental authority.
Whether or not Christ would approve is not a question that government gets to answer. It's not a question that you can answer for someone else.
It's a question that these people should ask, if they really are Christians but won't because they don't care. It's all about thumbing their nose at the government and exercising their constitutional right regardless who or how many people's lives are put in danger.
No body's life was put in danger. Everyone was in their own car in a parking lot with the windows rolled up.

"Republican lawmakers overturned the executive order, claiming that it impedes on religious rights — even though many churches canceled Easter services voluntarily or intend to hold them online. “It appears to be out of line, extreme and clearly in violation, a blatant violation, of our fundamental rights,” said Senate president Susan Wagle."

Basically this devil-worshiping Democrat governor tried to use the day of the largest increase in coronavirus cases to date -- as a time to fearmonger and powergrab by issuing a ban on large gatherings....Obviously it was meant to attack Christians due to Easter coming up this weekend....Luckily the republicans by the force of Jesus, stopped her...Trump may not have been able to end all of this virus panic by Easter -- but at least the state of Kansas was able to stand up for God and defeat this virus hoax...

Back during the previous pandemic in 1349, those clergy who abandoned their profession and refused to minister to the faithful were castigated as cowards. Now those same men of the cloth are being ripped for continuing on and offering help to the faithful who are passing on.

Its peculiar the way things change

Cause you know, shit that happened almost 700 years ago is relevant today......ehh...nevermind.
Oh yeah, and the last pandemic was 1918.
The thinning of the herd is coming from democrat cities. Blacks are hardest hit. Perhaps being overjoyed at the thought of virus dead is a bit racist.
Indeed, its mostly democrats who arent heeding the social distancing warnings.
You`ve taken a survey of who is and who isn`t heeding the warnings? Please share.
Democrats realize that all Christians are not Republicans...or white for that matter. Right?
Social distancing laws are selectively applied. They are NOT applied to the homeless. They are not applied to riding the subway. Why? Because it's more fun to threaten Christians.

"Republican lawmakers overturned the executive order, claiming that it impedes on religious rights — even though many churches canceled Easter services voluntarily or intend to hold them online. “It appears to be out of line, extreme and clearly in violation, a blatant violation, of our fundamental rights,” said Senate president Susan Wagle."

Basically this devil-worshiping Democrat governor tried to use the day of the largest increase in coronavirus cases to date -- as a time to fearmonger and powergrab by issuing a ban on large gatherings....Obviously it was meant to attack Christians due to Easter coming up this weekend....Luckily the republicans by the force of Jesus, stopped her...Trump may not have been able to end all of this virus panic by Easter -- but at least the state of Kansas was able to stand up for God and defeat this virus hoax...
I believe the members of these churches have the legal right to assemble for worship even in an epidemic. It's pretty clear in the constitution. However to do so, brings to question the member's Christian values. Do they really think Christ would approve of them putting their family, friends, and neighbors in danger so they could physically sit in church rather than listen or view the service over the Internet. IMHO, this is not really about worshiping God but rather a show of contempt and defiance aimed at governmental authority.
Whether or not Christ would approve is not a question that government gets to answer. It's not a question that you can answer for someone else.
It's a question that these people should ask, if they really are Christians but won't because they don't care. It's all about thumbing their nose at the government and exercising their constitutional right regardless who or how many people's lives are put in danger.
The shelter in place has gone on long enough
That depends on your point of view
If you've been off work without pay for a few weeks, and need money to pay the rent and buy groceries, then ending restrictions and getting back to work has to be your priority.

If you work in a hospital and had to deal with patients dying for lack of care, and co-workers falling ill due to lack of PPEs, then that decision depends on how prepared the medical community is to deal with new infections that will come from removing restrictions.

If you're a scientist and you understand the restrictions are needed until the epidemic is under control, then it's obvious the restriction need to be in place longer.
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Social distancing laws are selectively applied. They are NOT applied to the homeless. They are not applied to riding the subway. Why? Because it's more fun to threaten Christians.
An epidemic can not be dealt with fairly for a number of reasons.

"Republican lawmakers overturned the executive order, claiming that it impedes on religious rights — even though many churches canceled Easter services voluntarily or intend to hold them online. “It appears to be out of line, extreme and clearly in violation, a blatant violation, of our fundamental rights,” said Senate president Susan Wagle."

Basically this devil-worshiping Democrat governor tried to use the day of the largest increase in coronavirus cases to date -- as a time to fearmonger and powergrab by issuing a ban on large gatherings....Obviously it was meant to attack Christians due to Easter coming up this weekend....Luckily the republicans by the force of Jesus, stopped her...Trump may not have been able to end all of this virus panic by Easter -- but at least the state of Kansas was able to stand up for God and defeat this virus hoax...
It was immediately visible in the IHME models. There was a jump in deaths and it moved the peak 6 days into the future.

Republicans are so fucking stupid sometimes it's actually hard to believe just how stupid they are.
Im a republican, and like most republicans, i think its dumb to allow people to gather in churches. A few people in Kansas hardly speak for the entirety of the republican party. You must be pretty stupid to say something that fucking stupid.

That ^ is a fair point. Thanks. I also don't believe that all Republicans blindly follow this president. There are many fine, smart, decent conservatives in the world. A few tards in Kansas don't represent your party.

I don’t support Trump or the Democrats or the Republicans, three wrongs don’t make a right.

"Republican lawmakers overturned the executive order, claiming that it impedes on religious rights — even though many churches canceled Easter services voluntarily or intend to hold them online. “It appears to be out of line, extreme and clearly in violation, a blatant violation, of our fundamental rights,” said Senate president Susan Wagle."

Basically this devil-worshiping Democrat governor tried to use the day of the largest increase in coronavirus cases to date -- as a time to fearmonger and powergrab by issuing a ban on large gatherings....Obviously it was meant to attack Christians due to Easter coming up this weekend....Luckily the republicans by the force of Jesus, stopped her...Trump may not have been able to end all of this virus panic by Easter -- but at least the state of Kansas was able to stand up for God and defeat this virus hoax...
I believe the members of these churches have the legal right to assemble for worship even in an epidemic. It's pretty clear in the constitution. However to do so, brings to question the member's Christian values. Do they really think Christ would approve of them putting their family, friends, and neighbors in danger so they could physically sit in church rather than listen or view the service over the Internet. IMHO, this is not really about worshiping God but rather a show of contempt and defiance aimed at governmental authority.
Whether or not Christ would approve is not a question that government gets to answer. It's not a question that you can answer for someone else.
It's a question that these people should ask, if they really are Christians but won't because they don't care. It's all about thumbing their nose at the government and exercising their constitutional right regardless who or how many people's lives are put in danger.
The shelter in place has gone on long enough
That depends on your point of view
If you've been off work without pay for a few weeks, and need money to pay the rent and buy groceries, then ending restrictions and getting back to work has to be your priority.

If you work in a hospital and had to deal with patients dying for lack of care, and co-workers falling ill due to lack of PPEs, then that decision depends on how prepared the medical community is to deal with new infections that will come from removing restrictions.

If you're a scientist and you understand the restrictions are needed until the epidemic is under control, then it's obvious the restriction need to be in place longer.
It appears that for some of us the epidemic will never be satisfactorily under control

people will continue to die from the chinese disease no matter how long the quarantine continues

but if we destroy the economy for years to come where will people get money to live on?

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