Just when you thought there were no good Democrats left

jc456, post: 1802625
You don't make that decision though. He sacrificed for them and has every right to comment on why he sacrificed. Not you

Only a moron would say all veterans can never be wrong. You can have an opinion that the earth is flat but that makes you a moron.
jc456, post: 18026327
It's empty cause they received their opportunity from the country they protest

They are not protesting the country. They are protesting something going on in this country that is not right. Do you see how you distort the matter with disinformation.

I protested against invading Iraq. Pro-War lemmings said I was a Saddam lover and hate America. That is the BS response for ignorant self absorbed people who don't use reason to determine right and wrong. Those who supported Bush to invade Iraq did more damage to more lives and health to Service members than praying during the national anthem in protest could ever do.

My god 4484 died serving in the needless war in Iraq. Those who opposed it are the most patriotic and military loving of all.

Yet you have the gall with your panties in a knot over NFL players peacefully expressing their views on a national tv stage.

Gain some freakin perspective on what's going on in the world.
jc456, post: 18026327
It's empty cause they received their opportunity from the country they protest

They are not protesting the country. They are protesting something going on in this country that is not right. Do you see how you distort the matter with disinformation.

I protested against invading Iraq. Pro-War lemmings said I was a Saddam lover and hate America. That is the BS response for ignorant self absorbed people who don't use reason to determine right and wrong. Those who supported Bush to invade Iraq did more damage to more lives and health to Service members than praying during the national anthem in protest could ever do.

My god 4484 died serving in the needless war in Iraq. Those who opposed it are the most patriotic and military loving of all.

Yet you have the gall with your panties in a knot over NFL players peacefully expressing their views on a national tv stage.

Gain some freakin perspective on what's going on in the world.
What? Millionaires avoided serving to make changes. Playing football doesn't do that. If you can't condemn antifas then you are part of the problem. Maybe they should take their money and help inner city kids. Reject democrats who hold blacks back. Why do you avoid those issues where hundreds of blacks die in violence? Hypocrites

BRW I objected to Iraq. So?
Ray From Cleveland, post: 18025900,

However, the pressure is already on and they are responding hoping that they can repair the damage from this idiotic move they made

How can they repair the damage in your twisted mind? Not standing at attention paying due respect for the flag during the anthen is a horrendous Anti-America, anti/police, anti-veteran civil act in your mind. It's anti-perfect patriot that you are.

Once the offront to your mental stability has been committed how do the same players you have condemned as anti-American gain Ray's approved pro-America status once again?

Since you appear to be the arbiter of such things, won't they have to be severely punished in some way by the NFL?

If the Browns are in playoff contention midway through the season they will be as hot a commodity as they were during the Sipe And Kosar years.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 18025900,

However, the pressure is already on and they are responding hoping that they can repair the damage from this idiotic move they made

How can they repair the damage in your twisted mind? Not standing at attention paying due respect for the flag during the anthen is a horrendous Anti-America, anti/police, anti-veteran civil act in your mind. It's anti-perfect patriot that you are.

Once the offront to your mental stability has been committed how do the same players you have condemned as anti-American gain Ray's approved pro-America status once again?

Since you appear to be the arbiter of such things, won't they have to be severely punished in some way by the NFL?

If the Browns are in playoff contention midway through the season they will be as hot a commodity as they were during the Sipe And Kosar years.

I'm one person with one voice, but when there are thousands that feel the same way I do, that can spell trouble for the organization and they know it.

How can they repair the damage? Looks like they are trying to by not pulling the same stunt. They respectfully stood at attention during the anthem in their last game. That's a pretty good start.
jc456, post: 18027100
BRW I objected to Iraq. So?

Then you were called anti-American by the same freakin easily aroused right wing haters that you run with.

That is if you marched against or loudly voiced opposition prior to Its start. That was the only time to stop it.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 18027748
How can they repair the damage? Looks like they are trying to by not pulling the same stunt. They respectfully stood at attention during the anthem in their last game. That's a pretty good start.

Not a nationally televised MNF game yesterday. Have you read their minds again. Now you know they planned on doing it for the two remaining TV pres-season games as well.

How do you read minds like that?

You say they are anti-American for doing it once.

Ray From Cleveland, post: 18002626,
Disrespecting our flag or anthem is down right anti-American.

But they won't be anti-American if they don't do such an atrocity ever again. No apologies from the team, players, the NFL, nothing. Yet you give these players a good start.

Isn't the entire NFL anti-American for allowing these players and coaches and owners to go unpunished?

Are you building your excuse to watch, like so many who had a mindless rant last Tuesday morning.
Not a nationally televised MNF game yesterday. Have you read their minds again. Now you know they planned on doing it for the two remaining TV pres-season games as well.

How do you read minds like that?

You say they are anti-American for doing it once.

They are anti-American for doing it once. But the question you asked was how they repair the damage and I told you how.

Yes, they probably would have done it again if the public supported their actions, but they got such a backlash they probably decided that was enough if they didn't want to financially hurt their team.

But they won't be anti-American if they don't do such an atrocity ever again. No apologies from the team, players, the NFL, nothing. Yet you give these players a good start.

Isn't the entire NFL anti-American for allowing these players and coaches and owners to go unpunished?

Are you building your excuse to watch, like so many who had a mindless rant last Tuesday morning.

Yes, the entire NFL is anti-American for allowing that crap to go on, that's why they had such bad ratings last super bowl, and from what I heard, it was a great game.

I'm not a big sports fan so I haven't turned on a Browns game anyway. If not for the kneel, I might have started watching if they were doing good just because they are my team. I spend most of my time outside during global warming. But global warming is soon to end in Cleveland and that's when I look for things to watch on TV. No Browns this year.
o you're telling a veteran he's wrong? Fk off jk squat

They were otlrotesting veterans who do this:

"He has not shied away from violence in the past, however. As the SPLC has documented, the former Green Beret demolitions expert once robbed fellow army sergeants of their M-16 rifles during a training exercise while shouting “This is for the KKK” and served four years in prison for accumulating massive caches of weapons believed to be stolen from U.S. Army facilities that he intended to use to target black and Jewish-owned businesses.

Neo-Confederate Group That Was Out In Force In C'ville Embraces Violent Turn

Do you have the moral decency to condemn such a veteran that according to you can do nothing wrong.

This asshole was at Charlottesville.

But protesting, by praying during the anthem Nazis marching in Charlottesville is wrong to you people and that is what you choose condemn.

Sickos. All of you.
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Ray From Cleveland, post: 18035660,
Yes, they probably would have done it again if the public supported their actions, but they got such a backlash they probably decided that was enough if they didn't want to financially hurt their team.

You continue to make claims base on mind reading and racist bias. If you can see the future you should devote your time to winning lottery jackpots and buy your own team. Where you can start an all the AWNFL all white NFL.

This is about race and you know it.

Here's your QB firmer Green Beret demolitions expert . Right up your alley.

He has not shied away from violence in the past, however. As the SPLC has documented, the former Green Beret demolitions expert once robbed fellow army sergeants of their M-16 rifles during a training exercise while shouting “This is for the KKK” and served four years in prison for accumulating massive caches of weapons believed to be stolen from U.S. Army facilities that he intended to use to target black and Jewish-owned businesses.

Neo-Confederate Group That Was Out In Force In C'ville Embraces Violent Turn

Trouble is he may only stand at allegiance to the Confederate Flag .

This scum in America is what the Browns activists were denouncing. No denouncing the Great and wonderful things about America.

America of this kind of scum by resustance renunciation and law enforcement was part of the reason for a protest on MNF. That's too much for people like you who align with the hate mobs and people like that Nazi former Green Beret.
All we see are the results of the democrats behind the mass media using the NEGRO as political pawns by convincing them they are nothing but victims.

They won't stop, as we have seen, until every part of America is destroyed. They are OBVIOUSLY using the BLACKS as their weapon.

I am not exactly being original here. What unreal damage the democrats have done to that race.
This is about race and you know it.

I do know it. We have a race of people in our country who refuse to accept authority or obey commands. Of course that would be a problem in a civilized society. They were raised by parents that taught them good is evil and evil is good. They were raised to hate police and authority. In other words, they were raised as Democrats.

The solution is not to disrespect our flag and country, the solution is to move from this country to an uncivilized place where no real police or laws exist.

This scum in America is what the Browns activists were denouncing. No denouncing the Great and wonderful things about America.

Well there you go, proof of what I just wrote. Leftists think that our police who protect the public are scum.
COLUMBUS, Ohio — An Ohio Supreme Court justice is criticizing some Cleveland Browns players who prayed in silent protest during the national anthem before a game.

Justice Bill O’Neill writes on Facebook he won’t attend any games at which “draft dodging millionaire athletes disrespect the veterans who earned them the right to be on that field.” He said Tuesday “shame on you all.”

O’Neill notes he’s a Vietnam veteran whose family has a history of military service. He’s also the lone Democrat holding a statewide office in Ohio.

More than a dozen Browns players kneeled and formed a circle on the sideline during the anthem Monday. Tight end Seth DeValve says he wanted “to pray for our country.”

Browns linebacker Christian Kirksey talked to FOX 8 News on Tuesday, and said, “Respect to all the veterans, respect to the military — we are not protesting against them. We have our reasons for doing what we did, and last night felt like the right time to do it, and that’s why we did it.”

The protest was the largest in a social-consciousness movement started last season by San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick currently a free agent.

Ohio Supreme Court justice blasts Browns over anthem protest

I say good for him. A man that served our country realizing the anti-American stances taken by these un-appreciative Americans who are millionaires because they do live in this great country.

I for one will never turn on a Browns game unless they apologize and take measures to assure us Clevelanders they will never allow their players to embarrass us again; especially on national TV. Like this Democrat judge, I find their actions distasteful, disrespectful, and using God and prayer to take the heat off is also sacrilegious and cowardly.

Screw them. Boycott all Cleveland Browns games and products if you are a real American.

That's anti-American about praying for America durning the singing of the National anthem.
All we see are the results of the democrats behind the mass media using the NEGRO as political pawns by convincing them they are nothing but victims.

They won't stop, as we have seen, until every part of America is destroyed. They are OBVIOUSLY using the BLACKS as their weapon.

I am not exactly being original here. What unreal damage the democrats have done to that race.

Go back to Stormfront, shit stain.
Well there you go, proof of what I just wrote. Leftists think that our police who protect the public are scum.

He's not a cop. He's a fricken Nazi scum ex Green Beret who wants to kill blacks and Jews.

You are sick.

I was talking about the players that protest. I don't even know why you brought up that stupid green beret story in the first place.

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