John Bolton to release tell-all book about his time working with Trump


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011

As expected, Trump is desperately trying to keep the book from being published rather than just be a grown man and letting it happen. For Trump supporters I’m sure they’ll talk about how awful Bolton is. Of course, Trump supporters liked Bolton up until Trump decided he was terrible. Very fickle those republicans.

I can’t wait.

As expected, Trump is desperately trying to keep the book from being published rather than just be a grown man and letting it happen. For Trump supporters I’m sure they’ll talk about how awful Bolton is. Of course, Trump supporters liked Bolton up until Trump decided he was terrible. Very fickle those republicans.

I can’t wait.

It will sell as well as other books of its type. Democrats will up the numbers at first, then the cut-out bins in less than a month.

As expected, Trump is desperately trying to keep the book from being published rather than just be a grown man and letting it happen. For Trump supporters I’m sure they’ll talk about how awful Bolton is. Of course, Trump supporters liked Bolton up until Trump decided he was terrible. Very fickle those republicans.

I can’t wait.

Yawn.... he has flossing tips you wanted to read about?

Frankly I never bother with such "tell all" books since it will be one sided, that is why I never buy them.

Why would anyone want to buy books from the likes of the Clintons, Obamas, Bushes, and the Trumps anyway?

As expected, Trump is desperately trying to keep the book from being published rather than just be a grown man and letting it happen. For Trump supporters I’m sure they’ll talk about how awful Bolton is. Of course, Trump supporters liked Bolton up until Trump decided he was terrible. Very fickle those republicans.

I can’t wait.


As expected, Trump is desperately trying to keep the book from being published rather than just be a grown man and letting it happen. For Trump supporters I’m sure they’ll talk about how awful Bolton is. Of course, Trump supporters liked Bolton up until Trump decided he was terrible. Very fickle those republicans.

I can’t wait.
His ratings keep going up

As expected, Trump is desperately trying to keep the book from being published rather than just be a grown man and letting it happen. For Trump supporters I’m sure they’ll talk about how awful Bolton is. Of course, Trump supporters liked Bolton up until Trump decided he was terrible. Very fickle those republicans.

I can’t wait.

Yes this is the same tell-all book et to be published that we needed to shut down Congress for until the dems could get a copy into the impeachment trial based on a NYT's article based on a copy of the manuscript they never saw. We know. Trump Gotcha #236 of the year.
Bolton to release a book.....

oh noo .....I'm so so scared. :rolleyes:

It’s possible you might have to be. I mean regardless of what’s in it, Trump will never shut the fuck up about Bolton in reaction to it. This will of course only direct more attention to the book

As expected, Trump is desperately trying to keep the book from being published rather than just be a grown man and letting it happen. For Trump supporters I’m sure they’ll talk about how awful Bolton is. Of course, Trump supporters liked Bolton up until Trump decided he was terrible. Very fickle those republicans.

I can’t wait.
Bullshit, we never liked that globalist pig. He’s a fucking warmonger. President Trump only had him on his staff so he would know exactly what NOT to do. President Trump took every idea of his and threw it in the trash.

Now Bolton has to join the chorus of globalist pigs that will be squealing from now until Election Day about how horrible it is to have a President that doesn’t start new wars with countries that haven’t attacked us.

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