Zone1 And Jesus said "Depart from me, all you..." What? Evil believers? No, "Evildoers"

But they wisely assure their members that it is okay to believe and teach Darwin or not as they choose.
That says everything that I've ever wanted to hear!

The CC tells its flock it's o.k. to believe and teach Darwin.

Ironically, we have an example of true and unqualified faith, with no exceptions, in our buttercup. You won't hear me criticizing her for taking that position, but you sure the hell 'will' hear Meriweather, Ding, and possibly you doing it.
From my best info, Darwin was not very scientific. He didn't have the best character either... but I can't recall specifics so I'll just mosey along.

I really don't have any natural interest in Darwin or evolution... that's just me. I've been in Christ's real presence in the Church and that is proof enough for me that Jesus is REAL, hence the term Real Presence...

It looks like I am a rather rare Catholic, though... It is sad that many of them don't even seem to know about theRP

I tell people, but ... well, that's another topic for another day..
For me I think there is just too much evidence for Darwin's theory to dismiss it out of hand. His character isn't important to me as I have never had to deal with him personally. His theory has stood up in scientific analysis as well as via logic and reason. I have too many archeologists, paleontologists, anthropologists among my friends and family to not be pretty well informed and interested in the subject as well as a bit of formal education. At the same time there is far more developmental science that Darwin cannot explain than what it can explain.

So I neither dismiss Darwin nor hold him up as the answer to all scientific concepts of why we are the way we are. I think the curious, the critical thinker, and a desire to be well educated look at everything in addition to Darwin and the Bible.
yeh, those who have no real, logical argument always do "have to go now"

I've noticed that...
Don't slag at buttercup. She is a total and complete believer and that makes her the only Christians taking part in this discussion who can answer honestly to all the questions. See the bible!

You can't, and neither can any other halfway Christian!
For me I think there is just too much evidence for Darwin's theory to dismiss it out of hand. His character isn't important to me as I have never had to deal with him personally. His theory has stood up in scientific analysis as well as via logic and reason. I have too many archeologists, paleontologists, anthropologists among my friends and family to not be pretty well informed and interested in the subject as well as a bit of formal education. At the same time there is far more developmental science that Darwin cannot explain than what it can explain.

So I neither dismiss Darwin nor hold him up as the answer to all scientific concepts of why we are the way we are. I think the curious, the critical thinker, and a desire to be well educated look at everything in addition to Darwin and the Bible.
That's a great way to start out saying that you accept Darwinian evolution and then end up saying that you accept creation too!

You just detour in the middle by suggesting that Darwin can't explain everything.
Well, we sort of already knew that!

The CC endorsed the 'big bang' theory too, but now they need to move quick to put some daylight between their church and the BB theory.

Your religion is constantly needing to evolve and only buttercup refuses to play that game.
So I neither dismiss Darwin nor hold him up as the answer to all scientific concepts of why we are the way we are. I think the curious, the critical thinker, and a desire to be well educated look at everything in addition to Darwin and the Bible.
Well, I've never been in the presence of Darwin.. :)

I've been in the presence of Christ, though, thanks to a good priest who told me about the RP years ago.. I never would have found out w/o him.. (is what it looks like) since never found a priest afterward who even mentioned it in homilies or wherever... SAD... People should experience the RP
A lot of people think they can do all manner of evil and still end up in Heaven.

What a bunch of delusional *&^%$ that is! I can't think of a worse "belief."

But then again, belief doesn't appear to have much to do with our Judgment, according to this and other Scriptures.

"Even the demons believe and tremble" (Book of James, 2nd chapter)

So much for what you believe. A lot of Protestants wax superior in the fake knowledge that their beliefs are better than... totally superior to, those of the Catholics..

But again, belief itself doesn't matter. What matters is what you DO.

Jesus says in this psg (I will fetch it for you)

Depart from Me, all you evil DOERS

not believers

Matthew 7:23

Aramaic Bible in Plain English
And then I will confess to them, 'I have never known you, remove yourselves far from me, you workers of evil.'
Believing you can do all manner of evil is NOT repentance of sin. We all know that, and anyone who thinks they can do that is not repentant.

King David was a terrible sinner, committing adultery and murder, yet was a man after God's own heart. Why did God call him that? Because, when confronted with his sin, he repented of it, and grieved over it. A repentant sinner does not try to find out how far he can push it or how close he can get to sin before becoming a sinner. No, a repentant sinner leaves the sin behind.

Yes, belief in Christ saves you, but if you're not showing the fruit of that salvation in your life, it's not for real.

  • Romans 10:9 - "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved."
I don't believe that Darwinian evolution is compatible with biblical Christianity...

were they both present at the same time - is evidence of something new than known at that time is discovered is what was written earlier wrong or composed incorrectly ... those that wrote genesis - found throughout all three desert documents.

buttercup is more than guilty of blind faith for their religious beliefs used for their own benefit than truth and verifiable facts.
They say: Evolution happened and the god supervised.
Wrong. It's not what I've ever said because it is not what I have ever thought. I don't even know that evolution answers the question of how all creation took place. What I say is, "I haven't the faintest idea of how God did it." What I do know from science is that this planet and all that lives upon it did not pop into existence in 144 hours. The fingerprints that God left behind agree with another definition of 'day'. Look it up. "A particular period of the past; an era." The Bible often uses the word we translate as 'day' to indicate that second definition of day. You can research that, too, when there is time.
Believing you can do all manner of evil is NOT repentance of sin. We all know that, and anyone who thinks they can do that is not repentant.

King David was a terrible sinner, committing adultery and murder, yet was a man after God's own heart. Why did God call him that? Because, when confronted with his sin, he repented of it, and grieved over it. A repentant sinner does not try to find out how far he can push it or how close he can get to sin before becoming a sinner. No, a repentant sinner leaves the sin behind.

Yes, belief in Christ saves you, but if you're not showing the fruit of that salvation in your life, it's not for real.

  • Romans 10:9 - "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved."
well, again scripture can seem to contradict other scripture. If one were to go only by this one you give here, that person would think all he has to do is believe. But then there is James 2 something and other psgs.. like the one in the OP

Then there is the one wheere Jesus says

If you love Me you will keep my commandments
I wonder how Jesus will judge those who trash the Catholic faith?

especially in light of the fact Jesus founded the Catholic Church?

Whether you do that out of ignorance or not, you are still doing it, and at some point, you have to realize that maybe... just maybe you are wrong..

Of course, you have never been wrong b4....
That's a great way to start out saying that you accept Darwinian evolution and then end up saying that you accept creation too!

You just detour in the middle by suggesting that Darwin can't explain everything.
Well, we sort of already knew that!

The CC endorsed the 'big bang' theory too, but now they need to move quick to put some daylight between their church and the BB theory.

Your religion is constantly needing to evolve and only buttercup refuses to play that game.
Again your reading comprehension may need some work. I previously explained I think in some detail that I see no reason that Darwin cannot peacefully co-exist with Creation and the two don't have to contradict each other. I believe both with no conflict in my thinking whatsoever.

Allowing a belief is NOT the same thing as endorsing a belief whether it is me or the Roman Catholic Church. I took no detours whatsoever. I have been pretty much 100% consistent in my opinion on these things for at least most of my adult life.

My only quarrel with you is in your describing those who believe differently than you in these things as 'evil'. In my opinion beliefs on things like that have no moral or ethical bearing one way or another. They affect us with no more significance than does a preference between chocolate and vanilla.
You think he is interested in all the bickering? Jesus' judges our hearts, and that mostly pertains on our love of God and love of others.
I'm done listening to you. You call yourself Catholic but you have a worldly view about what "love" is.. You think it is agreeing with as many people as possible, even when said people are in egregious error.

btw this is a terrible way to raise children... indulging them all the time, never making them do what they're supposed to. etc...

If one person says A is true, and someone who believes A is not true, that instead B is true.. Both cannot be correct (unless you're talking about personal preferences, which we are NOT).

2 + 2 always equals 4

Someone you want to get along with may say 2 + 2 is 50. Do you agree just to keep the peace and let that person believe a LIE

Liars end up in Hell (Revelation...)
Well, I've never been in the presence of Darwin.. :)

I've been in the presence of Christ, though, thanks to a good priest who told me about the RP years ago.. I never would have found out w/o him.. (is what it looks like) since never found a priest afterward who even mentioned it in homilies or wherever... SAD... People should experience the RP
I think blessed are those who have a relationship with the Christ. And blessed are those who gently and with love introduce the Christ to others by example and word. I shudder to think how many have been driven away from God by the unattractive or hateful way He was introduced to them. I think nobody probably ever came to know Christ by being told he/she was going to hell.
I think blessed are those who have a relationship with the Christ. And blessed are those who gently and with love introduce the Christ to others by example and word. I shudder to think how many have been driven away from God by the unattractive or hateful way He was introduced to them. I think nobody probably ever came to know Christ by being told he/she was going to hell.
Jesus didn't pussy foot around about the Truth. and he spoke of Hell often and said that those who don't , for example, care about the downtrodden are going there.. Mt 25:31

In Mt 5:48 we are told to be like God

Being like Jesus is the only way we can do that. And again, Jesus did NOT pussy foot around... we recall what He did in the temple.. :eek:

All this "love" BS in our day.. Accept gays because to not accept what they do is not loving

Right... we should encourage them in a sin that leads to eternal damnation..

that is SO loving, isn't it?
Wrong. It's not what I've ever said because it is not what I have ever thought. I don't even know that evolution answers the question of how all creation took place. What I say is, "I haven't the faintest idea of how God did it." What I do know from science is that this planet and all that lives upon it did not pop into existence in 144 hours. The fingerprints that God left behind agree with another definition of 'day'. Look it up. "A particular period of the past; an era." The Bible often uses the word we translate as 'day' to indicate that second definition of day. You can research that, too, when there is time.
I have no issue with your beliefs in what makes a day. If we are to accept that your god created the earth, then while in that process a day couldn't even be defined. We do agree that the earth has a very thin crust as compared to the molten core? Can we agree that the length of a day is not something to even attempt to debate?

To look at the question from the POV of evolution, a day hasn't been a constant. As the earth solidified I would imagine that a day became roughly 24 hours. Yes?

If you want to discuss anything with me, we're going to have to choose to have something in common on those separate and distinctly different theories.

I'll be happy to entertain yours. Can you say what the molten core is all about?
I'm done listening to you. You call yourself Catholic but you have a worldly view about what "love" is.. You think it is agreeing with as many people as possible, even when said people are in egregious error.
This is truly funny. Am I agreeing with you? Most here will testify I seldom agree with anyone. I merely present a different perspective, a perspective I think is worth considering as well.

Love is who God is. We are made in that image, made to love and to be loved. If that is the worldly view of love, I'm all in.

We first must listen carefully to what another says before calling "egregious error".
especially in light of the fact Jesus founded the Catholic Church?

- not one word in the 4th century christian bible is written by jesus who's primary goal in the 1st century was the repudiation of judaism, hereditary idolatry and falses commandments they and those others gave their life for.

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