Joe Biden's "Beyond-Puzzling" Cabinet Picks


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Apparently Joe Biden is choosing his cabinet members in the same manner that he got his son Hunter high-ranking memberships on Chinese and Ukrainian corporations, even though Hunter had absolutely no experience to speak of.

This is why I refer to Biden's administration as the "Sesame Street Administration."

"Is Joe Biden using a dartboard to fill out his Cabinet? Some of his choices strike us as awful, ideology-wise, but many make no sense at all.

Take tapping Ohio Rep. Marcia Fudge to lead the Department of Housing and Urban Development: She’s got little experience in housing issues, except as mayor of a small city...

Pete Buttigieg for Transportation? His main experience is as mayor of South Bend, Ind., whose transit system consists of 66 buses.

And why California Attorney General Xavier Becerra for Health and Human Services? He’s not a medical professional, though he’s filed more than 100 lawsuits against the Trump administration over the Affordable Care Act ...

Michigan ex-Gov. Jennifer Granholm for Energy seems to make sense: She’s known for pushing fossil-fuel reduction...

Even when you can see a real connection, many won’t like it. Alejandro Mayorkas, the Obama-era head of US Citizenship and Immigration Services, is Biden’s choice for Secretary of Homeland Security...

The weirdness goes beyond the Cabinet: Biden’s pick to head up the White House Domestic Policy Council is former UN ambassador Susan Rice, whose career has focused on foreign policy. Plus, she took point for Team Obama in falsely blaming the 2012 attack on the US consulate in Benghazi on a spontaneous response to a viral video...

And, of course, whatever John Kerry is supposed to do as the special presidential envoy on climate change, the one thing you can be sure of is that he’ll screw it up while claiming victory...

All in all, these picks can only add to the nation’s worries about just how much Biden’s lost off his mental fastball. It’s going to be a long and confusing four years."

Joe Biden’s beyond-puzzling Cabinet picks

I'm fine with those outside of Rice and Kerry. Whether I'll support the picks in the long run depends on what they actually do.
Apparently Joe Biden is choosing his cabinet members in the same manner that he got his son Hunter high-ranking memberships on Chinese and Ukrainian corporations, even though Hunter had absolutely no experience to speak of.

This is why I refer to Biden's administration as the "Sesame Street Administration."

"Is Joe Biden using a dartboard to fill out his Cabinet? Some of his choices strike us as awful, ideology-wise, but many make no sense at all.

Take tapping Ohio Rep. Marcia Fudge to lead the Department of Housing and Urban Development: She’s got little experience in housing issues, except as mayor of a small city...

Pete Buttigieg for Transportation? His main experience is as mayor of South Bend, Ind., whose transit system consists of 66 buses.

And why California Attorney General Xavier Becerra for Health and Human Services? He’s not a medical professional, though he’s filed more than 100 lawsuits against the Trump administration over the Affordable Care Act ...

Michigan ex-Gov. Jennifer Granholm for Energy seems to make sense: She’s known for pushing fossil-fuel reduction...

Even when you can see a real connection, many won’t like it. Alejandro Mayorkas, the Obama-era head of US Citizenship and Immigration Services, is Biden’s choice for Secretary of Homeland Security...

The weirdness goes beyond the Cabinet: Biden’s pick to head up the White House Domestic Policy Council is former UN ambassador Susan Rice, whose career has focused on foreign policy. Plus, she took point for Team Obama in falsely blaming the 2012 attack on the US consulate in Benghazi on a spontaneous response to a viral video...

And, of course, whatever John Kerry is supposed to do as the special presidential envoy on climate change, the one thing you can be sure of is that he’ll screw it up while claiming victory...

All in all, these picks can only add to the nation’s worries about just how much Biden’s lost off his mental fastball. It’s going to be a long and confusing four years."

Joe Biden’s beyond-puzzling Cabinet picks

View attachment 431485
After Trump's merry-go-round cabinet picks all turned out to be losers you are going to try and slur people who haven't been given a chance?
Ben Carson, Betsy DeVos, Matthew Whitaker, Tom Price, David Shulkin, Rex Tillerson.
Nothing could be worse than Trump's Deficits!!!
Try crunching the numbers on all of the things that Joe Biden promised in order to get elected, Kiss! If he delivers on half of that our debt is about to go through the stratosphere! Then add in all of the Federal money that States like New York and California think that Biden will give them after they bankrupt themselves with their Covid 19 lockdowns and subsequent tax increases! You want "worse"? You're about to see what worse really is!
Apparently Joe Biden is choosing his cabinet members in the same manner that he got his son Hunter high-ranking memberships on Chinese and Ukrainian corporations, even though Hunter had absolutely no experience to speak of.

This is why I refer to Biden's administration as the "Sesame Street Administration."

"Is Joe Biden using a dartboard to fill out his Cabinet? Some of his choices strike us as awful, ideology-wise, but many make no sense at all.

Take tapping Ohio Rep. Marcia Fudge to lead the Department of Housing and Urban Development: She’s got little experience in housing issues, except as mayor of a small city...

Pete Buttigieg for Transportation? His main experience is as mayor of South Bend, Ind., whose transit system consists of 66 buses.

And why California Attorney General Xavier Becerra for Health and Human Services? He’s not a medical professional, though he’s filed more than 100 lawsuits against the Trump administration over the Affordable Care Act ...

Michigan ex-Gov. Jennifer Granholm for Energy seems to make sense: She’s known for pushing fossil-fuel reduction...

Even when you can see a real connection, many won’t like it. Alejandro Mayorkas, the Obama-era head of US Citizenship and Immigration Services, is Biden’s choice for Secretary of Homeland Security...

The weirdness goes beyond the Cabinet: Biden’s pick to head up the White House Domestic Policy Council is former UN ambassador Susan Rice, whose career has focused on foreign policy. Plus, she took point for Team Obama in falsely blaming the 2012 attack on the US consulate in Benghazi on a spontaneous response to a viral video...

And, of course, whatever John Kerry is supposed to do as the special presidential envoy on climate change, the one thing you can be sure of is that he’ll screw it up while claiming victory...

All in all, these picks can only add to the nation’s worries about just how much Biden’s lost off his mental fastball. It’s going to be a long and confusing four years."

Joe Biden’s beyond-puzzling Cabinet picks

View attachment 431485

He's just giving people a chance cuz they're black turn genders and that
Louis DeJoy

Billionaire with stocks including JB Hunt and Fed Ex. Running the USPS as postmaster general.
Idiot pick.
Nothing could be worse than Trump's Deficits!!!
Try crunching the numbers on all of the things that Joe Biden promised in order to get elected, Kiss! If he delivers on half of that our debt is about to go through the stratosphere! Then add in all of the Federal money that States like New York and California think that Biden will give them after they bankrupt themselves with their Covid 19 lockdowns and subsequent tax increases! You want "worse"? You're about to see what worse really is!

You mean moreso than it did under Trump? We are at 28 trillion now. Nearly 8 trillion in only 4 years.

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