Jesus Was A Capitalist

" It is not derived from a mandatory percentage; It must flow from the heart"
Topical - Tithing or Voluntary Giving?

Now a question for you: what is the proper percentage of one's income that taxation should demand?
Who cares?

It is not part of the thread topic....

Because you are both ignorant, and a know the correct answer indicts the party you support.....I'll answer for you:

Today, with taxes, fees, fines, etc. government steals more than half of one's income.....socialism.
It is the single greatest bar to wealth accumulation, and prevents the voluntary generosity that the Bible endorses.

You're dismissed.
Voluntary generosity at the time of those in Jesus's time, occurred AFTER they paid their tithe... much like today... And I suppose capitalism made those wealthy enough to pay tithes, and give generously on a voluntary basis as well...

I have nothing against capitalism, it's crony capitalism and greed that can be harmful.

I just don't think your trying to now change the subject, after being shown taxes or thrithing took place back then, by law, to a

"Yeah, but look at their 10% tax rate compared to today" was relevant to your op' s initial contention...

The subject, simply, is that Jesus encouraged free markets, capitalism, and individualism. Generosity is based on prosperity, and this is an attribute of capitalism, not the socialism you vote for.

Your attempt to change the subject will not occur.....I will not allow it.
The poor, and those just getting by, were not taxed....true, they did not pay tithes, but many of them received the benefits of the tithe...

No, he did not promote free for all markets...He promoted regulated capitalism, with Mark ups limited to a maximum of only 10% above costs, that prevented capitalists from taking advantage of people who earned little. Was that socialism? Or a mixed capitalism and socialism, or just a well regulated capitalistic economy?

I think Christ relied on capitalists, those in business, to fund the poor's needs and that without them, the poor would not be fed, minus a miracle from him, like when he fed 5000

and he would not always be around... So yes, I agree that he relied on those in business to make money to take care of the needy, and this is why he supported regulated capitalism.

"...he (sic) did not promote free for all markets..."
What does that even mean?

"He promoted regulated capitalism..."
Regulated by government? Are you suggesting that Jesus favored redistribution, confiscation, limits on wealth and earnings????

"...with Mark ups limited to a maximum of only 10% above costs..."

You made that up, huh?

"I think Christ relied on capitalists"
Pretty much the theme of this thread.

"...that without them, the poor would not be fed, minus a miracle from him, like when he fed 5000.."
No miracle needed.....the Bible endorses work....unlike the Democrats who endorse 'financial security for those who don't care to work."

For able-bodied people, God’s welfare system is—work. How different from modern social welfare programs!

In fact, the Bible is clear that people should be rewarded by what they contribute to society.

The Bible is specific about what God expects of able-bodied members of society. In 2 Thessalonians 3:10, Paul said, “If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat”
Who cares?

It is not part of the thread topic....

Because you are both ignorant, and a know the correct answer indicts the party you support.....I'll answer for you:

Today, with taxes, fees, fines, etc. government steals more than half of one's income.....socialism.
It is the single greatest bar to wealth accumulation, and prevents the voluntary generosity that the Bible endorses.

You're dismissed.
Voluntary generosity at the time of those in Jesus's time, occurred AFTER they paid their tithe... much like today... And I suppose capitalism made those wealthy enough to pay tithes, and give generously on a voluntary basis as well...

I have nothing against capitalism, it's crony capitalism and greed that can be harmful.

I just don't think your trying to now change the subject, after being shown taxes or thrithing took place back then, by law, to a

"Yeah, but look at their 10% tax rate compared to today" was relevant to your op' s initial contention...

The subject, simply, is that Jesus encouraged free markets, capitalism, and individualism. Generosity is based on prosperity, and this is an attribute of capitalism, not the socialism you vote for.

Your attempt to change the subject will not occur.....I will not allow it.
The poor, and those just getting by, were not taxed....true, they did not pay tithes, but many of them received the benefits of the tithe...

No, he did not promote free for all markets...He promoted regulated capitalism, with Mark ups limited to a maximum of only 10% above costs, that prevented capitalists from taking advantage of people who earned little. Was that socialism? Or a mixed capitalism and socialism, or just a well regulated capitalistic economy?

I think Christ relied on capitalists, those in business, to fund the poor's needs and that without them, the poor would not be fed, minus a miracle from him, like when he fed 5000

and he would not always be around... So yes, I agree that he relied on those in business to make money to take care of the needy, and this is why he supported regulated capitalism.

"...he (sic) did not promote free for all markets..."
What does that even mean?

"He promoted regulated capitalism..."
Regulated by government? Are you suggesting that Jesus favored redistribution, confiscation, limits on wealth and earnings????

"...with Mark ups limited to a maximum of only 10% above costs..."

You made that up, huh?

"I think Christ relied on capitalists"
Pretty much the theme of this thread.

"...that without them, the poor would not be fed, minus a miracle from him, like when he fed 5000.."
No miracle needed.....the Bible endorses work....unlike the Democrats who endorse 'financial security for those who don't care to work."

For able-bodied people, God’s welfare system is—work. How different from modern social welfare programs!

In fact, the Bible is clear that people should be rewarded by what they contribute to society.

The Bible is specific about what God expects of able-bodied members of society. In 2 Thessalonians 3:10, Paul said, “If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat”
The Law, was what their Theocratic govt used to regulate the profit earned by the capitalists, and taxation of the capitalist.... this was not talking about secular gov't law, but Theocratic law, God's Law.....

It's actually what the parable of the coin with Caesar's head on it is about.... Jews were upset that not only were they taxed by their Theocratic laws of tithing, the Roman gvt was taxing them too...

Thus Jesus's reply of : Give to God what is God's, and give unto Caesar, what is his....
Because you are both ignorant, and a know the correct answer indicts the party you support.....I'll answer for you:

Today, with taxes, fees, fines, etc. government steals more than half of one's income.....socialism.
It is the single greatest bar to wealth accumulation, and prevents the voluntary generosity that the Bible endorses.

You're dismissed.
Voluntary generosity at the time of those in Jesus's time, occurred AFTER they paid their tithe... much like today... And I suppose capitalism made those wealthy enough to pay tithes, and give generously on a voluntary basis as well...

I have nothing against capitalism, it's crony capitalism and greed that can be harmful.

I just don't think your trying to now change the subject, after being shown taxes or thrithing took place back then, by law, to a

"Yeah, but look at their 10% tax rate compared to today" was relevant to your op' s initial contention...

The subject, simply, is that Jesus encouraged free markets, capitalism, and individualism. Generosity is based on prosperity, and this is an attribute of capitalism, not the socialism you vote for.

Your attempt to change the subject will not occur.....I will not allow it.
The poor, and those just getting by, were not taxed....true, they did not pay tithes, but many of them received the benefits of the tithe...

No, he did not promote free for all markets...He promoted regulated capitalism, with Mark ups limited to a maximum of only 10% above costs, that prevented capitalists from taking advantage of people who earned little. Was that socialism? Or a mixed capitalism and socialism, or just a well regulated capitalistic economy?

I think Christ relied on capitalists, those in business, to fund the poor's needs and that without them, the poor would not be fed, minus a miracle from him, like when he fed 5000

and he would not always be around... So yes, I agree that he relied on those in business to make money to take care of the needy, and this is why he supported regulated capitalism.

"...he (sic) did not promote free for all markets..."
What does that even mean?

"He promoted regulated capitalism..."
Regulated by government? Are you suggesting that Jesus favored redistribution, confiscation, limits on wealth and earnings????

"...with Mark ups limited to a maximum of only 10% above costs..."

You made that up, huh?

"I think Christ relied on capitalists"
Pretty much the theme of this thread.

"...that without them, the poor would not be fed, minus a miracle from him, like when he fed 5000.."
No miracle needed.....the Bible endorses work....unlike the Democrats who endorse 'financial security for those who don't care to work."

For able-bodied people, God’s welfare system is—work. How different from modern social welfare programs!

In fact, the Bible is clear that people should be rewarded by what they contribute to society.

The Bible is specific about what God expects of able-bodied members of society. In 2 Thessalonians 3:10, Paul said, “If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat”
The Law, was what their Theocratic govt used to regulate the profit earned by the capitalists, and taxation of the capitalist.... this was not talking about secular gov't law, but Theocratic law, God's Law.....

It's actually what the parable of the coin with Caesar's head on it is about.... Jews were upset that not only were they taxed by their Theocratic laws of tithing, the Roman gvt was taxing them too...

Thus Jesus's reply of : Give to God what is God's, and give unto Caesar, what is his....

Cut to the chase: am I correct that Jesus's message was capitalist, freedom-based, and not based on the force and coercion of socialism?
Which is it, redistribution or generosity?
Free will or under threat of punishment???

So you can't answer the question?


Chic, I could only read your reply "So you can't answer the question?" because playtime is on my Ignore List for obvious reasons.

As to the atheist *cartoon* about Christians not practicing what they preach, atheists have been lying about everything since time immemorial. I read the book Who Really Cares: Who Gives and Why It Matters by Arthur C. Brooks. Very enlightening.

1. People of faith give more to EVERYONE than atheists do. They give more money, more time, more blood and are happier as a result.

2. Conservatives give more than liberals, on average. Yes there are exceptions but consider a recent poll at Dartmouth. A journalist asked kiddies how much they thought Bernie Sanders donated of his own money to charity. The estimates ranged from "10%" to ""75%."

The actual figure: LESS THAN 1%. But he "cares." Just ask anyone. He just wants to donate YOUR money, not his.

So you can't answer the question?


Chic, I could only read your reply "So you can't answer the question?" because playtime is on my Ignore List for obvious reasons.

As to the atheist *cartoon* about Christians not practicing what they preach, atheists have been lying about everything since time immemorial. I read the book Who Really Cares: Who Gives and Why It Matters by Arthur C. Brooks. Very enlightening.

1. People of faith give more to EVERYONE than atheists do. They give more money, more time, more blood and are happier as a result.

2. Conservatives give more than liberals, on average. Yes there are exceptions but consider a recent poll at Dartmouth. A journalist asked kiddies how much they thought Bernie Sanders donated of his own money to charity. The estimates ranged from "10%" to ""75%."

The actual figure: LESS THAN 1%. But he "cares." Just ask anyone. He just wants to donate YOUR money, not his.

Excellent you've read this book:


So you can't answer the question?


Chic, I could only read your reply "So you can't answer the question?" because playtime is on my Ignore List for obvious reasons.

As to the atheist *cartoon* about Christians not practicing what they preach, atheists have been lying about everything since time immemorial. I read the book Who Really Cares: Who Gives and Why It Matters by Arthur C. Brooks. Very enlightening.

1. People of faith give more to EVERYONE than atheists do. They give more money, more time, more blood and are happier as a result.

2. Conservatives give more than liberals, on average. Yes there are exceptions but consider a recent poll at Dartmouth. A journalist asked kiddies how much they thought Bernie Sanders donated of his own money to charity. The estimates ranged from "10%" to ""75%."

The actual figure: LESS THAN 1%. But he "cares." Just ask anyone. He just wants to donate YOUR money, not his.

"Chic, I could only read your reply "So you can't answer the question?" because playtime is on my Ignore List for obvious reasons."

It was just some feeble attempt to change the subject.
Where did you quote Jesus declaring for redistribution of wealth,
You didn't.

You can't, because, as always, I am 100% accurate, correct and true.
Maybe he didn't, but I did!
Home schoolers like you are NEVER accurate!
Acts 4:32 Now the whole group of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one claimed private ownership of any possessions, but everything they owned was held in common.
4:34 There was not a needy person among them, for as many as owned lands or houses sold them and brought the proceeds of what was sold.
4:35 They laid it at the apostles' feet, and it was distributed to each as any had need.
Excellent you've read this book:


P 12 But I am talking here about averages, not special cases. It is simply undeniable that today, conservatives are most congenial to the four forces of charity.

(Ten years ago, in graduate school) I lived in a world largely characterized by the kind of impressionistic stereotyping offered by President Carter at the beginning of this chapter. Do rich people want tax cuts? I would have told you it's because they are uncharitable. Europeans care more than Americans about the world's poor. Socialism is more compassionate than capitalism. And so on. My personal views about "charity" amounted to little more than unquestioned liberal political beliefs.

When I started doing research on charity, I expected to find that political liberals - who I believed, genuinely cared more about others than conservatives did - would turn out to be the most privately charitable people. So when my early findings led to the opposite conclusion, I assumed I had made some sort of technical error. I re-ran the analyses. I got new data. Nothing worked. In the end, I had no option but to change my views.

P 13 Indeed, the irresistible pull of empirical evidence in this book is what changed the way I see the world.

P 20 Let us be clear: Government spending is not charity. It is not a voluntary sacrifice by individuals. ... it is still the obligatory redistribution of tax revenues. Because government spending is not charity, sanctimonious yard signs do not prove that the bearers are charitable or that their opponents are selfish. (On the contrary, a public attack on the integrity of those who don't share my beliefs might more legitimately constitute evidence that I am the uncharitable one.)

P 21 In 2000, households headed by a conservative gave, on average, 30% more money to charity than households headed by a liberal ($1,600 to $1,227)

... liberal families earned an average of 6% more per year than conservative families, and conservative families gave more than liberal families within every income class, from poor to middle class to rich.

P 22 If liberals and moderates gave blood at the same rate as conservatives, the blood supply in the United States would jump by about 45 percent.*

But young liberals... are one of the least generous demographic groups out there.

Liberal young Americans in 2004 were also significantly less likely than the young conservatives to express a willingness to sacrifice for their loved ones.

P 23 ... we can see that the red states are more charitable than the blue states. For instance, of the twenty-five states that donated a portion of household income above the national income, twenty-four gave a majority of their popular votes to George W Bush for president; only one gave the election to John F. Kerry. Of twenty-five states below the national average, seventeen went for Kerry, but just seven for Bush.

P 24 Among the states in which 60 percent or more voted for Bush, the average portion of income donated to charity was 3.5 percent. For states giving Mr. Bush less than 40 percent of the vote, the average was 1.9 percent.
i counterpointed di-rectly to the topic of yer thread there chicky poo.

Where did you quote Jesus declaring for redistribution of wealth, of supporting those unwilling to work, confiscatory taxation, or the end of private property....the agenda of socialism/communism?????

You didn't.

You can't, because, as always, I am 100% accurate, correct and true.

quote me where he is. i mean exact quotes - not some pablum spun to fit yer agenda.


Where did you quote Jesus declaring for redistribution of wealth, of supporting those unwilling to work, confiscatory taxation, or the end of private property....the agenda of socialism/communism?????

You didn't.

Jesus' message is in support of freedom, not compulsion.
Compulsion, coercion, is indivisible from Liberalism, communism, Progressivism, socialism, Nazism, and Fascism.

You can't find any quotes that refuse my posts, because, as always, I am 100% accurate, correct and true.

so jesus wanted payment & thought payment due or no laying on of the hands 'eh?

So you can't answer the question?


you can't refudiate what i said. did jesus believe in free market capitalistic for profit healthcare?
Where did you quote Jesus declaring for redistribution of wealth, of supporting those unwilling to work, confiscatory taxation, or the end of private property....the agenda of socialism/communism?????

You didn't.

You can't, because, as always, I am 100% accurate, correct and true.

quote me where he is. i mean exact quotes - not some pablum spun to fit yer agenda.


Where did you quote Jesus declaring for redistribution of wealth, of supporting those unwilling to work, confiscatory taxation, or the end of private property....the agenda of socialism/communism?????

You didn't.

Jesus' message is in support of freedom, not compulsion.
Compulsion, coercion, is indivisible from Liberalism, communism, Progressivism, socialism, Nazism, and Fascism.

You can't find any quotes that refuse my posts, because, as always, I am 100% accurate, correct and true.

so jesus wanted payment & thought payment due or no laying on of the hands 'eh?

So you can't answer the question?


you can't refudiate what i said. did jesus believe in free market capitalistic for profit healthcare?

Where did you quote Jesus declaring for redistribution of wealth, of supporting those unwilling to work, confiscatory taxation, or the end of private property....the agenda of socialism/communism?????

You didn't.

You can't, because, as always, I am 100% accurate, correct and true.

So you can't answer the question?


Chic, I could only read your reply "So you can't answer the question?" because playtime is on my Ignore List for obvious reasons.

As to the atheist *cartoon* about Christians not practicing what they preach, atheists have been lying about everything since time immemorial. I read the book Who Really Cares: Who Gives and Why It Matters by Arthur C. Brooks. Very enlightening.

1. People of faith give more to EVERYONE than atheists do. They give more money, more time, more blood and are happier as a result.

2. Conservatives give more than liberals, on average. Yes there are exceptions but consider a recent poll at Dartmouth. A journalist asked kiddies how much they thought Bernie Sanders donated of his own money to charity. The estimates ranged from "10%" to ""75%."

The actual figure: LESS THAN 1%. But he "cares." Just ask anyone. He just wants to donate YOUR money, not his.

Excellent you've read this book:


you can tell chemengineer thanx for the iggy but he is ig-nor-ant.

i am not an atheist. i am a christian.

maybe he & you should try a little matthew 6: 5-11.


So you can't answer the question?


Chic, I could only read your reply "So you can't answer the question?" because playtime is on my Ignore List for obvious reasons.

As to the atheist *cartoon* about Christians not practicing what they preach, atheists have been lying about everything since time immemorial. I read the book Who Really Cares: Who Gives and Why It Matters by Arthur C. Brooks. Very enlightening.

1. People of faith give more to EVERYONE than atheists do. They give more money, more time, more blood and are happier as a result.

2. Conservatives give more than liberals, on average. Yes there are exceptions but consider a recent poll at Dartmouth. A journalist asked kiddies how much they thought Bernie Sanders donated of his own money to charity. The estimates ranged from "10%" to ""75%."

The actual figure: LESS THAN 1%. But he "cares." Just ask anyone. He just wants to donate YOUR money, not his.

Excellent you've read this book:


you can tell chemengineer thanx for the iggy but he is ig-nor-ant.

i am not an atheist. i am a christian.

maybe he & you should try a little matthew 6: 5-11.


I can't begin to tell you how deeply interested I am in your life details.....

...but back to the point:

Where did you quote Jesus declaring for redistribution of wealth, of supporting those unwilling to work, confiscatory taxation, or the end of private property....the agenda of socialism/communism?????

You didn't.

You can't, because, as always, I am 100% accurate, correct and true.

So you can't answer the question?


Chic, I could only read your reply "So you can't answer the question?" because playtime is on my Ignore List for obvious reasons.

As to the atheist *cartoon* about Christians not practicing what they preach, atheists have been lying about everything since time immemorial. I read the book Who Really Cares: Who Gives and Why It Matters by Arthur C. Brooks. Very enlightening.

1. People of faith give more to EVERYONE than atheists do. They give more money, more time, more blood and are happier as a result.

2. Conservatives give more than liberals, on average. Yes there are exceptions but consider a recent poll at Dartmouth. A journalist asked kiddies how much they thought Bernie Sanders donated of his own money to charity. The estimates ranged from "10%" to ""75%."

The actual figure: LESS THAN 1%. But he "cares." Just ask anyone. He just wants to donate YOUR money, not his.

Excellent you've read this book:


you can tell chemengineer thanx for the iggy but he is ig-nor-ant.

i am not an atheist. i am a christian.

maybe he & you should try a little matthew 6: 5-11.


I can't begin to tell you how deeply interested I am in your life details.....

...but back to the point:

Where did you quote Jesus declaring for redistribution of wealth, of supporting those unwilling to work, confiscatory taxation, or the end of private property....the agenda of socialism/communism?????

You didn't.

You can't, because, as always, I am 100% accurate, correct and true.

you still can't answer a very simple question.
Governments keep people poor and enslaved.....capitalism frees them and makes them prosperous.

Capitalism is the banks, not the government.

What caused the great depression?

Let me end my talk by abusing slightly my status as an official representative of the Federal Reserve. I would like to say to Milton and Anna: Regarding the Great Depression, you're right. We did it. We're very sorry. But thanks to you, we won't do it again.
— Ben S. Bernanke

Who did it? Surely wasn't the government but CAPITALISM.

What were the consequences?


Like today's third world countries. here in the US, while the great depression was in progress, the rising of gangsters and the daily robbery was in increment because people were in need of the basic supplies for living.

Here is when you see the emerging of the social services from the government helping the needed. Here is when socialist methods were applied to avoid chaos in society. Just check it in your history books.

I can tell you this, you end social services in the US and this country will have an increase in crime like a third world country. No because drugs but because the need for food at home. Capitalism alone won't survive and rich people will be exposed to crime not because the people turns bad but because people will become desperate for survival.

Do you remember Katrina? Poor people, who didn't receive government help on time, went to the rich people areas and even killed the owners for food plus to steal goods. Just check the reports from those days.

Perhaps you have the impression that capitalism alone works great and that is the solution for all kind of economical situations, but history is against your ideology. And history is the last word.
The Law, was what their Theocratic govt used to regulate the profit earned by the capitalists, and taxation of the capitalist.... this was not talking about secular gov't law, but Theocratic law, God's Law.....

It's actually what the parable of the coin with Caesar's head on it is about.... Jews were upset that not only were they taxed by their Theocratic laws of tithing, the Roman gvt was taxing them too...

Thus Jesus's reply of : Give to God what is God's, and give unto Caesar, what is his....

Because in ancient Israel it was God's Law applied by the government it doesn't mean that the king was a priest.

In times of Jesus the Roman currency was used and accepted in the Temple as offering and tithing.

Look at it this way. The king Salomon had 1,000 wives. To maintain the zoo he built and his wives, he didn't collect any penny from the tithing of the Israelite but from an additional tax. This is the reason why after this king died, the other tribes asked the new king to relief then from those high taxes.

The tithing from the people wasn't collected as today's methods made by current churches.

In those times, people separated the 10 percent of their goods.

Then, a priest knocked at their door and asked for his part of the tithing. This priest received two sheep, 10 bags of grains, etc. Next day another priest knocking their door and collecting additional goods from the 10%.

Besides of giving part of their tithing to the several priests, it was also brought to the Temple and synagogues.

Besides of giving to Temple, synagogues and priests, the Israelite can also used from such a 10% to help the needed. And besides of all that, the tithing was also used to celebrate the feasts of God (starting with the ceremony of Passover, the Feast of Unleavened bread, the Feast of the Weeks, etc. etc).

In these feasts of God, the Israelite invited the poor and shared with them part of the tithing.

Besides the tithing were the offerings, and charity. These two other ways of giving were voluntary and in accord to the good will of the Israelite.

Today's religious people, by ignorance, take a verse in the bible where it says believers must bring their tithing to the Temple. They don't understand that such was a special event happening in those days, were the Israelite set aside the giving of tithing and the priests had trouble plus the maintenance of Temple and synagogues was at risk.

The purpose of the tithing was to be in control of the giver, not of the receiver.

Today, religious people give their complete tithing to the church and the priest can buy his private airplane with luxurious features. Lol.

A complete different story should be if religious people wake up and they distribute the 10% in many purposes, like one part for the church so the priest can have his salary, another part to give to the poor, another part to celebrate the feasts of God and invite people in need so they can enjoy the food giving thanks to God.

Today's religious people, by ignorance, let others to have control of their tithing, something that God never said for that to happen.

Anyway, returning to the topic, yes, capitalism was indeed part of the ancient cultures regardless of their government style. But those were different times were beggars were also part integral of those societies, this is to say, they didn't see anything wrong having beggars in the street, same as well it was fine seeing slaves. A different culture.

Today, the story is different. Modern societies have changed a lot and greatly differ from the former societies.

Today's capitalism has practically the same principles, but its application has changed a lot.
View attachment 309613Jesus will remember who had abortions, and who allowed abortions, and who tried to stop abortions...

are you saying that the bible never condoned abortion?

I don't remember anywhere in the bible there being a discussion
of legal abortion

it's in the OT.

numbers 5: 11-31 is all about a husband bringing his wife to a priest... if his wife is even suspected of infidelity ... to consume a concoction that a priest will concoct to bring on a miscarriage; to give her 'the curse'. ever hear that expression ' i got the curse'? that's an expression (however antiquated) means when a female gets her period; & in the bible, it meant to bring on a miscarriage by bleeding.

that is a biblical phrase.
Governments keep people poor and enslaved.....capitalism frees them and makes them prosperous.

Capitalism is the banks, not the government.

What caused the great depression?

Let me end my talk by abusing slightly my status as an official representative of the Federal Reserve. I would like to say to Milton and Anna: Regarding the Great Depression, you're right. We did it. We're very sorry. But thanks to you, we won't do it again.
— Ben S. Bernanke

Who did it? Surely wasn't the government but CAPITALISM.

What were the consequences?


Like today's third world countries. here in the US, while the great depression was in progress, the rising of gangsters and the daily robbery was in increment because people were in need of the basic supplies for living.

Here is when you see the emerging of the social services from the government helping the needed. Here is when socialist methods were applied to avoid chaos in society. Just check it in your history books.

I can tell you this, you end social services in the US and this country will have an increase in crime like a third world country. No because drugs but because the need for food at home. Capitalism alone won't survive and rich people will be exposed to crime not because the people turns bad but because people will become desperate for survival.

Do you remember Katrina? Poor people, who didn't receive government help on time, went to the rich people areas and even killed the owners for food plus to steal goods. Just check the reports from those days.

Perhaps you have the impression that capitalism alone works great and that is the solution for all kind of economical situations, but history is against your ideology. And history is the last word.

"Capitalism is the banks, not the government."


Capitalism is the billions of voluntary exchanges between people.

“Here’s another telling chart, this one is from the World Bank. In 1820, 94% of people lived in extreme poverty. Thanks to capitalism, by 2015, that number had declined to 9.6%, single digits for the first time in human history. Now, it’s still too many, but if we are going to reduce the number even more, we need to understand what caused the decline: free-market capitalism.”

The Market Will Set You Free

Fact Question 3

“If we combine the Angus Madison hockey stick chart and the World Bank data on extreme poverty what we get is something quite amazing. Unprecedented global prosperity and an unprecedented decline in poverty - across the globe - over the past 200 years. That’s capitalism in a nutshell.” Op. Cit.

Cut taxes, cut regulations, and, as Trump proved, the natural capitalism of the people will create prosperity.
View attachment 309613Jesus will remember who had abortions, and who allowed abortions, and who tried to stop abortions...

are you saying that the bible never condoned abortion?

I don't remember anywhere in the bible there being a discussion
of legal abortion

The Bible does not support that idea. Read Psalm 139. Science does not support that idea either.

For you formed my inward parts;
you knitted me together in my mother's womb.
14 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.[a]
Wonderful are your works;
my soul knows it very well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you,
when I was being made in secret,
intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed substance;
in your book were written, every one of them,
the days that were formed for me,
when as yet there was none of them.

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