Jesus Was A Capitalist

Of course, if The Communist Manifesto is your bible
And Mein Kampf is yours.

What a stupid comment from a stupid poster, in light of the very thread you are posting in.

For your education....if that is at all possible....Mein Kampf was written by a Socialist.....he would have voted as you do, Democrat.
This was the very first line of the OP:
Don't you just love it when the atheistic Militant Secularist suddenly appeal to religion?


[Democrat] "Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said she’s tired of religious liberty advocates “weaponizing” the Bible to “justify bigotry,” just like white supremacists, slave owners and segregationists did.
...described herself as a “woman of faith”, made the comments during a Thursday House Oversight Committee hearing about the Trump administration’s “religious liberty assault on LGBTQ rights.”

...Ocasio-Cortez demonstrates a woeful understanding of the Bible, as Blaze TV’s Allie Beth Stuckey pointed out:

“The same God you claim to worship invented marriage (Eph. 5:23); defined gender (Gen. 1:27); prohibits partiality towards the poor (or rich) (Lev. 19:15); designated borders (Acts 17:26); requires work (2 Thess. 3:9-10); commands free (not compulsive) generosity (2 Cor. 9:7).

Ms Stuckey continued: “The commands Christ gives to care for the poor and the vulnerable was, of course, a charge to Christians–done freely with the power of the Holy Spirit. It was not a charge to delegate this responsibility to the government by way of oppressive taxation."
"Woman of faith" AOC gets Sunday Schooled after accusing religious freedom advocates of "weaponizing" the Bible, like white supremacists · Caldron Pool

Exactly the essence of this thread......

Jesus was a capitalist, and a conservative.....the very antithesis of the socialist collectivist Militant Secularists.
Interesting, a witches brew of lies from of all places the CALDRON Pool!!!!

So your post isn't claiming that the article isn't true.....just that you don't like the publisher who provided it.

Gads, you're a moron.
Don't you just love it when the atheistic Militant Secularist suddenly appeal to religion?

“The New York Times on Ash Wednesday displayed more sudden respect for religion, at least of the left-wing variety, in an opinion piece by veteran journalist, presidential historian, and former editor-in-chief of Newsweek Jon Meacham, “Jesus May Be the Best Hope Against an Amoral President.” The text box: “Religious history can inspire activists in the Trump resistance.”
Meacham, NY Times Get Religion: ‘Jesus May Be the Best Hope Against an Amoral President’ | NewsBusters

In this era of Bernie and the Socialist Party that he heads, this is an important…revelation: there is no support for socialism/communism in the Bible.

1.Although communism, socialism, Progressivism and Liberalism are all atheistic forms of Militant Secularism, they all use religion to sway the argument for government-as-god, in their favor. At its most basic level, the argument is that government will take care of the poor and the helpless, from cradle to grave, and hence the validity of over-taxation to grow government.

After all…".isn’t that what the Bible says to do?"

2. Let me provide the Bible quotes that the sophists might point to to support the idea that socialism/communism is advanced by scripture.

Luke 3:11 “Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same.”

1 John 3:17 " But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?"

Communism? Liberalism? Socialism?
Not hardly. An accurate understanding of the Bible requires the distinction between 'redistribution' and 'generosity.'

"Some people conclude from these verses that the Bible supports government-enforced wealth redistribution. But what these verses really show is that the Bible advocates generosity.
These are two very different concepts.
Generosity springs from free will....not force, coercion, or threats.

3. “To get an accurate answer to our question, we need to define socialism. Socialism is the concentration of power into the hands of government elites to achieve the following purposes: central planning of the economy and the radical redistribution of wealth. Jesus never called for any of that.

4. Nowhere in the New Testament does he advocate for the government to punish the rich – or even to use tax money to help the poor. Nor does he promote the ideas of state ownership of businesses or central planning of the economy. In Luke 12, Jesus is confronted by a man who wants him to redistribute wealth. "Master," the man says to Jesus, "tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me." Jesus replies, "Man, who made me a judge or divider over you?" and then he rebukes the man for being envious of his sibling.” Was Jesus a Socialist?

5.Jesus gives evidence in Luke: 13Someone in the crowd said to Him, “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.” 14But Jesus replied, “Man, who appointed Me judge or executor between you?”

15And He said to them, “Watch out! Guard yourselves against every form of greed, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.”…

The Leftists should stick to quoting Marx, Stalin, and Sanders.
What was required tithing by the theocratic Jewish govt for.... the required tithing for the poor?

It was not voluntary...?

" It is not derived from a mandatory percentage; It must flow from the heart"
Topical - Tithing or Voluntary Giving?

Now a question for you: what is the proper percentage of one's income that taxation should demand?
Who cares?

It is not part of the thread topic....

Because you are both ignorant, and a know the correct answer indicts the party you support.....I'll answer for you:

Today, with taxes, fees, fines, etc. government steals more than half of one's income.....socialism.
It is the single greatest bar to wealth accumulation, and prevents the voluntary generosity that the Bible endorses.

You're dismissed.
Voluntary generosity at the time of those in Jesus's time, occurred AFTER they paid their tithe... much like today... And I suppose capitalism made those wealthy enough to pay tithes, and give generously on a voluntary basis as well...

I have nothing against capitalism, it's crony capitalism and greed that can be harmful.

I just don't think your trying to now change the subject, after being shown taxes or tithing took place back then, by law, to a

"Yeah, but look at their 10% tax rate compared to today" was relevant to your op' s initial contention...
Last edited:
Any tithing that was mandatory was a tax, not a tithe.
Jesus never disavowed the Old Testament.
Leviticus 27:30 A tithe of everything from the land, whether grain from the soil or fruit from the trees, belongs to the LORD; it is holy to the LORD.
2 Chronicles 31:5 And as soon as the commandment came abroad, the children of Israel brought in abundance the firstfruits of corn, wine, and oil, and honey, and of all the increase of the field; and the tithe of all things brought they in abundantly.
Don't you just love it when the atheistic Militant Secularist suddenly appeal to religion?

“The New York Times on Ash Wednesday displayed more sudden respect for religion, at least of the left-wing variety, in an opinion piece by veteran journalist, presidential historian, and former editor-in-chief of Newsweek Jon Meacham, “Jesus May Be the Best Hope Against an Amoral President.” The text box: “Religious history can inspire activists in the Trump resistance.”
Meacham, NY Times Get Religion: ‘Jesus May Be the Best Hope Against an Amoral President’ | NewsBusters

In this era of Bernie and the Socialist Party that he heads, this is an important…revelation: there is no support for socialism/communism in the Bible.

1.Although communism, socialism, Progressivism and Liberalism are all atheistic forms of Militant Secularism, they all use religion to sway the argument for government-as-god, in their favor. At its most basic level, the argument is that government will take care of the poor and the helpless, from cradle to grave, and hence the validity of over-taxation to grow government.

After all…".isn’t that what the Bible says to do?"

2. Let me provide the Bible quotes that the sophists might point to to support the idea that socialism/communism is advanced by scripture.

Luke 3:11 “Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same.”

1 John 3:17 " But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?"

Communism? Liberalism? Socialism?
Not hardly. An accurate understanding of the Bible requires the distinction between 'redistribution' and 'generosity.'

"Some people conclude from these verses that the Bible supports government-enforced wealth redistribution. But what these verses really show is that the Bible advocates generosity.
These are two very different concepts.
Generosity springs from free will....not force, coercion, or threats.

3. “To get an accurate answer to our question, we need to define socialism. Socialism is the concentration of power into the hands of government elites to achieve the following purposes: central planning of the economy and the radical redistribution of wealth. Jesus never called for any of that.

4. Nowhere in the New Testament does he advocate for the government to punish the rich – or even to use tax money to help the poor. Nor does he promote the ideas of state ownership of businesses or central planning of the economy. In Luke 12, Jesus is confronted by a man who wants him to redistribute wealth. "Master," the man says to Jesus, "tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me." Jesus replies, "Man, who made me a judge or divider over you?" and then he rebukes the man for being envious of his sibling.” Was Jesus a Socialist?

5.Jesus gives evidence in Luke: 13Someone in the crowd said to Him, “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.” 14But Jesus replied, “Man, who appointed Me judge or executor between you?”

15And He said to them, “Watch out! Guard yourselves against every form of greed, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.”…

The Leftists should stick to quoting Marx, Stalin, and Sanders.
What was required tithing by the theocratic Jewish govt for.... the required tithing for the poor?

It was not voluntary...?

" It is not derived from a mandatory percentage; It must flow from the heart"
Topical - Tithing or Voluntary Giving?

Now a question for you: what is the proper percentage of one's income that taxation should demand?
Who cares?

It is not part of the thread topic....

Because you are both ignorant, and a know the correct answer indicts the party you support.....I'll answer for you:

Today, with taxes, fees, fines, etc. government steals more than half of one's income.....socialism.
It is the single greatest bar to wealth accumulation, and prevents the voluntary generosity that the Bible endorses.

You're dismissed.
Voluntary generosity at the time of those in Jesus's time, occurred AFTER they paid their tithe... much like today... And I suppose capitalism made those wealthy enough to pay tithes, and give generously on a voluntary basis as well...

I have nothing against capitalism, it's crony capitalism and greed that can be harmful.

I just don't think your trying to now change the subject, after being shown taxes or thrithing took place back then, by law, to a

"Yeah, but look at their 10% tax rate compared to today" was relevant to your op' s initial contention...

The subject, simply, is that Jesus encouraged free markets, capitalism, and individualism. Generosity is based on prosperity, and this is an attribute of capitalism, not the socialism you vote for.

Your attempt to change the subject will not occur.....I will not allow it.
What was required tithing by the theocratic Jewish govt for.... the required tithing for the poor?

It was not voluntary...?

" It is not derived from a mandatory percentage; It must flow from the heart"
Topical - Tithing or Voluntary Giving?

Now a question for you: what is the proper percentage of one's income that taxation should demand?
Who cares?

It is not part of the thread topic....

Because you are both ignorant, and a know the correct answer indicts the party you support.....I'll answer for you:

Today, with taxes, fees, fines, etc. government steals more than half of one's income.....socialism.
It is the single greatest bar to wealth accumulation, and prevents the voluntary generosity that the Bible endorses.

You're dismissed.
Voluntary generosity at the time of those in Jesus's time, occurred AFTER they paid their tithe... much like today... And I suppose capitalism made those wealthy enough to pay tithes, and give generously on a voluntary basis as well...

I have nothing against capitalism, it's crony capitalism and greed that can be harmful.

I just don't think your trying to now change the subject, after being shown taxes or thrithing took place back then, by law, to a

"Yeah, but look at their 10% tax rate compared to today" was relevant to your op' s initial contention...

The subject, simply, is that Jesus encouraged free markets, capitalism, and individualism. Generosity is based on prosperity, and this is an attribute of capitalism, not the socialism you vote for.

Your attempt to change the subject will not occur.....I will not allow it.

In the time of Jesus capitalism was in effect, I'm not one that denies such, but the Law at the time regulated it.... No one was allowed to gain more than 10% in profit... That was considered gouging and taking advantage of others....

So yes they could be more generous, with a tax rate of just 10%, plus some other mandatory tithes..... but they were limited to only making a 10% profit or Mark up from their costs, including materials and labor....
" It is not derived from a mandatory percentage; It must flow from the heart"
Topical - Tithing or Voluntary Giving?

Now a question for you: what is the proper percentage of one's income that taxation should demand?
Who cares?

It is not part of the thread topic....

Because you are both ignorant, and a know the correct answer indicts the party you support.....I'll answer for you:

Today, with taxes, fees, fines, etc. government steals more than half of one's income.....socialism.
It is the single greatest bar to wealth accumulation, and prevents the voluntary generosity that the Bible endorses.

You're dismissed.
Voluntary generosity at the time of those in Jesus's time, occurred AFTER they paid their tithe... much like today... And I suppose capitalism made those wealthy enough to pay tithes, and give generously on a voluntary basis as well...

I have nothing against capitalism, it's crony capitalism and greed that can be harmful.

I just don't think your trying to now change the subject, after being shown taxes or thrithing took place back then, by law, to a

"Yeah, but look at their 10% tax rate compared to today" was relevant to your op' s initial contention...

The subject, simply, is that Jesus encouraged free markets, capitalism, and individualism. Generosity is based on prosperity, and this is an attribute of capitalism, not the socialism you vote for.

Your attempt to change the subject will not occur.....I will not allow it.

In the time of Jesus capitalism was in effect, I'm not one that denies such, but the Law at the time regulated it.... No one was allowed to gain more than 10% in profit... That was considered gouging and taking advantage of others....

So yes they could be more generous, with a tax rate of just 10%, plus some other mandatory tithes..... but they were limited to only making a 10% profit or Mark up from the costs including materials and labor....

Nowhere in the New Testament does Jesus advocate for the government to punish the rich – or even to use tax money to help the poor. Nor does he promote the ideas of state ownership of businesses or central planning of the economy.

In Luke 12, Jesus is confronted by a man who wants him to redistribute wealth. "Master," the man says to Jesus, "tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me." Jesus replies, "Man, who made me a judge or divider over you?" and then he rebukes the man for being envious of his sibling.” Was Jesus a Socialist?

But Jesus replied, “Man, who appointed Me judge or executor between you?”

If Jesus says He shouldn't appropriate the power to make such decisions for the individual.….how can government?

Who, or what, then, should be responsible for exactly how and when one’s earnings should be dispensed….or, if you’d rather use the term, ‘re-distributed’?

The answer redounds to the ideas of our Founders, and of conservatives today: the individual makes that decision, not the government, i.e., the ‘collective’ which has no such rights….at least not according to Jesus.

Conservativism: individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

Clearly Jesus' message was one of freedom from control by government, something every Democrat endorses.

JC never asked for a health insurance card b4 he healed anybody because he thought for profit free market capitalistic healthcare was the antithesis of his bleeding heart.

JC never asked for a health insurance card b4 he healed anybody because he thought for profit free market capitalistic healthcare was the antithesis of his bleeding heart.


What is the reason for such stupid posts from dolts how voluntarily subscribe to a thread constructed to

a. expose how Leftists attempt to use the Bible/Jesus to support their socialism/communism


b. prove that the messages of the New Testament support capitalism, and certainly not socialism?

I'm gonna guess that the thread provokes the ire that truth does, and you have not been prepared by government schooling to articulate a response.

How'd I do????

100% correct???
JC never asked for a health insurance card b4 he healed anybody because he thought for profit free market capitalistic healthcare was the antithesis of his bleeding heart.


What is the reason for such stupid posts from dolts how voluntarily subscribe to a thread constructed to

a. expose how Leftists attempt to use the Bible/Jesus to support their socialism/communism


b. prove that the messages of the New Testament support capitalism, and certainly not socialism?

I'm gonna guess that the thread provokes the ire that truth does, and you have not been prepared by government schooling to articulate a response.

How'd I do????

100% correct???

i counterpointed di-rectly to the topic of yer thread there chicky poo.
JC never asked for a health insurance card b4 he healed anybody because he thought for profit free market capitalistic healthcare was the antithesis of his bleeding heart.


What is the reason for such stupid posts from dolts how voluntarily subscribe to a thread constructed to

a. expose how Leftists attempt to use the Bible/Jesus to support their socialism/communism


b. prove that the messages of the New Testament support capitalism, and certainly not socialism?

I'm gonna guess that the thread provokes the ire that truth does, and you have not been prepared by government schooling to articulate a response.

How'd I do????

100% correct???

i counterpointed di-rectly to the topic of yer thread there chicky poo.

Where did you quote Jesus declaring for redistribution of wealth, of supporting those unwilling to work, confiscatory taxation, or the end of private property....the agenda of socialism/communism?????

You didn't.

You can't, because, as always, I am 100% accurate, correct and true.
JC never asked for a health insurance card b4 he healed anybody because he thought for profit free market capitalistic healthcare was the antithesis of his bleeding heart.


What is the reason for such stupid posts from dolts how voluntarily subscribe to a thread constructed to

a. expose how Leftists attempt to use the Bible/Jesus to support their socialism/communism


b. prove that the messages of the New Testament support capitalism, and certainly not socialism?

I'm gonna guess that the thread provokes the ire that truth does, and you have not been prepared by government schooling to articulate a response.

How'd I do????

100% correct???

i counterpointed di-rectly to the topic of yer thread there chicky poo.

Where did you quote Jesus declaring for redistribution of wealth, of supporting those unwilling to work, confiscatory taxation, or the end of private property....the agenda of socialism/communism?????

You didn't.

You can't, because, as always, I am 100% accurate, correct and true.

quote me where he is. i mean exact quotes - not some pablum spun to fit yer agenda.

JC never asked for a health insurance card b4 he healed anybody because he thought for profit free market capitalistic healthcare was the antithesis of his bleeding heart.


What is the reason for such stupid posts from dolts how voluntarily subscribe to a thread constructed to

a. expose how Leftists attempt to use the Bible/Jesus to support their socialism/communism


b. prove that the messages of the New Testament support capitalism, and certainly not socialism?

I'm gonna guess that the thread provokes the ire that truth does, and you have not been prepared by government schooling to articulate a response.

How'd I do????

100% correct???

i counterpointed di-rectly to the topic of yer thread there chicky poo.

Where did you quote Jesus declaring for redistribution of wealth, of supporting those unwilling to work, confiscatory taxation, or the end of private property....the agenda of socialism/communism?????

You didn't.

You can't, because, as always, I am 100% accurate, correct and true.

quote me where he is. i mean exact quotes - not some pablum spun to fit yer agenda.


Where did you quote Jesus declaring for redistribution of wealth, of supporting those unwilling to work, confiscatory taxation, or the end of private property....the agenda of socialism/communism?????

You didn't.

Jesus' message is in support of freedom, not compulsion.
Compulsion, coercion, is indivisible from Liberalism, communism, Progressivism, socialism, Nazism, and Fascism.

You can't find any quotes that refuse my posts, because, as always, I am 100% accurate, correct and true.
JC never asked for a health insurance card b4 he healed anybody because he thought for profit free market capitalistic healthcare was the antithesis of his bleeding heart.


What is the reason for such stupid posts from dolts how voluntarily subscribe to a thread constructed to

a. expose how Leftists attempt to use the Bible/Jesus to support their socialism/communism


b. prove that the messages of the New Testament support capitalism, and certainly not socialism?

I'm gonna guess that the thread provokes the ire that truth does, and you have not been prepared by government schooling to articulate a response.

How'd I do????

100% correct???

i counterpointed di-rectly to the topic of yer thread there chicky poo.

Where did you quote Jesus declaring for redistribution of wealth, of supporting those unwilling to work, confiscatory taxation, or the end of private property....the agenda of socialism/communism?????

You didn't.

You can't, because, as always, I am 100% accurate, correct and true.

quote me where he is. i mean exact quotes - not some pablum spun to fit yer agenda.


Where did you quote Jesus declaring for redistribution of wealth, of supporting those unwilling to work, confiscatory taxation, or the end of private property....the agenda of socialism/communism?????

You didn't.

Jesus' message is in support of freedom, not compulsion.
Compulsion, coercion, is indivisible from Liberalism, communism, Progressivism, socialism, Nazism, and Fascism.

You can't find any quotes that refuse my posts, because, as always, I am 100% accurate, correct and true.

so jesus wanted payment & thought payment due or no laying on of the hands 'eh?
What was required tithing by the theocratic Jewish govt for.... the required tithing for the poor?

It was not voluntary...?

" It is not derived from a mandatory percentage; It must flow from the heart"
Topical - Tithing or Voluntary Giving?

Now a question for you: what is the proper percentage of one's income that taxation should demand?
Who cares?

It is not part of the thread topic....

Because you are both ignorant, and a know the correct answer indicts the party you support.....I'll answer for you:

Today, with taxes, fees, fines, etc. government steals more than half of one's income.....socialism.
It is the single greatest bar to wealth accumulation, and prevents the voluntary generosity that the Bible endorses.

You're dismissed.
Voluntary generosity at the time of those in Jesus's time, occurred AFTER they paid their tithe... much like today... And I suppose capitalism made those wealthy enough to pay tithes, and give generously on a voluntary basis as well...

I have nothing against capitalism, it's crony capitalism and greed that can be harmful.

I just don't think your trying to now change the subject, after being shown taxes or thrithing took place back then, by law, to a

"Yeah, but look at their 10% tax rate compared to today" was relevant to your op' s initial contention...

The subject, simply, is that Jesus encouraged free markets, capitalism, and individualism. Generosity is based on prosperity, and this is an attribute of capitalism, not the socialism you vote for.

Your attempt to change the subject will not occur.....I will not allow it.
The poor, and those just getting by, were not taxed....true, they did not pay tithes, but many of them received the benefits of the tithe...

No, he did not promote free for all markets...He promoted regulated capitalism, with Mark ups limited to a maximum of only 10% above costs, that prevented capitalists from taking advantage of people who earned little. Was that socialism? Or a mixed capitalism and socialism, or just a well regulated capitalistic economy?

I think Christ relied on capitalists, those in business, to fund the poor's needs and that without them, the poor would not be fed, minus a miracle from him, like when he fed 5000

and he would not always be around... So yes, I agree that he relied on those in business to make money to take care of the needy, and this is why he supported regulated capitalism.

An amusing debate between Dinesh D'Souza and Michael Shermer where Shermer promotes socialism (he's an atheist), and D'Souza forces Shermer to concede in an elegant example.
"So now Barack Obama rides up on his horse and points a gun at you and says 'Give your sandwich to him. He's hungry.' And you thank Obama when in fact Obama didn't do anything for you but steal my sandwich." Shermer slithers away with "Yes indeed."
What is the reason for such stupid posts from dolts how voluntarily subscribe to a thread constructed to

a. expose how Leftists attempt to use the Bible/Jesus to support their socialism/communism


b. prove that the messages of the New Testament support capitalism, and certainly not socialism?

I'm gonna guess that the thread provokes the ire that truth does, and you have not been prepared by government schooling to articulate a response.

How'd I do????

100% correct???

i counterpointed di-rectly to the topic of yer thread there chicky poo.

Where did you quote Jesus declaring for redistribution of wealth, of supporting those unwilling to work, confiscatory taxation, or the end of private property....the agenda of socialism/communism?????

You didn't.

You can't, because, as always, I am 100% accurate, correct and true.

quote me where he is. i mean exact quotes - not some pablum spun to fit yer agenda.


Where did you quote Jesus declaring for redistribution of wealth, of supporting those unwilling to work, confiscatory taxation, or the end of private property....the agenda of socialism/communism?????

You didn't.

Jesus' message is in support of freedom, not compulsion.
Compulsion, coercion, is indivisible from Liberalism, communism, Progressivism, socialism, Nazism, and Fascism.

You can't find any quotes that refuse my posts, because, as always, I am 100% accurate, correct and true.

so jesus wanted payment & thought payment due or no laying on of the hands 'eh?

So you can't answer the question?


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