Jesus is Michael

Thats the Jehovah Witnesses viewpoint...

They are not a Christian religion.

There are no Christian churches in existence that consider them as such. Because to every Christian religion and denomination Jesus is God....

And if Jesus is not God in your religion you are not a Christian.
This is the tip of the iceberg but it goes both ways: I doubt the Jews think of Christians (any of them) as devotees to the Messiah and the monotheist God.

Moslems don't consider themselves Christian. Hindus don't consider themselves Christian. But both Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses are not considered Christian by everyone else on the planet.
Precisely. Christianity (as well as Islam) is a cult. Plain and simple.
Anyone who ponders the meaning of life and shares his/her thoughts on the subject is a prophet.
That's like saying anyone who can throw a football is an NFL quarterback.

Being a prophet - like anything else - requires a specific talent and effort. So no, not anyone who ponders the meaning of life and shares his beliefs on the subject is a prophet.
As I said, "All religions" including Judaism.

No. If you insinuate that the US (for example) is a "Christan county" and therefore anything the US accomplishes is because of Christian principles then I am wasting my time discussing the subject with you. Use your head.
The only thing I am insinuating is what I have already stated which is that by any objective measure Western Civilization was built upon Christian principles by Christians.

"Christianity has been intricately intertwined with the history and formation of Western society..."

Anyone who ponders the meaning of life and shares his/her thoughts on the subject is a prophet.
That's like saying anyone who can throw a football is an NFL quarterback.
Being a prophet - like anything else - requires a specific talent and effort. So no, not anyone who ponders the meaning of life and shares his beliefs on the subject is a prophet.
The only thing I am insinuating is what I have already stated which is that by any objective measure Western Civilization was built upon Christian principles by Christians.
I have wasted too much time with you.
This is the tip of the iceberg but it goes both ways: I doubt the Jews think of Christians (any of them) as devotees to the Messiah and the monotheist God.

Precisely. Christianity (as well as Islam) is a cult. Plain and simple.
Well...the truth be told...
Christianity is a sect of Judaism.
The Jews don't like that fact very much...
And their recitation of "God is One" (a verse in the Old Testament Torah) they know very well that Christians haven't tortured that verse at all like they have some verses...

They just say it to aggravate Christians.
I'm sure these FACTS of yours are to be found within the pages of credible accounts by writers such as:

Michael Moorcock
Brian Aldiss
Edgar Allan Poe
H. P. Lovecraft
Carl Sagan
Kingsley Amis
Gene Roddenberry
Jonathan Swift
L. Ron Hubbard
Franz Kafka
Isaac Asimov
George Orwell
John Wyndham
Stephen King
Roald Dahl
George Lucas
Monty Python
Steven Spielberg
H. G. Wells
Cyrano de Bergerac
Rod Serling
Ray Bradbury
Kurt Vonnegut Junior
Charles Baudelaire
Aldous Huxley
Gods inspired writers are those with truth.
Thats the Jehovah Witnesses viewpoint...

They are not a Christian religion.

There are no Christian churches in existence that consider them as such. Because to every Christian religion and denomination Jesus is God....

And if Jesus is not God in your religion you are not a Christian. Moslems don't consider themselves Christian. Hindus don't consider themselves Christian. But both Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses are not considered Christian by everyone else on the planet.

How come Jesus didnt know he was God? John 20:17, Rev 3:12--or Paul? 1Cor 8:6, 1Cor 15:24-28-- How come only the Fathers will gets done? John 5:30--When Jesus warned about the god one was serving , then he told all the correct way to serve the true God-John 4:22-24
How come in the greek lexicon-The true God in the 2nd line at John 1:1 is called Ho Theos, but plain Theos is in the last line? Proving a difference.
The men who are erred back then are dead. The JW,s dont do that anymore. The Hebrew scholars say there is no I AM in the OT. Its a mistranslation only found in trinity translations.
There is only one translation, the trinity translation. Your Prophets were false. Falsehoods cannot create truth. Your scholars were wrong in their translation for the sole purpose to keep people from recognizing Jehovah came down from heaven as the man Jesus. To say Jesus is also Adam is called reincarnation, a false teaching. Our spirits get only one physical body to be in and resurrected in. By the way, are you one of the 144,000 that will be saved and not burned?
How come Jesus didnt know he was God? John 20:17, Rev 3:12--or Paul? 1Cor 8:6, 1Cor 15:24-28-- How come only the Fathers will gets done? John 5:30--When Jesus warned about the god one was serving , then he told all the correct way to serve the true God-John 4:22-24
How come in the greek lexicon-The true God in the 2nd line at John 1:1 is called Ho Theos, but plain Theos is in the last line? Proving a difference.
Because Jehovah witnesses will do anything to scriptures (including but not limited to mistranslating) in order to keep their religion alive.
The many false prophecies, the warped scriptures and just plain goofball prohibitions are enough to make me wary.
How come Jesus didnt know he was God? John 20:17, Rev 3:12--or Paul? 1Cor 8:6, 1Cor 15:24-28-- How come only the Fathers will gets done? John 5:30--When Jesus warned about the god one was serving , then he told all the correct way to serve the true God-John 4:22-24
How come in the greek lexicon-The true God in the 2nd line at John 1:1 is called Ho Theos, but plain Theos is in the last line? Proving a difference.
By the way, I agree that the Word (Jesus) was with God (Elohim). And, being that Jesus is the Son of God, stated many times in the NT, then Jesus is a member of the Godhead and therefore, God. God is a title, not a name. And, Jesus knew he was the Son of God. In Luke chapter 3, the account of Jesus when he was 12 years of age, he was in the Temple teaching the elders. When his parents found him, they asked him where he had been. He said that, "How is it that ye sought me? Wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business? The Father he was referring to was Father in Heaven. Elohim. Father God. Thus, Jesus knew he was the literal Son of God the Father. You are therefore interpreting again those scriptures incorrectly. Why should I be surprised. So, now that we know Jesus knew he was the Son of God the Father, John 20:17 makes sense. Again, Jesus was saying he was the Son of God. He was also saying we are all children of our Father in Heaven and sons (and daughters) of God the Father. John 10:34 said that Jesus said we are gods and children of the Most High God (Our Father in Heaven). Thus, we are gods in embryo learning to become perfect as our Father in Heaven is perfect. Jesus was quoting what he had told David in Psalms 82:6 proving once again. Jesus is Jehovah, the Son of God the Father. Before you respond, chew on that one for awhile.
There is only one translation, the trinity translation. Your Prophets were false. Falsehoods cannot create truth. Your scholars were wrong in their translation for the sole purpose to keep people from recognizing Jehovah came down from heaven as the man Jesus. To say Jesus is also Adam is called reincarnation, a false teaching. Our spirits get only one physical body to be in and resurrected in. By the way, are you one of the 144,000 that will be saved and not burned?

The great crowd are brought through on earth-Prov 2:21-22--Matt 24:22-- see at Rev 20:7-9--Gog of Magog attack Gods holy ones on earth.
Because Jehovah witnesses will do anything to scriptures (including but not limited to mistranslating) in order to keep their religion alive.
The many false prophecies, the warped scriptures and just plain goofball prohibitions are enough to make me wary.
You mean you refuse to believe Jesus is what you are saying. What goofball prohibitions? holidays? They belong to the world, the world Jesus teaches to be no part of. loaded with pagan false god worship additives straight off the table of demons-1Cor 10:21
By the way, I agree that the Word (Jesus) was with God (Elohim). And, being that Jesus is the Son of God, stated many times in the NT, then Jesus is a member of the Godhead and therefore, God. God is a title, not a name. And, Jesus knew he was the Son of God. In Luke chapter 3, the account of Jesus when he was 12 years of age, he was in the Temple teaching the elders. When his parents found him, they asked him where he had been. He said that, "How is it that ye sought me? Wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business? The Father he was referring to was Father in Heaven. Elohim. Father God. Thus, Jesus knew he was the literal Son of God the Father. You are therefore interpreting again those scriptures incorrectly. Why should I be surprised. So, now that we know Jesus knew he was the Son of God the Father, John 20:17 makes sense. Again, Jesus was saying he was the Son of God. He was also saying we are all children of our Father in Heaven and sons (and daughters) of God the Father. John 10:34 said that Jesus said we are gods and children of the Most High God (Our Father in Heaven). Thus, we are gods in embryo learning to become perfect as our Father in Heaven is perfect. Jesus was quoting what he had told David in Psalms 82:6 proving once again. Jesus is Jehovah, the Son of God the Father. Before you respond, chew on that one for awhile.

Let us(YHWH and his master worker( prov 8) make man in our image.
The LORD(YHWH) said to my Lord(Jesus) --proving he is not YHWH.
You mean you refuse to believe Jesus is what you are saying. What goofball prohibitions? holidays? They belong to the world, the world Jesus teaches to be no part of. loaded with pagan false god worship additives straight off the table of demons-1Cor 10:21
Like organ transplant or blood transfusion.... including blood products like antibody infusion for those who catch Covid....

Can't salute the flag either....

Sorry....not going to buy what you are selling.
All that stuff is nutball stuff.
Like organ transplant or blood transfusion.... including blood products like antibody infusion for those who catch Covid....

Can't salute the flag either....

Sorry....not going to buy what you are selling.
All that stuff is nutball stuff.

Will you be saluting the flag here( Rev 16)?--then you will be mislead to stand in opposition to Jesus. Jesus will crush every mortal govt off the earth.( Daniel 2:44) Why do you think that is?
NT says abstain from blood--not one can prove it doesnt include transfusion.
I'm sure these FACTS of yours are to be found within the pages of credible accounts by writers such as:

Michael Moorcock
Brian Aldiss
Edgar Allan Poe
H. P. Lovecraft
Carl Sagan
Kingsley Amis
Gene Roddenberry
Jonathan Swift
L. Ron Hubbard
Franz Kafka
Isaac Asimov
George Orwell
John Wyndham
Stephen King
Roald Dahl
George Lucas
Monty Python
Steven Spielberg
H. G. Wells
Cyrano de Bergerac
Rod Serling
Ray Bradbury
Kurt Vonnegut Junior
Charles Baudelaire
Aldous Huxley
Gods inspired writers are those with truth.
So, those on my list were (are) inspired by God. Good.
The great crowd are brought through on earth-Prov 2:21-22--Matt 24:22-- see at Rev 20:7-9--Gog of Magog attack Gods holy ones on earth.
You didn't answer the question. Are you going to paradise or hell? Are you one of the 144,000 as your prophets have so lied about?

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