It's official, Isaac Herzog concedes defeat


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
Title says it all. Isaac Herzog concedes defeat to Netanyahu

Zionist Union head Isaac Herzog conceded defeat in Israel’s parliamentary elections Wednesday morning, after failing to unseat rival Benjamin Netanyahu of the ruling Likud party during a hotly contested campaign

Herzog called Netanyahu and congratulated him on the victory, which will keep the Likud leader in power for a third consecutive term and a fourth overall.

“The nation has had its say, and we have to respect that,” Herzog said, and told reporters that he phoned the prime minister to offer his congratulations on the victory.

Herzog concedes defeat after falling behind Netanyahu in vote tally | The Times of Israel
Obama's meddling in the election failed. His Acorn like group OneVoice failed in their efforts to unseat Bibi. Not only is our government terribly corrupt in it's own elections, it is and has been covertly influencing elections in many other nations.
And all Bibi had to do was appeal to racism. Way to Go, Bibi.

And the result shows that it was the right thing to do under the circumstances

Not really. It means that all the folks in Europe that are involved in the BDS movement will feel justified in further isolating Israel.

It's like saying that George Wallace and P.W. Botha did the right thing by appealing to white fear.
And all Bibi had to do was appeal to racism. Way to Go, Bibi.

And the result shows that it was the right thing to do under the circumstances

Not really. It means that all the folks in Europe that are involved in the BDS movement will feel justified in further isolating Israel.

It's like saying that George Wallace and P.W. Botha did the right thing by appealing to white fear.

You mean the handful of NAZI RACISTS that want to finish the FINAL SOLUTION don't you. You see in Europe the same feelings are on the rise in regards to muslims, as we are having to live with the same violence and terrorism. We see left wing governments protecting muslim child rapists and terrorists rather than face up to the truth. Far too many terrorist acts like Charlie Hebdo and Lee Rigby now and the people want the muslims out of Europe once more. So the BDS movement is going cold apart from some left wing student union groups
You mean the handful of NAZI RACISTS that want to finish the FINAL SOLUTION don't you. You see in Europe the same feelings are on the rise in regards to muslims, as we are having to live with the same violence and terrorism. We see left wing governments protecting muslim child rapists and terrorists rather than face up to the truth. Far too many terrorist acts like Charlie Hebdo and Lee Rigby now and the people want the muslims out of Europe once more. So the BDS movement is going cold apart from some left wing student union groups

62 of British public says Israel committing war crimes as polls show sympathy for Palestinians

Almost two thirds of the British public (62%) believe that the Israeli government is committing war crimes, a new YouGov poll has revealed.

The survey, conducted 27-28 July, comes days after a separate poll carried out on behalf of The Sunday Times showed that 52% of the British public sees Israel's bombing of the Gaza Strip as "unjustified". Questioned about their attitude to the conflict more generally, 27% said their sympathies lie more with the Palestinians, while 14% said their sympathies lay more with the Israelis.

Polling data from the U.S. indicates Israel's growing image problem, even amongst the citizens of its closest ally. A new Pew Research Center poll shows that among 18 to 29-year old Americans, 29% blame Israel more for the current violence, while 21% blame Hamas. Meanwhile, a Gallup poll last week showed that a majority of nonwhite Americans under-50 view Israel's assault as "unjustified".
You mean the handful of NAZI RACISTS that want to finish the FINAL SOLUTION don't you. You see in Europe the same feelings are on the rise in regards to muslims, as we are having to live with the same violence and terrorism. We see left wing governments protecting muslim child rapists and terrorists rather than face up to the truth. Far too many terrorist acts like Charlie Hebdo and Lee Rigby now and the people want the muslims out of Europe once more. So the BDS movement is going cold apart from some left wing student union groups

62 of British public says Israel committing war crimes as polls show sympathy for Palestinians

Almost two thirds of the British public (62%) believe that the Israeli government is committing war crimes, a new YouGov poll has revealed.

The survey, conducted 27-28 July, comes days after a separate poll carried out on behalf of The Sunday Times showed that 52% of the British public sees Israel's bombing of the Gaza Strip as "unjustified". Questioned about their attitude to the conflict more generally, 27% said their sympathies lie more with the Palestinians, while 14% said their sympathies lay more with the Israelis.

Polling data from the U.S. indicates Israel's growing image problem, even amongst the citizens of its closest ally. A new Pew Research Center poll shows that among 18 to 29-year old Americans, 29% blame Israel more for the current violence, while 21% blame Hamas. Meanwhile, a Gallup poll last week showed that a majority of nonwhite Americans under-50 view Israel's assault as "unjustified".
Rather than cite a poll of uninformed or propagandized people, it is better to cite the facts.

What is terribly the leftists at Charlie Hebdo believed in all the usual foolishness of the Left. Open borders, Muslim immigration, multiculturalism, anti-Christian, anti-West, anti-Israel, socialism, and so much more foolishness...but they were still murdered by the religion of peace. Their kooky beliefs assisted in their demise.
What is terribly the leftists at Charlie Hebdo believed in all the usual foolishness of the Left. Open borders, Muslim immigration, multiculturalism, anti-Christian, anti-West, anti-Israel, socialism, and so much more foolishness...but they were still murdered by the religion of peace. Their kooky beliefs assisted in their demise.

Um, no, their repeatedly insulting billions of people led to their demise.
What is terribly the leftists at Charlie Hebdo believed in all the usual foolishness of the Left. Open borders, Muslim immigration, multiculturalism, anti-Christian, anti-West, anti-Israel, socialism, and so much more foolishness...but they were still murdered by the religion of peace. Their kooky beliefs assisted in their demise.

Um, no, their repeatedly insulting billions of people led to their demise.
True...but open borders and multiculturalism allowed the Muslim murderers access.
You mean the handful of NAZI RACISTS that want to finish the FINAL SOLUTION don't you. You see in Europe the same feelings are on the rise in regards to muslims, as we are having to live with the same violence and terrorism. We see left wing governments protecting muslim child rapists and terrorists rather than face up to the truth. Far too many terrorist acts like Charlie Hebdo and Lee Rigby now and the people want the muslims out of Europe once more. So the BDS movement is going cold apart from some left wing student union groups

62 of British public says Israel committing war crimes as polls show sympathy for Palestinians

Almost two thirds of the British public (62%) believe that the Israeli government is committing war crimes, a new YouGov poll has revealed.

The survey, conducted 27-28 July, comes days after a separate poll carried out on behalf of The Sunday Times showed that 52% of the British public sees Israel's bombing of the Gaza Strip as "unjustified". Questioned about their attitude to the conflict more generally, 27% said their sympathies lie more with the Palestinians, while 14% said their sympathies lay more with the Israelis.

Polling data from the U.S. indicates Israel's growing image problem, even amongst the citizens of its closest ally. A new Pew Research Center poll shows that among 18 to 29-year old Americans, 29% blame Israel more for the current violence, while 21% blame Hamas. Meanwhile, a Gallup poll last week showed that a majority of nonwhite Americans under-50 view Israel's assault as "unjustified".

And yet all the people I talk to say the opposite so who is telling lies here. You see the people of my country are seeing first hand what muslims do when they get enough power, and they want them all out of this country. It is the same in mainland Europe as well, the muslims are not wanted. Why do you think right wing nationalist political parties are making such a good showing in Europe, in the UK we have the UKIP taking the lead over the lower parties.
What is terribly the leftists at Charlie Hebdo believed in all the usual foolishness of the Left. Open borders, Muslim immigration, multiculturalism, anti-Christian, anti-West, anti-Israel, socialism, and so much more foolishness...but they were still murdered by the religion of peace. Their kooky beliefs assisted in their demise.

Um, no, their repeatedly insulting billions of people led to their demise.

So why haven't muslims been killed when they insult billions of people ?

Could it have something to do with the difference in culture and morality
Title says it all. Isaac Herzog concedes defeat to Netanyahu

Zionist Union head Isaac Herzog conceded defeat in Israel’s parliamentary elections Wednesday morning, after failing to unseat rival Benjamin Netanyahu of the ruling Likud party during a hotly contested campaign

Herzog called Netanyahu and congratulated him on the victory, which will keep the Likud leader in power for a third consecutive term and a fourth overall.

“The nation has had its say, and we have to respect that,” Herzog said, and told reporters that he phoned the prime minister to offer his congratulations on the victory.

Herzog concedes defeat after falling behind Netanyahu in vote tally | The Times of Israel

I bet my hat he'd answer a totally different thing if asked today about the union with Livni as a positive thing:rolleyes:
And all Bibi had to do was appeal to racism. Way to Go, Bibi.

And the result shows that it was the right thing to do under the circumstances

Not really. It means that all the folks in Europe that are involved in the BDS movement will feel justified in further isolating Israel.

It's like saying that George Wallace and P.W. Botha did the right thing by appealing to white fear.

Sorry, but that's total BS.

Anyone with half a brain knows what BDS is all about. Those who stay and justify them will do so even if the truth got kicked far back into their asses. Those who're choosing to be ignorant, won't change their minds even WITH proof.
And all Bibi had to do was appeal to racism. Way to Go, Bibi.
I Think you underestimate Bibi, I believe he is one of the greatest politicians in the past few decades and sadly we are in a desperate need for bright politicians.
And all Bibi had to do was appeal to racism. Way to Go, Bibi.
I Think you underestimate Bibi, I believe he is one of the greatest politicians in the past few decades and sadly we are in a desperate need for bright politicians.

I don't underestimate Bibi at all. He's a cheap demagogue appealing to the worst nature of religious fanatics who can't face up to the fact their nation is built on the blood of innocent people.
Sorry, but that's total BS.

Anyone with half a brain knows what BDS is all about. Those who stay and justify them will do so even if the truth got kicked far back into their asses. Those who're choosing to be ignorant, won't change their minds even WITH proof.

you Zionists are not the good guys here. You stole someone else's land.
So why haven't muslims been killed when they insult billions of people ?

Could it have something to do with the difference in culture and morality

Okay, let's look at that "morality".

Number of dead over racist cartoons - 15. Not all of them were the guys who wrote the cartoons.

Number of dead in Gaza this summer - 2000. Most of them women and children.

Number of dead in the War over Weapons that weren't there - Low End- 150,000. High end - a million.

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