It is difficult to believe this is the kind of nonsensical race baiting garbage our kids experience in schools....


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
How this guy got to be a professor is a mystery.
What point he is trying to make is difficult to comprehend other than trying to imply all white people are racist.

And to think just how high tuition is.... for this.

His ignorance and false narrative creating is kind of surprising, as in, again, how did someone like this become a professor?
"Alright white America woman, what you see... not you or your family, or your friends see. I am sure they are all hip and all...but think about the "cultural you" who has the best skin?"
FFS... so he wants her to represent all white Americans. Not what SHE would chose, but her pseudo representation of what she is suppose to be... a typical white female.... oh...almost forgot.. an AMERICAN [shudder] white female.

These people are such dirt bags. And look how weak and willing to conform these students are where not one speaks out and says how dumb this exercise is.
Fogs my brain that these mushrooms will just sit there and go through with it.
His ignorance and false narrative creating is kind of surprising, as in, again, how did someone like this become a professor?
"Alright white America woman, what you see... not you or your family, or your friends see. I am sure they are all hip and all...but think about the "cultural you" who has the best skin?"
FFS... so he wants her to represent all white Americans. Not what SHE would chose, but her pseudo representation of what she is suppose to be... a typical white female.... oh...almost forgot.. an AMERICAN [shudder] white female.

These people are such dirt bags. And look how weak and willing to conform these students are where not one speaks out and says how dumb this exercise is.
Fogs my brain that these mushrooms will just sit there and go through with it.

Nowadays anyone with the right connections can become a "professor," especially if she/he "teaches" a nonsense subject such as, say, "Martian Studies" (the history of how people from Mars have been treated in this country).

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