Knife-wielding maniac who allegedly smashed windshield of NYPD patrol car with cops inside before attacking them released by judge

The governor pardoned a white born in America convicted murder in red state Texas either Thursday or yesterday. You were unaable to comment about that. Funny how that happens here.

Crime rate in New York, New York (NY): murders, rapes, robberies, assaults, burglaries, thefts, auto thefts, arson, law enforcement employees, police officers, crime map
Crime in New York, New York (NY): murders, rapes, robberies, assaults, burglaries, thefts, auto thefts, arson, law enforcement employees, police officers, crime map

Wilfred Reilly Has the Real Data on Racism and Policing​

6,494 views May 16, 2024
"Political scientist, author, and Kentucky State University professor Wilfred Reilly has dedicated years of research to debunking popular, but false, narratives around race, culture, police, and American history. His upcoming book, “Lies My Liberal Teacher Told Me,” tackles head-on the myths most commonly spread in American classrooms. As Wilfred has documented throughout his work, the underlying data and historical evidence rarely tell the same story as the dramatic retellings we hear today. However, while often less salacious than our modern mythology, the truth gives far more reason for optimism about the current state of America and our future."
So funny when anti-American Stain get what they Vote for, yet begin to pop off ignorant lowIQ illogical smelly mouths.
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  • #27
But there isn't. The crime rate is comparatively low in NYC.

Yeah, they’re doing wonderful

Yeah, they’re doing wonderful

I just found out something interesting which is affecting this issue in a critical manner.

I have been puzzled over this in a big way.

Over and over, I hear one thing, but in the news, I see another. They say, according to stats, crime has fallen, yet we hear, story after story, it doesn't seem that way. . . this is a puzzle.

I think I may have found the answer.


The FBI is about to release incomplete and inadequate crime statistics​

Here’s a guide for journalists who want to use them and members of the public who want to understand them.​

October 5, 2022

"The FBI will release its first full report on crime trends in the United States today based exclusively on its new incident reporting system. The report traditionally drops the last Monday of September, but it did not appear last week.

This new National Incident-Based Reporting System will be fertile ground for those who want to distort or exaggerate crime trends for political or commercial reasons. And, it lays bare a dirty secret about counting crime in the United States: As a nation, we keep horrible, incomplete data that makes it impossible to get an accurate sense of the scope or impact of crime. . . "


". . .Incomplete data:A full third of all the police agencies in the U.S. did not submit any data to the FBI for this report, including some of the largest cities in the country. As a result, the FBI will fill in the blanks with estimates as it calculates national, state and regional crime trends and provide confidence intervals for those estimates. In short, each crime statistic published by the FBI will be presented as a range of possible values rather than as a specific number. Reporters using the data will have to check the notes to see if trends for their local areas are based on actual data or estimates. If estimates are involved, it will be critical to include a clear caveat describing the margin of error.


". . . Unaudited and unreliable: There are no checks and balances on the gathering of this data. No third party routinely audits law enforcement agencies to ensure they are counting crimes accurately. As a result, there are inconsistencies from agency to agency about what counts as reported crimes. And there are numerous examples of police using bureaucratic smokescreens to deliberately manipulate crime numbers, sometimes to make crime seem scarier, sometimes to make crime seem to be less of a problem, sometimes to make it seem like they are solving more crimes, and sometimes to undercount specific types of crimes. . . . "

FBI releases 2021 crime data, but it lacks information from major police agencies​

". . . The FBI reported a 4.3% estimated increase in murders in 2021 and a negligible 1% decrease in overall violent crime Wednesday, relying on an alternate reporting system. At the same time, officials acknowledged about 48% of the country's eligible police agencies, or 9,700, had not submitted 12 months of data to the National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) by the March 14 deadline.

Some of the largest agencies in the country, including the New York Police Department, Los Angeles Police Department, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department and Phoenix Police Department, had yet to submit any data to the system, the officials said.

Federal authorities said all of the jurisdictions have committed to providing the information, yet some agencies are operating on timelines slowed by a lack of funding, personnel shortages or delays in acquiring technology. . . ."

The FBI's new crime report is in, but it's incomplete​

October 5, 2022 4:20 PM ET


"Crime is a huge topic in elections this November, and the FBI has now entered the chat. It has just released the Crime in the Nation report for 2021. But the bureau switched the way it collects crime data this year, and many police departments did not get on board. Los Angeles and New York City did not report to the FBI. In fact, only 63% of the country's police departments submitted anything, and some of the data that was submitted was incomplete. Weihua Li of The Marshall Project has been poring over the FBI's findings. Hey there.. . "

". . LI: Yeah, for sure. So we have some states like California and Florida, where almost no agency in that state submitted any data to the FBI. And there are also a lot of larger cities. You know, the largest police department, New York Police Department, didn't submit anything to the FBI. So a lot of blind spots.

KELLY: A lot of blind spots. I mean, I'm wondering how accurate the numbers can possibly be if - just to take the two biggest cities in the country, New York and LA, they didn't report at all.

LI: Yeah. Yeah, that's a really good question. And it's something that criminologists and people who work in criminal justice have been very worried about for a while now. So the FBI is used to receiving data from more than 90% of police departments across the country. But like you said earlier, in 2021, because they changed their data collection method, the number have dropped to roughly 60%. So instead of saying a finite number, you know, X number of crimes took place, they're saying we think the range of crime that took place in 2021 is somewhere between Y and Z. So for violent crime, property crime and homicides, the number of crimes could have gone up, gone down or stayed the same. We really don't know. . . "

This is why there is so much crime in New York and other cities with similar political leanings. The justice system simply doesn't provide justice. Now, if this man turns up in the news again two weeks from now having committed and armed robbery and shoots four people dead the very same people who support this system will blame the gun instead of the judge who let him walk.

This is just three days after the six migrants who attacked cops in Times Square a few months ago were given plea deals. One of those guys has already been arrested again since and this was the judge's response:

“I am furious that Mr. Brito was rearrested and charged with petty larceny while he was out on this case,” Ward fumed as she warned that another slipup would land him behind bars.

“I am very tempted right now to put you in jail. I am telling you right now, if I learn you are rearrested for anything at all between now and this case being finished, I will order a warrant and I will place bail so high, you will not get out,” she continued.

Being in the country unlawfully, attacking the police, and committing larceny are still not enough for a leftist judge to throw someone behind bars.

The Democratic Party wholly owns the crime in these cities as do the voters who give them the power to skirt these issues to the side.
So when did our justice system stop enforcing the law? It's happening here too, in a very egregious manner - people stealing Kias to use as battering rams to gain entry to the Marijuana dispensaries. Because Marijuana is still not lawful under federal law, despite the people of the State of Washington voting to decriminalize it, none of the financial institutions will allow these businesses to open bank accounts with them therefore they have to deal in cash. The thieves but they also loot the properties for product as well. This is just one category of crime. Employees at the dispensaries were losing their lives during these robberies too before they switched to the stolen car breaching method of getting they want.

Business all over the Puget Sound area of Washington are suffering break-ins, vandalism and even assaults and murders and not just downtown Seattle yet we see the same offenders over & over.

I think we're seeing the proof that the slide into the abyss has already begun.
Over and over, I hear one thing, but in the news, I see another. They say, according to stats, crime has fallen, yet we hear, story after story, it doesn't seem that way. . . this is a puzzle.
It's not a puzzle, it's the way news programs work. Sensationalism sells ads, boring "all is well" statements do not.
It's not a puzzle, it's the way news programs work. Sensationalism sells ads, boring "all is well" statements do not.
Nope, this is different.

This is a calculated intent to warp American perceptions of reality.


Just like they are doing with so called economic experts pumping up economic data. Slashing good full time jobs, replacing them with shitty part time jobs, telling everyone the current regime has done a bang-up job on the economy, when the truth is, the small folks a suffering a stagflationary spiral worse than they have in a very, very long time.

. . . and the folks being hit the hardest? Weren't even born to remember the last time it was this bad.



Nope, this is different.

This is a calculated intent to warp American perceptions of reality.


Just like they are doing with so called economic experts pumping up economic data. Slashing good full time jobs, replacing them with shitty part time jobs, telling everyone the current regime has done a bang-up job on the economy, when the truth is, the small folks a suffering a stagflationary spiral worse than they have in a very, very long time.

. . . and the folks being hit the hardest? Weren't even born to remember the last time it was this bad.
You're ascribing to malice what is easily explained by profit motivation.
The governor pardoned a white born in America convicted murder in red state Texas either Thursday or yesterday. You were unaable to comment about that. Funny how that happens here.
The Governor pardoning someone is different from a judge allowing a someone to go free who just committed a violent act against two cops. Supposedly the man was a repeat offender.

I can’t figure out why anyone would want to continue to be a cop in New York City. In fact I can’t figure out why anyone would want to continue to live in New York City, period.
You're ascribing to malice what is easily explained by profit motivation.
So explain to me why the Biden administration changed how the FBI gathered up the crime reporting to make it appear to partisans like you. . . to gaslight the population that crime is going down, when actually it is rising, to get re-elected. . .

How do his donors and folks like you profit off of this?

I have, myself, always suspected that the DNC is more infiltrated by the cartels south of the border, and now you have just confirmed it for me. . . is there another connection I am missing?

Democrats and the Cartels​

One hand washes the other​



". . . There is something weird about the “conservative” media’s inability to see the patterns here. Conservatives complain constantly about the nefarious activities of Democrats, but they never seem to connect the dots into a larger picture. While fixating on the details of each day’s Democrat outrage, conservative journalists don’t seem to talk about what the Democratic Party has become and what its motives might be.

If we are going to make progress, we’ll need to put on our thinking caps. So hold on folks. This is an IQ test:

Q: Why would a political party relentlessly enact laws to:

  • reduce the severity of crime classifications (e.g. turn felonies into misdemeanors),
  • eliminate bail,
  • reduce jail time for crimes in all categories,
  • endorse district attorneys who don’t prosecute crimes,
  • install public defenders as prosecutors,
  • stay (i.e. cancel) the sentences of chronic repeat offenders,
  • support the elimination of police,
  • and prosecute police for using force against dangerous assailants?
Q: Why would a political party practice an open-borders policy with Mexico, where:
  • cartels control the political process,
  • cartels control the press,
  • cartels murder anyone who opposes them or talks about them,
  • cartels transport humans, including sex slaves and minors, across the border,
  • and cartels effectively control the U.S. / Mexican border?
Q: Why would a political party pursue election-related policies that:
Q: Why would a political party facilitate cartel business by:
  • creating (ironically named) “safe injection sites”,
  • reducing penalties for use of illegal drugs,
  • reducing penalties for transport & sale of illegal drugs,
  • and staying the sentences of multiply convicted criminal offenders?
Q: Why would a political party complain constantly about historical slavery while:
  • facilitating illegal human trafficking across our border,
  • financing and legalizing abortion, thereby keeping sex slaves on the street,
  • inducing ever-younger children to regard sexual activity as normal,
  • removing the roadblocks to legalizing pedophilia,
  • and being completely opaque about where all these illegal aliens are ending up?
Q: Why would a political party help cartels rule unopposed by:
  • constantly passing gun laws that only law-abiding citizens would observe,
  • restricting semi-automatic rifles (while cartels use fully automatic machine guns),
  • restricting magazine sizes (while cartels use whatever they want in unlimited quantities),
  • and restricting civilian ownership of “assault rifles” used heavily by military operations (like cartels)?
Q: Why would a “democratic” political party:
  • demonize anyone critical of open borders,
  • engage with media companies to censor and de-platform its critics,
  • and constantly attempt to establish a national “disinformation” authority?
My hope is that your pattern recognition skills will be jogged by my listing all these things together. There’s no formal time limit for completing this test, but every day that you fail is a day closer to our losing our country forever. . . "
So explain to me why the Biden administration changed how the FBI gathered up the crime reporting to make it appear to partisans like you. . . to gaslight the population that crime is going down, when actually it is rising, to get re-elected. . .

How do his donors and folks like you profit off of this?

I have, myself, always suspected that the DNC is more infiltrated by the cartels south of the border, and now you have just confirmed it for me. . . is there another connection I am missing?

Democrats and the Cartels​

One hand washes the other​



". . . There is something weird about the “conservative” media’s inability to see the patterns here. Conservatives complain constantly about the nefarious activities of Democrats, but they never seem to connect the dots into a larger picture. While fixating on the details of each day’s Democrat outrage, conservative journalists don’t seem to talk about what the Democratic Party has become and what its motives might be.

If we are going to make progress, we’ll need to put on our thinking caps. So hold on folks. This is an IQ test:

Q: Why would a political party relentlessly enact laws to:

  • reduce the severity of crime classifications (e.g. turn felonies into misdemeanors),
  • eliminate bail,
  • reduce jail time for crimes in all categories,
  • endorse district attorneys who don’t prosecute crimes,
  • install public defenders as prosecutors,
  • stay (i.e. cancel) the sentences of chronic repeat offenders,
  • support the elimination of police,
  • and prosecute police for using force against dangerous assailants?
Q: Why would a political party practice an open-borders policy with Mexico, where:
  • cartels control the political process,
  • cartels control the press,
  • cartels murder anyone who opposes them or talks about them,
  • cartels transport humans, including sex slaves and minors, across the border,
  • and cartels effectively control the U.S. / Mexican border?
Q: Why would a political party pursue election-related policies that:
Q: Why would a political party facilitate cartel business by:
  • creating (ironically named) “safe injection sites”,
  • reducing penalties for use of illegal drugs,
  • reducing penalties for transport & sale of illegal drugs,
  • and staying the sentences of multiply convicted criminal offenders?
Q: Why would a political party complain constantly about historical slavery while:
  • facilitating illegal human trafficking across our border,
  • financing and legalizing abortion, thereby keeping sex slaves on the street,
  • inducing ever-younger children to regard sexual activity as normal,
  • removing the roadblocks to legalizing pedophilia,
  • and being completely opaque about where all these illegal aliens are ending up?
Q: Why would a political party help cartels rule unopposed by:
  • constantly passing gun laws that only law-abiding citizens would observe,
  • restricting semi-automatic rifles (while cartels use fully automatic machine guns),
  • restricting magazine sizes (while cartels use whatever they want in unlimited quantities),
  • and restricting civilian ownership of “assault rifles” used heavily by military operations (like cartels)?
Q: Why would a “democratic” political party:
  • demonize anyone critical of open borders,
  • engage with media companies to censor and de-platform its critics,
  • and constantly attempt to establish a national “disinformation” authority?
My hope is that your pattern recognition skills will be jogged by my listing all these things together. There’s no formal time limit for completing this test, but every day that you fail is a day closer to our losing our country forever. . . "
Yeah, not even gonna bother to respond to that load of lies.

Have a nice day and enjoy your next brainwashing session.
Yeah, not even gonna bother to respond to that load of lies.

Have a nice day and enjoy your next brainwashing session.

I never would have guessed that cartels now have folks on the internet posting disinfo too?!?

Holy shit Crep, which Cartel you wit?

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  • #40
Shoplifting as compared to knife wielding maniacs?

It's all relative, but keep the excuses coming.

Here's a scene from Oakland yesterday. Strange how these things keep happening in the same places over and over, places where the people in charge don't want to enforce the law.


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