It has become painfully obvious to me that Donald Trump literally BROKE THE LEFT in America

Even some of the posters on here that I respected have gone full retard on ANYTHING that can even remotely be tied to Trump.

Trying to equate Jan 6th to Benghazi is just so over the top it defies logic.
Almost 2 fucking years of violent riots across the nation with around 30 murdered, countless businesses burned to the ground, countless others looted clean, government buildings literally set on fire, BILLIONS in damage, countless jobs lost....

And the 6th is somehow the end of the universe?
He didn't break the left.
He was a wake up call for the left.
Even some of the posters on here that I respected have gone full retard on ANYTHING that can even remotely be tied to Trump.

Trying to equate Jan 6th to Benghazi is just so over the top it defies logic.
Almost 2 fucking years of violent riots across the nation with around 30 murdered, countless businesses burned to the ground, countless others looted clean, government buildings literally set on fire, BILLIONS in damage, countless jobs lost....

And the 6th is somehow the end of the universe?
It’s understandable why people have had it with Trump. He just lies about everything. His supporters don’t care because it riles up the left which is why they love Trump. But in the real world lies and conspiracies are dangerous things. The Jan 6th riot and 2020 election have had false narratives around them for months that are now being parroted by leadership. That needs to be squashed and we need to strive for accountability and honesty not the current atmosphere of fight for power at all costs.
He's been gone for FOUR MONTHS but you wouldn't know it based on the nuts posting here about how he stole their lunch money or virginity...
He and Republican leadership are still propagating lies about the election. The Jan 6 investigation is an attempt by Dems to expose those lies and give Americans a factual narrative
He can say whatever he likes as a citizen with first amendment rights. However it has no influence over our current congress on ANY issue that matters. Dems have control and need to govern rather than playing nanananabooboo with Trump.
Nobody is calling for criminal charges to be filed against Trump for his lies but they are pushing back against them. And when leadership propagates those lies which results in undermining the public confidence in our elections the it’s an issue to be taken seriously.
Like when Gore or Hillary made the same claims? Pft
Do you really think the claims and level of accusations tossed out by Gore or Hillary land in the same ball park of what Trump is throwing out?! Come on Gramps, get real
Yes, Gore took it to the Supreme Court ffs
Yup and then he conceded the election acting like a civilized grown up and was quiet about it. Trump took it to court, which was fine to do, but after he failed dozens of times he is still propagating lies and claiming that he won. So no, it’s nothing even close to Clinton or Gore. It’s pathetic and deplorable
Trump never got a day in court to present his evidence.
And our system has been suspect for far longer than Trump has been a factor. EVERY election we hear the drumbeat of accusations, demands for voter id, demands for more oversight etc.
Trumps behavior, no matter what you think of it, is nothing more than a side effect of the CLEAR distrust all sides have in our system.
Trump had many days in court. His lawyers could not present a legit case to move forward with. It was a PR stunt and his minions seemed to have taken the bait. Pretty sad.
Irrelevant to your original point AND the point of this thread.
Irrelevant?! You literally just said Trump didn’t get his day in court and I responded to that. If my response to your comment is irrelevant then your initial statement that I was responding to was where the irrelevance came from. Way to avoid engaging though.
Your original point was that Trump is a poor sport poopy head. THAT has nothing to do with this thread. The fact that I entertained your derailment did not suddenly make your point on topic.
Even some of the posters on here that I respected have gone full retard on ANYTHING that can even remotely be tied to Trump.

Trying to equate Jan 6th to Benghazi is just so over the top it defies logic.
Almost 2 fucking years of violent riots across the nation with around 30 murdered, countless businesses burned to the ground, countless others looted clean, government buildings literally set on fire, BILLIONS in damage, countless jobs lost....

And the 6th is somehow the end of the universe?
It’s understandable why people have had it with Trump. He just lies about everything. His supporters don’t care because it riles up the left which is why they love Trump. But in the real world lies and conspiracies are dangerous things. The Jan 6th riot and 2020 election have had false narratives around them for months that are now being parroted by leadership. That needs to be squashed and we need to strive for accountability and honesty not the current atmosphere of fight for power at all costs.
He's been gone for FOUR MONTHS but you wouldn't know it based on the nuts posting here about how he stole their lunch money or virginity...
He and Republican leadership are still propagating lies about the election. The Jan 6 investigation is an attempt by Dems to expose those lies and give Americans a factual narrative
He can say whatever he likes as a citizen with first amendment rights. However it has no influence over our current congress on ANY issue that matters. Dems have control and need to govern rather than playing nanananabooboo with Trump.
Nobody is calling for criminal charges to be filed against Trump for his lies but they are pushing back against them. And when leadership propagates those lies which results in undermining the public confidence in our elections the it’s an issue to be taken seriously.
Like when Gore or Hillary made the same claims? Pft
Do you really think the claims and level of accusations tossed out by Gore or Hillary land in the same ball park of what Trump is throwing out?! Come on Gramps, get real
Yes, Gore took it to the Supreme Court ffs
Yup and then he conceded the election acting like a civilized grown up and was quiet about it. Trump took it to court, which was fine to do, but after he failed dozens of times he is still propagating lies and claiming that he won. So no, it’s nothing even close to Clinton or Gore. It’s pathetic and deplorable
Trump never got a day in court to present his evidence.
And our system has been suspect for far longer than Trump has been a factor. EVERY election we hear the drumbeat of accusations, demands for voter id, demands for more oversight etc.
Trumps behavior, no matter what you think of it, is nothing more than a side effect of the CLEAR distrust all sides have in our system.
Trump had many days in court. His lawyers could not present a legit case to move forward with. It was a PR stunt and his minions seemed to have taken the bait. Pretty sad.
Irrelevant to your original point AND the point of this thread.
Irrelevant?! You literally just said Trump didn’t get his day in court and I responded to that. If my response to your comment is irrelevant then your initial statement that I was responding to was where the irrelevance came from. Way to avoid engaging though.
Your original point was that Trump is a poor sport poopy head. THAT has nothing to do with this thread. The fact that I entertained your derailment did not suddenly make your point on topic.
Haha, no that wasn’t my original point. You brought up Gore and Clinton and I accurately pointed out that what Gore and Clinton did is of no comparison to what Trump is doing. You can’t equate those situations
Even some of the posters on here that I respected have gone full retard on ANYTHING that can even remotely be tied to Trump.

Trying to equate Jan 6th to Benghazi is just so over the top it defies logic.
Almost 2 fucking years of violent riots across the nation with around 30 murdered, countless businesses burned to the ground, countless others looted clean, government buildings literally set on fire, BILLIONS in damage, countless jobs lost....

And the 6th is somehow the end of the universe?

How did you link Benghazi to Jan 6th?
I didn't, the left on this board have been. From Mac to a handful of others. I find the link preposterous and felt it should be pointed out.

Trump lost by 8 million votes.
Trump was defrauded. That is not losing.

So he claims. He won't run again, but he wants your money for his legal bills and to pay off foreign loans.
Yup. The guy is just a grifter.

Trump is really helping the Georgia Democrats.

Even some of the posters on here that I respected have gone full retard on ANYTHING that can even remotely be tied to Trump.

Trying to equate Jan 6th to Benghazi is just so over the top it defies logic.
Almost 2 fucking years of violent riots across the nation with around 30 murdered, countless businesses burned to the ground, countless others looted clean, government buildings literally set on fire, BILLIONS in damage, countless jobs lost....

And the 6th is somehow the end of the universe?

How did you link Benghazi to Jan 6th?
I didn't, the left on this board have been. From Mac to a handful of others. I find the link preposterous and felt it should be pointed out.

Trump lost by 8 million votes.
Trump was defrauded. That is not losing.

Trump is really helping Georgia Democrats.

Even some of the posters on here that I respected have gone full retard on ANYTHING that can even remotely be tied to Trump.

Trying to equate Jan 6th to Benghazi is just so over the top it defies logic.
Almost 2 fucking years of violent riots across the nation with around 30 murdered, countless businesses burned to the ground, countless others looted clean, government buildings literally set on fire, BILLIONS in damage, countless jobs lost....

And the 6th is somehow the end of the universe?
It’s understandable why people have had it with Trump. He just lies about everything. His supporters don’t care because it riles up the left which is why they love Trump. But in the real world lies and conspiracies are dangerous things. The Jan 6th riot and 2020 election have had false narratives around them for months that are now being parroted by leadership. That needs to be squashed and we need to strive for accountability and honesty not the current atmosphere of fight for power at all costs.
He's been gone for FOUR MONTHS but you wouldn't know it based on the nuts posting here about how he stole their lunch money or virginity...
He and Republican leadership are still propagating lies about the election. The Jan 6 investigation is an attempt by Dems to expose those lies and give Americans a factual narrative
He can say whatever he likes as a citizen with first amendment rights. However it has no influence over our current congress on ANY issue that matters. Dems have control and need to govern rather than playing nanananabooboo with Trump.
Nobody is calling for criminal charges to be filed against Trump for his lies but they are pushing back against them. And when leadership propagates those lies which results in undermining the public confidence in our elections the it’s an issue to be taken seriously.
I'm sort of in the middle here.. . .

The right is sure that Trump won.

The left says this is a lie.

When the corporate cabal is honest, and values the process over profits, integrity over politics, when they allow those who support Trump, to have their demands met for a full exposure of how the election was conducted, including having the source code revealed. . . as a bystander, I will be satisfied.

. . . but? Calling something a "lie," until it is proven so? I am not convinced. I remember when the right called all of the left's criticisms of the 2000 and 2004's election irregularities, "lies," and again, nothing was done about it. Now the shoe seems to be on the other foot. The only difference? Their candidate is not backing down.

So, excuse me if I don't just accept the propaganda of the corporatacracy and the establishment.

Trump? He's acts the fool, sure. But Biden and his corporate masters are tyrants. I don't trust or believe any of them.

Trump is out for donations and revenge.. Now he's really helping Georgia Democrats.
Even some of the posters on here that I respected have gone full retard on ANYTHING that can even remotely be tied to Trump.

Trying to equate Jan 6th to Benghazi is just so over the top it defies logic.
Almost 2 fucking years of violent riots across the nation with around 30 murdered, countless businesses burned to the ground, countless others looted clean, government buildings literally set on fire, BILLIONS in damage, countless jobs lost....

And the 6th is somehow the end of the universe?

How did you link Benghazi to Jan 6th?
I didn't, the left on this board have been. From Mac to a handful of others. I find the link preposterous and felt it should be pointed out.

Trump lost by 8 million votes.

Fraudulent ballots don't count except to traitors. Like you.
And yet again...

Lol, no. Exhibit A is the OP.
Even some of the posters on here that I respected have gone full retard on ANYTHING that can even remotely be tied to Trump.

Trying to equate Jan 6th to Benghazi is just so over the top it defies logic.
Almost 2 fucking years of violent riots across the nation with around 30 murdered, countless businesses burned to the ground, countless others looted clean, government buildings literally set on fire, BILLIONS in damage, countless jobs lost....

And the 6th is somehow the end of the universe?
It’s understandable why people have had it with Trump. He just lies about everything. His supporters don’t care because it riles up the left which is why they love Trump. But in the real world lies and conspiracies are dangerous things. The Jan 6th riot and 2020 election have had false narratives around them for months that are now being parroted by leadership. That needs to be squashed and we need to strive for accountability and honesty not the current atmosphere of fight for power at all costs.
He's been gone for FOUR MONTHS but you wouldn't know it based on the nuts posting here about how he stole their lunch money or virginity...
He and Republican leadership are still propagating lies about the election. The Jan 6 investigation is an attempt by Dems to expose those lies and give Americans a factual narrative
He can say whatever he likes as a citizen with first amendment rights. However it has no influence over our current congress on ANY issue that matters. Dems have control and need to govern rather than playing nanananabooboo with Trump.
Nobody is calling for criminal charges to be filed against Trump for his lies but they are pushing back against them. And when leadership propagates those lies which results in undermining the public confidence in our elections the it’s an issue to be taken seriously.
I'm sort of in the middle here.. . .

The right is sure that Trump won.

The left says this is a lie.

When the corporate cabal is honest, and values the process over profits, integrity over politics, when they allow those who support Trump, to have their demands met for a full exposure of how the election was conducted, including having the source code revealed. . . as a bystander, I will be satisfied.

. . . but? Calling something a "lie," until it is proven so? I am not convinced. I remember when the right called all of the left's criticisms of the 2000 and 2004's election irregularities, "lies," and again, nothing was done about it. Now the shoe seems to be on the other foot. The only difference? Their candidate is not backing down.

So, excuse me if I don't just accept the propaganda of the corporatacracy and the establishment.

Trump? He's acts the fool, sure. But Biden and his corporate masters are tyrants. I don't trust or believe any of them.
It’s a lie just for the fact that it hasn’t been proven yet is being sold as a stolen election that Trump won. So even if that statement is true and there was some kind of hack or vast conspiracy that swung the election, those calling it stolen, like it’s fact, without the evidence to prove those claims, are lying.

The fraud claims were given a chance. Over 60 judges were presented cases and not one was legit enough to even warrant a trial. Our intel agencies including Barr all said the election was legit and there is no evidence of a stolen election. We know Trump. We know he lies. We saw him set up the “rigged election” narrative in 2016 when he thought he was going to lose. We saw him try and set up a voting fraud commission to show that he actually won the popular vote. It failed. Now we predicted and saw him use the same playbook for the 2020 election. Nothing will ever satisfy the crazy here. You can look at source code or do recounts and audits in every county and there will still be seeds of doubt planted and claims of a stolen election.

You seem like a fair minded person. You’ve got to see the game being played here... right?
You keep repeating yourself and the Democrats and RINOs keep doing everything they can to block audits and investigations. The guilt might as well be tattooed on their foreheads.
You have your third count going on in AZ right now. After it flops you’ll move on to something else that I will mock you about
What makes you think it is going to flop? There must be something there when so many are trying so hard to stop it. A child could figure that out. Do you know any that could help explain it to you?
Because the election process has safeguards and Trump is a horrific liar. The game he is playing is obvious. AZ will flop but I have no doubt you will find some lame excuse
Our biggest concern? Should be if it doesn't flop.

. . . if it doesn't flop, it means one of two things.

A) The election had no integrity.

B) The Deep State is screwing with everyone, on the left AND the right, to make it so that they will put in new, even more draconian control over our elections and all of our lives to control who leads us. . . IOW, they are purposely creating all this chaos.

Who the hell can be sure which it is. . . as no one can be trusted.
You realize the election is a compilation of many hundred independent districts with in 50 different states,right? It’s not one processes that the cabal can control.
Per your concerns, yes it would be a concern if something serious shows up in the recount. I seriously doubt anything will.

Will you have concerns if nothing shows up but perhaps some Minor insignificant discrepancies? Would you be concerned about the tremendous effort being put forth to undermine the public confidence in our elections?
Yes, I realize the election is composed of multiple jurisdictions, but they are all run under the respective supervision of the various authorities of centralized state authorities. Thus, just 50 bureaucracies running things.

I had a friend point out.. . that yeah, it is concerning, even if nothing shows up with shit like this. . it IS still concerning, isn't it? :dunno:

... aren't you concerned?

There is a tremendous amount of effort being put forth to make folks question this election, just like they made folks believe "Russia," had something to do with the election of Trump. What does that say to you?

All I can say, is what I have recommended to other lefties or folks who believe in state/establishment/corporate media narratives. Go to YouTube or Google the documentary by the Emmy award winning documentarian David Earnhardt, Uncounted: The New Math of American Elections (2008). Learn from it, and think about its implications in our current paradigm, and about the motives of the elites, the oligarchs, and the establishment's goals. Don't be so naive. It is about process, not politics.

Even some of the posters on here that I respected have gone full retard on ANYTHING that can even remotely be tied to Trump.

Trying to equate Jan 6th to Benghazi is just so over the top it defies logic.
Almost 2 fucking years of violent riots across the nation with around 30 murdered, countless businesses burned to the ground, countless others looted clean, government buildings literally set on fire, BILLIONS in damage, countless jobs lost....

And the 6th is somehow the end of the universe?
It’s understandable why people have had it with Trump. He just lies about everything. His supporters don’t care because it riles up the left which is why they love Trump. But in the real world lies and conspiracies are dangerous things. The Jan 6th riot and 2020 election have had false narratives around them for months that are now being parroted by leadership. That needs to be squashed and we need to strive for accountability and honesty not the current atmosphere of fight for power at all costs.
He's been gone for FOUR MONTHS but you wouldn't know it based on the nuts posting here about how he stole their lunch money or virginity...
He and Republican leadership are still propagating lies about the election. The Jan 6 investigation is an attempt by Dems to expose those lies and give Americans a factual narrative
He can say whatever he likes as a citizen with first amendment rights. However it has no influence over our current congress on ANY issue that matters. Dems have control and need to govern rather than playing nanananabooboo with Trump.
Nobody is calling for criminal charges to be filed against Trump for his lies but they are pushing back against them. And when leadership propagates those lies which results in undermining the public confidence in our elections the it’s an issue to be taken seriously.
I'm sort of in the middle here.. . .

The right is sure that Trump won.

The left says this is a lie.

When the corporate cabal is honest, and values the process over profits, integrity over politics, when they allow those who support Trump, to have their demands met for a full exposure of how the election was conducted, including having the source code revealed. . . as a bystander, I will be satisfied.

. . . but? Calling something a "lie," until it is proven so? I am not convinced. I remember when the right called all of the left's criticisms of the 2000 and 2004's election irregularities, "lies," and again, nothing was done about it. Now the shoe seems to be on the other foot. The only difference? Their candidate is not backing down.

So, excuse me if I don't just accept the propaganda of the corporatacracy and the establishment.

Trump? He's acts the fool, sure. But Biden and his corporate masters are tyrants. I don't trust or believe any of them.

Trump is out for donations and revenge.. Now he's really helping Georgia Democrats.
That is. . . just your opinion.

You have nothing to back that up with. NOTHING.

This is a narrative that has been bounced around a lot on the left, which I have heard a lot. The thing is, I have been trained in political science, and am aware of the law on political donations. Trump is under a tremendous amount of scrutiny, I would hazard to say, more so than any of the typical D.C. politicians.

Albeit, the Clinton Foundation was socked with a few violations, it was nothing compared to what his foundation was nailed with. At this point? I seriously doubt he would funnel donations for political activity into his private wealth and profit funds. It would be a gross violation of political fund raising, and if caught, reflect very poorly on him.

Do you honestly believe these things are not tracked and reported? Do you think he is receiving these donations in cryptocurrency that is un-tracked or something?

How can you make such unverified and un-sourced claims?

I'm not saying it is completely out of the realm of possibility. . . it is just highly unlikely because such a scheme, would be, well, so transparent that even someone like you could spot it. So any two-bit attorney could file to find out where that money is going and prosecute, couldn't they now? Do you have a source for you claims? Should be pretty easy to come up with one.

. . . hmmm? :dunno:
Frankly, I am all for forgetting the orange douche bag. But he won't go away. He keeps trying to get back in the news whining about his loss and his trumptard followers are no better.
Good, then you have no business on this thread. Bye.
Sure, I do. I am here to laugh at you trumptards. Hahahahahahahahaha
Then you admit you contribute nothing. Think about that.
Poor trumptard. Still smarting over the whopping Biden gave your orange douche bag. :itsok:
Even some of the posters on here that I respected have gone full retard on ANYTHING that can even remotely be tied to Trump.

Trying to equate Jan 6th to Benghazi is just so over the top it defies logic.
Almost 2 fucking years of violent riots across the nation with around 30 murdered, countless businesses burned to the ground, countless others looted clean, government buildings literally set on fire, BILLIONS in damage, countless jobs lost....

And the 6th is somehow the end of the universe?
It’s understandable why people have had it with Trump. He just lies about everything. His supporters don’t care because it riles up the left which is why they love Trump. But in the real world lies and conspiracies are dangerous things. The Jan 6th riot and 2020 election have had false narratives around them for months that are now being parroted by leadership. That needs to be squashed and we need to strive for accountability and honesty not the current atmosphere of fight for power at all costs.
He's been gone for FOUR MONTHS but you wouldn't know it based on the nuts posting here about how he stole their lunch money or virginity...
He and Republican leadership are still propagating lies about the election. The Jan 6 investigation is an attempt by Dems to expose those lies and give Americans a factual narrative
He can say whatever he likes as a citizen with first amendment rights. However it has no influence over our current congress on ANY issue that matters. Dems have control and need to govern rather than playing nanananabooboo with Trump.
Nobody is calling for criminal charges to be filed against Trump for his lies but they are pushing back against them. And when leadership propagates those lies which results in undermining the public confidence in our elections the it’s an issue to be taken seriously.
I'm sort of in the middle here.. . .

The right is sure that Trump won.

The left says this is a lie.

When the corporate cabal is honest, and values the process over profits, integrity over politics, when they allow those who support Trump, to have their demands met for a full exposure of how the election was conducted, including having the source code revealed. . . as a bystander, I will be satisfied.

. . . but? Calling something a "lie," until it is proven so? I am not convinced. I remember when the right called all of the left's criticisms of the 2000 and 2004's election irregularities, "lies," and again, nothing was done about it. Now the shoe seems to be on the other foot. The only difference? Their candidate is not backing down.

So, excuse me if I don't just accept the propaganda of the corporatacracy and the establishment.

Trump? He's acts the fool, sure. But Biden and his corporate masters are tyrants. I don't trust or believe any of them.
It’s a lie just for the fact that it hasn’t been proven yet is being sold as a stolen election that Trump won. So even if that statement is true and there was some kind of hack or vast conspiracy that swung the election, those calling it stolen, like it’s fact, without the evidence to prove those claims, are lying.

The fraud claims were given a chance. Over 60 judges were presented cases and not one was legit enough to even warrant a trial. Our intel agencies including Barr all said the election was legit and there is no evidence of a stolen election. We know Trump. We know he lies. We saw him set up the “rigged election” narrative in 2016 when he thought he was going to lose. We saw him try and set up a voting fraud commission to show that he actually won the popular vote. It failed. Now we predicted and saw him use the same playbook for the 2020 election. Nothing will ever satisfy the crazy here. You can look at source code or do recounts and audits in every county and there will still be seeds of doubt planted and claims of a stolen election.

You seem like a fair minded person. You’ve got to see the game being played here... right?
You keep repeating yourself and the Democrats and RINOs keep doing everything they can to block audits and investigations. The guilt might as well be tattooed on their foreheads.
You have your third count going on in AZ right now. After it flops you’ll move on to something else that I will mock you about
What makes you think it is going to flop? There must be something there when so many are trying so hard to stop it. A child could figure that out. Do you know any that could help explain it to you?
Because the election process has safeguards and Trump is a horrific liar. The game he is playing is obvious. AZ will flop but I have no doubt you will find some lame excuse
Our biggest concern? Should be if it doesn't flop.

. . . if it doesn't flop, it means one of two things.

A) The election had no integrity.

B) The Deep State is screwing with everyone, on the left AND the right, to make it so that they will put in new, even more draconian control over our elections and all of our lives to control who leads us. . . IOW, they are purposely creating all this chaos.

Who the hell can be sure which it is. . . as no one can be trusted.
You realize the election is a compilation of many hundred independent districts with in 50 different states,right? It’s not one processes that the cabal can control.
Per your concerns, yes it would be a concern if something serious shows up in the recount. I seriously doubt anything will.

Will you have concerns if nothing shows up but perhaps some Minor insignificant discrepancies? Would you be concerned about the tremendous effort being put forth to undermine the public confidence in our elections?
Yes, I realize the election is composed of multiple jurisdictions, but they are all run under the respective supervision of the various authorities of centralized state authorities. Thus, just 50 bureaucracies running things.

I had a friend point out.. . that yeah, it is concerning, even if nothing shows up with shit like this. . it IS still concerning, isn't it? :dunno:

... aren't you concerned?

There is a tremendous amount of effort being put forth to make folks question this election, just like they made folks believe "Russia," had something to do with the election of Trump. What does that say to you?

All I can say, is what I have recommended to other lefties or folks who believe in state/establishment/corporate media narratives. Go to YouTube or Google the documentary by the Emmy award winning documentarian David Earnhardt, Uncounted: The New Math of American Elections (2008). Learn from it, and think about its implications in our current paradigm, and about the motives of the elites, the oligarchs, and the establishment's goals. Don't be so naive. It is about process, not politics.

The effort to cast doubt into this election is all centered around Trumps ego. Trump doesn’t admit defeat, we allow know this. He always sets up a fall guy to blame, We know this. How can so many be so stupid to run with this stuff? You think people who trust the government are naive?! Come on.

Im not a big government person and I am absolutely skeptical of those in power. But I’m not going to ride this wave of lies. If it was an honest accounting of our elections process I’d be all about it. I have no doubt there is corruption and holes in that system that need to be fixed. I actually think the whole system from
Campaigning on up needs to be rebuilt. But what’s going on now is about Trump and it’s based on lies. I don’t think any good Americans should tolerate it.
Frankly, I am all for forgetting the orange douche bag. But he won't go away. He keeps trying to get back in the news whining about his loss and his trumptard followers are no better.
Good, then you have no business on this thread. Bye.
Sure, I do. I am here to laugh at you trumptards. Hahahahahahahahaha
Then you admit you contribute nothing. Think about that.
Poor trumptard. Still smarting over the whopping Biden gave your orange douche bag. :itsok:
Not for long.
Even some of the posters on here that I respected have gone full retard on ANYTHING that can even remotely be tied to Trump.

Trying to equate Jan 6th to Benghazi is just so over the top it defies logic.
Almost 2 fucking years of violent riots across the nation with around 30 murdered, countless businesses burned to the ground, countless others looted clean, government buildings literally set on fire, BILLIONS in damage, countless jobs lost....

And the 6th is somehow the end of the universe?
It’s understandable why people have had it with Trump. He just lies about everything. His supporters don’t care because it riles up the left which is why they love Trump. But in the real world lies and conspiracies are dangerous things. The Jan 6th riot and 2020 election have had false narratives around them for months that are now being parroted by leadership. That needs to be squashed and we need to strive for accountability and honesty not the current atmosphere of fight for power at all costs.
He's been gone for FOUR MONTHS but you wouldn't know it based on the nuts posting here about how he stole their lunch money or virginity...
He and Republican leadership are still propagating lies about the election. The Jan 6 investigation is an attempt by Dems to expose those lies and give Americans a factual narrative
He can say whatever he likes as a citizen with first amendment rights. However it has no influence over our current congress on ANY issue that matters. Dems have control and need to govern rather than playing nanananabooboo with Trump.
Nobody is calling for criminal charges to be filed against Trump for his lies but they are pushing back against them. And when leadership propagates those lies which results in undermining the public confidence in our elections the it’s an issue to be taken seriously.
I'm sort of in the middle here.. . .

The right is sure that Trump won.

The left says this is a lie.

When the corporate cabal is honest, and values the process over profits, integrity over politics, when they allow those who support Trump, to have their demands met for a full exposure of how the election was conducted, including having the source code revealed. . . as a bystander, I will be satisfied.

. . . but? Calling something a "lie," until it is proven so? I am not convinced. I remember when the right called all of the left's criticisms of the 2000 and 2004's election irregularities, "lies," and again, nothing was done about it. Now the shoe seems to be on the other foot. The only difference? Their candidate is not backing down.

So, excuse me if I don't just accept the propaganda of the corporatacracy and the establishment.

Trump? He's acts the fool, sure. But Biden and his corporate masters are tyrants. I don't trust or believe any of them.
It’s a lie just for the fact that it hasn’t been proven yet is being sold as a stolen election that Trump won. So even if that statement is true and there was some kind of hack or vast conspiracy that swung the election, those calling it stolen, like it’s fact, without the evidence to prove those claims, are lying.

The fraud claims were given a chance. Over 60 judges were presented cases and not one was legit enough to even warrant a trial. Our intel agencies including Barr all said the election was legit and there is no evidence of a stolen election. We know Trump. We know he lies. We saw him set up the “rigged election” narrative in 2016 when he thought he was going to lose. We saw him try and set up a voting fraud commission to show that he actually won the popular vote. It failed. Now we predicted and saw him use the same playbook for the 2020 election. Nothing will ever satisfy the crazy here. You can look at source code or do recounts and audits in every county and there will still be seeds of doubt planted and claims of a stolen election.

You seem like a fair minded person. You’ve got to see the game being played here... right?
You keep repeating yourself and the Democrats and RINOs keep doing everything they can to block audits and investigations. The guilt might as well be tattooed on their foreheads.
You have your third count going on in AZ right now. After it flops you’ll move on to something else that I will mock you about
What makes you think it is going to flop? There must be something there when so many are trying so hard to stop it. A child could figure that out. Do you know any that could help explain it to you?
Because the election process has safeguards and Trump is a horrific liar. The game he is playing is obvious. AZ will flop but I have no doubt you will find some lame excuse
Our biggest concern? Should be if it doesn't flop.

. . . if it doesn't flop, it means one of two things.

A) The election had no integrity.

B) The Deep State is screwing with everyone, on the left AND the right, to make it so that they will put in new, even more draconian control over our elections and all of our lives to control who leads us. . . IOW, they are purposely creating all this chaos.

Who the hell can be sure which it is. . . as no one can be trusted.
You realize the election is a compilation of many hundred independent districts with in 50 different states,right? It’s not one processes that the cabal can control.
Per your concerns, yes it would be a concern if something serious shows up in the recount. I seriously doubt anything will.

Will you have concerns if nothing shows up but perhaps some Minor insignificant discrepancies? Would you be concerned about the tremendous effort being put forth to undermine the public confidence in our elections?
Yes, I realize the election is composed of multiple jurisdictions, but they are all run under the respective supervision of the various authorities of centralized state authorities. Thus, just 50 bureaucracies running things.

I had a friend point out.. . that yeah, it is concerning, even if nothing shows up with shit like this. . it IS still concerning, isn't it? :dunno:

... aren't you concerned?

There is a tremendous amount of effort being put forth to make folks question this election, just like they made folks believe "Russia," had something to do with the election of Trump. What does that say to you?

All I can say, is what I have recommended to other lefties or folks who believe in state/establishment/corporate media narratives. Go to YouTube or Google the documentary by the Emmy award winning documentarian David Earnhardt, Uncounted: The New Math of American Elections (2008). Learn from it, and think about its implications in our current paradigm, and about the motives of the elites, the oligarchs, and the establishment's goals. Don't be so naive. It is about process, not politics.

The effort to cast doubt into this election is all centered around Trumps ego. Trump doesn’t admit defeat, we allow know this. He always sets up a fall guy to blame, We know this. How can so many be so stupid to run with this stuff? You think people who trust the government are naive?! Come on.

Im not a big government person and I am absolutely skeptical of those in power. But I’m not going to ride this wave of lies. If it was an honest accounting of our elections process I’d be all about it. I have no doubt there is corruption and holes in that system that need to be fixed. I actually think the whole system from
Campaigning on up needs to be rebuilt. But what’s going on now is about Trump and it’s based on lies. I don’t think any good Americans should tolerate it.
There are lots of problems with our system and the fact that you put them on the back burner BECAUSE OF TRUMP shows that you're not serious about addressing them. Trump is gone but our broken system remains.

Focus ffs
Even some of the posters on here that I respected have gone full retard on ANYTHING that can even remotely be tied to Trump.

Trying to equate Jan 6th to Benghazi is just so over the top it defies logic.
Almost 2 fucking years of violent riots across the nation with around 30 murdered, countless businesses burned to the ground, countless others looted clean, government buildings literally set on fire, BILLIONS in damage, countless jobs lost....

And the 6th is somehow the end of the universe?
It’s understandable why people have had it with Trump. He just lies about everything. His supporters don’t care because it riles up the left which is why they love Trump. But in the real world lies and conspiracies are dangerous things. The Jan 6th riot and 2020 election have had false narratives around them for months that are now being parroted by leadership. That needs to be squashed and we need to strive for accountability and honesty not the current atmosphere of fight for power at all costs.
He's been gone for FOUR MONTHS but you wouldn't know it based on the nuts posting here about how he stole their lunch money or virginity...
He and Republican leadership are still propagating lies about the election. The Jan 6 investigation is an attempt by Dems to expose those lies and give Americans a factual narrative
He can say whatever he likes as a citizen with first amendment rights. However it has no influence over our current congress on ANY issue that matters. Dems have control and need to govern rather than playing nanananabooboo with Trump.
Nobody is calling for criminal charges to be filed against Trump for his lies but they are pushing back against them. And when leadership propagates those lies which results in undermining the public confidence in our elections the it’s an issue to be taken seriously.
I'm sort of in the middle here.. . .

The right is sure that Trump won.

The left says this is a lie.

When the corporate cabal is honest, and values the process over profits, integrity over politics, when they allow those who support Trump, to have their demands met for a full exposure of how the election was conducted, including having the source code revealed. . . as a bystander, I will be satisfied.

. . . but? Calling something a "lie," until it is proven so? I am not convinced. I remember when the right called all of the left's criticisms of the 2000 and 2004's election irregularities, "lies," and again, nothing was done about it. Now the shoe seems to be on the other foot. The only difference? Their candidate is not backing down.

So, excuse me if I don't just accept the propaganda of the corporatacracy and the establishment.

Trump? He's acts the fool, sure. But Biden and his corporate masters are tyrants. I don't trust or believe any of them.
It’s a lie just for the fact that it hasn’t been proven yet is being sold as a stolen election that Trump won. So even if that statement is true and there was some kind of hack or vast conspiracy that swung the election, those calling it stolen, like it’s fact, without the evidence to prove those claims, are lying.

The fraud claims were given a chance. Over 60 judges were presented cases and not one was legit enough to even warrant a trial. Our intel agencies including Barr all said the election was legit and there is no evidence of a stolen election. We know Trump. We know he lies. We saw him set up the “rigged election” narrative in 2016 when he thought he was going to lose. We saw him try and set up a voting fraud commission to show that he actually won the popular vote. It failed. Now we predicted and saw him use the same playbook for the 2020 election. Nothing will ever satisfy the crazy here. You can look at source code or do recounts and audits in every county and there will still be seeds of doubt planted and claims of a stolen election.

You seem like a fair minded person. You’ve got to see the game being played here... right?
You keep repeating yourself and the Democrats and RINOs keep doing everything they can to block audits and investigations. The guilt might as well be tattooed on their foreheads.
You have your third count going on in AZ right now. After it flops you’ll move on to something else that I will mock you about
What makes you think it is going to flop? There must be something there when so many are trying so hard to stop it. A child could figure that out. Do you know any that could help explain it to you?
Because the election process has safeguards and Trump is a horrific liar. The game he is playing is obvious. AZ will flop but I have no doubt you will find some lame excuse
Our biggest concern? Should be if it doesn't flop.

. . . if it doesn't flop, it means one of two things.

A) The election had no integrity.

B) The Deep State is screwing with everyone, on the left AND the right, to make it so that they will put in new, even more draconian control over our elections and all of our lives to control who leads us. . . IOW, they are purposely creating all this chaos.

Who the hell can be sure which it is. . . as no one can be trusted.
You realize the election is a compilation of many hundred independent districts with in 50 different states,right? It’s not one processes that the cabal can control.
Per your concerns, yes it would be a concern if something serious shows up in the recount. I seriously doubt anything will.

Will you have concerns if nothing shows up but perhaps some Minor insignificant discrepancies? Would you be concerned about the tremendous effort being put forth to undermine the public confidence in our elections?
Yes, I realize the election is composed of multiple jurisdictions, but they are all run under the respective supervision of the various authorities of centralized state authorities. Thus, just 50 bureaucracies running things.

I had a friend point out.. . that yeah, it is concerning, even if nothing shows up with shit like this. . it IS still concerning, isn't it? :dunno:

... aren't you concerned?

There is a tremendous amount of effort being put forth to make folks question this election, just like they made folks believe "Russia," had something to do with the election of Trump. What does that say to you?

All I can say, is what I have recommended to other lefties or folks who believe in state/establishment/corporate media narratives. Go to YouTube or Google the documentary by the Emmy award winning documentarian David Earnhardt, Uncounted: The New Math of American Elections (2008). Learn from it, and think about its implications in our current paradigm, and about the motives of the elites, the oligarchs, and the establishment's goals. Don't be so naive. It is about process, not politics.

The effort to cast doubt into this election is all centered around Trumps ego. Trump doesn’t admit defeat, we allow know this. He always sets up a fall guy to blame, We know this. How can so many be so stupid to run with this stuff? You think people who trust the government are naive?! Come on.

Im not a big government person and I am absolutely skeptical of those in power. But I’m not going to ride this wave of lies. If it was an honest accounting of our elections process I’d be all about it. I have no doubt there is corruption and holes in that system that need to be fixed. I actually think the whole system from
Campaigning on up needs to be rebuilt. But what’s going on now is about Trump and it’s based on lies. I don’t think any good Americans should tolerate it.
You have a TEE VEE and watch it, don't you?

I am not focused on the personalities, nor do I believe the narratives, of either side.

If you believe this is only about Trump? You haven't done as I asked.

I respect your inclination to believe the narratives you are told about the folks in our national drama. . . but I don't buy them. Not on either side. Lots of folks had a lot to profit by Trump's loss, many many billionaire oligarchs and global corporations. OTH? Those global corporations could easily create a boogie man for the public to redirect their rage at the system towards. . . very successfully I might add.

If you want to think Trump lies, that is fine. I have no argument with that. . . he does have a penchant to exaggerate, stretch the truth, and outright fib, but then? I don't think he is any different in that regard from any other politician. The corporate media just likes to harp on his manipulation of the facts a lot more.

It is clear to me you haven't done as I asked. No further conversation on this point is necessary.

When Trump first came down that escalator and announced he was running? I had a feeling of what was coming. . . . and I was not wrong. None of this surprises me.

For me, it is about the forest, not individual trees.
Even some of the posters on here that I respected have gone full retard on ANYTHING that can even remotely be tied to Trump.

Trying to equate Jan 6th to Benghazi is just so over the top it defies logic.
Almost 2 fucking years of violent riots across the nation with around 30 murdered, countless businesses burned to the ground, countless others looted clean, government buildings literally set on fire, BILLIONS in damage, countless jobs lost....

And the 6th is somehow the end of the universe?
It’s understandable why people have had it with Trump. He just lies about everything. His supporters don’t care because it riles up the left which is why they love Trump. But in the real world lies and conspiracies are dangerous things. The Jan 6th riot and 2020 election have had false narratives around them for months that are now being parroted by leadership. That needs to be squashed and we need to strive for accountability and honesty not the current atmosphere of fight for power at all costs.
He's been gone for FOUR MONTHS but you wouldn't know it based on the nuts posting here about how he stole their lunch money or virginity...
He and Republican leadership are still propagating lies about the election. The Jan 6 investigation is an attempt by Dems to expose those lies and give Americans a factual narrative
He can say whatever he likes as a citizen with first amendment rights. However it has no influence over our current congress on ANY issue that matters. Dems have control and need to govern rather than playing nanananabooboo with Trump.
Nobody is calling for criminal charges to be filed against Trump for his lies but they are pushing back against them. And when leadership propagates those lies which results in undermining the public confidence in our elections the it’s an issue to be taken seriously.
I'm sort of in the middle here.. . .

The right is sure that Trump won.

The left says this is a lie.

When the corporate cabal is honest, and values the process over profits, integrity over politics, when they allow those who support Trump, to have their demands met for a full exposure of how the election was conducted, including having the source code revealed. . . as a bystander, I will be satisfied.

. . . but? Calling something a "lie," until it is proven so? I am not convinced. I remember when the right called all of the left's criticisms of the 2000 and 2004's election irregularities, "lies," and again, nothing was done about it. Now the shoe seems to be on the other foot. The only difference? Their candidate is not backing down.

So, excuse me if I don't just accept the propaganda of the corporatacracy and the establishment.

Trump? He's acts the fool, sure. But Biden and his corporate masters are tyrants. I don't trust or believe any of them.
It’s a lie just for the fact that it hasn’t been proven yet is being sold as a stolen election that Trump won. So even if that statement is true and there was some kind of hack or vast conspiracy that swung the election, those calling it stolen, like it’s fact, without the evidence to prove those claims, are lying.

The fraud claims were given a chance. Over 60 judges were presented cases and not one was legit enough to even warrant a trial. Our intel agencies including Barr all said the election was legit and there is no evidence of a stolen election. We know Trump. We know he lies. We saw him set up the “rigged election” narrative in 2016 when he thought he was going to lose. We saw him try and set up a voting fraud commission to show that he actually won the popular vote. It failed. Now we predicted and saw him use the same playbook for the 2020 election. Nothing will ever satisfy the crazy here. You can look at source code or do recounts and audits in every county and there will still be seeds of doubt planted and claims of a stolen election.

You seem like a fair minded person. You’ve got to see the game being played here... right?
You keep repeating yourself and the Democrats and RINOs keep doing everything they can to block audits and investigations. The guilt might as well be tattooed on their foreheads.
You have your third count going on in AZ right now. After it flops you’ll move on to something else that I will mock you about
What makes you think it is going to flop? There must be something there when so many are trying so hard to stop it. A child could figure that out. Do you know any that could help explain it to you?
Because the election process has safeguards and Trump is a horrific liar. The game he is playing is obvious. AZ will flop but I have no doubt you will find some lame excuse
Our biggest concern? Should be if it doesn't flop.

. . . if it doesn't flop, it means one of two things.

A) The election had no integrity.

B) The Deep State is screwing with everyone, on the left AND the right, to make it so that they will put in new, even more draconian control over our elections and all of our lives to control who leads us. . . IOW, they are purposely creating all this chaos.

Who the hell can be sure which it is. . . as no one can be trusted.
You realize the election is a compilation of many hundred independent districts with in 50 different states,right? It’s not one processes that the cabal can control.
Per your concerns, yes it would be a concern if something serious shows up in the recount. I seriously doubt anything will.

Will you have concerns if nothing shows up but perhaps some Minor insignificant discrepancies? Would you be concerned about the tremendous effort being put forth to undermine the public confidence in our elections?
Yes, I realize the election is composed of multiple jurisdictions, but they are all run under the respective supervision of the various authorities of centralized state authorities. Thus, just 50 bureaucracies running things.

I had a friend point out.. . that yeah, it is concerning, even if nothing shows up with shit like this. . it IS still concerning, isn't it? :dunno:

... aren't you concerned?

There is a tremendous amount of effort being put forth to make folks question this election, just like they made folks believe "Russia," had something to do with the election of Trump. What does that say to you?

All I can say, is what I have recommended to other lefties or folks who believe in state/establishment/corporate media narratives. Go to YouTube or Google the documentary by the Emmy award winning documentarian David Earnhardt, Uncounted: The New Math of American Elections (2008). Learn from it, and think about its implications in our current paradigm, and about the motives of the elites, the oligarchs, and the establishment's goals. Don't be so naive. It is about process, not politics.

The effort to cast doubt into this election is all centered around Trumps ego. Trump doesn’t admit defeat, we allow know this. He always sets up a fall guy to blame, We know this. How can so many be so stupid to run with this stuff? You think people who trust the government are naive?! Come on.

Im not a big government person and I am absolutely skeptical of those in power. But I’m not going to ride this wave of lies. If it was an honest accounting of our elections process I’d be all about it. I have no doubt there is corruption and holes in that system that need to be fixed. I actually think the whole system from
Campaigning on up needs to be rebuilt. But what’s going on now is about Trump and it’s based on lies. I don’t think any good Americans should tolerate it.
There are lots of problems with our system and the fact that you put them on the back burner BECAUSE OF TRUMP shows that you're not serious about addressing them. Trump is gone but our broken system remains.

Focus ffs
I’m not serious about addressing anything that propagates lies to the public. That does more damage than good. If we can have an honest accounting of the situation then I’d be very happy to address it. But to go along with Trumps crap just makes you a useful idiot

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