Is there anyone else besides me who now feels uncomfortable in the company of Democrats?

Leftists demean themselves with their support of the party of grooming, sodomy and socialism.

You must be kidding right?

Are you trying to say that we conservatives support socialism? Are you denying that Bernie and AOC are open socialists?
Are you denying that democrats and not Republicans are the party that support gay marriage, i.e. sodomy? What do you think two fags do in bed anyways.
And grooming? Every tranny and gay teacher grooming kids are democrats, you can be your arse on that.

You truly are out of touch with reality.
OK….back to the topic.

The incident with dinner isn’t the only time, of course, that this has happened. It happens almost every time I am in a group of people - this is Washington DC, and people are political - and it has also happened to my mother and sister. As I stated at the outset, it’s gotten worse in the last couple of weeks since Biden ramped up his attack on citizens.

I am thinking of calling the woman up, and explaining - nicely - how uncomfortable I felt when she started berating Trump voters since I voted for him over Biden. To soften it, I’ll tell her it’s not just her, and that it is happening to my family members too, but I thought she’d want to know because I know she wouldn't want to make people feel uncomfortable.

The reason I want to do this is because I think Republicans need to make these people aware that when they are in a group of four or more people, the likelihood is that at least one of them voted for Trump, and they shouldn’t dump on Trump voters.

OR….I could just let this incident pass, and speak up the next time.
People are no longer taking the pandemic seriously and are not keeping up with their vaccinations so we are vulnerable to new variants.
That's impossible because Biden said you would be safe once you got your vaccine. What's you're saying is ...IF IT Is raining and i'm not using MY UmbrellA then you will get wet. See how stupid that is. MY Unvaxxed status should have NOthing to do with your vaxxed protected state. especially if you're still masked. Matter of're more a threat to me than i am to you if it is true that you slough off the virus due to your vaxxed status.
OK….back to the topic.

The incident with dinner isn’t the only time, of course, that this has happened. It happens almost every time I am in a group of people - this is Washington DC, and people are political - and it has also happened to my mother and sister. As I stated at the outset, it’s gotten worse in the last couple of weeks since Biden ramped up his attack on citizens.

I am thinking of calling the woman up, and explaining - nicely - how uncomfortable I felt when she started berating Trump voters since I voted for him over Biden. To soften it, I’ll tell her it’s not just her, and that it is happening to my family members too, but I thought she’d want to know because I know she wouldn't want to make people feel uncomfortable.

The reason I want to do this is because I think Republicans need to make these people aware that when they are in a group of four or more people, the likelihood is that at least one of them voted for Trump, and they shouldn’t dump on Trump voters.

OR….I could just let this incident pass, and speak up the next time.
I think you should not let her know your stand on this because it will only out you and possibly put you in more jeopardy. You will definitely not be invited again. Expect to be shunned...and worse.
I think you should not let her know your stand on this because it will only out you and possibly put you in more jeopardy. You will definitely not be invited again. Expect to be shunned...and worse.
Pretty sad, though, isn’t it? The thought that I wouldn’t be invited to the next get-together because they disapprove of how I voted.
Pretty sad, though, isn’t it? The thought that I wouldn’t be invited to the next get-together because they disapprove of how I voted.
that's typical for leftists. I"ve had it happen to me. Long standing friendship...i thought, over.
So did quadruple vaxxed Fauci, who belongs in prison, along with Joe Biden, Hunter Biden and
the 51 high level officials who lied through their yellow teeth about the Russian Conspiracy.

Some of the lies of Covid Panickers and Democrat lackies are exposed here.
I can't keep up with all of them. Far too many.

So should Trump be in prison for fast tracking the vaccines to us?
Brainwashed functional moron....

What democratic violence? Lol. The only spike in violence in FBI statistics since trump started is GOP haters attacks on blacks Jews Muslims gays et cetera etcetera. And that little matter about January 6th OMG. Change the channel watch anything but Murdoch and find out the truth, super duper.

Great job, super dupe~ What's next, bringing back polio and smallpox with your total bs about the vax? And election fraud, corrupt FBI DOJ courts journalists pedos lol...absolute idiocy... Only Tucker and Sean and Internet nutjobs and the orange con man know the truth right? Poor America

you guys are totally insane. GOP attacks on Blacks, jews, muslims, gays>>>>>> WHERE??
Jan 6 was a little matter considering what the left did to whole cities during Trump Admnistration. You guys ARE totally played. Do you not know what your side is doing that you support and the violence and lawlessness of your own side?? I don't believe the left is stupid, but they are influenced by evil and of course your eyes are shut to that.
Nothing huh? Well, that makes you about the third dozen poster on this board to have no game.

Jeez, you aren't dating Trump are you? :auiqs.jpg:
Oh boy, the old technique resorting to the amateur tactic of… let me specific… “third dozen poster in this board to have no game”. Back up your claim, list 36 posters who have no game. Go! Lol

In reference to the OP and with an effort to stay on topic- The more I speak with these representatives from the left particularly on this board the more I realize I have a little to worry about in 2024! The left will lose the presidential election by a landslide, and loudmouth leftists are without doubt the worst enemies of the Democrat party!
My problem is that I’m both a nice person and sometimes (often) too sensitive for my own good. Because of the first, leftists who have been convinced Trump voters are awful people assume I did not vote for him, and because of the second, I am insulted and angry when they start their demeaning remarks about Trump voters In front of me, or even directed at me (not knowing).

And as Biden has ramped up his attack on Republicans, leading poorly informed people to believe that all Trump voters are threats to democracy, traitors to the nation, white supremacists, and so forth, the freely expressed contempt has ramped up as well. It was particularly bad at a dinner I attended last night.

How do my fellow Trump supporters handle this? If you are in a group meeting, and they start with the nasty remarks, are you continuing to hit back, attempt to educate them, or what? This has been going on for five years, and I hate that any get-together with Democrats becomes a battle as they never fail to bring up Trump voters, and not in a nice way.

I am curious as to how you all handle this, especially since it’s gotten much worse since Biden made it clear he considers Trump voters the enemies of the country.

I tend not to associate with democrats....I won't unfriend people, I won't go out of my way to avoid them, I am friendly to my co-workers who are democrats....I think they don't know what they are voting for, but I won't be mean to them, or not be polite......I just don't go out of my way to associate with them....

They are misinformed and their votes are damaging this country.
you guys are totally insane. GOP attacks on Blacks, jews, muslims, gays>>>>>> WHERE??
Jan 6 was a little matter considering what the left did to whole cities during Trump Admnistration. You guys ARE totally played. Do you not know what your side is doing that you support and the violence and lawlessness of your own side?? I don't believe the left is stupid, but they are influenced by evil and of course your eyes are shut to that.
NO no Democrat was trying to overturn an election and do away with democracy. BLM protested during the day and there was very little violence except on the part of the cops really, then they went home and the gangster wannabes and punks and criminals came out and destroyed and pillaged. They're not Democrats and neither are antifa. You are brainwashed out of your mind.

Right wing violent swine are attacking blacks gays Muslims Jews, not in big attacks but just out on the street. That is what FBI statistics say. The attacks on people like that more than double after trump rallies in an area. Right wingers have always been the racists just like the Nazis. DUHHH.
That's impossible because Biden said you would be safe once you got your vaccine. What's you're saying is ...IF IT Is raining and i'm not using MY UmbrellA then you will get wet. See how stupid that is. MY Unvaxxed status should have NOthing to do with your vaxxed protected state. especially if you're still masked. Matter of're more a threat to me than i am to you if it is true that you slough off the virus due to your vaxxed status.
Biden said that once and it was taken back lol. On the other hand at the time the vaccine was 94% effective and it is still effective enough to give us herd immunity if everyone would get vaccinated, brainwashed functional moron. You know nothing factual change the channel read something stupid.

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