Is it "bigotry" to think a religion is stupid, silly or evil?


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
When I point out the truly stupid beliefs of the dumber Abrahamic religions, I get the typical jerks who can't really defend the point screaming "bigot" because I don't respect their silly beliefs.

The two biggest offenders being Mormons and Catholics.

I find the latter kind of Hilarious because I was raised Catholic, most of my relatives are practicing Catholics, and members of my family have worked in Church related enterprises for three generations.

But to the point, is pointing out the silliness of a belief offensive.

If you told me that you believed in Martians or Bigfoot or Santa Claus, and I responded with science and reason why these are silly beliefs, you probably wouldn't try to call me a bigot for not respecting your beliefs. You might even be inclined to say, "Yeah, when you put it that way, those things are kind of silly."

But if you believe a man in a dress is talking to God, or that that God told Joseph Smith to go out and have sex with dozens of women, and I point out that is really stupid or silly.


When I point out that there are things in the history of these religions that indicate that there really isn't anything holy about them...


To make it quite simple. Silly things do not become less silly if you dress them up in vestments and call them a religion..


Sorry, still silly no matter how you dress it up.
Let me give you one agnostics view of "silly" religions, Joe...

If believing in something brings comfort to others? I don't have a problem with that. If it causes others to want to kill me because I don't believe in what they do then I do have a problem. I would have had a problem with Catholicism during the Spanish Inquisition...I have no problem with them now. I have no idea at all why you're so anti-Mormon.
When I point out the truly stupid beliefs of the dumber Abrahamic religions, I get the typical jerks who can't really defend the point screaming "bigot" because I don't respect their silly beliefs.

The two biggest offenders being Mormons and Catholics.

I find the latter kind of Hilarious because I was raised Catholic, most of my relatives are practicing Catholics, and members of my family have worked in Church related enterprises for three generations.

But to the point, is pointing out the silliness of a belief offensive.

If you told me that you believed in Martians or Bigfoot or Santa Claus, and I responded with science and reason why these are silly beliefs, you probably wouldn't try to call me a bigot for not respecting your beliefs. You might even be inclined to say, "Yeah, when you put it that way, those things are kind of silly."

But if you believe a man in a dress is talking to God, or that that God told Joseph Smith to go out and have sex with dozens of women, and I point out that is really stupid or silly.


When I point out that there are things in the history of these religions that indicate that there really isn't anything holy about them...


To make it quite simple. Silly things do not become less silly if you dress them up in vestments and call them a religion..


Sorry, still silly no matter how you dress it up.

All my life I've known of Baptists, some actually ministers, who drank and stepped out with willing women. One guy I knew had a code worked out with a clerk in a convenient market called "One Gun" or "Two Gun." He would watch the aisles to be sure no one could see him, slip either one or two beers into his front pockets, move to the checkout and either declare, "One Gun" or Two Gun" Without ever saying a word the clerk would ring up one or two, take his money, make change and greet the next customer. The man was a deacon in one of the biggest Baptist churches in town. He had talked to the clerk and convinced him that he was hiding his drinking from his wife. He would also give the clerk a good tip from time to time.
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The old line is "If a cripple needs a crutch do you kick it out from underneath them?".

I am fine with peopel believing what they want.

I am not fine with them thinking I must be forced to never point out their belief is based on no evidence.

I should not be forced into silence so you dont have to hear the facts.
Let me give you one agnostics view of "silly" religions, Joe...

If believing in something brings comfort to others? I don't have a problem with that. If it causes others to want to kill me because I don't believe in what they do then I do have a problem. I would have had a problem with Catholicism during the Spanish Inquisition...I have no problem with them now. I have no idea at all why you're so anti-Mormon.

Fair question.

I did have some encounters with them in the 1980's that left a permanent bad taste in my mouth...

But that was before I actually took the time to study the batshit they really believe. I quickly figured out, this isn't a religion, it's a cult. One that clearly wants to grab as much political power as it possibly can.

I am sure that if the radical catholics or the Mormons ever had real power in this country, it would not be a good time for agnostics or anyone else who didn't believe what they believe.

Just because they aren't killing people doesn't mean they aren't seeking to impose their beliefs on people who don't share them. The Mormons with Prop 8 or the Catholic Bishops with their attempts to not include family planning in health care plans as mandated by law.
Let me give you one agnostics view of "silly" religions, Joe...

If believing in something brings comfort to others? I don't have a problem with that. If it causes others to want to kill me because I don't believe in what they do then I do have a problem. I would have had a problem with Catholicism during the Spanish Inquisition...I have no problem with them now. I have no idea at all why you're so anti-Mormon.

Fair question.

I did have some encounters with them in the 1980's that left a permanent bad taste in my mouth...

But that was before I actually took the time to study the batshit they really believe. I quickly figured out, this isn't a religion, it's a cult. One that clearly wants to grab as much political power as it possibly can.

I am sure that if the radical catholics or the Mormons ever had real power in this country, it would not be a good time for agnostics or anyone else who didn't believe what they believe.

Just because they aren't killing people doesn't mean they aren't seeking to impose their beliefs on people who don't share them. The Mormons with Prop 8 or the Catholic Bishops with their attempts to not include family planning in health care plans as mandated by law.

I've spent a lot of time in Utah skiing and rock climbing, Joe and have interacted with a lot of Mormons without any problem. They do have some peculiar rules regarding alcohol use in the State but then again so do hundreds of "dry" counties in the Bible Belt. What about the Mormon faith do you find any more "batshit" than beliefs of Baptists, Zen Buddhists or Congregationalists?
I've spent a lot of time in Utah skiing and rock climbing, Joe and have interacted with a lot of Mormons without any problem. They do have some peculiar rules regarding alcohol use in the State but then again so do hundreds of "dry" counties in the Bible Belt. What about the Mormon faith do you find any more "batshit" than beliefs of Baptists, Zen Buddhists or Congregationalists?

Well, how about the obvious one.

I can't really prove Bhudda was lying or making shit up.

I can prove Joseph Smith was lying and making shit up, absolutely.

And the Mormons know that he was lying and making shit up, too. Oh, they do some kind of mental handstands when you point out the scientific impossibilities of Nephites or Magic Underwear or Quakers on the Moon. But they know he's lying....

But there's no money in the truth.

Religion is a business. But if your business is based on selling lies and falsehoods, then it's a scam.
It's not bigotry to disagree with a religion. It's bigotry to paint everyone with the same brush and to assume that everyone is defined the same way based on one aspect.

Oooh, really? Is that the best you got?


Sorry, man.

If Romney thinks Joseph Smith was talking to God, that disqualifies him from the Presidency.

If he thinks he's wearing Magic Underwear that will protect him from harm, that's a disqualifier.

And the fact he won't even talk about it tells me he's got something to hide.

Until he proves to me he isn't batshit crazy, I'll assume he is.
It's not bigotry to disagree with a religion. It's bigotry to paint everyone with the same brush and to assume that everyone is defined the same way based on one aspect.

Oooh, really? Is that the best you got?


Sorry, man.

If Romney thinks Joseph Smith was talking to God, that disqualifies him from the Presidency.

If he thinks he's wearing Magic Underwear that will protect him from harm, that's a disqualifier.

And the fact he won't even talk about it tells me he's got something to hide.

Until he proves to me he isn't batshit crazy, I'll assume he is.

no, joe, you're not a bigot.



not at all​
If Romney thinks Joseph Smith was talking to God, that disqualifies him from the Presidency.

No it doesn't, no more so than thinking a snake was talking to Eve in the Garden of Eden.

But good try rationalizing your bigotry. I'm sure if Jews screwed you instead of Mormons, we'd all be hearing how Jews aren't qualified to be President. :thup:
I've spent a lot of time in Utah skiing and rock climbing, Joe and have interacted with a lot of Mormons without any problem. They do have some peculiar rules regarding alcohol use in the State but then again so do hundreds of "dry" counties in the Bible Belt. What about the Mormon faith do you find any more "batshit" than beliefs of Baptists, Zen Buddhists or Congregationalists?

Well, how about the obvious one.

I can't really prove Bhudda was lying or making shit up.

I can prove Joseph Smith was lying and making shit up, absolutely.

And the Mormons know that he was lying and making shit up, too. Oh, they do some kind of mental handstands when you point out the scientific impossibilities of Nephites or Magic Underwear or Quakers on the Moon. But they know he's lying....

But there's no money in the truth.

Religion is a business. But if your business is based on selling lies and falsehoods, then it's a scam.

There are aspects of every religion that are rather far fetched...I was raised in the Congregational sect of the Protestant church which believes that sin can't be forgiven and if one commits a bad enough sin that you will be going to Hell for it. Catholics on the other hand believe that sin can be absolved through confession. So which of those two is "batshit"...the one the believes that you are damned to hell no matter what or the one that believes that you have a "get out of jail free card" by confessing your sins?

I judge Mormons by how they act in the world not by some obscure religious tenent that they probably find amusing themselves.
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If Romney thinks Joseph Smith was talking to God, that disqualifies him from the Presidency.

No it doesn't, no more so than thinking a snake was talking to Eve in the Garden of Eden.

But good try rationalizing your bigotry. I'm sure if Jews screwed you instead of Mormons, we'd all be hearing how Jews aren't qualified to be President. :thup:

No one is talking about "Jews". If you can't really defend Mormon silliness, just admit that you can't and move on.

You don't think Joseph Smith was talking to God any more than I do.

Why do you feel the need to give special consideration to someone who thinks he was?

Incidently, most Christians I know realize that the Genesis story is a myth. Even in Catholic School, they copped to that in Sophmore year. If someone really did believe the world was only 6000 years old, I would take that very seriously into consideration.

But here's the point on that which will go over your head. Whoever wrote that story down in the Torah in ancient times was not making it up or trying to deceive. He was probably copying down an oral tradition that had been passed down to him from generations before, and as far as he knew, it was true.

Joseph Smith. Obviously lying and making it up. There was also some plagarism involved, but that's probably a little too inside baseball for this discussion. Pious Fraud is still Fraud.
If Romney thinks Joseph Smith was talking to God, that disqualifies him from the Presidency.

No it doesn't, no more so than thinking a snake was talking to Eve in the Garden of Eden.

But good try rationalizing your bigotry. I'm sure if Jews screwed you instead of Mormons, we'd all be hearing how Jews aren't qualified to be President. :thup:

No one is talking about "Jews". If you can't really defend Mormon silliness, just admit that you can't and move on.

You don't think Joseph Smith was talking to God any more than I do.

Why do you feel the need to give special consideration to someone who thinks he was?

Incidently, most Christians I know realize that the Genesis story is a myth. Even in Catholic School, they copped to that in Sophmore year. If someone really did believe the world was only 6000 years old, I would take that very seriously into consideration.

But here's the point on that which will go over your head. Whoever wrote that story down in the Torah in ancient times was not making it up or trying to deceive. He was probably copying down an oral tradition that had been passed down to him from generations before, and as far as he knew, it was true.

Joseph Smith. Obviously lying and making it up. There was also some plagarism involved, but that's probably a little too inside baseball for this discussion. Pious Fraud is still Fraud.

obvious to the bigot is what you meant to say, bigot.
There are aspects of every religion that are rather far fetched...I was raised in the Congregational sect of the Protestant church which believes that sin can't be forgiven and if one commits a bad enough sin that you will be going to Hell for it. Catholics on the other hand believe that sin can be absolved through confession. So which of those two is "batshit"...the one the believes that you are damned to hell no matter what or the one that believes that you have a "get out of jail free card" by confessing your sins?

I judge Mormons by how they act in the world not by some obscure religious tenent that they probably find amusing themselves.

Actually, I would say that the Catholic version is more batshit, to be honest. I think if there was a God, some sins ARE unforgivable (rape and murder being the obvious ones).

The thing about Mormons is that they don't have the option of thinking their own beliefs are quaint or odd. Most catholics I know ignore the Church on Birth control or think Transubstantiation is silly.

Mormonism is a cult. They don't have that option of picking their beliefs like they are in a Cafeteria. You reject the beliefs, you are out and your own family is supposed to shun you. When I stopped being Catholic 30 years ago, my family still maintained ties. They aren't happy with my decision, but they respect it.

And I guess this is where I have to give Catholicism it's props. They've figured out it's a business, and the purpose is getting the chumps to give up their money.
Joseph Smith. Obviously lying and making it up. There was also some plagarism involved, but that's probably a little too inside baseball for this discussion. Pious Fraud is still Fraud.

obvious to the bigot is what you meant to say, bigot.

No, obvious to anyone with a lick of sense.

I'm assuming you're not a Mormon, so you don't think Joseph Smith was talking to God, either.

So why do you pretend that people who think he was deserve some kind of respect for believing a falsehood?

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