Debate Now Is Binary Thinking Obsolete?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Binary Thinking is the new catch-phrase used to characterize traditional means of logical thinking, such as the use of syllogisms. Is this a valid criticism, or is it just another attempt to elevate emotion over reason? Are we entering a new age of unenlightenment? Please discuss.
Binary Thinking is the new catch-phrase used to characterize traditional means of logical thinking, such as the use of syllogisms. Is this a valid criticism, or is it just another attempt to elevate emotion over reason? Are we entering a new age of unenlightenment? Please discuss.
If it ain't binary it ain't science.

Binary Thinking is the new catch-phrase used to characterize traditional means of logical thinking, such as the use of syllogisms. Is this a valid criticism, or is it just another attempt to elevate emotion over reason? Are we entering a new age of unenlightenment? Please discuss.

Binary thinking :death: is what infects this political forum. The idea that all atoms in the universe must necessarily be comprised of "Republicans or Democrats", which utterly ignores all other possibilities.
Binary Thinking is the new catch-phrase used to characterize traditional means of logical thinking, such as the use of syllogisms. Is this a valid criticism, or is it just another attempt to elevate emotion over reason? Are we entering a new age of unenlightenment? Please discuss.

Actually, binary thinking is putting everything into 2 different classes, one good, one bad, with no grey area in between. And no, it's not a good thing, because not everything is completely good or completely bad. Just like the Yin Yang symbol, in the midst of the dark, there is a little spot of light, and in the midst of the light, there is a little spot of dark. Nothing is completely good or evil on this planet, it's a combination of both.

And...................fwiw..................binary thinking wasn't really all the rage until the GOP started it up with their hatred of Obama, and has further been expanded by the election of Trump.

What is binary thinking? - Quora

Binary thinking is always putting things in terms of two options that are usually mutually exclusive. That is all the possibilities are either option A or option B and not both. ... Binary thinking reduces it to "good" or "bad" with nothing in between. At times binary thinking is vital for decisiveness.
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Clearly we cannot say "binary thinking is obsolete" because "obsolete" implies that it was ever valid in the first place.

Insidious weasel wording perhaps but it never was.
Binary Thinking is the new catch-phrase used to characterize traditional means of logical thinking, such as the use of syllogisms. Is this a valid criticism, or is it just another attempt to elevate emotion over reason? Are we entering a new age of unenlightenment? Please discuss.
If it ain't binary it ain't science.


There are 10 kinds of people in the world—those who understand binary numbers, and those who do not.

And on a similar note…

Computer programmers tend to confuse Halloween with Christmas, because Oct 31 = Dec 25.

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