IRS: I feel Obama is trying to start a real shooting civil war

Wildman, glad you love the country, but patriots come in all colors and all political stripes. You are not special that way.

That's not true - the bigger font you use, the more patriotic you are - especially when you post in red, white and blue.

You must be a communist because you only use small font, and refuse to use red.


Probably some kind of anarchist, Si.

His choice of BLACK TYPE is a dead giveway.
This Welfare/Warfare State cannot be sustained. Our Government understands that. That's why they're prepping for unrest. In fact, many in our Government are actually looking forward to it. They see it as an opportunity to destroy our Constitution and take complete control. So no one should kid themselves. Massive Civil Unrest is coming.
The only unrest is in the heads of the loony like Paulitician.

We'll see i guess. But personally, i see much Civil Unrest in the future. They're destroying the Middle Class. They've had enough. They've been forced to carry the burden of Government corruption & incompetence for too long. There will be a breaking-point.
Yes, the middle and lower classes will turn against the far right and their allies if the status quo continues.
Yes, the middle and lower classes will turn against the far right and their allies if the status quo continues.

It's not the lower class Entitlement Citizenry the Government fears. They can be quelled fairly easily. It's the Middle Class educated & armed Citizenry they fear. And that's who they're prepping to fight in the future. That's when the final battle for America begins.
Why do you nutters think anyone is defending the IRS? Have you seen anyone defend the IRS in this matter?

You live in a bubble. You have been fed a dish of lies about what took place and you have worked yourselves into a partisan freak-out.

You won't find a single person who says that the IRS acted appropriately. You will find people saying that their actions have not been proven to have been motivated by politics. Because they have not been. You will also find people who do not think the inappropriate action was directed by anyone outside the IRS......because it has not been shown to be the case.

If you nutters would stop looking for and latching onto every single "gotcha" that you can, you might just have some energy to put into finding some candidates with ideas that appeal to more Americans. As it is, you reward fake outrage and grandstanding on Capitol Hill.

True story.

Obama administration: "We're not corrupt. We're just incompetent."
Yes, the middle and lower classes will turn against the far right and their allies if the status quo continues.

It's not the lower class Entitlement Citizenry the Government fears. They can be quelled fairly easily. It's the Middle Class educated & armed Citizenry they fear. And that's who they're prepping to fight in the future. That's when the final battle for America begins.

Paulitician, you and your podjos are nuisance not a fear. There will be no final battle for America. Only bad things for you loonies who rise up.
Several thousands of sillies like Paulitician exist across the country; I would be surprised if the FBI did not know every last single one of them. And it will be continued to be treated as a LEO not a military problem. No reason to treat it like anything else.
I am sure any FBI agent can read the comments of Frank and Paulie and see that they are just harmless windbags.

The two of them would be hiding in the basement five minutes after the first gun shot went off.
I can't imagine any other motive for Obama turning the IRS on his "enemies' (His words). He must be trying to start a Civil War. The last time the Federal Government used its power like this on this Continent was against the Native Americans.

And this is the agency that is in charge of "Health Care"?



The left has a long history of destroying opposition and making nations one party states. This is a very scary time in our history.
The libtards complained of heavy handed government taxes when Bush was in the WH, but now that their bitch is in, they lap up every fascist line out of the Democrats lie machine.

Meanwhile, neocons have fallen into the libertarian side since its not their man calling the shots.

But American patriots that love their country know that the leadership of both parties want the same damn thing; a totalitarian central state fascism that will turn this whole country into a feudal system of wage/debt slaves and managerial sycophants.

That is not a future any real American would want for their kids, and the fascist fools think it wont harm them and theirs.

Something is going to happen over the next ten years, but I don't think it will be a state-vrs-state civil war. I think if any violence does break out it will more resemble Bosnia than what Stonewall fought.
No civil war, no balkanization, only more intrusion and state control. We can thank the reactionaries of post-WWII era for the beginning of the erosion of our civil liberties, particularly those in both parties that fought against civil rights.
No civil war, no balkanization, only more intrusion and state control. We can thank the reactionaries of post-WWII era for the beginning of the erosion of our civil liberties, particularly those in both parties that fought against civil rights.

You mean like LBJ and the dems

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We are in the midst of the worst Washington scandal since Watergate. The reputation of the Obama White House has, among conservatives, gone from sketchy to sinister, and, among liberals, from unsatisfying to dangerous. No one likes what they're seeing. The Justice Department assault on the Associated Press and the ugly politicization of the Internal Revenue Service have left the administration's credibility deeply, probably irretrievably damaged. They don't look jerky now, they look dirty.