Independents Notice What Hypocrites Democrats Are


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Democrats have furiously, some would say dementedly, been doing everything they can to smear Donald Trump, whether true or not, to get themselves back into power. One of the pitfalls of this however, is making themselves look extremist, reckless, wild, and out of control.

In their overzealous desperation to win over the Independent vote, they may be sinking their own ship. The latest smearing is coming from Trump's longtime doctor who (without my knowing what political party he registers with) has been whining to the press about 3 Trump associates taking Trump's medical records. Also mentioned, is Trump allegedly having suggested that some complimentary words be added.

The media is grandstanding it, as they typically do with anything that could appear damaging to Trump. Nothing about any possibility of the Trump doctor possibly being connected to the general Democrat smear campaign.

In response however, Trump press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told a room of reporters that obtaining a newly elected president's medical records, and taking them to the White House, is standard procedure, and has been done many times before with previous presidents.

Nothing new about the news media hyping up ordinary events into something the left thinks might be useful to their cause. As more and more of these exaggerations build up however, the overall pattern morphes into full blown deceit. And as the Democrats fall face first into the "boy who cried wolf" syndrome, the Independents they covet so much, are noticing a massive batch of hypocrisy. Who can fail to notice that these same Democrats who want us all to believe Trump is a liar, voted, by the millions, for the worst pathological liar, American politics has ever known >> Hillary Clinton.

Even before all the misdeeds with emails, smashed computers, destroyed hard drives, etc. occured, Hillary had compiled a long history of corruption and lying that could be labeled "bizarre", to achieve whatever her goals were at the time. Everything from her middle school soccer tall tale, to her faked "immigrant" grandparents, to her fake talk about joining the Marines, to her Sir Edmund Hillary lie, to her Irish peace process lie, to her ridiculous sniper fire in Bosnia claim, etc.

Hillary even lies about lying. When asked about her truthfulness, she responded >> "I do my best to level with the American people." And exactly what the heck does THAT mean ? Sounds like it means she'll tell the truth when she's forced to, there being no better option.

If only the Democrats had not nominated Hillary Clinton, their relentless activity to brand Trump as a liar wouldn’t be such a laughingstock. Do Democrats realize how weird they look ? Independents, and everyone else ?

Dick Morris & Eileen McGann, Armageddon, Pg. 30-37, Humanix Books, 2016.
Democrats have furiously, some would say dementedly, been doing everything they can to smear Donald Trump, whether true or not, to get themselves back into power. One of the pitfalls of this however, is making themselves look extremist, reckless, wild, and out of control.

In their overzealous desperation to win over the Independent vote, they may be sinking their own ship. The latest smearing is coming from Trump's longtime doctor who (without my knowing what political party he registers with) has been whining to the press about 3 Trump associates taking Trump's medical records. Also mentioned, is Trump allegedly having suggested that some complimentary words be added.

The media is grandstanding it, as they typically do with anything that could appear damaging to Trump. Nothing about any possibility of the Trump doctor possibly being connected to the general Democrat smear campaign.

In response however, Trump press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told a room of reporters that obtaining a newly elected president's medical records, and taking them to the White House, is standard procedure, and has been done many times before with previous presidents.

Nothing new about the news media hyping up ordinary events into something the left thinks might be useful to their cause. As more and more of these exaggerations build up however, the overall pattern morphes into full blown deceit. And as the Democrats fall face first into the "boy who cried wolf" syndrome, the Independents they covet so much, are noticing a massive batch of hypocrisy. Who can fail to notice that these same Democrats who want us all to believe Trump is a liar, voted, by the millions, for the worst pathological liar, American politics has ever known >> Hillary Clinton.

Even before all the misdeeds with emails, smashed computers, destroyed hard drives, etc. occured, Hillary had compiled a long history of corruption and lying that could be labeled "bizarre", to achieve whatever her goals were at the time. Everything from her middle school soccer tall tale, to her faked "immigrant" grandparents, to her fake talk about joining the Marines, to her Sir Edmund Hillary lie, to her Irish peace process lie, to her ridiculous sniper fire in Bosnia claim, etc.

Hillary even lies about lying. When asked about her truthfulness, she responded >> "I do my best to level with the American people." And exactly what the heck does THAT mean ? Sounds like it means she'll tell the truth when she's forced to, there being no better option.

If only the Democrats had not nominated Hillary Clinton, their relentless activity to brand Trump as a liar wouldn’t be such a laughingstock. Do Democrats realize how weird they look ? Independents, and everyone else ?

Dick Morris & Eileen McGann, Armageddon, Pg. 30-37, Humanix Books, 2016.
I don't get why you're blaming Democrats for something Trump's old doctor says. This is clearly his bitch fest, strange as it seems to me that it would come up now. But the guy looks pretty "off" anyway, so I guess it shouldn't come as a shock.

You could be right, I suppose--maybe the Dems are paying him from some secret fund? LOL
I don't get why you're blaming Democrats for something Trump's old doctor says. This is clearly his bitch fest, strange as it seems to me that it would come up now. But the guy looks pretty "off" anyway, so I guess it shouldn't come as a shock.

You could be right, I suppose--maybe the Dems are paying him from some secret fund? LOL
ANYthing is possible seeing how far we've come in derail-Trumpism. At this point. nothing surprises me any more.

As for what Trump's doctor said, it's the Democrat news media that has jumped on it, and reported it as if Trump was lying, and trying to make another Trump bash out of it.
I don't get why you're blaming Democrats for something Trump's old doctor says. This is clearly his bitch fest, strange as it seems to me that it would come up now. But the guy looks pretty "off" anyway, so I guess it shouldn't come as a shock.

You could be right, I suppose--maybe the Dems are paying him from some secret fund? LOL
ANYthing is possible seeing how far we've come in derail-Trumpism. At this point. nothing surprises me any more.

As for what Trump's doctor said, it's the Democrat news media that has jumped on it, and reported it as if Trump was lying, and trying to make another Trump bash out of it.
Well, like I said somewhere, that remark that he is the healthiest president in history is CLASSIC Trump. Of course he told the doc to put that in. It's not so much a lie as silliness and hype, except when it goes in a doctor's report that is supposed to be "proof" of the presidential candidate's good health. And Trump obviously told the doc to put it in there. Do you see the difference? That's why they are calling it a lie. I agree the media is making a lot more of it than is probably deserved, but that is certainly not breaking news, is it?
Democrats have furiously, some would say dementedly, been doing everything they can to smear Donald Trump, whether true or not, to get themselves back into power. One of the pitfalls of this however, is making themselves look extremist, reckless, wild, and out of control.

In their overzealous desperation to win over the Independent vote, they may be sinking their own ship. The latest smearing is coming from Trump's longtime doctor who (without my knowing what political party he registers with) has been whining to the press about 3 Trump associates taking Trump's medical records. Also mentioned, is Trump allegedly having suggested that some complimentary words be added.

The media is grandstanding it, as they typically do with anything that could appear damaging to Trump. Nothing about any possibility of the Trump doctor possibly being connected to the general Democrat smear campaign.

In response however, Trump press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told a room of reporters that obtaining a newly elected president's medical records, and taking them to the White House, is standard procedure, and has been done many times before with previous presidents.

Nothing new about the news media hyping up ordinary events into something the left thinks might be useful to their cause. As more and more of these exaggerations build up however, the overall pattern morphes into full blown deceit. And as the Democrats fall face first into the "boy who cried wolf" syndrome, the Independents they covet so much, are noticing a massive batch of hypocrisy. Who can fail to notice that these same Democrats who want us all to believe Trump is a liar, voted, by the millions, for the worst pathological liar, American politics has ever known >> Hillary Clinton.

Even before all the misdeeds with emails, smashed computers, destroyed hard drives, etc. occured, Hillary had compiled a long history of corruption and lying that could be labeled "bizarre", to achieve whatever her goals were at the time. Everything from her middle school soccer tall tale, to her faked "immigrant" grandparents, to her fake talk about joining the Marines, to her Sir Edmund Hillary lie, to her Irish peace process lie, to her ridiculous sniper fire in Bosnia claim, etc.

Hillary even lies about lying. When asked about her truthfulness, she responded >> "I do my best to level with the American people." And exactly what the heck does THAT mean ? Sounds like it means she'll tell the truth when she's forced to, there being no better option.

If only the Democrats had not nominated Hillary Clinton, their relentless activity to brand Trump as a liar wouldn’t be such a laughingstock. Do Democrats realize how weird they look ? Independents, and everyone else ?

Dick Morris & Eileen McGann, Armageddon, Pg. 30-37, Humanix Books, 2016.
At least President Donald T. Trump is an AMERICAN
Well, like I said somewhere, that remark that he is the healthiest president in history is CLASSIC Trump. Of course he told the doc to put that in. It's not so much a lie as silliness and hype, except when it goes in a doctor's report that is supposed to be "proof" of the presidential candidate's good health. And Trump obviously told the doc to put it in there. Do you see the difference? That's why they are calling it a lie. I agree the media is making a lot more of it than is probably deserved, but that is certainly not breaking news, is it?
I'd say that the news (very biased) media HAS TOLD US that Trump told the doc to put it in there. I'm no longer willing to believe at face value anything the media reports, or whom they interview for their reports. I notice it wasn't until Sarah Huckabee Sanders told us that obtaining a newly elected president's medical records, and taking them to the White House, is standard procedure, that we got that information. No thanks to the MSM.

No matter what we hear from Trump, true or false, it still is hypocrisy unlimited for any Democrats to yammer about it, after they nominated Hillary Clinton, and the lying record she has hanging around her neck.
Democrats have furiously, some would say dementedly, been doing everything they can to smear Donald Trump, whether true or not, to get themselves back into power. One of the pitfalls of this however, is making themselves look extremist, reckless, wild, and out of control.

In their overzealous desperation to win over the Independent vote, they may be sinking their own ship. The latest smearing is coming from Trump's longtime doctor who (without my knowing what political party he registers with) has been whining to the press about 3 Trump associates taking Trump's medical records. Also mentioned, is Trump allegedly having suggested that some complimentary words be added.

The media is grandstanding it, as they typically do with anything that could appear damaging to Trump. Nothing about any possibility of the Trump doctor possibly being connected to the general Democrat smear campaign.

In response however, Trump press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told a room of reporters that obtaining a newly elected president's medical records, and taking them to the White House, is standard procedure, and has been done many times before with previous presidents.

Nothing new about the news media hyping up ordinary events into something the left thinks might be useful to their cause. As more and more of these exaggerations build up however, the overall pattern morphes into full blown deceit. And as the Democrats fall face first into the "boy who cried wolf" syndrome, the Independents they covet so much, are noticing a massive batch of hypocrisy. Who can fail to notice that these same Democrats who want us all to believe Trump is a liar, voted, by the millions, for the worst pathological liar, American politics has ever known >> Hillary Clinton.

Even before all the misdeeds with emails, smashed computers, destroyed hard drives, etc. occured, Hillary had compiled a long history of corruption and lying that could be labeled "bizarre", to achieve whatever her goals were at the time. Everything from her middle school soccer tall tale, to her faked "immigrant" grandparents, to her fake talk about joining the Marines, to her Sir Edmund Hillary lie, to her Irish peace process lie, to her ridiculous sniper fire in Bosnia claim, etc.

Hillary even lies about lying. When asked about her truthfulness, she responded >> "I do my best to level with the American people." And exactly what the heck does THAT mean ? Sounds like it means she'll tell the truth when she's forced to, there being no better option.

If only the Democrats had not nominated Hillary Clinton, their relentless activity to brand Trump as a liar wouldn’t be such a laughingstock. Do Democrats realize how weird they look ? Independents, and everyone else ?

Dick Morris & Eileen McGann, Armageddon, Pg. 30-37, Humanix Books, 2016.

You have a source noted but no annotation indicating what the HELL is cited from the source. Don't you know how to write, fool?

Now you want to talk about partisan lies and hypocrisy in defense of the Orange Clown, lets take a look at how the Liar-in-Chief comes off with this sampling of the over 3000 false and misleading claims the Asshat in the WH has made:

"He took credit for 3 million jobs “since the election,” even though he did not become president until almost three months later. About 2.5 million jobs have been created since Trump took the oath of office.

He cited his “incredible success” in terms of job growth, even though annual job growth under his presidency has been slower than the last five years of Obama’s term.

He said “wages are going up for the first time in many, many years,” even though they have been rising steadily since 2014.

He once again cited the unemployment rate — especially for African Americans — even though he repeatedly said during his campaign that the unemployment rate was phony and could not be trusted.

He said the border wall was being built even though Congress only provided funds for fencing.

He claimed he had attracted 32,000 people at a rally in Grand Rapids, Mich., on the eve of the election when the venue held only 4,200 and local media estimated that perhaps that many were waiting outside, for a total of 8,000.

He claimed he had “essentially” gotten rid of Obamacare, when he has not. He also falsely suggested he only failed to pass repeal legislation because of one vote, ignoring the fact that none of the substantive replacement bills got nearly enough votes. Sen. John McCain’s vote was against a “skinny” repeal that was only to lead to talks with the House on a common position, with no guarantee of an agreement that would pass both Houses.

He falsely claimed that Democrats colluded with the Russians, and the whole probe started with “a document that was paid for by the DNC [Democratic National Committee] and Hillary Clinton.” But the DNC was a victim of Russian activities, as its emails were hacked and then released via WikiLeaks. The House Intelligence Committee has confirmed that the FBI’s counterintelligence probe began with a tip from the Australian government, which notified U.S. authorities about a drunken conversation between a Trump campaign aide, George Papadopoulos, and an Australian diplomat in May. Papadopoulos claimed the Russians had “political dirt” on Clinton. The information in the dossier funded by Democrats came to the attention of the FBI later.

He got simple facts wrong, such as claiming that Henry Ford invented the assembly line (it was Ransom Eli Olds) and that Franklin D. Roosevelt served 16 years (it was 12). He also said the European Union was created “to take advantage of the United States” even though it was created after World War II with the aim of ending bloody conflicts on the continent — and with the active support of the United States.

He once again claimed that under the Iran nuclear agreement, the United States gave the country $150 billion. But this was always Iran’s money. Iran had billions of dollars in assets that were frozen in foreign banks around the globe because of international sanctions over its nuclear program. The Treasury Department estimated that once Iran fulfilled other obligations, it would have about $55 billion left. The Central Bank of Iran said the number was actually $32 billion.

He falsely said that major newspapers and television networks make up nonexistent sources. That is grounds for firing in the news business. Sources can certainly be wrong, but they exist.

For the 31st time, he used a made-up number — $7 trillion — for how much the United States supposedly has spent on wars in the Middle East.

He falsely claimed that fired deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe “took $700,000 for his wife’s campaign.” McCabe’s wife ran for Virginia Senate, receiving about $700,000 from then-Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D) and the state Democratic Party. But campaign records show that every cent raised for the campaign was spent. McCabe also did not participate in his wife’s campaign.

He once again claimed that President Xi Jinping of China instantly agreed to a request from Trump to allow the sale of U.S. beef after years of blocking it. But China had already agreed to such sales under a deal brokered by the Obama administration.

He said — for the 29th time — that the U.S. trade deficit with China is $500 billion. But it’s really about $300 billion. He also said “we lose about $500 billion” through the trade deficit even though countries do not “lose” money on trade deficits.

He claimed “we have done more than anybody in a year” and “I accomplished more than I promised.” In reality, at the end of his first year, Trump had signed fewer bills than any president since Dwight D. Eisenhower (though he has since caught up and passed Obama and is tied with George W. Bush). As for promises, our Trump Promise Tracker shows Trump has only kept 23 percent of 60 key promises and broken 27 percent."

~~ Analysis | President Trump has made 3,001 false or misleading claims so far ~~

TC's Fact Check - It has been shown numerous times that both the R and the D political Party will lie and cheat and steal when deemed necessary. Nothing new under the Sun in that. Further the sundry adherents of these political cabals will mimic that behavior, having as much moral fiber as the dogmatic host of thieves they strive to imitate!

This Indie ain't taking a bite of that shit sandwich you're offering!
Independents see plenty of hypocrisy, lies, bullshit, distortion, deflection, straw man arguments and comical hyperbole from BOTH ends.

That's one of the main reason we're Independents.

Perhaps, but that is slightly veering off topic. Anyone who wants to do a GOP hypocrisy/distortion thread, I'd say it's fair game, but they still won't likely top Hillary Clinton with anybody, let alone a POTUS nominee.
You have a source noted but no annotation indicating what the HELL is cited from the source. Don't you know how to write, fool?

Now you want to talk about partisan lies and hypocrisy in defense of the Orange Clown, lets take a look at how the Liar-in-Chief comes off with this sampling of the over 3000 false and misleading claims the Asshat in the WH has made:

"He took credit for 3 million jobs “since the election,” even though he did not become president until almost three months later. About 2.5 million jobs have been created since Trump took the oath of office.

He cited his “incredible success” in terms of job growth, even though annual job growth under his presidency has been slower than the last five years of Obama’s term.

He said “wages are going up for the first time in many, many years,” even though they have been rising steadily since 2014.

He once again cited the unemployment rate — especially for African Americans — even though he repeatedly said during his campaign that the unemployment rate was phony and could not be trusted.

He said the border wall was being built even though Congress only provided funds for fencing.

He claimed he had attracted 32,000 people at a rally in Grand Rapids, Mich., on the eve of the election when the venue held only 4,200 and local media estimated that perhaps that many were waiting outside, for a total of 8,000.

He claimed he had “essentially” gotten rid of Obamacare, when he has not. He also falsely suggested he only failed to pass repeal legislation because of one vote, ignoring the fact that none of the substantive replacement bills got nearly enough votes. Sen. John McCain’s vote was against a “skinny” repeal that was only to lead to talks with the House on a common position, with no guarantee of an agreement that would pass both Houses.

He falsely claimed that Democrats colluded with the Russians, and the whole probe started with “a document that was paid for by the DNC [Democratic National Committee] and Hillary Clinton.” But the DNC was a victim of Russian activities, as its emails were hacked and then released via WikiLeaks. The House Intelligence Committee has confirmed that the FBI’s counterintelligence probe began with a tip from the Australian government, which notified U.S. authorities about a drunken conversation between a Trump campaign aide, George Papadopoulos, and an Australian diplomat in May. Papadopoulos claimed the Russians had “political dirt” on Clinton. The information in the dossier funded by Democrats came to the attention of the FBI later.

He got simple facts wrong, such as claiming that Henry Ford invented the assembly line (it was Ransom Eli Olds) and that Franklin D. Roosevelt served 16 years (it was 12). He also said the European Union was created “to take advantage of the United States” even though it was created after World War II with the aim of ending bloody conflicts on the continent — and with the active support of the United States.

He once again claimed that under the Iran nuclear agreement, the United States gave the country $150 billion. But this was always Iran’s money. Iran had billions of dollars in assets that were frozen in foreign banks around the globe because of international sanctions over its nuclear program. The Treasury Department estimated that once Iran fulfilled other obligations, it would have about $55 billion left. The Central Bank of Iran said the number was actually $32 billion.

He falsely said that major newspapers and television networks make up nonexistent sources. That is grounds for firing in the news business. Sources can certainly be wrong, but they exist.

For the 31st time, he used a made-up number — $7 trillion — for how much the United States supposedly has spent on wars in the Middle East.

He falsely claimed that fired deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe “took $700,000 for his wife’s campaign.” McCabe’s wife ran for Virginia Senate, receiving about $700,000 from then-Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D) and the state Democratic Party. But campaign records show that every cent raised for the campaign was spent. McCabe also did not participate in his wife’s campaign.

He once again claimed that President Xi Jinping of China instantly agreed to a request from Trump to allow the sale of U.S. beef after years of blocking it. But China had already agreed to such sales under a deal brokered by the Obama administration.

He said — for the 29th time — that the U.S. trade deficit with China is $500 billion. But it’s really about $300 billion. He also said “we lose about $500 billion” through the trade deficit even though countries do not “lose” money on trade deficits.

He claimed “we have done more than anybody in a year” and “I accomplished more than I promised.” In reality, at the end of his first year, Trump had signed fewer bills than any president since Dwight D. Eisenhower (though he has since caught up and passed Obama and is tied with George W. Bush). As for promises, our Trump Promise Tracker shows Trump has only kept 23 percent of 60 key promises and broken 27 percent."

~~ Analysis | President Trump has made 3,001 false or misleading claims so far ~~

TC's Fact Check - It has been shown numerous times that both the R and the D political Party will lie and cheat and steal when deemed necessary. Nothing new under the Sun in that. Further the sundry adherents of these political cabals will mimic that behavior, having as much moral fiber as the dogmatic host of thieves they strive to imitate!

This Indie ain't taking a bite of that shit sandwich you're offering!
Every posting of the word "he" in your post is off topic.Want to do a Trump bash ?...Obviously that's your game. So Post # 9 goes for you too, if you're not too much of a "fool" to understand it.

As for all the bashings you presented, I would take them and 10,000 more like them, to have an American supportive and protective president like Trump over a globalist, money grabber like Hillary Clinton, any day of the week, who is content with mistreating the American people to serve her political and financial purposes. I was able to see that easily, when I was an Independent, as well as now as a Republican.

PS - if you are so intrigued by the source I cited, try reading it, It's 7 pages, not 70, y'know ? As for the knowledge it will infuse your Independent head with, you're welcome.
All I can tell the OP is that local Dem party volunteers in my area are knocking on doors of NPA voters and discussing the possibility of switching to the Dem party.

The reception has been positive. This is a red county with a large number of registered NPA's. If we can turn this place blue, anywhere can turn blue.

What makes the OP think that independents are leaning Trump?
All I can tell the OP is that local Dem party volunteers in my area are knocking on doors of NPA voters and discussing the possibility of switching to the Dem party.

The reception has been positive. This is a red county with a large number of registered NPA's. If we can turn this place blue, anywhere can turn blue.

What makes the OP think that independents are leaning Trump?
What makes you think that I think that ? Did you see something in the OP like that ?
You have a source noted but no annotation indicating what the HELL is cited from the source. Don't you know how to write, fool?

Now you want to talk about partisan lies and hypocrisy in defense of the Orange Clown, lets take a look at how the Liar-in-Chief comes off with this sampling of the over 3000 false and misleading claims the Asshat in the WH has made:

"He took credit for 3 million jobs “since the election,” even though he did not become president until almost three months later. About 2.5 million jobs have been created since Trump took the oath of office.

He cited his “incredible success” in terms of job growth, even though annual job growth under his presidency has been slower than the last five years of Obama’s term.

He said “wages are going up for the first time in many, many years,” even though they have been rising steadily since 2014.

He once again cited the unemployment rate — especially for African Americans — even though he repeatedly said during his campaign that the unemployment rate was phony and could not be trusted.

He said the border wall was being built even though Congress only provided funds for fencing.

He claimed he had attracted 32,000 people at a rally in Grand Rapids, Mich., on the eve of the election when the venue held only 4,200 and local media estimated that perhaps that many were waiting outside, for a total of 8,000.

He claimed he had “essentially” gotten rid of Obamacare, when he has not. He also falsely suggested he only failed to pass repeal legislation because of one vote, ignoring the fact that none of the substantive replacement bills got nearly enough votes. Sen. John McCain’s vote was against a “skinny” repeal that was only to lead to talks with the House on a common position, with no guarantee of an agreement that would pass both Houses.

He falsely claimed that Democrats colluded with the Russians, and the whole probe started with “a document that was paid for by the DNC [Democratic National Committee] and Hillary Clinton.” But the DNC was a victim of Russian activities, as its emails were hacked and then released via WikiLeaks. The House Intelligence Committee has confirmed that the FBI’s counterintelligence probe began with a tip from the Australian government, which notified U.S. authorities about a drunken conversation between a Trump campaign aide, George Papadopoulos, and an Australian diplomat in May. Papadopoulos claimed the Russians had “political dirt” on Clinton. The information in the dossier funded by Democrats came to the attention of the FBI later.

He got simple facts wrong, such as claiming that Henry Ford invented the assembly line (it was Ransom Eli Olds) and that Franklin D. Roosevelt served 16 years (it was 12). He also said the European Union was created “to take advantage of the United States” even though it was created after World War II with the aim of ending bloody conflicts on the continent — and with the active support of the United States.

He once again claimed that under the Iran nuclear agreement, the United States gave the country $150 billion. But this was always Iran’s money. Iran had billions of dollars in assets that were frozen in foreign banks around the globe because of international sanctions over its nuclear program. The Treasury Department estimated that once Iran fulfilled other obligations, it would have about $55 billion left. The Central Bank of Iran said the number was actually $32 billion.

He falsely said that major newspapers and television networks make up nonexistent sources. That is grounds for firing in the news business. Sources can certainly be wrong, but they exist.

For the 31st time, he used a made-up number — $7 trillion — for how much the United States supposedly has spent on wars in the Middle East.

He falsely claimed that fired deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe “took $700,000 for his wife’s campaign.” McCabe’s wife ran for Virginia Senate, receiving about $700,000 from then-Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D) and the state Democratic Party. But campaign records show that every cent raised for the campaign was spent. McCabe also did not participate in his wife’s campaign.

He once again claimed that President Xi Jinping of China instantly agreed to a request from Trump to allow the sale of U.S. beef after years of blocking it. But China had already agreed to such sales under a deal brokered by the Obama administration.

He said — for the 29th time — that the U.S. trade deficit with China is $500 billion. But it’s really about $300 billion. He also said “we lose about $500 billion” through the trade deficit even though countries do not “lose” money on trade deficits.

He claimed “we have done more than anybody in a year” and “I accomplished more than I promised.” In reality, at the end of his first year, Trump had signed fewer bills than any president since Dwight D. Eisenhower (though he has since caught up and passed Obama and is tied with George W. Bush). As for promises, our Trump Promise Tracker shows Trump has only kept 23 percent of 60 key promises and broken 27 percent."

~~ Analysis | President Trump has made 3,001 false or misleading claims so far ~~

TC's Fact Check - It has been shown numerous times that both the R and the D political Party will lie and cheat and steal when deemed necessary. Nothing new under the Sun in that. Further the sundry adherents of these political cabals will mimic that behavior, having as much moral fiber as the dogmatic host of thieves they strive to imitate!

This Indie ain't taking a bite of that shit sandwich you're offering!
Every posting of the word "he" in your post is off topic.Want to do a Trump bash ?...Obviously that's your game. So Post # 9 goes for you too, if you're not too much of a "fool" to understand it.

As for all the bashings you presented, I would take them and 10,000 more like them, to have an American supportive and protective president like Trump over a globalist, money grabber like Hillary Clinton, any day of the week, who is content with mistreating the American people to serve her political and financial purposes. I was able to see that easily, when I was an Independent, as well as now as a Republican.

PS - if you are so intrigued by the source I cited, try reading it, It's 7 pages, not 70, y'know ? As for the knowledge it will infuse your Independent head with, you're welcome.
Every posting of the word "he" in your post is off topic.Want to do a Trump bash ?
Hey dumass, look at the FIRST PARAGRAPH of your OP. You made that part of the topic, dipstick!
Democrats have furiously, some would say dementedly, been doing everything they can to smear Donald Trump, whether true or not, to get themselves back into power. One of the pitfalls of this however, is making themselves look extremist, reckless, wild, and out of control.
Further, you invited Independents to respond to the OP!
Independents Notice What Hypocrites Democrats Are
I'm an Indie, as I've already stated in my previous post, and have been since Aug 9, 1974 when that GOP crook Nixon resigned for his crimes! Your not a damn gatekeeper fool, so respond with substance to the PROPER RESPONSES to your OP or STFU!
Further, you invited Independents to respond to the OP!

I'm an Indie, as I've already stated in my previous post, and have been since Aug 9, 1974 when that GOP crook Nixon resigned for his crimes! Your not a damn gatekeeper fool, so respond with substance to the PROPER RESPONSES to your OP or STFU!
1. WOW! Check out the animosity-hysteria. Can't imagine what you'd do if somebody were to cut you off (accidently) on the road. Hope you don't carry a machine gun in your car. :chillpill: :chillpill: :chillpill:

2. The mention of Trump (in the passive case) in the first paragragh, doesn't establish him as the topic. The topic is Democrats and Independents. Get it ?

3. And I invite the independents again, right now.

4. I will respond with substance, as long as anyone talks to me with substance, which is on topic. You got any ? If so, let's hear it.

5. Examples of OFF topic >> Nixon, 1974, gatekeepers, childish name-calling.
All I can tell the OP is that local Dem party volunteers in my area are knocking on doors of NPA voters and discussing the possibility of switching to the Dem party.

The reception has been positive. This is a red county with a large number of registered NPA's. If we can turn this place blue, anywhere can turn blue.

What makes the OP think that independents are leaning Trump?
What makes you think that I think that ? Did you see something in the OP like that ?

Yeah. The whole fucking thing.
Yeah. The whole fucking thing.
That's funny. I don't see ANYTHING in the OP about that. Not a single sentence. Maybe you've got this mixed up with another thread, where I was talking about something like that, pertaining to millenials.
Further, you invited Independents to respond to the OP!

I'm an Indie, as I've already stated in my previous post, and have been since Aug 9, 1974 when that GOP crook Nixon resigned for his crimes! Your not a damn gatekeeper fool, so respond with substance to the PROPER RESPONSES to your OP or STFU!
1. WOW! Check out the animosity-hysteria. Can't imagine what you'd do if somebody were to cut you off (accidently) on the road. Hope you don't carry a machine gun in your car. :chillpill: :chillpill: :chillpill:

2. The mention of Trump (in the passive case) in the first paragragh, doesn't establish him as the topic. The topic is Democrats and Independents. Get it ?

3. And I invite the independents again, right now.

4. I will respond with substance, as long as anyone talks to me with substance, which is on topic. You got any ? If so, let's hear it.

5. Examples of OFF topic >> Nixon, 1974, gatekeepers, childish name-calling.
2. The mention of Trump (in the passive case) in the first paragragh, doesn't establish him as the topic. The topic is Democrats and Independents. Get it ?
Passive case or Passive voice? Where is the verb, dolt? What does establish Trump as central to the topic of your bloody OP is his mention by name ten(10) times in six(6) of the eight(8) paragraphs comprising YOUR OP! And then you go on and discuss Trump, by name again, with another poster in your post #3, mentioning Trump four(4) times, and in your post #6 with 2 mentions of Trump sans any objection regarding topic.

Then suddenly you stumble upon my post #8 and Trumps name is mysteriously off topic by your proclamation after you have mentioned Trump 16 times in previous posts and discussed your perceptions of how he differs from his antagonists in three posts. You talked about the hypocrisy of others in your OP, but your denials of basic truth every person should reflect upon from time to time are de facto blinders concealing that same hypocrisy you spoke of from YOU!

The truth is you needed an excuse as cover to keep from responding to my initial post because your OP was indefensible against the abbreviated litany I presented from the Orange Clown's list of 3001 lies and distortions, and the entire objective of your OP was to defend Trump and lap up his piss! You are a known quantity, with disgusting and corrupt and character!
4. I will respond with substance, as long as anyone talks to me with substance, which is on topic. You got any ? If so, let's hear it.
I'm still waiting for you to respond with SUBSTANCE to my post #8. Will you argue WAPO got it all wrong or acknowledge that Both the R's and the D's have slime balls in their midst in equal degrees of sliminess or try to save face pretending your hypocrisy is really someone else's?
Then there's the whole hypocrisy of Democrats pretending to be the champions of American workers, while throwing them to the wolves of low wage foreigners grabbing their jobs, by the millions (about 9 million I think I recall was a typical quoted number).

...and that in addition to the long list of harms to those American workers, from the immigration (legal and illegal) that Democrats supports by >> amnesty bills, sanctuary cities, etc

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($138 Billion/year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases

17. Influx of terrorists.
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Passive case or Passive voice? Where is the verb, dolt? What does establish Trump as central to the topic of your bloody OP is his mention by name ten(10) times in six(6) of the eight(8) paragraphs comprising YOUR OP! And then you go on and discuss Trump, by name again, with another poster in your post #3, mentioning Trump four(4) times, and in your post #6 with 2 mentions of Trump sans any objection regarding topic.

Then suddenly you stumble upon my post #8 and Trumps name is mysteriously off topic by your proclamation after you have mentioned Trump 16 times in previous posts and discussed your perceptions of how he differs from his antagonists in three posts. You talked about the hypocrisy of others in your OP, but your denials of basic truth every person should reflect upon from time to time are de facto blinders concealing that same hypocrisy you spoke of from YOU!

The truth is you needed an excuse as cover to keep from responding to my initial post because your OP was indefensible against the abbreviated litany I presented from the Orange Clown's list of 3001 lies and distortions, and the entire objective of your OP was to defend Trump and lap up his piss! You are a known quantity, with disgusting and corrupt and character!

I'm still waiting for you to respond with SUBSTANCE to my post #8. Will you argue WAPO got it all wrong or acknowledge that Both the R's and the D's have slime balls in their midst in equal degrees of sliminess or try to save face pretending your hypocrisy is really someone else's?

1. I don't need coaching from you. or any other immature, lightweight in this forum. Especially when you show a lack of depth. Why do I need to "acknowledge that Both the R's and the D's have slime balls in their midst" ? Without commenting on the truth or lack of it pertaining to that, I will simply say that the TOPIC of the thread is Democrat hypocrisy. That is all. I have no obligation to go one word beyond that. I CHOOSE the topic here, not you. If you wish to talk about anything beyond the parameter of this thread topic, I imagine you can find your way to the POST NEW THREAD button, and speak whatever topic you choose. You'll have better luck doing that than thinking you can bulldoze me into adding additional things to the topic of this thread, as I defined it.

2. I didn't say I accepted a single one of the items you posted, and I doubt their credibility, having wasted my time reading through a similar article, and finding holes galore in the list. (often due to different and wrong definitions and perceptions of things)

3. You can call me names, and even purport to throw rocks (burn a car), if you like, but I've been in this forum for about 5 years, and have posted here 7 times as much as you have, and have received winners, and thanks hundreds of times. I hardly need your endorsement, nor do your attacks carry an ounce of weight to me, or most posters in this forum. I wouldn't even waste any more time responding to your sillieness. I'll go with the 21 (so far) POSITIVE RATINGS for this recent OP > :biggrin: > Trump Has Cured 70 Years of Korean Hostility

4.. You're just another Trump-basher blowing around in the hot-air wind. Ho hum. Yawn****
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Passive case or Passive voice? Where is the verb, dolt? What does establish Trump as central to the topic of your bloody OP is his mention by name ten(10) times in six(6) of the eight(8) paragraphs comprising YOUR OP! And then you go on and discuss Trump, by name again, with another poster in your post #3, mentioning Trump four(4) times, and in your post #6 with 2 mentions of Trump sans any objection regarding topic.

Then suddenly you stumble upon my post #8 and Trumps name is mysteriously off topic by your proclamation after you have mentioned Trump 16 times in previous posts and discussed your perceptions of how he differs from his antagonists in three posts. You talked about the hypocrisy of others in your OP, but your denials of basic truth every person should reflect upon from time to time are de facto blinders concealing that same hypocrisy you spoke of from YOU!

The truth is you needed an excuse as cover to keep from responding to my initial post because your OP was indefensible against the abbreviated litany I presented from the Orange Clown's list of 3001 lies and distortions, and the entire objective of your OP was to defend Trump and lap up his piss! You are a known quantity, with disgusting and corrupt and character!

I'm still waiting for you to respond with SUBSTANCE to my post #8. Will you argue WAPO got it all wrong or acknowledge that Both the R's and the D's have slime balls in their midst in equal degrees of sliminess or try to save face pretending your hypocrisy is really someone else's?

1. I don't need coaching from you. or any other immature, lightweight in this forum. Especially when you show a lack of depth. Why do I need to "acknowledge that Both the R's and the D's have slime balls in their midst" ? Without commenting on the truth or lack of it pertaining to that, I will simply say that the TOPIC of the thread is Democrat hypocrisy. That is all. I have no obligation to go one word beyond that. I CHOOSE the topic here, not you. If you wish to talk about anything beyond the parameter of this thread topic, I imagine you can find your way to the POST NEW THREAD button, and speak whatever topic you choose. You'll have better luck doing that than thinking you can bulldoze me into adding additional things to the topic of this thread, as I defined it.

2. I didn't say I accepted a single one of the items you posted, and I doubt their credibility, having wasted my time reading through a similar article, and finding holes galore in the list. (often due to different and wrong definitions and perceptions of things)

3. You can call me names, and even purport to throw rocks (burn a car), if you like, but I've been in this forum for about 5 years, and have posted here 7 times as much as you have, and have received winners, and thanks hundreds of times. I hardly need your endorsement, nor do your attacks carry an ounce of weight to me, or most posters in this forum. I wouldn't even waste any more time responding to your sillieness.

4.. You're just another Trump-basher blowing around in the hot-air wind. Ho hum. Yawn****
You fucking IDIOT! You admonish anyone with positions differing from yours to 'get on topic" you damn hypocritical, self absorbed ass!! Then you go off on a mad man's rant which is completely OFF TOPIC you bloody fool! If my posts to you didn't bother you and you observed them RATIONALLY, why the HELL the Idiot's off topic rant, you fool? Your own words are pointing to your lying and hypocrisy, you petty little man! Now piss off if you're not going to address my last post with substance, you OFF TOPIC JERK!

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