Zone1 In response to anti-Catholics and former Catholics (on why they are that)


Platinum Member
Nov 17, 2023
I accidentally copied some material the other day that likely has been on my flashdrive for some time and likely came from that one former Catholic... can't recall his name but his thread was about why he had left the Catholic Church. So I read through it because I didn't have much else to do at that time... and decided to answer some key "problems" people have w/ Catholicism:

First, there is the accusation this guy made that the early Church was once "genuine" but then went corrupt. Really? I know that the Vatican was corrupted about 65 years ago, but the early Church? Well, the person didn't go into details but I have studied Church history and can find NO evidence that the Church went off the rails early on. And even with the derailing in 1958, well... that does not mean that Jesus has abandoned His Church. He promised He would never do that... (St Mt 28:20.. Mt 16:18)

Then there's this other thing about how, this guy who had been raised Catholic, after studying the Bible, began to find fault with the Catholics for "forbidding marriage." Excuse me? Who forbids marriage? There are Catholic weddings going on in Churches every day around the world. Priests give up "that kind of" relationship WILLINGLY, so I don't even get this argument at all.

Then the guy made a point of how: If you are following a false gospel... Well, it can be credibly argued, and has been over and over throughout the years since Luther broke with the Church, that.. Exactly whom is preaching a false gospel? Those who are members of the Church Christ himself established or those who are in man-made "churches," some of which have sprung up very late in the game, like some sects of the Baptists and 7th Day Adventists and etc...

Then he mentions how Mary appeared to someone or other, doesn't say to whom, and apprently said something about "serving" her, Mary, and of course that is very verboten because Mary is not God. Well, I've been Catholic off and on all my life (though I never left the Church officially so I've been Catholic all my life, period) and I have NEVER heard of Mary telling people to serve HER. SHE serves God... always has. She would never tell anyone to do anything that contradicts God the Father or Christ, the Son (although really, the Father, the Son an HS are ONE).

Ok, there's more I wrote down to comment on but that will do for now
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I was raised Catholic

I turned away once I realized the stuff they were teaching didn’t feel real
and feelings are god, eh?

I have found that to NOT be true. I have, for example, often felt that God had abandoned me, just because of the bad situation(s) I found myself in... the old WHY, God thing... Why? Why is this happening to me?

Everyone asks that Q

and sometimes there appears to be no answer... just our feelings. But God does not change because our feelings toward Him change
These 2 following points are probably the most egregious the guy made:

He said that "nothing about the rosary is biblical" (the whole thing is biblical; it is a meditation on Christ's earthly life), and that the Catholic Church doesn't bring you closer to God!

That last one is unbelievable to someone like me because it was the Catholic Church that brought me to God, when ALL ELSE had failed!

The rosary is what led me to the CC!

What lies are told about Christ's Church!

People who discourage others from investigating the Catholic Church are likely leading them to Hell
I accidentally copied some material the other day that likely has been on my flashdrive for some time and likely came from that one former Catholic... can't recall his name but his thread was about why he had left the Catholic Church. So I read through it because I didn't have much else to do at that time... and decided to answer some key "problems" people have w/ Catholicism:

First, there is the accusation this guy made that the early Church was once "genuine" but then went corrupt. Really? I know that the Vatican was corrupted about 65 years ago, but the early Church? Well, the person didn't go into details but I have studied Church history and can find NO evidence that the Church went off the rails early on. And even with the derailing in 1958, well... that does not mean that Jesus has abandoned His Church. He promised He would never do that... (St Mt 28:20.. Mt 16:18)

Then there's this other thing about how, this guy who had been raised Catholic, after studying the Bible, began to find fault with the Catholics for "forbidding marriage." Excuse me? Who forbids marriage? There are Catholic weddings going on in Churches every day around the world. Priests give up "that kind of" relationship WILLINGLY, so I don't even get this argument at all.

Then the guy made a point of how: If you are following a false gospel... Well, it can be credibly argued, and has been over and over throughout the years since Luther broke with the Church, that.. Exactly whom is preaching a false gospel? Those who are members of the Church Christ himself established or those who are in man-made "churches," some of which have sprung up very late in the game, like some sects of the Baptists and 7th Day Adventists and etc...

Then he mentions how Mary appeared to someone or other, doesn't say to whom, and apprently said something about "serving" her, Mary, and of course that is very verboten because Mary is not God. Well, I've been Catholic off and on all my life (though I never left the Church officially so I've been Catholic all my life, period) and I have NEVER heard of Mary telling people to serve HER. SHE serves God... always has. She would never tell anyone to do anything that contradicts God the Father or Christ, the Son (although really, they are ONE, along with the Holy Spirit).

Ok, there's more I wrote down to comment on but that will do for now
Interesting that you simultaneously claim Mary is not divine AND put her in the same category as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
I did not, you liar
Really? You didn't say, "She would never tell anyone to do anything that contradicts God the Father or Christ, the Son (although really, they are ONE, along with the Holy Spirit)."? Or are you trying to say that all who are in Christ are one with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit? What really are you trying to say there, if not elevating her to their level?
Really? You didn't say, "She would never tell anyone to do anything that contradicts God the Father or Christ, the Son (although really, they are ONE, along with the Holy Spirit)."? Or are you trying to say that all who are in Christ are one with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit? What really are you trying to say there, if not elevating her to their level?
Being filled with the grace of God does not bring anyone, including Mary, to their level. However, being filled with God's grace would direct one away from doing/saying anything that does contradict God.
and feelings are god, eh?

I have found that to NOT be true. I have, for example, often felt that God had abandoned me, just because of the bad situation(s) I found myself in... the old WHY, God thing... Why? Why is this happening to me?

Everyone asks that Q

and sometimes there appears to be no answer... just our feelings. But God does not change because our feelings toward Him change

You hear stories and you either believe them or you don’t

Religion is based solely on faith. You know it may not be true but have faith that it is
Being filled with the grace of God does not bring anyone, including Mary, to their level. However, being filled with God's grace would direct one away from doing/saying anything that does contradict God.
I'm questioning the ONE statement and would like to hear what he was actually trying to say.
Really? You didn't say, "She would never tell anyone to do anything that contradicts God the Father or Christ, the Son (although really, they are ONE, along with the Holy Spirit)."? Or are you trying to say that all who are in Christ are one with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit? What really are you trying to say there, if not elevating her to their level?
I meant that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are ONE

you're so busy trying to find fault with a Catholic, you just let your hating mind tell you all kinds of stuff
I meant that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are ONE

you're so busy trying to find fault with a Catholic, you just let your hating mind tell you all kinds of stuff
I'm clarifying what you said. Surely you would not have a problem with that.
I would not be a Christian at all if not for the Catholic Church

I believe St Augustine said, almost verbatim, the same thing..
Jesus is very real to me

fairy tales... not so much

Again based on faith

While Jesus was supposed to have a huge following, there is no documentation from that era corroborating the tales in the Bible
Romans documented everything
Again based on faith

While Jesus was supposed to have a huge following, there is no documentation from that era corroborating the tales in the Bible
Romans documented everything
There is all kinds of corroboration -- Historians wrote about Jesus

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