In Mexico, women take the front lines as vigilantes


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
In the birthplace of Mexico’s vigilante “self-defense” movement, a new group has emerged entirely made up of women who carry assault rifles and post roadblocks to fend off what they say is a bloody incursion into the state of Michoacán by the violent Jalisco cartel.

Some of the four dozen women warriors are pregnant; some carry their small children to the barricades with them. The rural area is traversed by dirt roads, through which they fear Jalisco gunmen could penetrate at a time when the homicide rate in Michoacán has spiked to levels not seen since 2013

Many of the women vigilantes in the hamlet of El Terrero have lost sons, brothers or fathers in the fighting. Eufresina Blanco Nava said her son Freddy Barrios, a 29-year old lime picker, was kidnapped by presumed Jalisco cartel gunmen in pickup trucks; she has never heard from him since.

“They have disappeared a lot of people, a lot, and young girls, too,” said Blanco Nava.

It's crap like this that irritates me. People should not be put into this position to begin with.
It's been done ...


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