Image evidence of the health terrorism waged against me.


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Here is an image that I cut and pasted from my results that clearly states the "post gadolinium administration" in my MRI. When in fact, I did not have any contrast solution injected into me, and in fact, I was in and out of the MRI process in 15 minutes. I would remember if such a solution was injected because many years prior for my rib I had it done and I almost vomitted because it was so hot inside my body.

Some of the defenders of the Creepy Ones please explain yet another unusual "coincidence". It's been one after another and there can be no doubt after all of these years that their intentions for me are the worst one can imagine.

I have headaches everyday and was hospitalized twice in 10 days (for some odd reason constantly being sent back to my wifes doctor). An error of this magnitude, when a creepy guy shows up at 6am even though he didn't have an appointment but one was allowed, suggests that this is far greater a situation that I am in than even I imagined. I even posted my suspicions on here, like a living diary; then like clockwork, the incorrect results are sent to the doctor confirm my suspicions!

The weak, docile obedience of Canadians is startling. These people are of the weakest moral constitution and represent not just a domestic threat to us but to you and all of your agencies who assist them. An old, dying, caste system police-state born from an expiring Monarchy system in the U.K.

Consider my posts as an ongoing diary and a continued warning to Americans to NOT become like us. This is real.

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The gadolinium is apparently a heavy metal dye that shows tumors better than others. All MRI do not have gadolinium but if they suspect or are looking for a tumor, they use it. I rejected an MRI for prostate cancer. I don't think I have cancer, but maybe I do. No symptoms, just high PSA which I've had for years.
The gadolinium is apparently a heavy metal dye that shows tumors better than others. All MRI do not have gadolinium but if they suspect or are looking for a tumor, they use it. I rejected an MRI for prostate cancer. I don't think I have cancer, but maybe I do. No symptoms, just high PSA which I've had for years.
Yes, but you don't understand. This result as I copied above is what the doctor received of my MRI. Except I didn't have any such substance injected. Thus, they aren't my MRI results.

By the way, I predicted this when I stated the fact that some strange dude showed up at 6 am for an apparent appointment that he didn't have. He was somehow about to con his way into an MRI, unheard of in our tight system.

This was by design, I am guessing that I have his MRI results. As the pain behind my eye and sensitivity to light continues.
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Yes, but you don't understand. This result as I copied above is what the doctor received of my MRI. Except I didn't have any such substance injected. Thus, they aren't my MRI results.
Maybe I didn't spend enough time at your link, but I didn't see any images. I'm guessing, after these last 4 years, that the Canadian health system is just as corrupted as the US system. That is, I would not be surprised at all if they deceived you. Best of luck sir.
Maybe I didn't spend enough time at your link, but I didn't see any images. I'm guessing, after these last 4 years, that the Canadian health system is just as corrupted as the US system. That is, I would not be surprised at all if they deceived you. Best of luck sir.
Yeah, famous last words "good luck".

I might say the same to you and your nation. You have been hypnotized by the "Canadian Way" in too many corners...
For goodness sake OP.....Nut the fuck up.

What does that mean?

You don't think it's a big deal for the security industrial complex to purposely misrepresent my health results that ensure I don't get help with a potentially life threatening risk if it is a brain aneurysm? There is no recourse for such people especially when Canadian citizens blindly help them if they are demanded, not at all unlike the East German or old Soviet systems.

The more I listen to Canadian and American apologists who will defend the worst of the worst because you may share some vocational affiliation, the more I realize that the German and Italian government of the 1940s would have support from the West if they were in power today.

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