For many Jews, “Never Again!” trumps “Never Trump!”

Jesus never existed.

Palestine comes from "Philistine", a people who lived there as long as the Hebrews/Israelites/Judeans.

Not to mention.... the Ancient Hebrews probably weren't monotheists...

Jesus was never born anywhere.

Here, let's play.

What date was Jesus born? You don't know. Nobody knows. The two sources for his birth vary widely by 10 years. (Matthew has him being born before the death of Herod the Great, 4BCE, Luke has him born during the governorship of Quirinius (6 CE).

What year did he die? We don't know that, either.

Now by comparison, we know EXACTLY what years another JC was born and died. Julius Ceasar. Born July 12, 100 BCE, Died March 15th BCE.

You don’t think Jesus ever existed? I get that you are a nutty atheist, but virtually NOBODY believes that a man named Jesus existed and was a prophet. Wacko.

BC and AD were widely adopted and were based on the approximate birth and death of Jesus. Only recently have they developed the CE and BCE as to not hurt the fragile feelings of you non-believers, but changing the term doesn’t change the fact that those dates were based on the system that used Jesus’ birth and death as its basis.

Your atheism, much like your politics, consume you to a point of closing your mind. You don’t listen, you only hear what you want to hear. You don’t have one ounce of wisdom in your being.
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You don’t think Jesus ever existed? I get that you are a nutty atheist, but virtually NOBODY believes that a man named Jesus existed and was a prophet. Wacko.

I point out the obvious, that the historical evidence for Jesus is seriously lacking. None of the gospels or epistles (even the ones with names of apostles on them) were written by people who met Jesus personally, and were written decades after the fact. Non-Christians sources on Jesus are even more questionable, as they were transcribed by later Christian writers. (For instance, the reference to Jesus in Josephus's works seems to have been tacked in like bad fan fiction.)

BC and AD were widely adopted and were based on the approximate birth and death of Jesus. Only recently had they developed the CE and BCE as to no hurt the fragile feelings of you non-believers, but changing the term doesn’t change the fact that those dates were based on the system that used Jesus’ birth and death as its basis.

The AD/BC system was created by Dionysius Exiguus (Also known as Dennis the Short) in the fifth century CE because everyone thought the world would end 500 years after Jesus, and no one was entirely sure when he was born. Well, the world didn't end, and later, scholars pointed out a huge discrepancy in the dates.

Both Matthew and Luke cribbed from Mark's Gospel. While Mark didn't care when Jesus was born, the other two had to come up with convoluted reasons why a guy from Nazareth would have been born in Bethlehem. So they both invented stories. (Matthew originally had Mary and Joseph be from Bethlehem, while Luke had some convoluted story about how a Roman governor ordered a census.)

The problem, of course, is that these stories don't match up. Herod the Great died in 4 BCE. The supposed slaughter of the innocents isn't recorded by any other historical source but does match the supposed slaughter of innocents in the book of Exodus that Moses survived. Conversely, The Romans didn't order people back to their ancestral homes when they did censuses, and Galilee wouldn't have been subject to a Census because it was still an independent Kingdom. (Although Judea had been annexed by Rome. Quirenius (or Cyrenius, as he is called in Luke's Gospel) didn't become governor of Judea until 6 CE.


Your atheism, much like your politics, consume you to a point of closing you mind. You don’t listen, you only hear what you want to hear. You don’t have one ounce of wisdom in your being.

Naw, guy, the problem is that when your evidence is two books written by believers, and they can't get simple bits of the story straight, then you have to question the more absurd claims like raising people from the dead and walking on water and his mama being a virgin.
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I point out the obvious, that the historical evidence for Jesus is seriously lacking. None of the gospels or epistles (even the ones with names of apostles on them) were written by people who met Jesus personally, and were written decades after the fact. Non-Christians sources on Jesus are even more questionable, as they were transcribed by later Christian writers. (For instance, the reference to Jesus in Josephus's works seems to have been tacked in like bad fan fiction.)

The AD/BC system was created by Dionysius Exiguus (Also known as Dennis the Short) in the fifth century CE because everyone thought the world would end 500 years after Jesus, and no one was entirely sure when he was born. Well, the world didn't end, and later, scholars pointed out a huge discrepancy in the dates.

Both Matthew and Luke cribbed from Mark's Gospel. While Mark didn't care when Jesus was born, the other two had to come up with convoluted reasons why a guy from Nazareth would have been born in Bethlehem. So they both invented stories. (Matthew originally had Mary and Joseph be from Bethlehem, while Luke had some convoluted story about how a Roman governor ordered a census.)

The problem, of course, is that these stories don't match up. Herod the Great died in 4 BCE. The supposed slaughter of the innocents isn't recorded by any other historical source but does match the supposed slaughter of innocents in the book of Exodus that Moses survived. Conversely, The Romans didn't order people back to their ancestral homes when they did censuses, and Galilee wouldn't have been subject to a Census because it was still an independent Kingdom. (Although Judea had been annexed by Rome. Quirenius (or Cyrenius, as he is called in Luke's Gospel) didn't become governor of Judea until 6 CE.


Naw, guy, the problem is that when your evidence is two books written by believers, and they can't get simple bits of the story straight, then you have to question the more absurd claims like raising people from the dead and walking on water and his mama being a virgin.
Whatever political views, teaching men to e civil is a multiple year learning. Even that fails from a Catholic or Private education in grade and high schools who reinforce it.
Whatever political views, teaching men to e civil is a multiple year learning. Even that fails from a Catholic or Private education in grade and high schools who reinforce it.

Does your doctor know you are off your medications? I mean, seriously, dude, you seem to be disconnected from the points you are responding to.

It's kind of pointless to be "Civil" when half of you idiots want to vote for a fascist because you don't like $4.00 gasoline.
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It's kind of pointless to be "Civil" when half of you idiots want to vote for a fascist because you don't like $4.00 gasoline.

Or maybe it is because we don’t want a demented, easily controlled, Marxist willing to sell our country out to the highest bidder. YOUR guy is willing to gut our reserves to lower gas prices before the election. Pretty darn stupid, but the majority of his electorate are ignorant, stupid and/or anti-US. It is people like YOU that are the problem in this country. You and many of your brethren are just pure evil.
Or maybe it is because we don’t want a demented, easily controlled, Marxist willing to sell our country out to the highest bidder. It is people like YOU that are the problem in this country. You and many of your brethren are just pure evil.

Right, so when did this bidding happen, exactly?

Guy, my life was pretty good in 2016, then Trump came along and fucked it up.
My life was pretty good in 2000, and then Bush came along and fucked it up.

Seems to me every time your party gets into office, you fuck things up. And then you keep sneaking into office, even after the majority rejects you again and again.
Right, so when did this bidding happen, exactly?

Guy, my life was pretty good in 2016, then Trump came along and fucked it up.
My life was pretty good in 2000, and then Bush came along and fucked it up.

Seems to me every time your party gets into office, you fuck things up. And then you keep sneaking into office, even after the majority rejects you again and again.

If you were having problems pre-COVID under Trump’s presidency, that is on you. The world suffered under COVID in many ways. Your idiot in chief can’t find his way off a stage but I guess you think he would have been equipped to handle an unforeseen pandemic.
The world suffered under COVID in many ways. Your idiot in chief can’t find his way off a stage but I guess you think he would have been equipped to handle an unforeseen pandemic.

Uh, yeah, because he would have listened to the Doctors.

Trump didn't listen to the Doctors.

He lied about how serious Covid was in the early stages.

If you were having problems pre-COVID under Trump’s presidency, that is on you.

Um, no. I do very well when we have DEMOCRATS in office. Because they don't fuck it up.

Republicans fuck it up.

It's not a bug, it's a design feature.
Uh, yeah, because he would have listened to the Doctors.

Like he listens to the border patrol? Yeah, ok.

Um, no. I do very well when we have DEMOCRATS in office. Because they don't fuck it up.

Biden has done monumental damage while in office. Just because you are too short-sighted to see it, doesn’t mean that it isn’t true.
Like he listens to the border patrol? Yeah, ok.
Who would listen to the corrupt ass border patrol?

Biden tried to fix immigration, you shitheads shot it down.

Biden has done monumental damage while in office. Just because you are too short-sighted to see it, doesn’t mean that it isn’t true.
While I'm sure you live in mortal terror of a Mexican moving in next door, in the real world, this isn't much of a problem.
Who would listen to the corrupt ass border patrol?

Biden tried to fix immigration, you shitheads shot it down.

While I'm sure you live in mortal terror of a Mexican moving in next door, in the real world, this isn't much of a problem.

I have come to realize that speaking with you I am not following the scriptures. It just isn’t worth it.

Proverbs: 26:4

Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you yourself will be just like him.
Well, if you weren't counting on Bronze Age superstitions to do your reasoning, you might get out of the Trailer park in your nameless state, Cleetus.

I pay more in taxes that you make so you can lay off the trailer park and demeaning names.
Probably not...

And while you can take the White Trash out of the trailer park, you can't take the trailer park out of the white trash.

There is no probably about it.

I am smarter and more successful than you. I am also not a racist or a bigot or terrorist sympathizer like you. If you think that is "trailer park" then so be it.
You live in the south.
You are constantly ripping on minorities and immigrants
Trailer Trash

I live in the South? And? Stereotype much?

Please post examples of me ripping on minorities or immigrants just because they are minorities and immigrants. You won't find any.


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