If women are supposed to be silent in the church, why are Protestants making them into ministers?

Ordaining women is the main reason the Ecunemical efforts had to be abandoned with the Anglicans.
So what do you think about women's lib? I think it's changing us for the worse. But I bet woman wouldn't want to go back to those times where women couldn't have careers. Not in corporate America or the church. Women are CEOs now they want to be Pope
Right now our birth rate is reaching a crisis, so I think diverting so many women into careers and away from marriage and family is hurting us in the long run.
I want the population to go down. Imagine if every poor person who normally would have 3-4 kids instead had 1 or two only?

150 years ago it was normal to have ten kids. The country needed citizens. Manpower. Today it's normal to have 2-3 kids. A lot of people aren't having kids.

In Michigan thousands of men and women worked for the big 3. They all got paid well and they knew they were getting pensions and social security. Even these people only had 2-3 kids. Today it's more expensive to have kids and michiganders aren't getting paid or pensions anymore and I'm sure Republicans will be making cuts to social security.

You want more kids, pay us. Give us tax breaks. Good public schools. Affordable college. Otherwise we can't afford kids. Or we will never retire.

The only people who don't care are poor people because they're already poor. And Republicans are going to cut food stamps and welfare. That will lower the birth rates or should.
Ordaining women is the main reason the Ecunemical efforts had to be abandoned with the Anglicans.
So what do you think about women's lib? I think it's changing us for the worse. But I bet woman wouldn't want to go back to those times where women couldn't have careers. Not in corporate America or the church. Women are CEOs now they want to be Pope
Right now our birth rate is reaching a crisis, so I think diverting so many women into careers and away from marriage and family is hurting us in the long run.
I want the population to go down. Imagine if every poor person who normally would have 3-4 kids instead had 1 or two only?

150 years ago it was normal to have ten kids. The country needed citizens. Manpower. Today it's normal to have 2-3 kids. A lot of people aren't having kids.

In Michigan thousands of men and women worked for the big 3. They all got paid well and they knew they were getting pensions and social security. Even these people only had 2-3 kids. Today it's more expensive to have kids and michiganders aren't getting paid or pensions anymore and I'm sure Republicans will be making cuts to social security.

You want more kids, pay us. Give us tax breaks. Good public schools. Affordable college. Otherwise we can't afford kids. Or we will never retire.

The only people who don't care are poor people because they're already poor. And Republicans are going to cut food stamps and welfare. That will lower the birth rates or should.
World wide, in every industrial nation, birth rates have fallen to crisis levels. Only immigration is keeping up the numbers, but that is a temporary solution.
Ordaining women is the main reason the Ecunemical efforts had to be abandoned with the Anglicans.
So what do you think about women's lib? I think it's changing us for the worse. But I bet woman wouldn't want to go back to those times where women couldn't have careers. Not in corporate America or the church. Women are CEOs now they want to be Pope
Right now our birth rate is reaching a crisis, so I think diverting so many women into careers and away from marriage and family is hurting us in the long run.
I want the population to go down. Imagine if every poor person who normally would have 3-4 kids instead had 1 or two only?

150 years ago it was normal to have ten kids. The country needed citizens. Manpower. Today it's normal to have 2-3 kids. A lot of people aren't having kids.

In Michigan thousands of men and women worked for the big 3. They all got paid well and they knew they were getting pensions and social security. Even these people only had 2-3 kids. Today it's more expensive to have kids and michiganders aren't getting paid or pensions anymore and I'm sure Republicans will be making cuts to social security.

You want more kids, pay us. Give us tax breaks. Good public schools. Affordable college. Otherwise we can't afford kids. Or we will never retire.

The only people who don't care are poor people because they're already poor. And Republicans are going to cut food stamps and welfare. That will lower the birth rates or should.
World wide, in every industrial nation, birth rates have fallen to crisis levels. Only immigration is keeping up the numbers, but that is a temporary solution.
What's the crisis? I think we're better off. Too many using too many natural resources.

I don't think Republican voters will be happy if you increase immigration before wages go up.

And why do we need so many people when everything's being done by robots.

Will we ever have enough or is growth necessary for capitalism?
Ordaining women is the main reason the Ecunemical efforts had to be abandoned with the Anglicans.
So what do you think about women's lib? I think it's changing us for the worse. But I bet woman wouldn't want to go back to those times where women couldn't have careers. Not in corporate America or the church. Women are CEOs now they want to be Pope
Right now our birth rate is reaching a crisis, so I think diverting so many women into careers and away from marriage and family is hurting us in the long run.
I want the population to go down. Imagine if every poor person who normally would have 3-4 kids instead had 1 or two only?

150 years ago it was normal to have ten kids. The country needed citizens. Manpower. Today it's normal to have 2-3 kids. A lot of people aren't having kids.

In Michigan thousands of men and women worked for the big 3. They all got paid well and they knew they were getting pensions and social security. Even these people only had 2-3 kids. Today it's more expensive to have kids and michiganders aren't getting paid or pensions anymore and I'm sure Republicans will be making cuts to social security.

You want more kids, pay us. Give us tax breaks. Good public schools. Affordable college. Otherwise we can't afford kids. Or we will never retire.

The only people who don't care are poor people because they're already poor. And Republicans are going to cut food stamps and welfare. That will lower the birth rates or should.
World wide, in every industrial nation, birth rates have fallen to crisis levels. Only immigration is keeping up the numbers, but that is a temporary solution.
What's the crisis? I think we're better off. Too many using too many natural resources.

I don't think Republican voters will be happy if you increase immigration before wages go up.

And why do we need so many people when everything's being done by robots.

Will we ever have enough or is growth necessary for capitalism?
When they kill you, which they will, when the death panel says you're not worth keeping alive, maybe you will believe me.
I'm not saying anything other than responding to your misinformed claims. I've found that the more devout a person claims to be, the less they know about what is really in the Bible.

The stupidity and ignorance of many Christians frustrates me. So, to get balance, I listen to Atheists and invariably stupidity and ignorance flows from the. Ahhhh, balance is restored!

The Bible requires women not preach in church. The Bible doesn't require slavery or killing children. So, no, they're not the same.

Atheists love to misrepresent the realities of the ancient day, as well as what the Bible really teaches on any subject. And, why would libbies complain about slavery and killing children when they want to make all of us slaves to the government and they have great passion for killing children in the womb?
I'm not saying anything other than responding to your misinformed claims. I've found that the more devout a person claims to be, the less they know about what is really in the Bible.

The stupidity and ignorance of many Christians frustrates me. So, to get balance, I listen to Atheists and invariably stupidity and ignorance flows from the. Ahhhh, balance is restored!

The Bible requires women not preach in church. The Bible doesn't require slavery or killing children. So, no, they're not the same.

Atheists love to misrepresent the realities of the ancient day, as well as what the Bible really teaches on any subject. And, why would libbies complain about slavery and killing children when they want to make all of us slaves to the government and they have great passion for killing children in the womb?

The Bible does say women should be silent in church, gives specific instructions about who to capture as a slave, and how you can treat them, and admonishes slaves to mind their masters. It specifically gives instructions on killing children who don't mind. Those might be parts you chose to ignore, but it's in there. i can supply specific verses if you are unaware of them. Your delusion that liberals want to enslave you are pathetic.
The Bible does say women should be silent in church, gives specific instructions about who to capture as a slave, and how you can treat them, and admonishes slaves to mind their masters. It specifically gives instructions on killing children who don't mind. Those might be parts you chose to ignore, but it's in there. i can supply specific verses if you are unaware of them. Your delusion that liberals want to enslave you are pathetic.

How many laws to Democrats support that aren't about telling me what to do? Answer: a percentage approaching zero. Libbies are mentally ill and have turned the concept of freedom upside down.

People were more like indentured than slaves. Libbies are delusional about the realities of the past, when life was hard for everyone. They have a fetish for lying to themselves. Your mentally ill comrades mutilate their genitals and get AIDS treatment because modern technology allows it. Your b@stard children get welfare, because modern technology allows the few to support the many. Do you really want to talk about what's pathetic? Libbies pretend reality is something other than it really is, and if not for the prosperity provided by modern technology, we couldn't afford to pretend that libbies are anything more than trash that needs to be set straight or burned.
for the record------the "non-talking" women comes from the greek freak---PAUL and is entirely
consistent with GREEK culture. The schmucks of the NICEAN COUNCIL decided to throw it into the
book------try to keep things in perspective. Christians who so with-----have every right to "interpret" --
as they will --------SHEEEEESH
Bull dog-----I read the bibles-----I missed the part that describes "whom to capture as a slave...."-----
it is true that the greek freak PAUL----seemed to endorse the institution of slavery as per the
greek system which WAS CHATTEL SLAVERY. At that time it was the Romans who were
ENSLAVING left and right using a system of slavery that was even more barbaric than that of
the Greeks------so, somehow the endorsement made it into the NICEAN
(aka Constantine's) BIBLE
Right now our birth rate is reaching a crisis, so I think diverting so many women into careers and away from marriage and family is hurting us in the long run.

Denominations with women ministers have rejected the Bible

Feminism itself is self-genocide, for the reason of low birthrate you mention. As if genocide isn't enough, feminism is the major contributor to all sorts of society's problems.
Ordaining women is the main reason the Ecunemical efforts had to be abandoned with the Anglicans.
Do you know why southern Baptist left the church? They wanted to keep their slaves.

I've read all the earliest Southern Baptist resolutions, and not a single one of them is pro-slavery.
Why are there southern baptists as apposed to any other baptist?

Fact is there were Christian churches all throughout the south during slavery.

Are you saying southerners during slavery weren’t Christians? Tell southerners this see what they say
Right now our birth rate is reaching a crisis, so I think diverting so many women into careers and away from marriage and family is hurting us in the long run.

Denominations with women ministers have rejected the Bible

Feminism itself is self-genocide, for the reason of low birthrate you mention. As if genocide isn't enough, feminism is the major contributor to all sorts of society's problems.
this is true and one of the tricks they used for the marxism agenda on america

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