If hillary wins she will be impeached!


Gold Member
May 24, 2016
  • High-ranking Republican officeholders are now suggesting that they may impeach Clinton as soon as she takes office. These are not just backbench nutbars of the Louie Gohmert variety, but people with genuine power, including Ron Johnson, the senator from Wisconsin, Michael McCaul, the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, and veteran legislators like James Sensenbrenner and Peter King. The message is being echoed by top Trump surrogates like Rudy Giuliani.
If she loses Trump will appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the clinton crime family.

Either way hillary is toast....have no doubt....she understands this and she also understands the true nature of her health...which means she does not have much time left on this planet....at this point she is doing the only thing that she can do...pursue power and hope that somehow she can escape justice until she dies.....what then? Well she claims to be a methodist.

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Republicans will do anything to overturn the results of an election- if the voters choose a Democrat.
Oh boy and we get the asshole who thinks whites becoming a minority is a good thing! Not much difference between that bitch and that idiot VP of hers.
Oh boy and we get the asshole who thinks whites becoming a minority is a good thing! Not much difference between that bitch and that idiot VP of hers.

You support Trump and you call Kaine an "idiot"? Oh the irony! :2up:
I didn't stutter did I? Thought so. Enjoy ignore. The more I get on ignore the better. Stupidity bothers me.

What a pussy! :crybaby:What the fuck are you doing posting on a political forum? You can't take the heat, get the fuck out of the kitchen, wimp.

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